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Approved Lycus


Seeker of Spells
Approved Character
Mage-Hunting Warbeast
Encaustum (Master)
Fathom (Master)
Kyanosis (Master)
Remnant (Master)
Possession (Master)
Apparation (Expert)
Character Sheet


Age: 544 Years
Height: 20'
Gender: Male Hermaphrodite
Race: Adult Krakon
Location: Dullahan
Profession: Mage-Hunting Warbeast
Fluent in Æbyssic, Draconic, Jin'nic, and Common​

Resembling the sea slug Glaucus Atlanticus mixed with a lizard, a bird, and a wolf, Lycus is a wondrous arrangement of dazzling scales, fur, and feathers. Twenty feet tall, Lycus dwarfs most men. His legs are coated in pleated scales, digits tipped in hard talons, while his six wings carry a bounty of color from darker blacks to vibrant blues and brighter hues of cerulean. Down his front is a luscious mane of silky, white fur extending from just beneath the chin all the way down to the end of his tail where a fan of long feathers takes precedence.

When Lycus flies, his body seems to lag when he ceases to beat his wings, as if suspended by water in the air. His entire body is hydrophobic and dry to the touch, even when felt beneath the water, and he often blows bubbles as he speaks and breathes. Oddly, he does not carry the scent of the ocean; rather, he is a blend of many creatures. As his embodiment is that of a sea slug, he is a hermaphrodite.

Lycus' tone of voice gravelly like a pleasing baritone that carries through the water as well as it does through the air. At present, he wears no accessory of any kind.

Upon Lycus' right shoulder is an inverted triangle, the Magemark for Aqua. Were a Mystic to sense him, he would read as if possessing Sixth Order Imber, a moderate amount of Aether, and little else.
Lycus is patently /odd/, that sort of creature filled with excitement for the unknown yet cautious, restrained, and respectful. One might liken the Krakon to a well-trained dog, waiting for the command to pounce on what holds its attention. Mentored by the Arche of Lacon, Lævos, upon the shattering of his identity several years ago, Lycus was taught to behave in a way that runs counter to his predatory, abyssal instincts so that he might ignore his urges in order to attain more of what he desires. He sees the Arche as his father, and every other Cor'ai or Krakon are likewise his extended family, though this familial bond is not enough to ingratiate his detached mindset.

Many know Lycus from prior to his mental shattering twenty years prior, as he was and still is a Professor at Bastion Academy before something must have annihilated his Memorandum. He has no memory of being a student, nor any of his accomplishments and the many secrets he once held. He only knows that he once Sought Learning, but his identity has since changed.

Where the wizards flaunt their Arcane talents, so shall Lycus be there to watch with reverence, goading them on. Even small motes of Arcana are stimulating for Lycus to behold, be it the First Order experiments of a budding student or the wonders of Practices. Perceptive yet creative, he remembers everything ever said or shown to him and endeavors to apply and even share what he learns.

While Lycus would wish for nothing more than to devour every mage in sight, he prefers to cultivate a mind and grow alongside it, one day claiming it for himself; mortal minds are fragile things, and Lycus' lifespan is comparatively indefinite. He will not agree to any conflict with the Jin'Norai of Bast unless it is to pursue criminals, or to admonish one of his students. It is not uncommon to catch the Krakon drooling over impressive spellwork, confusing hunger for romantic interest in not the person, but their mind and the spells they weave.

Beyond an allegiance he swore to the Rakshasa several decades ago when he was once a student, and another to Lævos, Lycus holds no formal rank beyond that of Professor within the Department of Smoke at Bastion Academy.

Risen and reconstructed by Laevos the Arche of Lacon from the mind of an ocean-dwelling dragon, Lycus was once something else, forgotten and then forgetting twice-over.

