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Approved Astra


Princess Pendragon
Approved Character
Character Sheet

"A melody worth remembering"

Name: Astra Pendragon
Race: Human
Gender: F
Age: 24
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 120 Lbs
1st of Winter

Birthplace: Arcanis
Location: Bast

Personal Magic:

Traveling Songstress

Princess (Non-Merited)

Bastion Academy


Religion: N/A
Sexuality: Straight

: Common, Jinnic
Influent: Aelvish

Astra Pendragon is the result of a very long eugenics experiment with the goal of producing a perfect human specimen. While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, she was more or less designed to have long luscious hair with a gentle curl. Her eyes are different colors, one blue and one green. She stands at about 5 and a half feet tall with a thin figure… save for larger proportions in favorable areas.

With a completely clear complexion and fair skin, she looks as though she's never seen a day of labor in her entire life. In truth, she hasn't. She is often seen with exquisitely designed clothing and jewelry, though even her simpler outfits are noteworthy. She dresses to be alluring and has away about her that makes her seem like her clothes are honored to be worn by her.

On top of her natural features, Astra more likely than not has her Idoltry spell activated in the presence of others. This causes her to "appear as idealized versions of herself to whomever it is that lays eyes upon her."

See Magic Details (Crest) for her supernatural aesthetic qualities.


Despite being exceptionally gifted in Rusalka with an incredible arcane potential to boot, Astra is not very combat minded. She is usually preoccupied with making sure she's the prettiest person in a room, which is usually not difficult for her, but she is wont to spend her reserves on aesthetics rather than fighting. She prefers to rely on contrivances.


Likes: Aesthetics, Riches, Manipulation, Playing with hearts
Dislikes: Work, Studying, Extended periods of time alone
Merits: Pretty, Loyal, Easy to get along with, Chaotic
Flaws: Scatterbrained, Arrogant, Upset when not the center of attention

Astra is a princess and she acts like it. Though the title means relatively little in Arcanis, she expects to get her way and expects men to fawn over her. She likes being the center of attention and finds enjoyment in pulling at people's heartstrings. She finds herself above working, and yet as a student in the Bastion Academy she is in a position where she must work and get along with 'regular people.'

She plays the part of a seductress and a songstress when she's trying to show off.



Astra's history is best explained by starting with her Father. The man calls himself Sire Pendragon, though he has changed his first name many times over his lifetime. He is a king of one of the many kingdoms in Arcanis. Being blighted (devorare and rusalka) his lifespan is effectively indefinite, so every normal lifetime or so he changes his appearance and pretends to be his successor. Being blighted, he answers to the whims of Alitheia and to a lesser degree the spirit cats that rule Arcanis.

Sire's side hobby is, put simply, eugenics. He has bred and mated with tens of thousands over the years to produce idealized children. The worst are culled while the best are married off to expand his influence. The crème de la crème are chosen to be more permanent members of his family by initiating them into one or more blights. Sire has Alitheia's permission to do this is, as he has a reputation for making loyal and useful agents.

Astra happens to be one of the better offspring and is officially the princess to her father's kingdom complete with inheritance rights, not that his death is likely to ever occur. She was raised like a princess, with every luxury she could have ever asked for. As she got older, her father began to teach her about responsibility and her duty to her father and family. He was never entirely pleased with her rebellious and sassy attitude, but he valued her beauty over her personality faults. In his mind, one's personality could be easily shaped.

Over the years, Astra found that she had quite a talent for wrapping people around her finger. This was really the determining factor that made Sire realize that she was worthy of inheriting his blights. She also turned out to have the voice of a songbird. Her singing and beauty have made her quite desirable. On top of being exceptional, she became Crested, further bolstering her popularity and performance.

At 17 Astra was shipped off to Bastion Academy to become a scholar in the Department of Song. On one of her school breaks Astra was initiated into Rusalka at 18. When she proved herself worthy she became a Devorare at 20. Astra graduated from the Department of Song at 24, opening up the next chapter of her life.

She still participates in courses from other departments but she is very much a part time student. Most of her time is spent travelling, collecting new songs from various parts of the world, performing, looking for lost music via archaeology, and sometimes assisting professors as needed. Her father has seemingly loosened her leash, though in reality Astra is already working to his benefit whether she realizes it or not.

