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Lord of the Forest
Approved Character
Character Sheet

Summer 85, year 124 of the third age

Word of a young Æld'Norai's precocious progress with Draoidh was always something that spread quickly throughout the basin's Ælven population. And given the uplifting, collectivist nature of Æld'Norai society, any young one with such talents was given all of the resources and training necessary to help them continue to excel– after all, strong individuals served only to strengthen Ælheim as a whole.

It was a few hours after sunset when a matronly, austere woman approached the door of Engill's home in Ælheim's capital, Ælfiríki. She was tall, wearing a robe that seemed to be composed of bark– yet somehow, it was softened and flowed like fabric. Engill might've seen her before, or at least heard of her. Named Eirun fyn'Blomgren Brida, the woman was an old, renowned Fiadhaich, Ascendant of Draoidh.

She would knock briefly, and then wait for a response.

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Dressed in white, Engill descended from the top floor of her two room home by following a series of rudimentary steps that circled round and round. She opened the door in earnest, thinking that it might be a friend.

She was surprised to see that it was Fiadhaich. She was someone Engill had heard of before, even seen, but had never interacted with. She was supposed to be a very powerful druid, which was quite the compliment in a society where everyone was one.

Engill asked, "is everything okay?" as she could not for the life of her determine why the elf would be at her doorstep. She motioned inside, inviting in her visitor if she wanted to enter. Her house was as simple as it got. She had only recently turned one hundred so living on her own was still a bit of an odd concept, not that other elves were ever far away.

Summer 85, year 124 of the third age

Though Eirun did not to meet with those who were still living in the youth homes, she often did keep herself abreast of the progress of those noted for possessing exceptional, innate talents with Draoidh. As such, she'd known of Engill for quite some time, but had waited for the budding Ælf to bloom into the early stages of her adulthood to interfere.

The girl who opened the door before her still looked much like a child to Eirun– but still, she did have a choice few acquaintances whose youthful appearances belied ages that scaled multiple millennia. With immortals, age was a hard thing to parse at a glance.

And when the girl asked if everything was okay, her cool, placid features warmed slightly. "Of course– I didn't come to worry you," she'd respond as she walked through the threshold, eyes flitting 'round the simple space.

"Word of the precocious simply travels fast– and I heard that you're living on your own now," she said with a soft smile.

"If you haven't already found purpose, I'd be interested in helping you push the limits of Draoidh as I have; here is no higher calling in Ælheim than that of the Fiadhaich," her offer given in a voice woven with threads of encouragement.

It wasn't considered odd for older Æld'Norai to offer themselves as mentors to the youth, particularly to those who showed great promise. They lived by a general ethos of communal prosperity– each person's excellence added to the nation as a whole.

꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Eirun fyn'Blomgren Brida } ༉༻•══════════꧂​

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"Thank you," Engill said.

"That's really kind of you to offer. I've always felt there's so much more to discover in Draoidh. I know I am good with plants but I did not know I was good enough to be noticed by someone of your status."

Fiadhaich had always been a path she admired from afar since they were the pinnacle of their craft. Being invited to pursue that path was beyond what she had ever dared hope for.

"To become a Fiadhaich…" she savored the words. It would be an honor to become that powerful and to be able to defend the elves.

Engill smiled and met the woman's gaze with determination in her eyes. She had not yet found purpose. This was the opportunity she'd been waiting for; the chance to become extraordinary.

She paused to think things over. She could not think of anything better than the option presented to her.

"I'm eager to begin," she said. "Whatever it takes, I'm ready to commit. The Fiadhaich are the guardians of our people, the ones who ensure our strength endures. To be part of that, to contribute to our collective power is a calling I can't ignore."

Summer 85, year 124 of the third age

This is pasted from the main codex, but I'm putting it here just so it's clear how Ældrahlíð & the smaller Grove that Engill is a part of coexist:

"The basin is a special case, with 120,000 mi² of it belonging to the Dommær and known as Ældrahlíð; it includes almost all of Ælfiríki and the immediate territory around Ældrassil, though He Himself may never belong to the Grove of another. Only those of the Odoln'i caste may apply to join the Dommær's Grove.

