Alright, so my plan to qualify for Ascension is by having Caelum so immersed in what is Sought and Embodied that he evolves into a Meridian.
The plot revolves around getting an Enterprise set up at a National level. This would follow Caelum as his formation grows to 10,000 of the most fertile humans (and some aelves) in AElheim, all concentrated in one place. This effort would cost 750xp, a minor merit, and xp to build his skills up to the level where setting everything up would even be possible… not including the 750xp for the actual major merit to achieve ascension. I'm planning on this taking about a year, starting in 123 and ending somewhere around present time.
Setting everything up will likely take dozens of threads, but here's a rough outline. If you want to throw a wrench or two into the plans to spice things up, feel free:
Summer 123:
• Come up with the basic idea (done IC already)
• Go buy the necessary land for a trial run (land granted Here)
• Construct adequate housing and facilities Here's one thread
• Recruit a small handful of people to test it out Done
Fall 123:
• Recruit a formation (10)
• Set up a means of feeding / entertaining the small formation
• Set up defenses
Winter 123:
• Expand operations, go out looking for more people for his formation (100)
• Get into talks with aelves about his plan to produce dragon-touched humans for sundering / soldiers / laborers. Hopefully leverage this into garnering support for recruitment and perhaps providing some level of security funded by the govt. Also having such a forward-positioned settlement to the desert would make it easier to expand the aelve's territory via his grove as well as having extra security near the border.
Spring 124:
• There's enough interest that people come to the Enterprise on their own, where Caelum will accept or turn them away. This builds the formation again (1000)
Summer 124:
• There's enough good things said about the Enterprise and the lives the women have there. Nationwide interest accelerates to increase the formation once more (10,000)
• At this point Caelum's grist has the capability to evolve, and will should he expend the major merit
The plot revolves around getting an Enterprise set up at a National level. This would follow Caelum as his formation grows to 10,000 of the most fertile humans (and some aelves) in AElheim, all concentrated in one place. This effort would cost 750xp, a minor merit, and xp to build his skills up to the level where setting everything up would even be possible… not including the 750xp for the actual major merit to achieve ascension. I'm planning on this taking about a year, starting in 123 and ending somewhere around present time.
Setting everything up will likely take dozens of threads, but here's a rough outline. If you want to throw a wrench or two into the plans to spice things up, feel free:
Summer 123:
• Come up with the basic idea (done IC already)
• Go buy the necessary land for a trial run (land granted Here)
• Construct adequate housing and facilities Here's one thread
• Recruit a small handful of people to test it out Done
Fall 123:
• Recruit a formation (10)
• Set up a means of feeding / entertaining the small formation
• Set up defenses
Winter 123:
• Expand operations, go out looking for more people for his formation (100)
• Get into talks with aelves about his plan to produce dragon-touched humans for sundering / soldiers / laborers. Hopefully leverage this into garnering support for recruitment and perhaps providing some level of security funded by the govt. Also having such a forward-positioned settlement to the desert would make it easier to expand the aelve's territory via his grove as well as having extra security near the border.
Spring 124:
• There's enough interest that people come to the Enterprise on their own, where Caelum will accept or turn them away. This builds the formation again (1000)
Summer 124:
• There's enough good things said about the Enterprise and the lives the women have there. Nationwide interest accelerates to increase the formation once more (10,000)
• At this point Caelum's grist has the capability to evolve, and will should he expend the major merit
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