
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

If you would like to play, please register an account and notify us through Discord. Please check out our wiki for additional resources. You can find our Discord below: Understand that we are currently in a playtest through the end of 2024, meaning you are welcome to play and earn experience, but there might be sweeping changes before the full site launch in 2025.

Search results

  1. Shadow

    Closed Gnoll Invasion

    As the gnolls brought themselves nearer to the enormous sequoia, the cinderfang warlord Graalok noticed that there was peculiar going on. There was something unnatural moving in the darkness in front of them. His nostrils widened to capture the subtle smell of raw wood from trees that were not...
  2. Shadow

    Closed Gnoll Invasion

    50th of Fall, 124 South of the desert where forests burned a pack of gnolls fought bitterly under the gray sky. The land was a fiery wasteland, but the gnolls were not here for the fire. They had come for the prey which was hidden in the fire. It was the Luxium Elementals. These elementals...
  3. Shadow

    Closed In the deep deep greens

    Thread Title: in the deep deep greens Thread Summary: Makt goes hunting, finds an inari, the elves take his kill. Expected Rewards: excluding my first post since I don't want to fight over AI accusations Shadow Dungeoneering xp: +8 xp Abraia xp: +8 xp Makt xp: +10 xp Thread Link...
  4. Shadow

    Closed In the deep deep greens

    Anticlimactically, a large wooden wall started to form around the buck. A couple elves dropped down from the trees after that and killed the inari. They did not bother Makt or his friend as they worked, but did eye his ring apprehensively. It was not usual for that powerful of an artifact to be...
  5. Shadow

    Closed In the deep deep greens

    A hole the size of a fist zapped through the boar. It seared a hole in it and the residual sparkles of electricity shocked it to its knees. It was not dead but it was not going to be moving much for now. Ash would be able to know that the boar would not be down forever. So much of what was hit...
  6. Shadow

    Closed In the deep deep greens

    The fox would freeze in place, the grip on it too strong and sudden. It would know that something was wrong in an instant especially when its body lifted off the ground. Makt would be able to feel its fear even though Makt tried to gently calm it. It floated helplessly for a while but after...
  7. Shadow

    Closed In the deep deep greens

    Apparently when I try to be more verbose I write like AI so let's try harder this time The elves disappeared from view. The humans would not be able to see where they had gone but they made no sound that the two could hear. All they could focus on was the boar that was standing at the stream...
  8. Shadow

    Closed In the deep deep greens

    15th of Fall 124 The sun pierced through the thick foliage of the forest and the play of light and dark could be seen on the ground. The weather was pleasantly fresh, the smell is the fresh scent of the pine trees and wet ground. Below it, the ground is spongy with a layer of leaves, twigs, and...
  9. Shadow

    Open The Towering Bear

    The bear looked at the wolves lazily. They were annoying little flies. It squashed one with a well timed almost lazy slap. The dragon was unexpected, however. The bear roared more out of annoyance than pain. It stood up on its hind legs just a little to try shaking the dragon off but Skripi...
  10. Shadow

    Open The Towering Bear

    Skripi need not worry too much about making a difference. It was only because of his unique skills that the others were able to take action. He would also notice that the fight was not yet quite done. The first bear was not harmed by arrows without Skripi's breath to help. This new bear was...
  11. Shadow

    Open The Towering Bear

    The first to know something was wrong would be Skripi. At his altitude he would notice just how much the air smelled like blood. Jhinhae's spell was pushing the smells of the carnage below into the air to draw her real prey. In the gaps in the less dense branches, Skripi could see the massive...
  12. Shadow

    Open The Towering Bear

    The bear was awash with blackness that clouded its vision. It was a weak but effective attack nonetheless. It softened the hide enough to allow Engill's arrow to sink deeper into the bear's shoulder. It was the deepest any arrow had dug yet but still not enough to hurt it. Not a second later...
  13. Shadow

    Open The Towering Bear

    The brown skinned elf was pleased with the group she had gathered. A forest elf and even a dragon had even agreed to join, much to her surprise. Did they not have anything better to do? She wouldn't complain. The more the merrier, or so they say. As the clearing populated, the only one missing...
  14. Shadow

    Open The Towering Bear

    Date: 50th of Summer, 124 In twilight's hush a brown-skinned elf With eyes like amber, finds herself In forest deep where faelnir play And leaves whisper the end of day Jhinhae was her name. She was from a land far away but was an elf nonetheless. She travelled in the company of wolves she met...
  15. Shadow

    Shadow's Dungeoneering App (Abraia)

    Let's do Græntún and Veiðrbrand
  16. Shadow

    Shadow's Dungeoneering App (Abraia)

    The system is a way to get people engaged in writing in a different way which is what I like about it. I would be able to give a CNPC an apprentice skill, as an example. The answer to the quiz is 25sp. I jumped the gun on the profile post. Sorry about that
  17. Shadow

    OOC Shadow's Dungeoneering Profile

    Dungeoneering Profile Jurisdiction: Græntún, Veiðrbrand Likes to DM: Slice of life, simple plots Doesn't Like to DM: NSFW Dungeoneering Stats Level DXP Base SP Award SP Dungeoneering 116/2500 2 1000 Experience Ledger Value Change XP Spent on in the deep deep greens +8 8...

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About Us

Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.