The remaining 47,000 mi² belongs to a communal Æld'Norai Grove, where all of the youth and any who do not wish to leave the basin may align themselves; this smaller Grove includes a sub-section of eastern Koren district and beyond into the forests; it is surrounded and protected by Ældrahlíð."
Eirun was a woman who didn't emote much, though a soft smile drew itself 'cross her lips at Engill's enthusiasm. One could see it in her eyes, too– a glimmer of genuine joy. Though she often came across as cold or matronly, nothing made her happier than elevating the druidic powers of her own kin.

"Full glad am I to hear it," she responded. "If you aren't busy now, we can make way to my sanctuary within Ældrahlíð." Eirun had tried to aim for a time where the young woman wasn't busy, but one could never be entirely sure.

Engill would know that all of Ælheim's Fiadhaich were afforded the right to join Ældrahlíð (though this is not the only way to earn this right), the oldest communal Grove in Ælheim. Ældrahlíð is personally presided over by the Dommær, the head of the Ældar'i, and those who are a part of it are afforded some degree of private space within which to construct whatever sort of sanctuary they wished.

"If you're ready now, we'll travel by Apparation– you needn't have mastered the skill yourself, as I can simply take you with me," she'd say. "Unless, of course, you'd prefer another method."

꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Eirun fyn'Blomgren Brida } ༉༻•══════════꧂​

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Engill frowned, and her silvery white hair moved with her head shake. "I have no issue with using Apparition to get around," she said, a small, pleased smile on her lips. "It is fast and we shall be there in the shortest time possible There is no other better way of going about it."

She was very excited for the journey that lay ahead of her and the prospect of visiting Eirun's sanctuary in Ældrahlíð. Engill understood the importance of such an invitation; to be invited to Ældrahlíð was a privilege that few people could receive.

"I'm ready whenever you are," Engill said calmly. "Lead the way."

She would ask "what does it take to become a Fiadhaich? Is there a tried and true process?" She was young and still did not know all the particulars. She never thought she worked hard at being a druid it had just happened.

Summer 85, year 124 of the third age

"Glad to hear it– you might also consider learning to Apparate yourself, in time," Eirun replied, her high opinion of Apparation being apparent in her tone.

When Engill indicated that she was ready, the elder Draoidh would approach her and then place a hand on her shoulder. In the next few moments, both of their frequencies would begin to rise until they were each little more than a combined cloud of Saol, nigh invisible to the naked eye. For Engill, this would surely be a unique experience, though how pleasant she might consider it would ultimately be subjective.

Being no Apparator herself, she lacked the spiritual control required to move or act at all in this form. She had no legs to kick, no arms to tread through the air as if it were water, not even a mouth to bring voice to her concerns– if any existed, that is. She would also not be able to wield her own Arcana like this, foreign as the experience was to her.

But still, it wasn't all bad. She had none of the physiological aspects one might associate with panic– no racing heart, no shaky breaths, no nausea, no tightening chest nor pit in the stomach. Lacking the parts which facilitated these things, the experience of being incorporeal was oft considered pleasant; some regarded it as an escape from bodily woes.

Her senses, too, would be vastly shifted compared to that which she had grown accustomed to. Vision was no longer limited to the perspective her eyes provided, her view now expanded to see in full from every part of the cloud of Saol she now inhabited– this vastly increased perspective might be dizzying, but at least such a symptom would be easier to bear without a body to mire in vertigo. She could hear, too, everything around her while taste and smell were combined into one strange sense. The only sense she truly lacked was touch.

The two of them together, pulled by Eirun's will, would flow swiftly into the forests beyond Ælfiríki. Buildings, trees, and wildlife would flit past them in a kaleidoscopic rush. Unused to this form of travel, Engill would find it somewhat difficult to gauge exactly how fast or how far they were going. Eventually, however, they would end appear in the middle of a verdant clearing.

