Once a mountain, then a mine, then fortress, then dungeon, and now home. The mountain has given much, but for some, it has taken more.
-15000 Discovery, the first ore vein and gems were found in shallow caves
-14950 Aeldari begin mining using human slaves
-10000 Major battle, control of the territory is taken from the Aeldari and is held by rakshasa warlords.
-8000 major slave revolt. Bahnshei becomes an independent fortress.
-5000 Aledari recapture Bahn'Shei and enslave it's inhabitants, now made of both Mænnish, Vokhai and Cambions, the Aeldori had to use extreme measures to maintain control at this point. For generations the denizens of bahn'shei did not see the sun and became paler, the residents of bahnshei began to become distinctly different from their surface dwelling counterparts and in part the mutations caused by some "thing" deep beneath the mountain.
-0 the reckoning, with the fall of nihilos, bahn'shei rumbled, and it's many prisoners were freed, leading to a bloody revolution within the mountain, what we know as the raiders of Bahn'shei's society begins here. A great thrumbing pulse can be heard in the deepest chambers of the mountain fortress. Strange fungal colonies begin taking root in the mountain.