- Messages
- 119
- Race
- Dragon
- Profession
- Mage-Hunting Warbeast
- Location
- Dullahan
- Arcana
- Encaustum (Master)
Fathom (Master)
Kyanosis (Master)
Remnant (Master)
Possession (Master)
Apparation (Expert)
- Character Sheet
✦ Tom Trite ✦
The Worst Paragon Candidate
- Male, 22 Years Old, Kettu, 4'3"
- Languages: Fluent in Sofonic and Common, Influent in Jinnic and Crudish.
- Occupation: Vagabond, Lower Class
- Arcana: Terra, Abation, Zephyr, Aqua, Fulgur, and Exodus
"Shifty-eyed and witty is the fox in a forest green duster. Four foot, three inches, he's a short fellow to most and a monstrous one to many; those who know of Kalevalan Kettuja like him might think twice, but to any other they might think him a liver-eating Inari at first glance. He looks like a fox suddenly stood up on its hind legs, covered in wiry fur with a big, white-tipped brush of a tail. He has striking, green eyes and a black, button nose with fluffy ear-cups atop his head while the thick fur down his front obscures any parts of him one might find unseemly.
Tom's hands and feet are paw-like, yet poseable enough to grasp. He wears no boots, paw-pads enough for anywhere he might tread. What he does wear are criss-crossing leather belts, and worn bracers of that same material for his wrists and ankles. He has a scabbard for his knife, and the thick fur down his front obscures the unseemly parts of him, and he oft wears a backpack for his possessions."
Tom's hands and feet are paw-like, yet poseable enough to grasp. He wears no boots, paw-pads enough for anywhere he might tread. What he does wear are criss-crossing leather belts, and worn bracers of that same material for his wrists and ankles. He has a scabbard for his knife, and the thick fur down his front obscures the unseemly parts of him, and he oft wears a backpack for his possessions."
"With a smorgasbord of shifting colors to his conniving cant, Tom crafts his words and demeanor to those around him, mirroring their wiles. In the presence of miscreants, he's a tongue-tripping thumb-tack quick to bite back with words and wit, and stepping by the hems of the gilded gallants, he's softer with an appeal to honor and the respect they tend to crave. Tom reads the room, a chameleon of candor.
More than anything, Tom's hard on himself. He's deeply concerned with his own survival, and has a poor sense of self worth that sees him falling prey to the guile of others who take advantage of his desire for connection in a world that inherently assumes he must be some kind of monster. While he may give up easily, he draws the line at the threat of losing his life, and so he does what he must to survive, but he is not inherently a twisted nor highly motivated person.
Tom walks the motto of 'live and let live' and so he aims to hide away and make himself scarce while others spring the traps. He's rarely vengeful, but prefers to avoid his problems rather than address them head-on. The guy doesn't bond so easily, but the bonds he does form, he would die for. He doesn't have a lot of room left in his soul for loss in a world that spends life like coin in a gambler's den.
Trust is not something that comes easily to Tom. His faith in others is non-existent, and he has little respect for authority as it has never done right by him.
Feeling rotten, crushed, and small, Tom never passes up the chance to drink or partake in substances. Anything to numb the pain of his own misfortune.
Lacking a single spiritual bone in his body, Tom feels the gods are pointless things to worry oneself over, never bothering to pray. If lost and driven to the brink, he's the type to retreat inward rather than waste his breath on those he feels would never help him.
Tom doesn't have much of a sexuality. Others can make him feel things, and the gender doesn't matter there, but it's rare he'll find anyone attractive. Any encounters thus far have been exploratory in nature, and Tom just doesn't feel love, nor does he know how to feel the drive to make others feel loved. Any moves he's made in the past have been to manipulate another party, or as humor to fit in. He often finds others repulsive due to his heightened senses. Even so, in spite of this he craves a good sensation like any other drug.
Having experienced much trauma in his life, Tom sometimes experiences delusions during severe bouts of stress. If lost to panic, he often wields his Arcana carelessly and experiences temporary lapses in memory."
