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Approved [Dominion] Futorisugi Sacred Art Rikishi


Approved Character
Outdated; see the last post of this thread for the final iteration and its requirements.

Rikishi (Futorisugi Clan Sacred Art) Metaphor: Saol

Body manipulation. Gaining temporary endurance and strength at the cost of one's health. During the use of Rikishi various consequences are associated with each of its abilities. The first is the expansion of the cardiovascular system, with an increased heart rate to pump blood to expanded body parts. Bones are turned into a soft structure and then solidified when the limbs/body is expanded. Users of Rikishi must eat abnormal amounts of food to maintain their ability to use the Dominion. The body can only be expanded up to 6x the size, length, or weight of the individual practitioner. The user experiences varying levels of pain, depending on the amount of body manipulation used. The users of Rikishi can harden their flesh, and shape it to form spines, or hard structures.

Skill requirements
Progressed by Fitness,
Endurance 100



  • Active Ability:
    • A Novice user of Rikishi has just begun to understand the concept of expansion. They can partially manipulate their bodies, and expand to 1.5x their height, and weight. The pain felt by doing so will be immense, and the process takes thirty seconds. Every change made by the Rikishi user will be felt; skin stretching to a large capacity, bones and organs expanding to accommodate the additional weight, and body fat being increased to absorb physical attacks.
  • Passive Ability:
    • The Rikishi burns calories at a much higher rate than average. They are required to consume somewhat large amounts of food.
  • Buff Ability:
    • A Rikishi's hair shimmers in a metallic fashion, becoming akin to iron in terms of hardness. The hair can be used as a whip, bludgeon, or to shield parts of the body.



The apprentice Rikishi has a slightly better understanding of the body and its functions. However, the pain levels felt are the same as at novice. They will no longer feel the skin as it stretches and expands. However, they still experience the immense pain of organ expansion and bone-density changes. The process takes approximately fifteen seconds

  • Active Ability:
    • An Apprentice at Dominion may expand their body up to 2x the volume of their body weight. They have learned to increase the size and length of their limbs, hands, and feet. Their bones will first soften into a gelatinous structure and then harden again in their new shape/size.
  • Passive Ability:
    • Rikishi's skin has become far more flexible, and malleable. Their caloric intake must supersede 5,000 per day to sustain their body weight. If used in combat they will quickly burn through their caloric reserves.
  • Buff Ability:
    • The Rikishi's bones have adapted to become far denser, and 3x as strong as human bone. This increases their body weight by approximately 50 pounds. Due to the density of the bone, they can deliver crushing blows to an opponent that will often incapacitate the unarmored.


The Journeyman Rikishi has a far better concept regarding the understanding of anatomy. They know the limitations of their abilities, and how far they can stretch or manipulate their bodies. They understand bone density, and skin elasticity far better than their apprentice counterparts. The process of their body manipulation takes approximately ten seconds; this can be done in or out of combat. Tachycardia is a common side effect associated with becoming a journeyman.

  • Active Ability:
    • A Journeyman of Rikishi may expand their body up to 2.5x the volume of weight. They have gathered a general understanding of the body, and its functions. The pain level of expansion has significantly decreased; they only experience the expansion of organs. They can add three times as much body fat, weight, and muscle density.
  • Passive Ability:
    • The Rikishi burns calories at a further increased rate and must supersede 7,000 calories per day. During battle they are prone to expending all 7,000 calories at once: due to increased strain on the body.
  • Buff Ability:
    • A Journeyman of Rikishis hair has strengthened to the same level of hardness as steel.


The Expert Rikishi has gained a near-adept understanding of the body, and its functions. They understand anatomy and physiology to a higher-level and can more efficiently use their body manipulation techniques. The process takes approximately seven seconds at expert.

  • Active Ability:
    • The Rikishi can now increase their body-weight, body-fat, or mass by 3x in volume. Their limbs, hands and feet can reach 6' in length or width; they will feel no pain associated with less-extreme minor manipulation of the body. They can purposefully harden their bones up to 2x the hardness of steel.
  • Passive Ability:
    • An Expert Rikishi has absolute control over their Hair, and can extend it to cover up to the entirety of their body. It has reached 1.5x the hardness of steel.
  • Buff Ability:
    • Their skin has become so flexible that they can absorb the impact of arrows fired from short bows. This does not apply to any arrow that is imbued with magic.


Master Rikishi uses the entirety of their body as a weapon and shield. They have a complete understanding of anatomy and physiology. They are hardly considered members of their race at this level. Those who manage to become masters are amalgamations of flesh and resolve. High blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes are common among Master Rikishi. Their manipulations take effect in the blink of an eye.

  • Active Ability:
    • A Master at Rikishi may expand their body weight, mass, volume, or body fat by up to 4x. They can harden bones up to 2.5x the strength of steel. They can extend the limbs, hands, or feet to 10 feet in length, or width.
  • Passive Ability:
    • A Master Rikishi burns calories at a supernatural rate and must supersede 12,000 calories/day to sustain their bodies. Failure to do so will result in rapid weight loss of up to 150lbs at a time. They have mastered caloric efficiency and will burn up to 50% of consumed calories in any given battle.
  • Buff Ability:
    • A Master Rikishi possesses nigh-impenetrable flesh; as it is so flexible they are difficult to cut or pierce often physical attacks bounce off of their bodies. Whether it be from arrows(longbow) or blades.