Beneath the boughs of gargantuan trees lay a small swathe of land 'round which a river flowed. The grass grew in whorls with flagstone paths spiraling in turn on this little island; the middle of which appeared to be a ritual site of some sort, marked by a large stone, roughly five feet tall. Lush as the basin was, this area was dotted with numerous flowering plants trending towards purples and blues in color. Softly glowing wisteria trees, a known favorite of Ældrassil's, grew along the riverbanks. And though it was night, light still crept in from all around– the glow of Wisps and the natural bioluminescence of most of Ælheim's flora kept the Grove alight.

The two Draoidh would come to halt in the center of this island, with Engill materializing as solid first. If she had thought the process of shifting from flesh to incorporeal to be strange, the reverse would be stranger– gaining back all of her faculties at once would certainly be disorienting for those unused to it. Eirun would manifest herself a few feet away some seconds later.

" answer your other question, there are several methods we've observed over the years. The most efficient way is for you to grow yourself a cocoon out of your bound flora, and then I will return each day for the next seven to suffuse your cocoon with Saol," she began.

"One is incredibly vulnerable in that state– both to the world's dangers and to wilting; this process is normally a massive drain to both the body and soul. However, you will be safe here, protected by your kin. The soil of this island has been blessed with Ældrassil's own Saol, safeguarding you from withering. When you emerge, you'll be able to wield the vast amounts of Saol required to weave spells as a Fiadhaich does. That being the case, you will still need to be taught how to do so without hurting yourself or others." As she spoke, she began to walk over to the runecarved stone that stood just ajar from the center of the island.

"Whenever you are ready, you may begin to weave your cocoon– do so in the island's center," she concluded.

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Engill listened to every word that Eirun said although her mind was still processing what had happened to them. It was like an apparation and she had never felt this way before. Despite the fact that she was a powerful witch with great abilities she never thought of what it would be like to be just a cloud of Saol, to be weightless and without bones and muscles. This had been disturbing, almost eerie, to become as insubstantial as air, to be helpless, to be powerless, to have no command over her limbs or her powers. Nevertheless, it was somehow liberating, a kind of release from the prison of the body.

But now, when her feet touched the ground of the island, the feeling of dizziness left her head and she felt dizzy. The surroundings returned to her sight and she realized that it was a different world as if she had waken up in a new world. The grove in which they had arrived was beautiful, the sacred place of Ældrassil's might, the place of eternal strength. The trees which were shining with wisteria, the flower and the sound of the river which was passing through the island was describing the connection with the nature. It was a place of calmness and power and for a brief moment Engill just stopped to appreciate the scenery.

Eirun's words however brought her back to her senses and she quickly stood up to resume the job. The elder Draoidh was already walking towards the runecarved stone and her voice was very calm when she explained the next actions to be taken.

Engill listened carefully and she went through the procedure of the ritual in her mind. She tied plants and made a cocoon in which she would be placed to be filled with Saol for seven days. It was a process that required much effort and at the same time much strength. This was not something that came easy to Engill, the notion of being so exposed, of putting herself into the hands of others during such a vulnerable time. This was something she was used to, she was used to not having anyone she could rely on, she was used to being the final decision maker.

But she understood that it was necessary for her to go through it. If she was to really become the Fiadhaich, to have the power that Eirun described, she would have to go further than she had ever gone before. The idea of emerging from the cocoon with the ability to spin Saol as a Fiadhaich was rather tempting and almost seductive. It was a power that few could even dare to think about and Engill had always been one who wanted to be the best, to outdo all others in her use of Draoidh.

Taking a deep breath in, Engill stepped forward and as she did so she closed her eyes and began to spin her cocoon in the middle of the island. She could feel the pulse of the location, the rhythm of the ground that she stood on, the rhythm of the spirit and Saol that was around her.