More than anything, Tom's hard on himself. He's deeply concerned with his own survival, and has a poor sense of self worth that sees him falling prey to the guile of others who take advantage of his desire for connection in a world that inherently assumes he must be some kind of monster. While he may give up easily, he draws the line at the threat of losing his life, and so he does what he must to survive, but he is not inherently a twisted nor highly motivated person.
Tom walks the motto of 'live and let live' and so he aims to hide away and make himself scarce while others spring the traps. He's rarely vengeful, but prefers to avoid his problems rather than address them head-on. The guy doesn't bond so easily, but the bonds he does form, he would die for. He doesn't have a lot of room left in his soul for loss in a world that spends life like coin in a gambler's den.
Trust is not something that comes easily to Tom. His faith in others is non-existent, and he has little respect for authority as it has never done right by him.
Feeling rotten, crushed, and small, Tom never passes up the chance to drink or partake in substances. Anything to numb the pain of his own misfortune.
Lacking a single spiritual bone in his body, Tom feels the gods are pointless things to worry oneself over, never bothering to pray. If lost and driven to the brink, he's the type to retreat inward rather than waste his breath on those he feels would never help him.
Tom doesn't have much of a sexuality. Others can make him feel things, and the gender doesn't matter there, but it's rare he'll find anyone attractive. Any encounters thus far have been exploratory in nature, and Tom just doesn't feel love, nor does he know how to feel the drive to make others feel loved. Any moves he's made in the past have been to manipulate another party, or as humor to fit in. He often finds others repulsive due to his heightened senses. Even so, in spite of this he craves a good sensation like any other drug.
Having experienced much trauma in his life, Tom sometimes experiences delusions during severe bouts of stress. If lost to panic, he often wields his Arcana carelessly and experiences temporary lapses in memory."
Tom was self-taught beyond basic abilities; he bucked mentorship, wielding Arcana in an instinctual manner without a comprehensive knowledge of his abilities. Other magi balk at how vermin like him could possess five Galdr at such potency, yet not know anything about Theorems, Practices, or Pacts beyond cursory knowledge and superstition. He hates the weightlessness of his Soar, fearing the heights it can take him, and he prefers not to fly if he can help it for he lacks the confidence in his own abilities as of yet.
Tom knows not to look mages in the eye, and pulls up a hood to hide his gaze. He fears being hypnotized, though the idea of Scrying is beyond him as a possibility.
Days of Yore
"Hwæt! Here was the son of a travelling merchant, bushy-tailed and full of life! Tom left Kalevala with his father when he was just a kit, though his mother remained. He was taught many superstitions in those days: don't look anyone in the eye, and keep hooded! None could know that he was a Kettu, only trouble could come of it for the world thought of their kind as liver-gnashing Inari.
Tom believed in the Kalevalan Gods, namely Kärkitar the patron of Kettuja like him. Their travels were blessed, surely, bringing with them Kalevalan fur to Dullahan. Yet, Tom's father was lain low one day by a cane. Injured, he could not tend to the wagon, and from hence it was stolen, and with that their stock and pride as merchants.
Crippled, Tom's father chose to sell his son into indentured servitude so that the both of them might survive. He bartered passage to Kalevala, and Tom was left to clean an inn with the promise that his father would one day come for him. A year went by, and that day never came whilst his senses grew dull in that foul, crowded throne of humanity."
"Approached by a strange man in a hooded cloak, Tom turned his gaze away from a fierce gaze. A hand shot out, grabbing him up by the paw as he was looked over like an object. The man remarked for his lack of Witchmarks; apparently there was a profound potential within him. He offered to buy Tom's contract, if only to take him on his travels.
This was something Tom regretted dearly.
The man was a Galsterei, one with a smattering of illegal Witchmarks. One night he thrust one upon Tom, leaving him frightened and confused while strange things began to happen. He ran, blasting flames to cook an innocent man dead. The smell lingered in his sensitive nose. In a daze he stumbled through alleys, hearing his master's voice call to him, hiding, running again, until his heart beat so heavy that he felt it might pop.