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  • Skill NameLevelXP
    Arcane Potential IMaster250/250
    Arcane Potential IINovice0/250
  • ValueChangeXP
    Transfer XP+12501250
    Rusalka (Minor Merit 1)-01250
    Crest (Minor Merit 2)-251225
    Studies at Home+17592
    Disturbance in the Sands+10602
    Devorare (Minor Merit 3)-50552
    Character Approval+15467
    Scarlet Sands+20487
    Scarlet Sands 2+20507
    Scarlet Sands 3+20527
    Just a Dune Away+20547
    Arcane Potential I (Minor Merit 4)-75472
    Arcane Potential I-250222
    Arcane Potential II (Minor Merit 5)-100122
    Monday Afternoon+1537

Magic Details

  • Astra has the following changes afforded to her by Crest:

    Blood: Astra's blood looks and smells exactly like water.

    Hair: Astra's hair has a subtle twinkle to it, like a starry night but it's not obnoxious like glitter might be.

    Eyes: Astra's eyes have a swirling effect, as if her irises are moving like mist. This is a subtle effect. Her eyes also glow ever so slightly.

    Skin: Astra's skin has a certain radiance to it. It isn't glowing, but it looks to be supernaturally smooth and soft. When touched, it feels as impossibly soft and smooth as it looks. Her skin never feels wet or dry - it always feels perfectly moistened as if it's been recently lotioned. It also feels as skin would feel at room temperature regardless of the actual weather.

    Touch: Touching any part of Astra's body results in a pleasurable stimulus.

    Voice: Her voice has a supernaturally alluring quality to it. It sounds inviting with a melodic chime and a faint echo. Her laugh is accompanied by the feint sound of songbirds chirping and chimes ringing in a breeze.

    Body Movement: Her movements make a soft rustling of something ethereal, like silk slipping over skin.

    Smell: Astra's skin smells of roses. Her breath smells of honey.

    Taste: Astra's body tastes like a mixture between red velvet cake and honey.

  • Astra has the ability to Dominate others.


    2) A female Cor'Norai student at Bastion Academy
    3) A male Jin'Norai student at Bastion Academy

  • Khenera is familiar with all major cities in Arcanis. She has visited Motoku in Jian on several occasions and has been to Rauðrviðr.

    Nexus Portals:
    1) Outside throne room in her father's kingdom
    2) Entrance to Bastion Academy

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  • Name: Sire Pendragon
    Race: Human
    NPC Type: Faction NPC
    Merits: Rusalka, Devorare
    Skills: Secret - Consult Vicissitude

    Sire is a personable man who is loved by his people (the ones he doesn't feed off of). He has a dominating presence and likes to be the center of attention. He tends to have reasonable expectations of people and is only scary if he is consistently disappointed. He isn't worried about disobedience – a consequence of being able to dominate and guarantee loyalty.

    Sire is an ancient being who has enjoyed life in Arcanis for thousands of years. His medical prowess garnered the attention of Alitheia who recruited him in his early thirties as a Devorare. In exchange for centuries of loyalty and excellence, he was initiated into Rusalka and given the right to rule the Kingdom of the Hazel Mists (KHM). While not a particularly coveted title in Arcanis, his unassuming kingdom is wholly devoted to furthering the goals of Alitheia.

    KHM's blighted operations are at a minimum due to the watchful eyes of the spirit cats, but Sire is still one of the more influential blighted in Arcanis. He often will take on devorare and rusalka students (a few at most) to teach them medicine and how to use their powers.

    Sire's primary passion is eugenics, with his most desirable children often sent off across the world to suit Alitheia's political agendas. He initiates his most promising children into one or both of his blights, making sure to Dominate them until they have proven worthy of independence.

    Name: Khenera
    Race: Jin'Norai / Human
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: Exodus (1)
    Skills: Exodus Expert (100/250)

    Skill Points: 100 - 100 (exodus) = 0

    Info: Khenera is Astra's half sister, albeit a few hundred years older. She was one of the better of their father's offspring, but she fell out of favor and hasn't been deemed deserving of a blight. She has been relegated to working as a servant to the family. She is very well travelled, having been to multiple different countries. She is currently Dominated by Astra and serves as her means of transportation and as a servant of sorts.

  • Enemies Here

  • Deceased Here

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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.