
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

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OOC Businesses


Lord of the Forest
Approved Character
Character Sheet
The PC-run businesses that Ælheim plays host to are to be listed below.
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Here is a template for use if one wishes to submit a business to the submissions forum.

Owned By:
Enterprise Tier:




[style=margin: 20px auto 20px auto; max-width: 700px; padding: 5px 30px 10px 30px; border-top: double 6px #cda0f2; border-right: double 6px #c29a4a; border-bottom: double 6px #c2784a; border-left: double 6px #674a96; border-radius: 3px][style2=margin: auto; max-width: 600px; padding: 35px 0px 30px 0px; color: #eee3ff; text-align: left; font-family: "Cutive Mono"; font-size: 108%] [CENTER][SIZE=5][B]BUSINESS NAME[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=5][B]Owned By:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]PC NAME[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Enterprise Tier:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Purpose:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Location:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Description:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Goods/Services:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [LIST] [*][SIZE=4][B]TEXT[/B]: TEXT [/SIZE] [*][SIZE=4][B]TEXT[/B]: TEXT [/SIZE] [/LIST][/style2][/style]
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S j ä l a s a l r

Owned By:
Velho fyn'Seiðr Hespæros
Enterprise Tier:
Ælheimar obsequies & house of healing
Thokkmyrr, Hespæria, Ælheim

Själasalr, or "hall of souls," is a business founded by one of Ælheim's few Ferriers, Velho fyn'Seiðr Hespæros. The profession is named so because their function in society is not dissimilar to a ferryman, though in this case for souls. In terms of the grand tapestry that is Ælheim's history, Ferriment is a relatively recent tradition and Själasalr an even newer establishment. The primary purpose of Själasalr is to honor the dead, help families grieve, and ferry stubborn souls to slumber should they need it.

Some additional services exist if one knows what to ask for.

Själasalr offers a variety of services ranging from full Æld'Norai or Fælnir funerals to the shooing away of mischievous Wisps and/or the banishing of Ghosts.
  • Skogsavsked: Whether the death was planned or not, there is one unifying factor in Æld'Norai funerals. Since all of their number are Æcturnis, the body is returned to the earth in a 'casket' composed of their bound Flora. The exact shape of the 'casket' in question depends on the deceased's will or their family's request and is usually provided by the family or friends, but if not, Velho himself will craft it.

    Beyond that, because death is rare for the immortal Æld'Norai, the procession and events vary per individual as the intent behind this service is to celebrate the story of each person's unique life experience. Consequently, it is as humble or lavish as makes sense for the deceased in question.

  • Fælnir Funeral: For the Fælnir, the body is burned in a ceremonial funeral pyre. It is elaborately and ornately crafted, sometimes with multiple bodies adorning it. Usually, the deceased are burned with 'funeral goods' or offerings given in honor of the dead.

    The procession is usually fairly simple, with a gathering of family and friends coming together to celebrate the life of the deceased, offer kind words, feast, and so on.If a body cannot be recovered, the first part is skipped and the procession is the only service offered.

  • Wisp 'Removal': Sometimes, Wisps become attached to places, things and even people that they should not be. Velho can dispel these 'attachments' and the Wisp in question will retreat to Ældrassil for a time before venturing back out into Ælheim's forests.

  • Ghost Banishment: For Ghosts of anything other than Æld'Norai, Velho offers a service to help those that linger pass on.

  • Avowal: Clients may bring items of sentiment for Velho to 'read' the memories of.

  • Investigatory Services: If somebody died in mysterious or unknown circumstances, Velho is capable of detecting the final moments of the departed should an item– most usefully the instrument of their death– be recovered and brought to him.

  • Malediction & Draoidh Services: Should it be desired, Velho can also perform a variety of services that he advertises are facilitated through either Malediction or Draoidh. He also incorporates Devorare, giving him an edge above others offering similar things.
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Arcane Anvil
Owned By:
Caelum (Officially), Run by Abraia
Enterprise Tier:
To provide the most wonderfully crafted armors and weaponries
The main location is in Græntún, sometimes Veiðrbrand

The Arcane Anvil was once Abraia's home but as her ambitions grew she turned it into a business. It looks very unassuming on the outside for this reason but many know it for what it is. It's a place where wonderous items are smithed and ensorcelled.

More often than not, the business will not be fully staffed as Abraia is often away. If someone wants her services, they usually talk to the attendant who is staffed there in the daytime. If the job looks interesting and a sufficient deposit is put down, Abraia will meet with the customer and craft the item.

As soon as one opens the door, they step into a waiting room. Customers are not allowed past this point as this is not a high volume enterprise.

Abraia is only interested in crafting Artifacts, Weapons and Armor. This is well known but she can be persuaded with a particularly interesting project.
  • Artifacts: Artifacts can be made to order here. The purchaser is assumed to be providing the alkahest or enough money for it to be bought up front.

  • Weapons/Armor: Any variety of metal gear can be made to order.

  • Crest Magic: All of her works can take advantage of her mastery of Crest magic. Disclaimer: due to how Crest magic works, Abraia is unable to make something that is aesthetically unpleasing to her. Thankfully, her aesthetic tastes are fairly standard.


Cat Post
Owned By:

Enterprise Tier:

Cat Post is a delivery service offered by the Rakshasa Postmaster as a way to keep his stable of transfigured cats busy. The cats carry messages and small parcels throughout the city of Rømskog, as well as to surrounding towns and villages. For an additional fee, messages may be sent downriver- for those to whom money is no object, packages of nearly any description can be delivered to anyone in the whole of Ælheim.

The enterprise consists of a small office and a warehouse located in Rømskog's mercantile port district.

The Cat Post is unassumingly named in true Rakshasa fashion, and is self-descriptive. Letters and small parcels may be taken to one of the counters inside the office, where it will be collected by the cats inside and can be quickly delivered to any place in Rømskog, with deliveries happening thrice daily. Those who receive the delivery may, of course, choose to write back.

The shop itself is visible mostly as a (fairly compact) building located just one street off the docks, marked with a carved shingle depicting a cat holding an envelope in its mouth. Customers who enter are generally greeted by a small, well-lit office with two desks, each of which is manned by a cat; usually Sphinx and one other. Other cats fill the building- some of these are transformed employees, others are Postmaster's familiars. One of the tigers is usually snoozing near the back of the office, in front of the doorway leading to the warehouse.

Customers are not generally shown inside the warehouse at all, but any who entered would find it a cluttered mess, adapted by the myriad cats to create a convenient series of tunnels and dens.

The Cat Post provides cheap delivery services throughout Rømskog, and increasingly expensive services as the distance increases.
  • Letters: The Cat Post prefers delivering letters above all else, as even cats are capable of carrying a significant satchel of them. These are typically delivered within hours to anywhere in Rømskog, and may be delivered to outlying towns or villages within days or weeks. For messages to far-flung parts of the forest, increased time may be required.

  • Parcels: The Cat Post is capable of delivering larger and heavier parcels, though they charge significantly more to do so. The most valuable and strange delivery requests are fulfilled by Postmaster himself, who may be intrigued enough to cut prices depending on how interesting the requester's story sounds, much to Sphinx's dismay.

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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.