Through the maze, he curled up and slept beneath grungy metal tubes. Crying that he had killed a man, he soon fell to an uneasy slumber and awoke to tour the markets in search of food. Yet, he drew strange stares and whispers. Others ran away, and he sat it: the poster scrawled with his image, contorted and nefarious wit flame in his paws!
A tall man approached Tom with the click of a pistol, and he turned about with wide eyes. Turning tail, he tried to run, but something bit him with a loud bang. Bleeding and hot, he screamed and threw himself through a small vent just narrow of a swiping hand. Climbing through the murky dark, he held his paw over his shoulder and burned the wound with this power of Fulgur thrust upon him.
Emerging into the sewers, Tom stumbled weakly towards the ports. Emerging, he stumbled before a woman barely alive, and she sheltered him. The daughter of an Artificer, she arranged for him passage back to Kalevala. Thanking her, he departed for home at last . . .
Months later, upon the borders of Kalevala a great voice boomed through the trees.
"Thoma Älykäs," the voice said through rattling leaves, Tom's given name. "The mark upon your back is forbidden, here. Go, and never speak to your father or mother again. So say Kärkitar, your god. Find your calling elsewhere, little one, or be smited from these lands."
Panic filled Tom. At first he pleaded to the voice, yet the caravan driver grabbed him up and silenced him. "This is as far as we go, Tom," said the human merchant. "I will not have this journey jeopardized by your witchmark, so begone." He pushed Tom off the wagon into the mud, where he watched the man go in a stunned silence.
Abandoned in the wilderness, sore and rejected by his own god, Tom decried his fate a wretch and did his best to follow the wagon trail back towards Dullahan. Soon he grew hungry, and the scent of cooking meat drew him through the woods towards a camp of beastly creatures. Vokhai. Gnoll, Orks, Goblins, and Trow. As he stared, the twigs snapped behind him, and a club came down on his head.
Hanging limp as he was pulled up by an ankle, a smiling Trow greeted his bleary eyes. It spoke in a strange tongue before shoving him in a cage where he lay there. He was sure these Vokhai might eat him, yet they took him through a cave and down into the dizzying dark of the world below to meet a shaman of their ilk who spoke the common tongue.
The ork wore a smattering of Witchmarks. He informed Tom that he would be his new "experiment," and that if he survived, then he would be allowed to live as a member of a Vokhai Warband. Having no other choice, Tom nodded as that green hand fell upon him and pulled his ear.
"This one is Loved by Aether; will it survive?"
Tom was initiated next into Aqua by the shaman. Little time was wasted in giving him two more marks, Terra and Zephyr. The second pair, Exodus and Abation were given after some months in captivity, and by the time it was over he felt as if his mind had been ground down to a fine paste while the glittering marks trailed down his back.
He should have died, Tom had come to find out. That he lived came as a surprise to the shaman and his cult. They allowed him time to rest, and then began to train him as one of their own. Stricken and reprimanded for every minor slight, Tom grew bruised while he learned both their ways, and their tongue.
Then they took Tom to war. He collapsed a tunnel during a skirmish, cutting off a group of short-statured mages who fought with his hold over the rock, but he could only watch as the dwarves were cut down. Feeling ill to be the cause of someone's demise again, Tom ran deep into the caverns beyond.
The shaman pursued Tom, seeing through the reflection in his eyes. Yet, Tom threw out a great wind and crushed them all against the rocks, impaling some in a great mess. Pulling at his fur, he walked through those dark groves lost and confused until he came across a dwarf who spoke no tongue of his, but seemed kind.
Given food, Tom made water, and the pair travelled quietly towards the surface. Yet, it was every bit as dangerous there as Dullahan, and strange warriors sought to "hunt" him when he slew another in his defense, not yet knowing how to control the magnitude of Galdr thrust upon him with minimal insight into the workings of Arcana.
