
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

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Approved Caelum


Dragon of Fertility
Approved Character
Character Sheet


Governs Luxium, Seeks Fertility, and Embodies People of Ælheim

100 Years Old
5' 10" Tall
Adult Dragon

Works as "It's Complicated"
Fluent in Common, Draconic, and Ælvish

Caelum is 5' 10" with black hair and brown eyes. His complexion is fair and his ears are not particularly pointed, passing for human. He has an athletic build that's slightly lithe like aelves and is much stronger than he looks, especially with clothes on. He wears a wide variety of clothing but often he's in casual wear or dressed to train. He tries to look attractive to women and is usually visibly carrying a weapon at his side, typically a dagger or some form of sword.

Caelum's personality, as described by aelven elders, would include the phrases 'lazy' and 'wasted potential.' Though he's relatively strong for his age, he's very much a slacker when it comes to work. Not to say that he doesn't enjoy training and working on himself, but he has a distaste for work. Still, he is loyal to the people who he grew up around. He does not have the same view of humans as the aelves do, but otherwise he lives an aelven life with similar views. He views the aelves and humans as his people and is ready to defend them if need be and dedicate himself if there's truly something that he needs to get done.

A hundred years is a long time for most mortals but it passed fairly quickly for Caelum. He was born with two siblings to a mother who's burrow was not too far from Ælheim. His mother was an adult at the time and worked with the aelves to provide water to the surrounding forest in order to help expand it. It was a mutually beneficial relationship for a time but eventually his mother tired of the setting and yearned for a change. She and his siblings took off to find another life to live.

Caelum wasn't abandoned, he chose to stay behind. By the time he was a young adult his inner alchemy had already begun to change him into the form of a humanoid. Unlike his kin, he actually enjoyed the company of the 'lesser' races (as his mother called them). However he looked like an abomination at this time. Stuck between dragon and humanoid, he was not so easy on the eyes. He spent much of his time in this form getting used to walking on two legs and learning to hunt for food. He learned the language of the area and even got introduced to the customs. Most of his friends were aelves on the younger side who didn't mind his looks and a few elders who saw him as a potentially useful ally. He even went as far as to become a druid, truly becoming one with the fauna that he lived around.

As Caelum aged he spread his wings, figuratively, and began interacting with humans as well, learning about how they lived and he gained an appreciation for the beauty of their short lives. Losing friends to old age taught him the value of life and how quickly one's life could be ruined.

Caelum finally assumed a fully humanoid appearance by the end of his early adulthood. He spends his days goofing off, courting women, and living a relatively normal life. He doesn't have a typical job, rather, he makes enough money to survive by overcharging helping out the aelves from time to time; these tasks are suited to his dragon heritage. He's generally treated well by the aelves, especially those who request his help. The general consensus is that it's better to keep him around because one day his outer alchemy might be strong enough to help the fertility rates of the aelves.

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Själ Banamaðr
Själ is Caelum's first dragon-touched child. She was born to human woman who hid Sjal's true father from her. The mother quickly married a soldier, successfully convincing him that Sjal was his. Sjal grew up among humans and trained to someday become a soldier as well. She had a rough early childhood, never quite feeling that she fit in with others. She was much more determined than most and always pushing herself to improve.

Her life got turned upside down when she discovered that she had some strange lumps in her throat. Further investigation revealed that they were her Grist organ. Upon discovering that she was, in fact, part dragon she pressed her mother for information. Her mother finally relented, explaining how her father was a strange dragon that had only just learned how to take a human form.

Caelum was his name, and Sjal ran away from home to find him. She travelled all the way to Paradise where she heard he was creating a harem of sorts. There, she confronted him and earned a place by his side.
FLora pic.png
A human woman, aged 18. She has fair skin, long black hair, a slim build, and curves in all the right places. She is the daughter of a man that Caelum knew before he passed away. Caelum took her in after that as she had no real skills and the two had always gotten along. He decided to help him with his quest to help discover his powers, ultimately finding out more about his inner alchemy. Once they found out he had a sense for fertility, the two of them began cataloguing his findings in hopes that they could make some use out of it.

Aside from their work, Caelum and Flora have a somewhat strange relationship. While she acts much like a subordinate, Caelum treats her much like one might treat a pet. This was hardly intentional at first as he was not used to having someone report to him and he was a dragon at heart. However she never seemed to complain about how she was treated so their relationship remained the same even into her adolescence and adulthood. Out of all the people Caelum knows, Flora knows him best and vice versa.