"I am ready," she replied with a composed voice but there was a hint of anticipation in her voice. Engill raised her hands and called out the flora which was under her control. From the ground, metallic wooden tendrils came out and began to wrap themselves around her in a certain pattern and the beginning of her cocoon was made. The wood was strong and the outer part of the wood had a more metallic tinge to it and it was faintly luminescent when she spoke.

When the cocoon began to form, Engill focused on the movement of Saol within her and guided it towards the construction of the structure from the wood and the magic. She could feel the tension, the connection between her and the island growing stronger with each passing second. The cocoon was not only a physical barrier, but it was her power, the nest she would be protected in during this process.

When the cocoon was built, Engill went inside it and felt the press of the Saol-infused wood on her. She closed her eyes.

Summer 85, year 124 of the third age

Eirun nodded, an encouraging smile painted 'cross her lips when the younger Draoidh indicated she was ready. The Fiadhaich was a bit surprised to see that Engill composed her cocoon with only one plant– a coruscant, metallic wood she recognized quickly as ætumetal. For others that she had helped through this process, she'd seen them create an elegant structure out of a handful of different flora, sometimes even making use of all twelve they were bound to.

She, however, wasn't surprised to see that the overall construction of it was somewhat clumsy; Engill was one of the youngest she'd worked with, so it wasn't a shock for the girl to lack skill in sculpting. Though the elder Draoidh considered sculpting to be a fairly integral skill, there were many who neglected it for extended periods of time. For this, at least, making a work of art out of the cocoon was not at all necessary. As long as it was enclosed around her, it would do.

Once encased in her glimmering cocoon, Engill would drift off to sleep, arriving in Arcadia to a dream of emerald. Though her dreamscape was a verdant, arboreal sanctuary not unlike Ælheim, the familiar, biofluorescent terrain was unmistakably new to her. If she tried to traverse this foreign territory, she'd find that the winding paths made little sense, even defying the laws of physics at points, with paths looping or leading to nonsensical arrangements of flora. Gloriously gargantuan trees snaked 'round one another, towering over her. Flowers of all colors bloomed in kaleidoscopic arrangements, and as she'd move, she'd come to find bubbling brooks that grew wider into rushing rivers and crashing waterfalls.

It was exquisite, unlike anything she'd ever seen before; divinely beautiful in an almost unreal fashion. And eventually, she'd come across a slumbering, ancient dragon. A beast of lore, his scales were black but reflective; when struck by light, they'd shimmer pearlescent. Upon his spine, head, chin, and tail were mossy tufts of fur, and all over his body grew innumerable biofluorescent plants. His head, sleek and serpentine, would stir– Engill would only be able to gaze upon this glorious visage for a split second, her dream ending the moment she saw the gleam of his gem-like eyes, irises a royal purple woven with jade.

During Engill's rest, Eirun was a meticulous caretaker. Each day, she'd return to the ætumetal cocoon and infuse it with the necessary Saol. Within her Grove, the young Æld'Norai's growth proceeded unimpeded, sequestered from the world as they were.

As twilight set in on the seventh day, Engill would awaken abruptly within that wooden womb. Should she wish to emerge, she need only bid the ætumetal part for her. And when she did, she'd have to look around slightly to spot Eirun. The older woman was lost in meditation, resting in a chair on ground elevated by an escarpment a short ways away in a space akin to a courtyard.

꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Eirun fyn'Blomgren Brida } ༉༻•══════════꧂​

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Engill squirmed in the cocoon and slowly the sensations returned to her as the last remnants of the dream slipped away. The greenness of the Arcadian landscape, the impossibility of their beauty, the ancient dragon flooded her consciousness. The glimpse of the black scales that shimmered like obsidian and the eyes that were like gems, made her feel wonder and something more. Power. She knew it, looming and powerful, like a river that is far away. It had been a dream, but not the dream that you have when you are asleep at night. It was a dream, a hope of a future that was yet to be in the future.

