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Fluffy would arrive at Velho's estate sometime in the early evening, likely when most aelves were already up to start their day. She knocked on the door and looked warily at the Ferrier's home. She had not liked coming here last time. She had seen a very scary shadow monster, a felinog, and whatever surgery her master had taken had made him seem a little crazy for a while. She also knew that this was Kage's preferred maltrician, meaning that she suspected she would be sent here for punishment before long.
Thankfully, she didn't come here to be punished. No, she came here bearing a gift. When someone opened the door, she would give them a note that read:
"Dear Velho,
I am extremely pleased with the results of the surgery, barring some mental complications which seem to have mostly subsided. I hear you are similar to myself – a collector. Please accept a gift that my pet shall deliver to you in the form of a transfiguration. She has an imprint of a Leviathan that you may find useful.
I look forward to taking advantage of your services in the future.
Fluffy would not really speak unless spoken to, mostly out of fear. She would also transfigure an animal of Velho's choosing to be a leviathan, or some chimera to make it as small as he wanted it to be. After all, if Velho wanted to take advantage of the imprint all he need do was consult a boggle and have them reapply it, etc.
༺༉❁Winter 20 year 125 of the third age ❁༉༻ <notes>
When Fluffy came knocking, she would only wait for a moment before the door opened to reveal Lucia, as had become typically the case by this point in her employ. And while it was common for Æld'Norai to send messengers in lieu of themselves for a variety of things, the services of a ferrier or maltrician were usually received more directly. As such, the Ælven woman would look around for a second, as if searching for traces of her master, before settling her gaze on Fluffy.
But before she would open her mouth, the modified Inari would hand her a note addressed to Velho. Lucia would take it, but not read it.
Taking a few steps back whilst holding the door open, Lucia would say, "...wait in the lobby. I'll deliver this and if Velho wishes to send a response, I'll give it to you."
Fluffy would be expected to obey, and once she'd taken her seat in the waiting area Lucia would recede through the door in the back wall to go find Velho. Once she did, he'd read over the note. He had received gifts from satisfied clients before; this was not abnormal for Æld'Norai to do for one another when happy with a service. It was always interesting what people were willing to give, too– in a nation of magi, folks could get quite creative.
Velho did not know all too much about the creature locally known as Jǫrmungandr other than that they were of mythic strength and ridiculously large. He did not quite have that much space in or near to his home, but an idea did spring to mind. See, Velho was the proud owner of three Inari balls, and as such, in his own way, three Inari. One of these Inari, Aster, had arranged to have a mystical well that led deep into Lacon built into one of the cells of his basement gaol– this was because Aster was a practitioner of both Fathom and Remnant and had wanted an easy way to access his Memory Palace. Which, in this case, would be the perfect place to store something as legendarily large as a Leviathan. Further, because this was an Imprint and not the actual beast, Lucia could bind to a lesser creature and it would retain its obedience even after its Transfiguration.
Because of the steps involved, this plan would take the rest of the night to enact and would unfold as follows:
First, Aster would be contacted and he, Velho, Lucia and Fluffy would all travel down into his Memorandum. This would be enabled by three of them turning diffuse through Apparation, with Lucia requiring the assistance of Velho. Fluffy, however, would be given a diving helmet with a breathing apparatus rather than the Frequency shift, elsewise the spellcast required to Transfigure the Leviathan Imprint would kill her. It wasn't a cumbersome device, though swimming deep within Lacon could easily still be a jarring experience.
Second, Lucia would bind to an orca whale and give it the instructions that Aster's Memorandum was now its home. It could leave the area if it needed to in order to feed, but it ought to always return to live within it. She was hesitant to use a creature any less advanced than the orca, as she was unsure if something smaller or weaker would be able to have the wherewithal to survive living as its soon-to-be new form.
Third, Fluffy would be directed to Transfigure the whale into the Leviathan Imprint.
With their goal thus accomplished, all involved would re-emerge from the well within Själasalr and thereby be returned to their baseline Frequencies. Aster and Fluffy would be released to return to their business and Velho and Lucia would return to theirs. Fluffy was given permission to recount what had happen to Kage should he ask her.
Fluffy was a good pet and did exactly what she was told up until the part where she was supposed to go underwater. She voiced that she had various sea forms that she could take, not to mention a Cor'Norai. She opted for the Cor'Norai simply because that came with especially good underwater vision. It helped that it was such a cheap thing to do, turning into another humanoid.
She went down to the whale and expended the necessary reserves to transfigure the whale into a leviathan, after which she sort of floated there for a while, completely drained of her reserves.
When she got out of the water she didn't immediately return home, instead opting to rest at an inn to shake off her mageburn symptoms. Kage didn't really ask what had happened, only if the gift was well received, which seemed to be yes.
On the 89th day of the season, Velho would find another pet delivered to him. This time not so much because Kage felt he owed him… but rather because Kage was moving homes and without Fluffy he didn't have anyone around to take care of his tiger.
A package would be left for Velho at his door which contained a mouse and another note.
"This mouse is actually a very large tiger. Do with it as you see fit.
༺༉❁ Winter 20 year 125 of the third age ❁༉༻ <notes>
When Fluffy voiced that she had the shape of a Cor'Norai she could take instead of the other options suggested, the other parties involved actually would appear relieved. Somebody unused to diving, even with the headgear they'd been prepared to give her, would be prone to panic and might struggle to see, among other concerns. The form of a Cor'Norai, however, would take to water instinctively.
With this method, their plan worked seamlessly, though it did come at the cost of minor Mageburn for Fluffy. It would've been disrespectful to Kage to have just left his pet down there, and so she was dragged out courtesy of Aster's Resonance as Velho still had to help Lucia out in that regard. She was laid out on a couch in the lobby under Lucia's watchful eye until she awoke, at which point she was left to her own devices– she would be told to send Kage their thanks.
•════════════════════• Winter 89 ❀
Almost two months later, another package would arrive. This time it was only accompanied by a vague note, though Velho connected the dots that the mouse must be an Imprint imparted by Fluffy prior to having sent the animal. It also stated where Kage was now based, which was useful, though a specific address was not included. The tiger would remain in this shape beneath Lucia's care for only a short period while the Alkahest was prepared in order to have a Talisman made to dispel the Transfiguration.
This process didn't take long, though, as Velho was quite capable of writing the Talisman himself using Saolite he had in his possession. Lucia, giddy as could be, then happily went off to the tiger's enclosure– Talisman and a treat for her new pet in hand. For safety, the binding process would be completed within the Felinog's enclosure and though Cloud had been bound to Velho, the ferrier opted to put it to sleep with a tiny dose of Sap in order to make sure it did not interfere with the present process.
Before releasing the Transfiguration, Lucia calmed the mouse into a trance with incantations of Saol– it would be quite jarring for an Animal to suddenly shift from the body its lived in its whole life to that of another creature entirely, then be shipped 'cross country and finally given its proper form back, indeed. Upon her utterance of the keyphrase, the tiger's silhouette lit aglow in white Saol as it began to shift and grow back to its proper form. Because of her previous efforts, however, it remained calm as she shifted her Wildsong from a calming cant to a melody of binding.
Velho intended to enhance the tiger in the coming days, but the two of them would soon be called to assist with Alithean business at the start of Spring– such plans would be made to wait.
1 Crystal of Saolite was used to create the Talisman.