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Skill NameLevelXP
Aelbunum beast magic-50

Skill NameLevelXP

Skill NameLevelXP
BusinessJourneyman50/250 (50 starting)
EconomicsApprentice25/250 (25 starting)
PersuasionApprentice25/250 (25 starting)
LeadershipJourneyman50/250 (50 starting)

Experience Ledger
Starting Package250250
Transfer from Ransera+10001250
Minor Merit(0): Grist01250
Minor Merit(1): Young Dragon-251225
Minor Merit(2): Draoidh-501175
Major Merit(1): Adult Dragon-250925
A Different Way of Thinking+10695
The Fire That Lit Up The Night+10705
Vines That Bind+10715
AElven Advice+10725
Character Approval+15700
Becoming Accustomed+10710
Sexy Distraction+10740
Ties that bind+15665
My Pet+10675
Pet's Favor+10685
The Bear+10695
Woodland Experimentation+10705
The Hunt+10625
Dev work (Flora and Fathom)+43668
Last Words+10628
Follow-up Visit+10638
Follow-up Visit pt. 2+10648
To Learn the Blade pt. 1+10623
Fire Fox+26599
Pet's Welcome+10609
To Learn the Blade pt. 2+10619
To Learn the Blade pt. 3+10629
Fire Fox II+16645
The one who handles souls+15660
Dragon meets human+15675
Dev work (Flora and Crest)+24699
Don't do it+10709
To Learn the Blade pt. 4+10719
Up to the room+15734
Job Benefits+10744
Scoping Out The Firelands+15759
To Fetch Supplies+28817
Minor Merit (3) (Seeming)-75742
Minor Merit (4) (Enterprise)-100642
To Learn the Blade pt. 5+10652
Angrbodha II+21673
Test Run+30703
To Learn the Blade pt. 6+10713
Angrobodha III+21764
Enterprise Upgrade (National)-75014
Dragons Meet+1630
To make a tome+3060
Angrbodha IV+1373
Dev work (Fauna, Enterprise)+1083
Daily Business+30113
First Daughter of the Dragon+3093
To Learn the Blade pt. 7+20113
To Learn the Blade pt. 8+13126
Inari Outfitter+2128
Dev work (Fauna x3)+13141
Anyone Home?+30171
Morning Duties+30201
To Learn the Blade pt. 9+11212
Sleeping on the Job+30242
Anyone Home II+30272
To Learn the Blade pt. 10+20292
Dev work (Fauna x2)+8330
To Learn the Blade pt. 11+9339
Katana For You+12351
Come Back+20371
Pined Mammoth beast magic-50321
Beast Magic Fun+30351
A Home for a Cat+17368
Good Girl+10378
Private Mentoring+20398
To be a kid+10408
Sjal's Afternoon+10418
Make Way+9437
Bird of a feather+10498
Friendly Times+10518
A Battle+19547
Tossing and Diving+10557
[Dream] The magic rock+10567
[Dream] Boaty+11578
Flight 1+10588
Chipping Away+10598
Sculptor on Da Boat+10608
Day At The Gates+27635
Exodus (Sjal) (Minor Merit (0))+0635
Exodus (Sjal)-250385
[Dream] Guarding+10395
Minor Merit Refund
(Grist is free, Minor merit counter is 3 now)
Training Another+10505
Delightful Invitation part 1+21536
Dragonbound (Sjal, Minor Merit (1))-25521
Dragonbound (Caelum's 50xp cost)-50471
Resistance (Sjal)-25196
Meditation (Sjal)-50146
Minor Merit Refund
(Young Dragon is now free
Caelum's minor merit counter is 2 now)
Fat Birds+10231
I Tokuni+25256
Thick Birds+11267
Guarding II+10297
Burn baby burn+10307
I Tokuni II+20337
[Dream] Shooting+10357
[Dream] Bones and Wood+15372
Fitness (Sjal)-100272
Child's Fury+15287
[Dream] Aelia+20307
[Dream] Shifting Locations+7324
Fire Bolts+11335
The way of the pole pt1+20355
Sizzling Tree+15370
[Dream] Way of the pole (pt. 2)+20390
[Dream] Fire and Water+20410
[Dream] [NSFW] Flora's Desires+20430
Beating ones teacher+7437
Working in graentun+10447
Working in graentun pt. 2+20467
Working in graentun pt. 3+7474
I Tokuni III+15489
[Dream] Light Shaper+18507
[Dream] [NSFW] Flora's Passion+7514
Father Daughter Outing+7521
Physical Training in the Firelands+20541
[NSFW] Administrative Duties+17508
[Dream] Burnt Training Grounds+20528
Lambs to slaughter+18546
[Dream][Smut] Captive Part 1+20566
[Dream][Smut] Captive Part 2+14580
A visitor and a task+9589
Intimidation refund+100689
[Dream][Smut] Captive Part 3+19708
I Tokuni IV+12735
In the Basin They Meet+16751
Exodus Ascension (Major Merit #1 for Sjal)-250501

