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Solo Dark Alliance

This is a thread by one person, graded at 150 words to 1 XP.
༺༉❁ Winter 90 year 125 of the third age ❁༉༻
Deep into the night as Winter waned and Spring dawned, Lucia awoke with a start– she'd fallen asleep at her desk within the office that had been erected for her in the past cold season. A fourth of the business' lobby had been sacrificed for this purpose with the woman having grown the wall, door, and additional decor herself (well, mostly) after joining Velho's Grove. Still, she was neither architect nor sculptor, and some things required assistance from the ferrier to get quite right.

That which had awoken her was a knocking at the door of Själasalr.


Slow and frightful the sound, one wouldn't be amiss to assume the fist from which came its resonance be made of iron. Nevertheless, the reverberation which seemed to almost shake the building itself immediately compelled the woman to right herself and rush to the door without a second thought.

Peeking her head out from behind the weighty wood of the door, Lucia would see a very large, stone-faced figure on the other end. She knew him, though his presence took her by surprise.

"Ah, Boia fyn'Elgur," she'd say with a small, cordial smile and a polite nod. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Fetch the Ferrier, Venatori fyn'Seilæch– the black mass is upon us," the Boia answered, his tone cordial, though lacking in much warmth.

Knowing the urgency implied, she would simply nod and recede back into Själasalr, ascending the stairs to where Velho was working within his specimen laboratory. She relayed to him the Boia's message, and the two of them needed not exchange anything more; both headed back down to meet him together.

Boia fyn'Elgur would chant a keyphrase when met by the pair, thus opening a portal in the funeral home's lobby. And after making sure the door was locked and secured, all three of them would go through it. On the other side, they emerged within a shadowy room, something of a lounge, nestled within the halls of the Labyrinth.

Days Past •════════════════════• Summer 124 ❀​

The Haemora had been working diligently towards their goal– that is, pillaging souls in order to feed their beloved leader and current candidate for Null Ascension. But despite their best efforts, keeping up with the man's appetite had become rather taxing to do on their own. They targeted primarily human settlements on Antarok, as humans were plentiful and easy to pluck from their homes like fruit ripe on the vine. Other, stronger peoples were primarily spirited away from war torn areas if at all. Because while they certainly could if necessary, the Haemora did not care to fight much themselves; all they wanted were bodies, living or dead.

Many of Alíthea's demesnes would offer them assistance in this endeavor, though the degree to which each provided aid varied based upon what they could actually manage to spare, if anything at all. The largest contributor to their cause ended up being the verdant paradise of Ælheim, for they currently suffered no major strife, had a strong Alíthean presence, and possessed a plentiful population considered to be disposable– the Fælnir. Further, with such a grip Alíthea possessed on Ælheim it was quite a simple manner to requisition even uninitiated members of their military into helping collect bodies, for these soldiers were trained to carry out their orders without questioning their superiors.

With the diligence of the Ælves come Summer's end, Father Malachai's growth finally began to proceed apace.

•════════════════════• Fall 124 ❀​

In early September, Velho became acquainted with the Haemora and their grand endeavor, a prospect which excited him greatly. He was more than eager to help, happily funneling them the Fælniri bodies he'd otherwise have to dispose of through his work as a ferrier.

Additionally, Velho, among other ferriers, were tasked with overseeing the contributions of those uninitiated and making sure the transport of these bodies went smoothly.

•════════════════════• Winter 125 ❀​

By now, Velho had become well acquainted with the remaining Haemora as a group, befriending several of them in the process. Unfortunately, socializing with Malachai was really not an option and hadn't been for quite some time. Selfishly, a lot of his excitement concerning the Null's Ascension came from his curiosity to get to know him once the process was complete. For his services, however, he was compensated handsomely by Alithea with Alkahest; he would be given one Globe of Absentite sourced from Helheim, one Globe of Saolite sourced by Ælheim's many farms thereof, and one Crystal, one Shard, and one Sliver of Miasmite from Sundered undead.

He wondered about many things. How conscious was Malachai during this process? Was he aware of the work put in by his Haemora and their allies? Or would much of this have to be explained to him upon his awakening? And then there were the questions concerning converting Caligony into a Tumbledown…
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꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Reviewed/Canon } ༉༻•══════════꧂​


PC Names

+5 XP 750 wc
+1 Globe Absentite
+1 Globe Saolite
+1 Crystal, Shard, Sliver Miasmite


Straightening out the involvement of Ælheim & Velho with the plans of the Haemora.

꧁══════════•༺༉ ❁ ❀ ❁ ༉༻•══════════꧂​
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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.