When she woke up, there was a feeling in Engill that the realism was slowly beginning to take hold of her. The protective ætumetal cocoon that was once a shield was now choking her like it was telling her to open the door and start anew. She inhaled deeply and then exhale the cold air before she said to the metallic wood, 'Open'.

The ætumetal shifted and moaned, swiveling towards her orders and pulling back to show the Grove within its protest. For a moment, Engill just stood there, her senses still trying to come to terms with the new position that she had been given. It was a part of her and she could feel it as if the pulse of the Earth was throbbing in her. The Saol that she had ingested in the last seven days had become her and had in fact made her more connected to the plants and the living in general.

She opened the door and stepped out; with bare feet on the soft grass and the wind playing with her fingertips. It was as if the world was more defined, clearer. The lights of the wisteria trees seemed to be even brighter, the sound of Saol echoing in the trees louder. She attempted to bend her fingers and she was surprised to find the energy that was within her body.

Her eyes wandered around the grove and when she was able to locate Eirun sitting on a raised platform, she saw that he was lost in deep contemplation. The elder Draoidh had been her mentor in this process and even though they had only just met, from her point of view, Engill couldn't help but admire her. The elder was familiar with the Fiadhaich, she understood Saol, it was all so clear to Engill now in a way he had never thought about it before.

For a moment, Engill felt as if she was going to open her mouth and say something but she never did. The dragon was still haunting her in her sleep and there was a new strength in her which she had not wanted to reveal even to Eirun. She knew the elder would pick it soon enough but for now, Engill loved the silence.

It took what felt like hours before Engill decided to break the silence. "Eirun," she said softly, her voice was even though there was a new emotion in her voice. "It is done. "

Summer 85, year 124 of the third age

Eirun possessed some awareness that Engill had stirred the moment she'd begun to manipulate the ætumetal; in the confines of her Grove, she could feel any changes to the plants growing within– whether they were her creations or not. Still, she waited; it was better, in her eyes, for the newly minted Ascendants to wake themselves up and gather their thoughts before she approached them, as many of them awoke fairly disoriented.

It took some time, as was expected, but Engill did eventually call out to her. Rising to her feet, Eirun stood to approach a nearby tree root before rapidly dissolving into it. Seconds later, she'd reappear, body being regrown through an amalgamation of vines, leaves and flowers all blooming from a large root on the edge of the island.

Approaching Engill with a warm smile, " do you feel, young one?"

Eirunn could Divine the potency of Metaphor within Engill; the ritual had succeeded, her Saol now burning with the brilliance of a Fiadhaich. Reaching into a pocket of her robes, the elder Draoidh withdrew a small, blackened seed.

Offering it to Engill with an outstretched hand, "this seed has been corrupted by a powerful arcane blight; try to Reinvigorate it. Only a Fiadhaich's potency may restore it; doing so will serve as your final rite of passage."

꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Eirun fyn'Blomgren Brida } ༉༻•══════════꧂​

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Engill yawned slowly, her body still heavy from the ritual but she tried to cover it up. The energy that she felt was new she had never known it before. It pulsed within her, raw with energy she had not yet learned how to wield.

"I feel… different," she replied in a very low tone. "It is like something has shifted but I have not quite figured out what yet. "

She moved slightly and tried to stand up straight though the exhaustion was still evident in her. Her eyes moved towards Eirun who approached her carrying a small seed which was charred black in color. Engill knit her eyebrows slightly and looked at the seed; she could even feel the taint that was on it.

The words that Eirun spoke echoed in her head. Engill hesitated for some time and then she took the seed with her right hand doing it very carefully. It felt delicate, almost delicate to the touch in her hand. She stared at it for a moment not knowing what to do. She continued to think but did not let her face express that and attempted to push the feeling of doubt that was creeping in.

"Alright... " Engill said more to herself than to Eirun.