Since his rebirth as a Krakon, Lycus sought to learn more of the world, amassing a vast repertoire of knowledge and power. In that time, Lycus mastered Encaustum, Aqua, and Fathom, gifts given to him by Lævos and the Cor'ai. Through independent study, he eventually learned Apparation, Possession, and Remnant. Mysticism came naturally to him, and there might have been more to what he was, but he cannot much remember more than flashes. Hazy bits and pieces to span a thousand years. This is because something completely wiped out Lycus' Memorandum twenty years prior, causing Lycus to lose much of their shared memories. He awoke in Bastion with no memory, a Professor for the Department of Smoke now placed on administrative leave after he went wild and attempted to devour whomever he could get his talons on.

Lycus was released to the care of Lævos, brought to the Arche and given back the earliest memories they both shared and yet more. After many years of training, he was given the choice to stay, to explore, or to return to Arcanis. Wishing to know more of foreign spellwork yet weary of what might happened if he returned to Arcanis, Lycus felt as though he should venture elsewhere. In the end, he opted for travel.

By now, he Sought Spells, though little else had changed.

In his travels, Lycus came across an airship, its arcane machinery fascinating him; the people on board shot at him with biting bullets of blazing fire, so he threw their weapons away, forcing them to surrender. The black-eyed captain tricked him, claiming it was all a misunderstanding. Lycus was given a gift, and praise!

Unfortunately for Lycus, that "gift" was a mage collar. Lycus did not believe him, until the man put /another/ collar on a goat and blew its head off. From that point on, Lycus has been a slave to the Dullahan Empire.

Arriving at the capital, Lycus faced protests when he honestly disclosed the vast sum of Arcana known to him. When they realized how sociable the dragon was, however, it was decided that he should be given round-the-clock supervision as one of the Republic's greatest assets for seeking magi. After all, here was a "dragon" who Sought Spells, who could show proof and overwhelm nigh-any magical threat beneath the sea or within Avernus.



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  • Skill Name Level XP
    Encaustum Master 250/250
    Fathom Master 250/250
    Kyanosis Master 250/250
    Remnant Master 250/250
    Possession Master 250/250
    Apparation Expert 100/250
    Familiary Master 250/250
    Mysticism Expert 100/250
  • Value Change XP
    Starting Package 250 250
    +1894 Rebirth: Khepri XP 1894 2144
    Major Merit (1): Adult Dragon -250 1894
    Racial Merit: 250 Encaustum -250 1644
    Minor Merit (1): 250 Fathom -250 1394
    Minor Merit (2): 250 Kyanosis -275 1119
    Minor Merit (3): 250 Possession -300 819
    Minor Merit (4): 250 Remnant -325 494
    Minor Merit (5): 100 Apparation -200 294
    100 Mysticism -100 194
    100 Familiary -100 94
    Event: Senka o Terasu I (Khafra) 15 109
    Monday Afternoon (Khepri) 18 127
    Paragon Candidate (Khafra) 12 139
    Character Approval [/url] 15 154
    150 Familiary [/url] -150 4
  • Master Aqua - 0/12
    I. None
  • Spell Reserves
    5.33 (Master)

    Imber Efficiencies
    1.00 Spell + 0.66 Hybridized Spell
    0.75x Imber Adult Krakon
    0.50x Imber Within Memorandum
    0.66x Efficient Cast, 1.00 Standard Cast, or 1.33 Inefficient Cast

    Assuming an Efficient Cast (0.66) as an Adult Krakon (0.75):
    0.495 + 0.326 Hybridized Efficient Spell = 0.82 of a Master Cast.

    Assuming an Efficient Cast (0.66) within a Memorandum (0.50) as an Adult Krakon (0.75):
    0.247 + 0.163 Hybridized Efficient Spell = 0.41 of a Master Cast.

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  • Dullahan Mage's Collar
    • An artificed collar with the Gnosis of Carraig, this is an object which has Implanted itself around Lycus' neck precisely around the Grist-organ; detonating it would cause Lycus to be beheaded, destroying the Grist organ necessary for him to regenerate. Should he shrink or grow, it will change with him. It may be detonated manually via a switch carried by certain handlers.
  • Alkahest

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    A whirlpool exists within the waters of a bath house, seized by the Republic of Dullahan for the purpose of housing a Krakon. Guarded by routine patrols and a forward camp assembled by his various handlers, it is here Lycus' Memorandum can be found.