One day Tom met a travelling Jin'Norai who invited him to sit by a fire where they traded stories; the words of that long-eared man who took an interest in him seemed compelling. He could go south. Towards Bast, where he might find a place for himself at the Academy of Bastion. Yet he didn't trust the man not to kill him in his sleep, so he left rather than accept the aid of a guide.
It wasn't long before Tom grew lost, and soon he found himself wandering through the ruins of a strange place: a Mirage Kingdoms of old, Old Amduat. There he hid from Ghosts, Dragons, and those strange spirits that seemed to crop up in the corner of his eye. Exploring here he found an old knife stuck through the bones of a long-dead corpse, possessed by a Rakshasa yet he did not know this at the time.
Traversing across floating streets in the starry void, Tom fled this place when the spirits grew violent and all sorts of odd happenings began to take place. The first exit he could find, he took, blowing back the flooded gates and tunneling through the dunes until he emerged to the windy deserts above.
Getting to Bast and making a name for himself was his priority, yet every turn he took only saw him getting lost once more. One day, however, he stumbled upon a caravan and by its graces he finally found himself on a path to Bast. Arriving there, Tom wandered for the academy where he sought admission; could these Jin'Norai clans so far away from home accept him as one of their own?"
"Hwæt! Here was the son of a travelling merchant, bushy-tailed and full of life! Tom left Kalevala with his father when he was just a kit, though his mother remained. He was taught many superstitions in those days: don't look anyone in the eye, and keep hooded! None could know that he was a Kettu, only trouble could come of it for the world thought of their kind as liver-gnashing Inari.
Tom believed in the Kalevalan Gods, namely Kärkitar the patron of Kettuja like him. Their travels were blessed, surely, bringing with them Kalevalan fur to Dullahan. Yet, Tom's father was lain low one day by a cane. Injured, he could not tend to the wagon, and from hence it was stolen, and with that their stock and pride as merchants.
Crippled, Tom's father chose to sell his son into indentured servitude so that the both of them might survive. He bartered passage to Kalevala, and Tom was left to clean an inn with the promise that his father would one day come for him. A year went by, and that day never came whilst his senses grew dull in that foul, crowded throne of humanity."
"Approached by a strange man in a hooded cloak, Tom turned his gaze away from a fierce gaze. A hand shot out, grabbing him up by the paw as he was looked over like an object. The man remarked for his lack of Witchmarks; apparently there was a profound potential within him. He offered to buy Tom's contract, if only to take him on his travels.
This was something Tom regretted dearly.
The man was a Galsterei, one with a smattering of illegal Witchmarks. One night he thrust one upon Tom, leaving him frightened and confused while strange things began to happen. He ran, blasting flames to cook an innocent man dead. The smell lingered in his sensitive nose. In a daze he stumbled through alleys, hearing his master's voice call to him, hiding, running again, until his heart beat so heavy that he felt it might pop.
Through the maze, he curled up and slept beneath grungy metal tubes. Crying that he had killed a man, he soon fell to an uneasy slumber and awoke to tour the markets in search of food. Yet, he drew strange stares and whispers. Others ran away, and he sat it: the poster scrawled with his image, contorted and nefarious wit flame in his paws!
A tall man approached Tom with the click of a pistol, and he turned about with wide eyes. Turning tail, he tried to run, but something bit him with a loud bang. Bleeding and hot, he screamed and threw himself through a small vent just narrow of a swiping hand. Climbing through the murky dark, he held his paw over his shoulder and burned the wound with this power of Fulgur thrust upon him.
Emerging into the sewers, Tom stumbled weakly towards the ports. Emerging, he stumbled before a woman barely alive, and she sheltered him. The daughter of an Artificer, she arranged for him passage back to Kalevala. Thanking her, he departed for home at last . . .
Months later, upon the borders of Kalevala a great voice boomed through the trees.
"Thoma Älykäs," the voice said through rattling leaves, Tom's given name. "The mark upon your back is forbidden, here. Go, and never speak to your father or mother again. So say Kärkitar, your god. Find your calling elsewhere, little one, or be smited from these lands."