There have only ever been a hand full of Rikishi to ever reach this level. They are referred to by several names: Giants, Monsters, and Impregnable. They have a complete, and total understanding of the body, its functions, and limitations. However, the Ascended Rikishi push themselves to the brink of life and death. They typically have health problems before reaching this level of Asencion.

  • Active Ability:
    • An Ascended Rikishi pushes the limitations of their respective race. Expanding their body mass, volume, weight, and bone density by up to 6x. They can extend the length or width of any part of their body by up to 15'
  • Passive Ability:
    • An Ascended Rikishi has a dense muscle structure and body fat. They may have a large-unfit appearance. However, to the touch, their body fat, and muscle become as hard as stone. They are required to supersede 15,000 calories/day
  • Buff Ability:
    • An Ascended Rikishi is a force to be reckoned with. Their skin is so malleable that it can reflect arrows, and their bone density has become such that they cannot be slashed by steel weapons. However, they are especially vulnerable to blunt-force trauma because of this.
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1. Give names to the Active (if you give them any), Passive, and Buff abilities, and give them their own descriptors of what they do and how they work before the skill tiers.

2. Combine your active ability into the buff ability; specify only body body fat and bone mass, or only body mass. For added bone density, go from stone at Novice, to iron, then steel, then 1.25x steel, then 1.5x steel, then 2x steel.

3. Remove the 'cannot be slashed by steel weapon' bit from the buff ability since material interaction is always going to be based on skill, material, and magic outside of purely defensive abilities. If you want this, make it a separate active ability like hardening yourself momentarily to match and push through an attack or deflect an arrow, so they can headbutt an oncoming boulder if they're prepared for it. This makes for better active play with spell reserves.

4. Burn calories by the use of Rikishi's buff ability AND its passive, rather than vaguely defining it as 'per battle'

5. Add a skin hardening feature for the passive tiers which goes from normal until Journeyman, to leathery at Apprentice, to wood Journeyman, to Stone Expert, to Iron Master.

6. Give durations to the Buff ability tiers.

7. Remove vague fluff from the skill tier abilities like "An Ascended Rikishi is a force to be reckoned with." These descriptors are fine beneath the header of that skill tier, but not the ability.
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Futorisugi Clan Sacred Art: Rikishi

This dominion functions off of Saol.

Passive) Ogre
Rikishi feature expanding jaws, while their nails, teeth, and hair take on the consistency and sheen of metal. They will often grow out their nails into sharp talons, hair down their backs, groomed into spikes or unkempt tangles like a porcupine. The hair can be used as a whip, bludgeon, or to shield parts of the body.

Buff) Body Manipulation: Chisai Tenkaichi
The Rikishi-user may increase the size and length of their body by inflating their fat, organs, and bones. In time they will learn to sculpt these materials. After a period of time has passed, they painfully retract back into their normal position. Each cast of Body Manipulation may be used to affect fat, an organ, or bones; altering more than one would entail casting this ability additional times.

Sculpting is the skill used to alter bones into armor or weapons. Modifying organs and muscle fiber requires Expert Rikishi and Medicine. Modifying glands would entail master in both.

Active 1: Thousand-Pound Rebuke: Sen-pondo no Shisseki
By swiftly compressing fat, bone, and muscle from across the body into one singular section, Rikishi will briefly create a bulging patch of dense material carrying an outward force, rebuking an oncoming strike just before impact before snapping the compressed material back into its original place. They may use this to harden themselves against weapons, arrows, and even most spells. This skill is only activated in reaction to an attack, or to launch an attack. This skill will last for the duration of one attack, or defensive measure. Subsequent attacks will require additional casts; Simultaneous attacks will require Meditation, and an additional cast.

Ogre: The user's nails grow about twice as thick as normal.
Body Manipulation: Unavailable
Thousand-Pound Rebuke: Unavailable

Ogre: The user's nails are about twice as thick as normal and are sharp like an animal's claws.
Body Manipulation: Body parts can be increased in size by 10%. Effects fade over the course of ten seconds but can be ended at any time..
Thousand-Pound Rebuke: The user can harden to be as hard as wood. Effects fade over the course of an attacks duration but can be ended at any time.

Ogre: The user's nails and teeth are about twice as thick as normal and are as sharp as an animal's.
Body Manipulation: Body parts can be increased in size by 25%. Effects fade over the course of thirty seconds but can be ended at any time.
Thousand-Pound Rebuke: The user can harden to be as hard as stone. Effects fade over the course of an attacks duration but can be ended at any time.

Ogre: The user's nails and teeth are about twice as thick as normal and are as sharp as an animal's. Their jaws are capable of opening twice as wide as normal.
Body Manipulation: Body parts can be increased in size by 50%. Effects fade over the course of ten minutes but can be ended at any time.
Thousand-Pound Rebuke: The user can harden to be as hard as steel. Effects fade over the course of an attacks duration but can be ended at any time..