    The Memorandum is a metaphysical maze of oceanic horrors, underwater lands, and coral forests, a reflection of Imber-grown life Lycus' experiences; there, he has suffused memories of his travels into the waters, memories which give him calm within Avernus. Corridors of air and many old recollections of Æntaris are scattered about as pillars of marble-like coral beneath the waves.

    Those who can breathe the water or simply choose to ignore the illusion of drowning can follow highways between the corals stretching across his domain where the tides are calm and verdant, yet with little life beyond aquaflora and illusory schools of fish. Were one to press on, they would find the ocean growing thinner like a fog, eventually exiting into Avernus itself.



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    Lycus' Familiar, Rækkis, spends its days in Symbiotic Possession with its master. Were one to see the Familiar, it would look akin to a miniature version of Lycus due to the Embodiment of its Inner Alchemy, up to 7' in height.

    Where Lycus is quick to bargain, Rækkis is inherently skeptical and reserved, quietly thinking into matters more deeply into matters his master might otherwise have while providing Lycus with valuable secondary insights.
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• No Known Spells • Known ArcanaKnown Abstraction(s)Cannot Abstract

  • ‣ Encaustum
    • Lycus wields Inner and Outer Alchemy through his Encaustum, allowing him to Cultivate thematic changes within himself or willing supplicants having to do with Imber, Molluscs, or Seeking Spells. Does not work as an Abstraction.
    Imber Governed Breath
    • Lycus wields Imber Governed breath through his Encaustum. He can breathe a wave or jet of water to crush and wash away, breathe a rain cloud to disperse their water over a wide area, speak secretly to someone else for a time in words only the target(s) can hear, or exude a vision obscuring fog. At Master, the reach is 250ft, capable of crushing or drilling through 1.5x solid steel. May be Hybridized.
    ‣ Kyanosis
    • A master may create and then finely control up to 240 cups, or 15 gallons, at a time.
    • Their water or ice may drill through 1.5x the toughness of steel at this stage.
    • A master may move a wave of up to 40,000 gallons of water, ice, or fog at a time.
    • The master may manipulate with the same potency as an expert, but their influence extends to a handful of people at once.
    • A master may create and then finely control up to 240 cups, or 15 gallons, at a time.
    • The master can convert water from one state to the next in the blink of an eye.
    • They may shift the state equal to the amount usable by Hydromancy per cast.
    Abyssal Pulse
    • As a master, the mage may utilize this skill to detect creatures submerged in, or touching, bodies of water.
    • They may also send the aether pulse through the air around them, though it only works in particularly humid environments.
    • The radius is about 35ft centralized around the caster.
    Tideweaver's Embrace
    • The master can quickly convert their entire bodies to water and back should they so wish.
    • Conversation takes 2 seconds
    ‣ Fathom
    • A master's range is as far as they can see for line of sight based targets.
      Within 25', they may passively detect sapient, intelligent minds and Link even without line of sight.
      They may maintain fifteen Links concurrently, but may only manipulate five at a time before feeling diminishing returns on their influence.
      Psychokinetic Links may be cast on mundane, non-living objects, magic items up to Master, and living things.
    • The master may insert such powerful emotions that it can cause a happy man to instantly break down into tears without a clue as to why.
    Memory Sculpting
    • Performed at a range of touch.
    • A master is only limited by their own energy reserves; they can construct an incredibly vivid and clear memory and use it to overwrite their target's memory without much issue.
    • They have become skilled enough to where the victim's brain will naturally fill in gaps to make the memory seem incredibly believable.