She closed her eyes and felt the power within her. She could feel the Saol, the warm golden light, throbbing and waiting to be called. Slowly, she tried to make it rise up and shift it towards the direction of the seed in her hand. It took her more concentration than she expected it would and for a second, she was almost losing the effort. But she gritted her teeth and increase the amount of energy she was pouring into the corrupted seed.

Engill did not know what to do but she remained still, waiting for the Saol to do its job.

Summer 85, year 124 of the third age

Eirun remembered how it felt to awaken anew when she'd first become Fiadhaich; it was a strange feeling to rouse from Arcadia like that– very much the same person as before, only now brimming with a previously unimaginable volume of Saol.

A subtle, kind smile drew itself 'cross her features, "'ll get used to it."

When the seed was passed from hand to hand, Eirun looked on patiently. It could take several minutes for newly awakened Fiadhaich to properly grasp and channel the correct volume of Saol, a fresh Ascendant's soul tended to default to their previous limit. It would be like releasing a proverbial valve or breaking a dam; doing so clumsily could quickly overwhelm them, but not doing so at all would cause their spells to fail entirely.

Still, the tiny, corrupted seed in the girl's hand would glow a bright, vibrant chartreuse– the blackness rapidly peeling away like a dead shell, giving way to a small, green sapling in the girl's palm. It sparked slightly, the electricity causing the young Fiadhaich's hand to tingle when it hit her skin.

Engill would feel tired and symptomatic of one lacking in Saol in the aftermath; that single cast would've drained her Reserves. The feeling would be bittersweet. It would be something of a relief given the somewhat overwhelming experience her newfound Saol Reserves would've provided, but the sensation of being Metaphorically drained was never considered a pleasant one.

"Excellent job," Eirun encouraged. "That sapling is a whispering yew– and it's yours, now. If you'd like, you may bind with it– elsewise, I'd ask you to find a good place to plant it now that you've given it a new chance to flourish." As with any Florabind, binding to the plant would absorb this specimen into Engill's body, knitting the tree's Saol into the tapestry of the girl's Draoidh.

"You might consider resting here for a bit to let yourself adapt; I am happy to host you, though you are free to leave whenever you wish," she continued. "And if you ever seek guidance, I am happy to provide that as well. My only current unsolicited advice is thus: consider practicing with your Plantmeld 'til you figure out Apparation; it is…endlessly convenient."

꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Eirun fyn'Blomgren Brida } ༉༻•══════════꧂​

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Engill looked down at the sapling in her hand, and the last of her strength slipped from her and fell on the ground. That which tingled up her arm as it changed, the corruption shedding like ash. The green of the whispering yew was so vivid that it was burning her eyes against the very last shades of blackness in her soul. It was fragile and easily crushed but she could feel the Saol, the life force just below the surface, connected to her in some way she could not deny.

Her hand trembled and she clutched the sapling firmly, and her face contorted into a mild scowl. It had been such an overwhelming rush of power that she had just felt that it was almost overwhelming. Now, with her reserves drained, all that was left was a hollow, gnawing feeling. She was angry, there was a petty in her that she didn't understand. She felt that she has been deprived of something and she was feeling so vulnerable.

"I'll bind with it," Engill grumbled not to herself but to Eirun. The words sounded cold and her voice was much shriller than she intended it to be.

She could sense the Saol of the sapling, it was reaching out to her, trying to become one with her Saol. She closed her eyes, and focused on the link. It was a painful process, like putting a needle through a piece of cloth and passing it through her heart. When she tied herself with that yew tree that murmurs, she becomes that tree and that tree becomes her. The tree's essence surrounded her and merged with her essence in some way. She could feel it swelling, swelling down, down into her, into the hollow carcass of the spent Saol.

A sense of control was restored although it was coupled with the realization that she still had assertiveness. She had power now, more than before, and yet it was not sweet to her. It was still somewhat disappointing, as if she still had not tapped herself to the full extent of her new abilities. She clench her teeth and tried not to shout at the plant in her hand.