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Magic & Misc Info

Governed: Luxium
Sought: Fertility
Embodied: People of Ælheim

Plants bounded to:
1) AElheim Sequoia (Assumed bound to upon creation)
2) Ædorian (Bound here)
3) Pheremona (Bound here)
4) Caettle-wreath (Bound here)
5) Aetumetal (Bound here)

Imprinted forms:
1) AElbunum (Imprinted here)
2) Pined Mamoth (Imprinted [url=''here[/url])
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Thread List

[Dream] The magic rock
[Dream] Boaty
[Dream] Guarding
[Dream] Guarding II
[Dream] Aelia
[Dream] Shooting
[Dream] Bones and Wood
[Dream] Shifting Locations
[Dream] Way of the pole (pt. 2)
[Dream] Fire and Water
[Dream] [NSFW] Flora's Desires
[Dream] [NSFW] Flora's Passion
[Dream] Light Shaper
[Dream] Burnt Training Grounds
[Dream][Smut] Captive Part 1
[Dream][Smut] Captive Part 2
[Dream][Smut] Captive Part 3
Ties that bind Fall 17, 114
Fire Bolts Fall 45, 114
Sizzling Tree Fall 46, 124
Becoming Accustomed Spring 15, 113
A Different Way of Thinking Spring 1, 115
AElven Advice Spring 2, 115
Vines That Bind Spring 10, 115
The Fire That Lit Up The Night Summer 1, 115
Fertility Summer 2, 115
Fire Fox Summer 15, 115
Fire Fox II Summer 15, 115
To Learn the Blade pt. 1 Summer 1 116
To Learn the Blade pt. 2 Summer 2 116
To Learn the Blade pt. 3 Summer 3 116
To Learn the Blade pt. 4 Summer 4 116
To Learn the Blade pt. 5 Summer 5 116
To Learn the Blade pt. 6 Summer 6 116
To Learn the Blade pt. 7 Summer 7 116
To Learn the Blade pt. 8 Summer 8 116
To Learn the Blade pt. 9 Summer 9 116
To Learn the Blade pt. 10 Summer 10 116
To Learn the Blade pt. 11 Summer 11 116
The way of the pole pt1 Summer 15-16 116
Beating ones teacher Spring 17 116
Private Mentoring Summer 25, 116
Come Back Summer 18 116
My Pet Summer 1 122
Child's Fury Spring 1, 119
Pet's Favor Summer 2 122
The Bear Summer 3 122
Woodland Experimentation Summer 4 122
The Hunt Summer 10, 122
Punishment Summer 10, 122
Last Words Summer 10, 122
Surprise! Summer 1, 123
Sexy Distraction Summer 5, 123
Follow-Up Visit Summer 10, 123
Follow-Up Visit Pt. 2 Summer 10, 123
Homecoming Summer 15, 123
Pet's Welcome Summer 16, 123
The one who handles souls Summer 20, 123
Inari Outfitter Summer 20, 123
Angrbodha Summer 21, 123
Angrbodha II Summer 21, 123
Angrbodha III Summer 21, 123
Dragon meets Human Summer 40, 123
Up to the room Summer 40, 123
Scoping out the firelands Summer 55, 123
To fetch supplies Summer 65, 123
Job Benefits Summer 75, 123
Don't do it Summer 80, 123
Test Run Summer 85, 123
Sculptor on Da Boat Fall 1, 123
Make Way Fall 1, 123
Sleeping on the job Fall 15, 123
Mothers Fall 30, 123
Anyone Home? Fall 40, 123
Anyone Home II Fall 40, 123
A Home for a Cat Fall 41, 123
To make a tome Fall 50, 123
Daily Business Winter 1, 123
Good Girl Winter 2, 123
First Daughter of the Dragon Winter 1, 123
Morning Duties Winter 2, 123
Day At The Gates Winter 15, 123
Checkup Winter 25, 123
Katana For You Winter 26, 123
To be a kid Winter 40, 123

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About Us

Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.