    • They can push back multiple days, even weeks if the memory is not very complicated.
    • They no longer need to consume the entire brain to gain memories, they gain a sense for where the information they desire is located and only need to eat that portion of it.
    • They may now learn Remnant if they have a way into Avernus.
    • All five hallucinations are fully available.
    • Hallucinations last 7 days.
    • Psychokinesis shares the range of the Link required to cast it.
    • They may lift, suspend, or drop up to 1000 lbs total.
    • They may push or pull with a force of up to 1500 newtons, the force of a mantis shrimp's punch, or about 337 lbs thereof.
    • They may crush or expand objects with a UTS up to half again that of steel, or 600 MPa.
    • It is possible to utilize the ranged spells of a mage's other Arcana (up to Master) through the Link, such as melting people into gas with Apparation's Resonate.
    ‣ Apparation
    • An Expert may Apparate their Frequency towards that of steel or total diffusion.
    • An Expert may disperse themselves totally incorporeal.
    • At this stage, Apparating takes 10 seconds, and normalizes to the baseline Frequency over the next day.
    • An Apparator at Expert can pull themselves together when blown apart by an explosion whilst operating at a High Frequency.
    • An Apparator at Expert can reorder fatal wounds and broken bones.
    • At Expert, an Apparator can conduct Bridging with around 10 seconds of effort.
    • An Expert possesses 6 Tendrils at a length of up to 35 feet. When corporeal, they have a Frequency as hard as steel.
      At this stage, a Tendril can be shaped into any weapon the Apparator is familiar with, including other small objects like lockpicks or instruments.
    • Resonate is available to the Expert, but takes twice as long to achieve. They may resonate up to a 10ft sphere of material.
    • Drift may be used to move up to 50 feet per second at Expert.
    ‣ Possession
    • At master, the Possessor's suggestions are seamless with the thought patterns of their host, regardless of how contrary the suggestion is to the host's nature. Resisted by Grandmaster Meditation.
    • Grandmaster Meditation (or equivalent mechanism) would resist master Shadowing.
    • Achieving Symbiosis is instantaneous.
    • The host and Symbiote may both seamlessly control the shared body, though if conflicting inputs are given, the Possessor is prioritized.
    • At master, the Symbiote now has access to their host's memories.
    • If desired, the Symbiote may access their own magics at this stage.
    • The Symbiote may wield their host's personal magics, but only up to expert tier.
    • When wielding their host's personal arcana, they may only use the host's spell reserves, not their own.
    • When wielding their own personal arcana, they may only use their own spell reserves, not the host's.
    • One master cast of Takeover lasts 24 hours.
    • A successful Takeover grants the Possessor full control over the host's physical faculties.
    • At master, the Possessor now has access to their host's memories.
    • If desired, the Possessor may access their own magics at this stage.
    • The Possessor may wield their host's personal magics, but only up to expert tier.
    • When wielding their host's personal arcana, they may only use the host's spell reserves, not their own.
    • When wielding their own personal arcana, they may only use their own spell reserves, not the host's.
    • The Possessor may Drift regardless of Host Frequency if they are also an Expert of Apparation, but this is limited to 1/5 their normal speed.
    • A master may puppeteer up to 5 people at once.
    • The same rules for Takeover apply to Puppeteering.
    ‣ Remnant
    • Haunts may affect all five senses at a time.
    • Hexes may affect all five senses at a time.
    • Vestiges are fully available at this tier.
    • Vestiges may utilize Skills both the Vestige and the Memorare possess, or else at two tiers below the Memorare's Remnant.
    • Vestiges' materials will only have up to 1.5x the durability of steel.
    • Abstractions are inefficient and cost the next tier of Spell Reserves to manifest compared to the original.
