- Messages
- 312
- Race
- Æld'Norai
- Profession
- Spy, Assassin
- Location
- Aelheim
- Character Sheet
Winter 10, 124
Kage sat on a tree branch looking down at the children playing around down below. They were the future of aelheim and it gave him a certain sense of nostalgia as he watched them learn what it meant to be an aelf. He caught the eye of one of the caretaker aelfs. Kage gestured towards the kids and made a motion like he wanted to scare them. The caretaker nodded and smirked as Kage slowly melded into the branch and travelled through the bark.
He popped out behind the group of children and said "Boo!" in a deep voice which caused more than one of them to yelp in surprise. They turned to see that it wasn't a monster and then started laughing.
"What brings you around here?" the caretaker asked Kage as he walked up to chitchat.
"I'm looking for Fagr," Kage said. "I heard she's involved in training the youth."
"Your daughter? Yes she comes here from time to time. I believe she said she was going to be training on her own today." He pointed and tilted his head with a half shrug.
"I'll be on my way, then," Kage said with a smile. He started to jog. He jogged a lot more now that he had this enhanced body. Surgery had been one of the best choices he'd made in a long while.
"Master please wait!" called Fluffy from behind. Kage had forgotten that she'd even tagged along. She wasn't as fast as him, not anymore and not while in that form. She would have to take to another form if she wanted to keep up. Kage sighed and slowed down, knowing that she was only slow because he'd told her to save her energy. Maybe next time he'd have to have Fluffy enhanced as well.
The two of them walked the rest of the way until they came across a clearing where they saw Fagr. She was looking at the trees as the wind blew and tousled her hair. She yawned as she looked out at the patches of missing grass from the training she'd just done. She looked behind her to make sure Lya, her familiar, was there.
Unlike most aelves she dedicated herself wholly to keep growing stronger and becoming one of the best aelves there was.
"Kay' here we go. Let's make some rocks." She circled a small patch of missing grass and thought of the spell she wanted to practice. She walked through the area and came upon another spot that had a hard ground and small rocks in every other direction. Fagr remembered the instructions to the technique and sighed. She started focusing aether into her hands and made the gestures she needed to. She let go of the held aether, forcing it into the ground, planting both her palms on the ground.
She focused the aether into the soil, and she felt it grab and pull materials in the ground, searching for anything that would go into forming soil. She thought to pull the materials together using the aether, and accidentally did it. But when she realized she didn't really know how to do this, the aether stopped flowing out of her hands. She sighed and looked at her hands. Her gloves were getting wet but she still formed the needed gestures again, focusing aether to her hands and putting her palms near each other on the ground. "Come on Fagr..."
Lya started her training as well, because Fagr had. Lya then began to focus her aether and breathed in before forcing out the breath she had taken in, only to see a tiny little bit of fire spurt out. Lya sighed as she thought to herself, "how pathetic."
"Fagr," Kage said as he made his presence known.
She looked up in surprise and locked eyes with him. "Oh, father, it's you. I'd heard you were back from your missions."
"That I am. It looks like you've taken on more magic while I've been gone. Terra and Fulgur, by the looks of it." He frowned, knowing that she knew that he didn't approve of his children participating in Galdr magics. The risk of initiation was far too high and he'd lost children to those initiations before.
"I survived," she said with a coy smile. "So, what brings you to my part of the woods?"
"Oh, nothing really. I just wanted to see what you were up to." Kage wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big hug that she reciprocated.
"Uhuh, sure. What is it you're really after?" she looked at him with narrowed eyes.
Kage chuckled, "why do you always think I'm after something?"
"Because you usually are. You and your conniving ways. Your job rubs off on you in the wrong way at times."
"Fair," he said. He really hadn't come here looking for anything from her, but it wasn't as if he couldn't think of something that he wanted to ask for. That was part of being a spy – he had to think about what he could get out of people and how he could go about doing it.
"I see you brought Fluffy," she noted as Fluffy finally caught up. She was all sweaty and out of breath but she'd made it.
"I tend to bring her along. Believe it or not, she's a Boggle now. Quite the improvement since you've last seen her."
"Oh? That's impressive. You should be very proud of yourself." This was directed more towards Kage than Fluffy.
Fluffy and Fagr had a complicated relationship. They played a lot when they were younger but now Fagr had outgrown Fluffy's company. They gave each other an awkward smile and Kage decided to break the tension. "Do you know an aelf named Engill?"
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