Coastal Siren
Challenge Rating 5
Woman on top and fish on the bottom, the coastal siren looks much like most varieties of siren. They are approximately the size of a human, their tail aside. This variety's face appears either human or aelven and can appear to be either male or female. They are very beautiful by traditional aesthetic metrics. They are often spotted near or on shores, enticing anyone foolish enough to fall for their allure. They do not know how to talk and are not sapient. They simply mimic sounds they learn by being around men at sea. Unlike varieties that rely on a hypnotic song, coastal siren are quite aggressive and will actively seek out prey instead of being opportunistic hunters.
Note: it is possible to find CR2 versions of this creature. They have no special powers aside from underwater breathing and simply appear similar to the coastal siren.
Cultural Significance:
A sailor is enjoying his first week on the job. It's a late night but he hears something in the distance. He spies what appears to be a woman floating in the water. It's calling out to him, but he can only just barely make out the words she's saying. He leans forwards instinctively, wishing he could hear what she's saying, to catch a better glimpse of her. The next thing he knows, he's pulled by an unseen force into the water, never to be seen again. Similar tales have been told for thousands of years and yet the young and naïve continue to fall for this simple trick.
Most people in AElheim who regularly travel by sea know of these creatures and the dangers involved, though the average citizen wouldn't know the difference between this siren and another variety.
The coasts of AElheim.
Approximately ten feet long with the top part of their body resembling an average human/aelf size.
Biome Role:
Predators. They can survive off of fish but they need male human partners to reproduce.
Life Cycle:
All Siren are female, regardless of how they present. They produce dozens of eggs which are fertilized by placing them near the torn off male genitalia of a human.
Aquaphobic Oils
The body of a siren is coated with aquaphobic oils. Master Alchemists can take these oils and apply waterproof properties to items.
Master Maltricians can implant these lungs into others to take advantage of features noted below.
Spinal Fluid
The spinal fluid contains a special filtration property. When worked into a metal it can remove impurities at such a microscopic scale that it can push metals to their limits. The fluids from one coastal siren is enough to enhance a weapon's cutting capability by +0.5x steel.
Notable Features:
- Filtration
The coastal variety of siren does not have gills, rather they breath much like a mammal does. Their lungs have advanced filtration capabilities, allowing them to breath underwater. They can also filter out particulate matter allowing them to breath in smoke and other such hazardous conditions. The unwanted inhalants are simply breathed back out.
- Powerful Lungs
The lungs of a coastal siren are quite powerful. They are primarily used in conjunction with its beast magic to lure people to their doom, but it has many other uses.
The siren can project their voices over long distances. They can easily be clearly heard hundreds of feet away, even over the sounds of a stormy ocean or a raging battle.
Their lungs can absorb a lot of oxygen quite rapidly, allowing for aerobic activities to be performed for longer periods of time. They can hold their breath for upwards of ten minutes without any experiencing any negative side effects.
Once an hour or so they can let out a screech that can deafen nearby creatures, blow a small gust of wind, or even suck in air hard enough to pull things towards them. These effects have a fifteen foot range, extending outwards from the mouth in a cone. A human would likely be deafened for up to ten minutes or permanently if they are at point blank ranges. Blowing/sucking would be able to push/pull most ordinary men at similar ranges.
Beast Magic:
Siren's VoiceMinor Merit
50 XP - Minor Ability
The siren can, at will, make its voice sound otherworldly and strange. It distorts their voice in such a way that it can only partially be understood. Those that hear their voice will think that the only way to hear what they are saying is to get closer. It doesn't force the victim to do anything, though it may provide an incentive to come closer.
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