Panic filled Tom. At first he pleaded to the voice, yet the caravan driver grabbed him up and silenced him. "This is as far as we go, Tom," said the human merchant. "I will not have this journey jeopardized by your witchmark, so begone." He pushed Tom off the wagon into the mud, where he watched the man go in a stunned silence.
Abandoned in the wilderness, sore and rejected by his own god, Tom decried his fate a wretch and did his best to follow the wagon trail back towards Dullahan. Soon he grew hungry, and the scent of cooking meat drew him through the woods towards a camp of beastly creatures. Vokhai. Gnoll, Orks, Goblins, and Trow. As he stared, the twigs snapped behind him, and a club came down on his head.
Hanging limp as he was pulled up by an ankle, a smiling Trow greeted his bleary eyes. It spoke in a strange tongue before shoving him in a cage where he lay there. He was sure these Vokhai might eat him, yet they took him through a cave and down into the dizzying dark of the world below to meet a shaman of their ilk who spoke the common tongue.
The ork wore a smattering of Witchmarks. He informed Tom that he would be his new "experiment," and that if he survived, then he would be allowed to live as a member of a Vokhai Warband. Having no other choice, Tom nodded as that green hand fell upon him and pulled his ear.
"This one is Loved by Aether; will it survive?"
Tom was initiated next into Aqua by the shaman. Little time was wasted in giving him two more marks, Terra and Zephyr. The second pair, Exodus and Abation were given after some months in captivity, and by the time it was over he felt as if his mind had been ground down to a fine paste while the glittering marks trailed down his back.
He should have died, Tom had come to find out. That he lived came as a surprise to the shaman and his cult. They allowed him time to rest, and then began to train him as one of their own. Stricken and reprimanded for every minor slight, Tom grew bruised while he learned both their ways, and their tongue.
Then they took Tom to war. He collapsed a tunnel during a skirmish, cutting off a group of short-statured mages who fought with his hold over the rock, but he could only watch as the dwarves were cut down. Feeling ill to be the cause of someone's demise again, Tom ran deep into the caverns beyond.
The shaman pursued Tom, seeing through the reflection in his eyes. Yet, Tom threw out a great wind and crushed them all against the rocks, impaling some in a great mess. Pulling at his fur, he walked through those dark groves lost and confused until he came across a dwarf who spoke no tongue of his, but seemed kind.
Given food, Tom made water, and the pair travelled quietly towards the surface. Yet, it was every bit as dangerous there as Dullahan, and strange warriors sought to "hunt" him when he slew another in his defense, not yet knowing how to control the magnitude of Galdr thrust upon him with minimal insight into the workings of Arcana.
One day Tom met a travelling Jin'Norai who invited him to sit by a fire where they traded stories; the words of that long-eared man who took an interest in him seemed compelling. He could go south. Towards Bast, where he might find a place for himself at the Academy of Bastion. Yet he didn't trust the man not to kill him in his sleep, so he left rather than accept the aid of a guide.
It wasn't long before Tom grew lost, and soon he found himself wandering through the ruins of a strange place: a Mirage Kingdoms of old, Old Amduat. There he hid from Ghosts, Dragons, and those strange spirits that seemed to crop up in the corner of his eye. Exploring here he found an old knife stuck through the bones of a long-dead corpse, possessed by a Rakshasa yet he did not know this at the time.
Traversing across floating streets in the starry void, Tom fled this place when the spirits grew violent and all sorts of odd happenings began to take place. The first exit he could find, he took, blowing back the flooded gates and tunneling through the dunes until he emerged to the windy deserts above.
Getting to Bast and making a name for himself was his priority, yet every turn he took only saw him getting lost once more. One day, however, he stumbled upon a caravan and by its graces he finally found himself on a path to Bast. Arriving there, Tom wandered for the academy where he sought admission; could these Jin'Norai clans so far away from home accept him as one of their own?"
✦ One day, I will find a place to call home. ✦
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