Ogre: The user's nails and teeth are about twice as thick as normal and are as sharp as an animal's. Their jaws are capable of entirely detaching allowing them to swallow anything they so please. The hair that grows on their scalp becomes spiky like a porcupine and can be used as a bludgeon or whip depending on the length.
Body Manipulation: Body parts can be increased in size by 100%. Effects fade over the course of an hour but can be ended at any time.
Thousand-Pound Rebuke: The user can harden to be as hard as 1.5x steel. Effects fade over the course of an attacks duration but can be ended at any time..

Ogre: The user's nails and teeth are about thrice as thick as normal and are as sharp as an animal's. Their jaws are capable of entirely detaching allowing them to swallow anything they so please. The hair that grows on their scalp becomes spiky like a porcupine and can be used as a bludgeon or whip depending on the length. Their hair can now also be used as a shield.
Body Manipulation: Body parts can be increased in size by 200%. Effects fade over the course of a day but can be ended at any time.
Thousand-Pound Rebuke: The user can harden to be as hard as 2x steel. Effects fade over following the end of an attacks duration but can be ended at any time.
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Progressed by Fitness,
Endurance 100

Futorisugi Clan Sacred Art: Rikishi

This dominion functions off of Saol.

Passive) Ogre
Rikishi feature expanding jaws, while their nails, teeth, and hair take on the consistency and sheen of metal. They will often grow out their nails into sharp talons, hair down their backs, groomed into spikes or unkempt tangles like a porcupine. The hair can be used as a whip, bludgeon, or to shield parts of the body.

Buff) Body Manipulation: Chisai Tenkaichi
The Rikishi-user may increase the size and length of their body by inflating their fat, organs, and bones. In time they will learn to sculpt these materials. After a period of time has passed, they painfully retract back into their normal position. Each cast of Body Manipulation may be used to affect fat, an organ, or bones; altering more than one would entail casting this ability additional times.

Sculpting is the skill used to alter bones into armor or weapons. Modifying organs and muscle fiber requires Expert Rikishi and Medicine. Modifying glands would entail master in both.

Active 1: Thousand-Pound Rebuke: Sen-pondo no Shisseki
By swiftly compressing fat, bone, and muscle from across the body into one singular section, Rikishi will briefly create a bulging patch of dense material carrying an outward force, rebuking an oncoming strike just before impact before snapping the compressed material back into its original place. They may use this to harden themselves against weapons, arrows, and even most spells. This skill is only activated in reaction to an attack, or to launch an attack. This skill will last for the duration of one attack, or defensive measure. Subsequent attacks will require additional casts; Simultaneous attacks will require Meditation, and an additional cast.

Ogre: The user's nails grow about twice as thick as normal.
Body Manipulation: Unavailable
Thousand-Pound Rebuke: Unavailable

Ogre: The user's nails are about twice as thick as normal and are sharp like an animal's claws.
Body Manipulation: Body parts can be increased in size by 10%. Effects fade over the course of ten seconds but can be ended at any time..
Thousand-Pound Rebuke: The user can harden to be as hard as wood. Effects fade over the course of an attacks duration but can be ended at any time.

Ogre: The user's nails and teeth are about twice as thick as normal and are as sharp as an animal's.
Body Manipulation: Body parts can be increased in size by 25%. Effects fade over the course of thirty seconds but can be ended at any time.
Thousand-Pound Rebuke: The user can harden to be as hard as stone. Effects fade over the course of an attacks duration but can be ended at any time.

Ogre: The user's nails and teeth are about twice as thick as normal and are as sharp as an animal's. Their jaws are capable of opening twice as wide as normal.
Body Manipulation: Body parts can be increased in size by 50%. Effects fade over the course of ten minutes but can be ended at any time.
Thousand-Pound Rebuke: The user can harden to be as hard as steel. Effects fade over the course of an attacks duration but can be ended at any time..

Ogre: The user's nails and teeth are about twice as thick as normal and are as sharp as an animal's. Their jaws are capable of entirely detaching allowing them to swallow anything they so please. The hair that grows on their scalp becomes spiky like a porcupine and can be used as a bludgeon or whip depending on the length.
Body Manipulation: Body parts can be increased in size by 100%. Effects fade over the course of an hour but can be ended at any time.
Thousand-Pound Rebuke: The user can harden to be as hard as 1.5x steel. Effects fade over the course of an attacks duration but can be ended at any time..

Ogre: The user's nails and teeth are about thrice as thick as normal and are as sharp as an animal's. Their jaws are capable of entirely detaching allowing them to swallow anything they so please. The hair that grows on their scalp becomes spiky like a porcupine and can be used as a bludgeon or whip depending on the length. Their hair can now also be used as a shield.
Body Manipulation: Body parts can be increased in size by 200%. Effects fade over the course of a day but can be ended at any time.
Thousand-Pound Rebuke: The user can harden to be as hard as 2x steel. Effects fade over following the end of an attacks duration but can be ended at any time.
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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.