    • Abstractions may be wielded by the Memorare if first added to their Memorandum.
    • Abstractions may be wielded by Vestiges the Memorare has seen use the spell or ability
    • The Memorare may create Apprentice-tier Mnemosite.
    • Mnemosite is capable of holding the information necessary for creating Ascended-tier Abstractions or Vestiges.
    • Mnemosite may hold a loop spanning up to a day, and/or a patchwork of memories describing a large city.
    • The Memorare may join the Memorandums of others, no matter the size, pooling their own size restriction with the collective.
    • The Master's individual Memorandum may be up to the size of a small town, or 3,000 acres.
    • The Master expends half the amount of Spell Reserves when casting spells from the same Metaphor within their Memorandum.
    • The Master's Memorandum is bigger on the inside; they may fit their entire Memorandum into a small object or a mere door, but they risk having it more easily damaged, and a Memorandum will be destroyed if taken from Avernus.
  • ‣ Encaustum
    • Lycus wields Inner and Outer Alchemy through his Encaustum, allowing him to Cultivate thematic changes within himself or willing supplicants having to do with Imber, Molluscs, or Seeking Spells. Does not work as an Abstraction.
    ➡ Luxium Governed Breath
    ➡ Geomena Governed Breath
    ➡ Aeris Governed Breath
    Imber Governed Breath
    • Lycus wields Imber Governed breath through his Encaustum. He can breathe a wave or jet of water to crush and wash away, breathe a rain cloud to disperse their water over a wide area, speak secretly to someone else for a time in words only the target(s) can hear, or exude a vision obscuring fog. At Master, the reach is 250ft, capable of crushing or drilling through 1.5x solid steel. May be Hybridized.
    ➡ Ardor Governed Breath
    ➡ Somnium Governed Breath
    ➡ Fabula Governed Breath
    ➡ Anathema Governed Breath
    ‣ Seeming
    ➡ Seeming
    ➡ Masking
    ➡ Chimera
    ➡ Transfiguration
    ‣ Shimmer
    ➡ Faerie Dust
    ‣ Draoidh
    • I plan for Lycus to attain Coreadh.
    ➡ Invigoration
    ➡ Reinvigoration
    ➡ Plantmeld
    • This would not allow Lycus to teleport unless he had a memory of teleporting from one still-existing plant to another. He could use it to meld with a plant, though.
    ➡ Floramancy
  • ‣ Exodus
    ➡ Peripherie
    ➡ Basic Thaumaturgy
    ➡ Thaumaturgic Distortions
    ➡ Sever
    ➡ Liminality
    ➡ Veilweaver's Embrace
    ‣ Abation
    ➡ Cryobinding
    ➡ Cryomancy
    ➡ Intermanteia
    ➡ Nucleate
    ➡ Frostweaver's Embrace
    ‣ Kyanosis
    ➡ Aquabinding
    ➡ Aquamancy
    • A master may create and then finely control up to 240 cups, or 15 gallons, at a time.
    • Their water or ice may drill through 1.5x the toughness of steel at this stage.
    • A master may move a wave of up to 40,000 gallons of water, ice, or fog at a time.
    • The master may manipulate with the same potency as an expert, but their influence extends to a handful of people at once.
    ➡ Aquamorphosis
    • A master may create and then finely control up to 240 cups, or 15 gallons, at a time.
    • The master can convert water from one state to the next in the blink of an eye.
    • They may shift the state equal to the amount usable by Hydromancy per cast.
    ➡ Abyssal Pulse
    • As a master, the mage may utilize this skill to detect creatures submerged in, or touching, bodies of water.
    • They may also send the aether pulse through the air around them, though it only works in particularly humid environments.
    • The radius is about 35ft centralized around the caster.
    ➡ Tideweaver's Embrace
    • The master can quickly convert their entire bodies to water and back should they so wish.
    • Conversation takes 2 seconds
    ‣ Zephyr
    ➡ Gasbinding
    ➡ Aeromancy
    ➡ Stormcall
    ➡ Soar
    ➡ Aeroresonance
    ➡ Stormweaver's Embrace
    ‣ Fulgur
    ➡ Flamebinding
    ➡ Pyromancy
    ➡ Fulguratio
    ➡ Infernosight
    ➡ Flameweaver's Embrace
    ‣ Terra
    ➡ Terrassimilation
    ➡ Metallurgy
    ➡ Geosense
    ➡ Stoneweaver's Embrace
  • ‣ Radiance
    ➡ Inspire
    ➡ Lumenshape
    ➡ Blinding Light
    ➡ Lucense
    ➡ Intensify
    ‣ Crest
    ➡ Aesthete's Embrace
