
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

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Search results

  1. Hananozō

    OOC Approved Felinog Modification

    Troll's Strength: Scale this from 1.25x to 2x the strength of its user at Ascended Quick Reflexes: Provide more detail on exactly what their senses are like per tier, and be sure to scale it.
  2. Hananozō

    Approved Embrowl

  3. Hananozō

    Approved Thunderoc

    Passing this off to Vic for the final look since this is primarily roosting in their setting.
  4. Hananozō

    Approved Thunderoc

    It's more that 'piercing' has a strong association, since steels true durability is based on its thickness. Saying that you pierce x material means that you can puncture it regardless of how thick the material is, but having the capability to damage, rend, or bend steel would probably be a more...
  5. Hananozō

    Approved [Dominion] Shadow Craft

    I'm posting this here until I set up a proper compendium forum to drop it into.
  6. Hananozō

    Approved [Dominion] Shadow Craft

    You must get permission from Abraia to learn Shadow Craft, as they are the author. Name: Shadow Craft Metaphor: A Shadowcrafter establishes Dominion over Anathema (Dissolution, Change, Despair, Shadows). They do this by harnessing their dark angry feelings towards those who have wronged them...
  7. Hananozō

    Smithing dominion 2.0

  8. Hananozō

    Approved Thunderoc

    Looks good so far. I'd just remove the 2x steel piercing mention, but you're free to talk more about how violent it is with more colorful adjectives like 'catastrophic' or such--we try to leave some wiggle room for defending against these since Ascended-level spells are potent enough on their own
  9. Hananozō

    Approved Thunderoc

    -Adjust this Beast Magic into an arcana with skill tiers for its abilities. I'll update the wiki to reflect this as a requirement, but this will be the same of most merited Gramarye and Dominion. -The unnatural abilities of the animal should match their beast magic 1 for 1, and it's assumed the...
  10. Hananozō

    Approved Thrystingr

    Given that creating more of the material itself with Floramancy is an ability on its own, this entire thing will be Merited if Florabound. The short distance on the calming effect seems fine. This write-up is effectively three passive abilities, but I think I can allow them since they don't...
  11. Hananozō

    Approved Whispering Yew

    This seems fine to me. Suggestions: - Put an exact multiplier on the projectile speed - I'd say 2x is pretty fair given that speed also increases strength, and the force behind a bow made from this material should already be absurd for its draw strength. - I'd also mention that it's still...
  12. Hananozō

    Smithing dominion 2.0

    Yes, that is the case! You're welcome to develop it now, or expand upon it and resubmit later.
  13. Hananozō

    Smithing dominion 2.0

    Hardening looks good. Shadow Absorption and Shadow Replication can be combined into one ability. Shadow Replication should focus specifically on minerals, flora, or fauna parts. Mundane materials would be free, while magical ones would still need to be purchased with Seasonal Points at a 50%...
  14. Hananozō

    OOC Answered Dominion in Business - Thoughts?

    Binding Contract: The shadow needs to have a material consideration, and a limit of one or else a maximum duration unless it's made into a passive ability. Deal Finder: This is a passive ability. It should govern a specific type of encounter like the Hunting or Deepcraft discounts do. Surplus...
  15. Hananozō

    Closed [M] Moonstruck

    A grin. It caught Aster off guard, and he smiled weakly back in kind to mimic the gesture, even if he felt nothing but suspicion and doubt for all of this. These ascetics; they always, always thought highly of themselves. In many ways, they had attained great power, but they would not be away...
  16. Hananozō

    Closed [M] Moonstruck

    “It is hard to believe the Æld'Norai let this place exist,” remarked Aster as they neared what he could only describe as a titan born from grotesque Arcana. As they passed by, its head turned - focusing on him with its hateful red eyes , yet showing restraint. It knew he was diffuse, that its...
  17. Hananozō

    Closed [M] Moonstruck

    In but days, the Terra of Æhti the mage in Velho’s employ built a truly impressive wonder. He ingrained within his memory every moment of the construction, and pined upon the man’s art, that it could be wielded with finesse in his own hands. They had little time to explore the depths of Æhti’s...
  18. Hananozō

    Closed Apéritif

    “Your word brings me great comfort,” Aster replied smoothly. Already his eyes were somewhere else, distantly imagining the possibilities in spite of his longing for a thorough nap. There was much to rest on. Much to consider. The manner of Yonakouchi was lain to rest with a long, distracted...
  19. Hananozō

    Closed Apéritif

    Hewn from exuberance, Aster brought himself down from the high of expression, the feeling dripping out of his mouth with every breath he took until he felt the pull of melancholy wash over him like a hood. The feeling was short-lived, though he maintained a slight smile as he settled more...
  20. Hananozō

    Closed Apéritif

    Swaying forth behind him, Aster’s tails casually danced with joy. The kind of feeling he only felt when he was waking from sleep untainted. “Mmmh-hmm-hm,” he hummed through his nose, eyes peeling with a giddy, alien mirth. What was more, being one with Remnant, his Total Recall would be an...

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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.