Disclaimer: I'm not all that committed to this and this should not be anyone's priority to look over. I'm more or less poking at what might be possible with Business Dominion.
Dominion in Business
Metaphor - Anathema
Active Ability: Binding Contract
When Sjal makes an agreement with someone else, she can lace a target with Anathema that sticks with their shadow until the agreement is complete. Those (other than herself) who violate the spirit of the agreement will find that their body is harmed when doing so. The way this manifests depends on the situation, but it's common for the target's shadow to leap from the ground and attack them.
This does not necessarily need to be a 'business' agreement – any agreement will do so long as both parties enter it willingly. The effects are one-time only and the effect is expended once the contract is broken.
Active Ability: Deal Finder
Sjal is good at spotting a good deal, or rather, she uses anathema to help convince people to give her better prices. She uses anathema to scare people working for her at a discount. When she does this, her business skill can be used instead of deepcraft, fieldcraft, etc. when determining discounts for encounters.
Passive Ability: Surplus Labor
Sjal's Duties are successful – so successful with such large profit margins that she has no trouble hiring extra labor. All of her duties have one free formation merit and she may have 1 formation upgrade over the limit.
Buff Ability: Success by Association
PC businesses that Sjal interacts with (not Caelum's, her own, etc) tend to be more successful. She can use a cast of anathema to create shadow helpers that will act as free labor for the business. These only do simple tasks but last a few weeks, allowing astute business owners to generate extra profits. They have no use outside of simple tasks.
Active Ability: Binding Contract
The shadow will do something mischievous like pulling down one's pants in public or messing up their hair.
Active Ability: Deal Finder
No Access
Passive Ability: Surplus Labor
No Access
Buff Ability: Success by Association
No Access
Active Ability: Binding Contract
The shadow will attempt cause a minor injury to the contract breaker. A bruise or cut is common.
Active Ability: Deal Finder
10% discount on encounters
Passive Ability: Surplus Labor
No Access
Buff Ability: Success by Association
No Access
Active Ability: Binding Contract
The shadow will try to break one of the contract breaker's limbs.
Active Ability: Deal Finder
20% discount on encounters
Passive Ability: Surplus Labor
No Access
Buff Ability: Success by Association
+5 SP multiplier to the business she interacts with. Limit once per season per PC.
Active Ability: Binding Contract
The shadow will attempt to kill the contract holder.
Active Ability: Deal Finder
30% discount on encounters
Passive Ability: Surplus Labor
No Access
Buff Ability: Success by Association
+10 SP multiplier to the business she interacts with. Limit once per season per PC.
Active Ability: Binding Contract
The shadow will try to physically prevent the contract holder from breaking the contract. If that doesn't work, the shadow will try to kill them.
Active Ability: Deal Finder
40% discount on encounters
Passive Ability: Surplus Labor
Gains an additional formation merit for Sjal's duties.
Buff Ability: Success by Association
+20 SP multiplier to the business she interacts with. Limit once per season per PC.
Not intending to reach this level
Dominion in Business
Metaphor - Anathema
Active Ability: Binding Contract
When Sjal makes an agreement with someone else, she can lace a target with Anathema that sticks with their shadow until the agreement is complete. Those (other than herself) who violate the spirit of the agreement will find that their body is harmed when doing so. The way this manifests depends on the situation, but it's common for the target's shadow to leap from the ground and attack them.
This does not necessarily need to be a 'business' agreement – any agreement will do so long as both parties enter it willingly. The effects are one-time only and the effect is expended once the contract is broken.
Active Ability: Deal Finder
Sjal is good at spotting a good deal, or rather, she uses anathema to help convince people to give her better prices. She uses anathema to scare people working for her at a discount. When she does this, her business skill can be used instead of deepcraft, fieldcraft, etc. when determining discounts for encounters.
Passive Ability: Surplus Labor
Sjal's Duties are successful – so successful with such large profit margins that she has no trouble hiring extra labor. All of her duties have one free formation merit and she may have 1 formation upgrade over the limit.
Buff Ability: Success by Association
PC businesses that Sjal interacts with (not Caelum's, her own, etc) tend to be more successful. She can use a cast of anathema to create shadow helpers that will act as free labor for the business. These only do simple tasks but last a few weeks, allowing astute business owners to generate extra profits. They have no use outside of simple tasks.
Active Ability: Binding Contract
The shadow will do something mischievous like pulling down one's pants in public or messing up their hair.
Active Ability: Deal Finder
No Access
Passive Ability: Surplus Labor
No Access
Buff Ability: Success by Association
No Access
Active Ability: Binding Contract
The shadow will attempt cause a minor injury to the contract breaker. A bruise or cut is common.
Active Ability: Deal Finder
10% discount on encounters
Passive Ability: Surplus Labor
No Access
Buff Ability: Success by Association
No Access
Active Ability: Binding Contract
The shadow will try to break one of the contract breaker's limbs.
Active Ability: Deal Finder
20% discount on encounters
Passive Ability: Surplus Labor
No Access
Buff Ability: Success by Association
+5 SP multiplier to the business she interacts with. Limit once per season per PC.
Active Ability: Binding Contract
The shadow will attempt to kill the contract holder.
Active Ability: Deal Finder
30% discount on encounters
Passive Ability: Surplus Labor
No Access
Buff Ability: Success by Association
+10 SP multiplier to the business she interacts with. Limit once per season per PC.
Active Ability: Binding Contract
The shadow will try to physically prevent the contract holder from breaking the contract. If that doesn't work, the shadow will try to kill them.
Active Ability: Deal Finder
40% discount on encounters
Passive Ability: Surplus Labor
Gains an additional formation merit for Sjal's duties.
Buff Ability: Success by Association
+20 SP multiplier to the business she interacts with. Limit once per season per PC.
Not intending to reach this level
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