    ➡ Artisan's Touch
    ➡ Liberation's Grace
    • Must have a memory of breaking free of that specific spell, object, or situation.
    ➡ Enactment
    ‣ Vemana
    ‣ Fathom
    ➡ Link
    • A master's range is as far as they can see for line of sight based targets.
      Within 25', they may passively detect sapient, intelligent minds and Link even without line of sight.
      They may maintain fifteen Links concurrently, but may only manipulate five at a time before feeling diminishing returns on their influence.
      Psychokinetic Links may be cast on mundane, non-living objects, magic items up to Master, and living things.
    ➡ Empath
    • The master may insert such powerful emotions that it can cause a happy man to instantly break down into tears without a clue as to why.
    ➡ Memory Sculpting
    • Performed at a range of touch.
    • A master is only limited by their own energy reserves; they can construct an incredibly vivid and clear memory and use it to overwrite their target's memory without much issue.
    • They have become skilled enough to where the victim's brain will naturally fill in gaps to make the memory seem incredibly believable.
    • They can push back multiple days, even weeks if the memory is not very complicated.
    • They no longer need to consume the entire brain to gain memories, they gain a sense for where the information they desire is located and only need to eat that portion of it.
    • They may now learn Remnant if they have a way into Avernus.
    ➡ Hallucinate
    • All five hallucinations are fully available.
    • Hallucinations last 7 days.
    ➡ Psychokinesis
    • Psychokinesis shares the range of the Link required to cast it.
    • They may lift, suspend, or drop up to 1000 lbs total.
    • They may push or pull with a force of up to 1500 newtons, the force of a mantis shrimp's punch, or about 337 lbs thereof.
    • They may crush or expand objects with a UTS up to half again that of steel, or 600 MPa.
    • It is possible to utilize the ranged spells of a mage's other Arcana (up to Master) through the Link, such as melting people into gas with Apparation's Resonate.
    ‣ Nostalgis
    ‣ Omnia
    ➡ Resonance
    ➡ Sonography
    ➡ Clairaudience
    ➡ Foil
    ➡ Red Herring
    ➡ Plot Twist
    ‣ Somnis
    ➡ Dreamsculpt
    ➡ Astral Projection
    • Must be capable of Lucid Dreaming.
    ➡ Somnavigation
    • May only navigate to dreams they have a memory of visiting.
    ➡ Emergence
    ➡ Ensnare
    ➡ Dream Pulse
    ‣ Nymheia
    ➡ Medica
    ➡ Elysia
    ➡ Panacea
    • Must have a memory of curing that specific ailment.
    ➡ Ameliorate
    ➡ Gild
    ➡ Excite
    ‣ Nekros
    ➡ Tether
    ➡ Raise
    • Must have a similar enough arrangement of body parts to then Raise that result.
    ➡ Command
    • Must have a memory of that specific Command, exactly as stated.
    ➡ Deadsight
    ➡ Soul Star
    ‣ Faust
  • ‣ Syphon
    ➡ Consume
    ➡ Impart
    ➡ Redistribute
    ➡ Funnel
    ➡ Conduit
    ‣ Apparation
    ➡ Frequency
    • An Expert may Apparate their Frequency towards that of steel or total diffusion.
    • An Expert may disperse themselves totally incorporeal.
    • At this stage, Apparating takes 10 seconds, and normalizes to the baseline Frequency over the next day.
    ➡ Order
    • An Apparator at Expert can pull themselves together when blown apart by an explosion whilst operating at a High Frequency.
    • An Apparator at Expert can reorder fatal wounds and broken bones.
    ➡ Bridging
    • At Expert, an Apparator can conduct Bridging with around 10 seconds of effort.
    ➡ Tendril
    • An Expert possesses 6 Tendrils at a length of up to 35 feet. When corporeal, they have a Frequency as hard as steel.
      At this stage, a Tendril can be shaped into any weapon the Apparator is familiar with, including other small objects like lockpicks or instruments.
    ➡ Resonate
    • Resonate is available to the Expert, but takes twice as long to achieve. They may resonate up to a 10ft sphere of material.
    ➡ Drift
    • Drift may be used to move up to 50 feet per second at Expert.
    ‣ Possession
    ➡ Suggestion