An anger appeared to have settled in her. Meaningless thoughts of revenge went through her mind, thoughts about people she barely knew. A small part of her wanted to take her new found strength to the extreme and break something just for the heck of it. It was not reasonable, but rage began to appear, boiling beneath her flesh as a bruise that has not been healed yet.

She took a deep breath to help her to relax. The sapling inside her pulsed and she could feel it as a constant reminder of what she had received. It did help, but not much. The vengeful thoughts did not disappear, instead they receded to the background and would return every time energy was gained.

"I'll rest for a while," Engill said at last, her tone still grumpy. She didn't even have the courtesy to say thank you to Eirun for the assistance that she had given her.

Shaking her head, Engill stepped back, her actions lethargic as if she had no strength left in her. She searched for a tree close to her and leaned on the tree and then sat down on the ground with her back on the tree trunk.

Word summary: 2569

Summer 85, year 124 of the third age

Eirun was all too familiar with what it felt like to be low on Saol, though by now the sensation was relatively rare given her nigh legendary wealth of it. But because of her past experiences, she was quick to recognize the signs and symptoms of it through Engill's tone and overall demeanor. At first, she opted not to do anything about it, as she was curious to see how much emotional control the young Ælf had. Some Æld'Norai, especially the youth, were prone to being overpowered by their emotions, but Engill managed to steel herself enough to maintain a thin veil of politeness. This further proved to Eirun that helping Engill through this process was the right choice; power was always handled better by those with a strong grasp of their emotions. And given how young Engill was, she'd only improve in this respect as the years flit by.

As Engill began to bind with the sparking sapling, Eirun continued to observe her in silence. Even though the old Ælf had witnessed this process thousands of times by now, she always found the sight of another Draoidh committing the rite of Florabinding to be incredibly beautiful. The sentiment applied even in a mundane sense, but her Lifesight further allowed her to watch the girl's Saol fluctuate as the sapling's merged into her. The sapling's roots would dig into the girl's skin, little coruscant sparks becoming more numerous during the process, then seamlessly meld into her flesh.

The expression painted on the older Fiadhaich's face was one of pride. She had prepared herself for any outcome, even the devastating tragedy that was an Æld'Norai's death– particularly a young one's. Not only had that not happened, but Engill was able to harness her Saol easier than most on top of being able to demonstrate restraint and handle her moodiness and still be reasonably respectful.

After Engill began to walk away without saying anything more, Eirun decided that the lustre of this moment ought to be shared between the both of them. If she did nothing, it would be slightly tarnished for the young Ascendant by the girl's sapped mood– something that she, ultimately, had no control over. Engill deserved to bask in her achievement. Once the young Fiadhaich had sat beneath the boughs of a tree, a small vine would grow from the earth beneath her feet, snaking 'round her ankle. This was a Tendril of Eirun's threaded through a root, and from it, she'd used her Syphon to Impart Engill with a Journeyman cast's worth of Saol. Doing so would abate any of the agitation she felt from being drained of it, thus enabling her to collect her thoughts and rest far easier.

Even with that, though, Eirun thought she ought not to disturb the young one's rest– she would leave Engill to her own devices, though she would be happy to help with anything should the other approach her to ask. The older Ælf returned to the small well of water up on the ledge overlooking the little island, taking a seat in front of it and then appearing to meditate as the water gained a subtle, pearlescent glow.

꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Eirun fyn'Blomgren Brida } ༉༻•══════════꧂​

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꧁══════════•༺༉ { Reviewed/Canonized } ༉༻•══════════꧂​



+26 XP (2569 wc)
+Ascended to Fiadhaich!
+Florabind to whispering yew


+30 XP (3k+ wc)


The effort you're putting in to both your characterization of Engill as well as furthering your understanding of the setting made this a joy to write for you. I look forward to writing more with you, whether in moderated threads or otherwise!

As a general note, reviews on Antarok by default aren't for the purpose of critiquing one's writing quality, so if you would like advice of this nature feel free to request it (or not!).

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