    • At master, the Possessor's suggestions are seamless with the thought patterns of their host, regardless of how contrary the suggestion is to the host's nature. Resisted by Grandmaster Meditation.
    ➡ Shadowing
    • Grandmaster Meditation (or equivalent mechanism) would resist master Shadowing.
    ➡ Symbiosis
    • Achieving Symbiosis is instantaneous.
    • The host and Symbiote may both seamlessly control the shared body, though if conflicting inputs are given, the Possessor is prioritized.
    • At master, the Symbiote now has access to their host's memories.
    • If desired, the Symbiote may access their own magics at this stage.
    • The Symbiote may wield their host's personal magics, but only up to expert tier.
    • When wielding their host's personal arcana, they may only use the host's spell reserves, not their own.
    • When wielding their own personal arcana, they may only use their own spell reserves, not the host's.
    ➡ Takeover
    • One master cast of Takeover lasts 24 hours.
    • A successful Takeover grants the Possessor full control over the host's physical faculties.
    • At master, the Possessor now has access to their host's memories.
    • If desired, the Possessor may access their own magics at this stage.
    • The Possessor may wield their host's personal magics, but only up to expert tier.
    • When wielding their host's personal arcana, they may only use the host's spell reserves, not their own.
    • When wielding their own personal arcana, they may only use their own spell reserves, not the host's.
    • The Possessor may Drift regardless of Host Frequency if they are also an Expert of Apparation, but this is limited to 1/5 their normal speed.
    ➡ Puppeteering
    • A master may puppeteer up to 5 people at once.
    • The same rules for Takeover apply to Puppeteering.
    ‣ Remnant
    ➡ Haunt
    • Haunts may affect all five senses at a time.
    ➡ Hex
    • Hexes may affect all five senses at a time.
    ➡ Vestige
    • Vestiges are fully available at this tier.
    • Vestiges may utilize Skills both the Vestige and the Memorare possess, or else at two tiers below the Memorare's Remnant.
    • Vestiges' materials will only have up to 1.5x the durability of steel.
    ➡ Abstraction
    • Abstractions are inefficient and cost the next tier of Spell Reserves to manifest compared to the original.
    • Abstractions may be wielded by the Memorare if first added to their Memorandum.
    • Abstractions may be wielded by Vestiges the Memorare has seen use the spell or ability
    ➡ Mnemosite
    • The Memorare may create Apprentice-tier Mnemosite.
    • Mnemosite is capable of holding the information necessary for creating Ascended-tier Abstractions or Vestiges.
    • Mnemosite may hold a loop spanning up to a day, and/or a patchwork of memories describing a large city.
    ➡ Memorandum
    • The Memorare may join the Memorandums of others, no matter the size, pooling their own size restriction with the collective.
    • The Master's individual Memorandum may be up to the size of a small town, or 3,000 acres.
    • The Master expends half the amount of Spell Reserves when casting spells from the same Metaphor within their Memorandum.
    • The Master's Memorandum is bigger on the inside; they may fit their entire Memorandum into a small object or a mere door, but they risk having it more easily damaged, and a Memorandum will be destroyed if taken from Avernus.
  • ‣ Null
    ‣ Devorare
    ➡ Hemomancy
    ➡ Augury
    ➡ Vitalas
    ➡ Vicissitude
    ‣ Scourge
    ➡ Bane
    ➡ Venge
    ➡ Bane
    ➡ Stain
    ➡ Epidemia
    ➡ Equipoise
    • May only remember specific direction(s) without full control.
    ➡ Banefog
    Ash Binding
    ➡ Allay
    ➡ Avowal
    ➡ Ferriment
    • Must have a memory of Ferrying that specific type of being.
    ‣ Rusalka
    ➡ Unyielding Will
    ➡ Idolatry
    ➡ Emanate
    ➡ Auspex
    ➡ Intoxicate
    ‣ Nightwalker
    ➡ Therianthropy
    ➡ Fury of Pelezotz
    • Must still consume an appropriate amount of gore.
    ➡ Blood Frenzy
    ➡ Regenerate
    Hunting Ground
  • ‣ Saolbinds
    ‣ Beast Magic
    ‣ Flora Magic
    ‣ Dominion
    ‣ Earthbinds
    ‣ Mutagens

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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.