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Closed [Emberfall] An Eye for a Payday

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Paragon Candidate
Approved Character
Character Sheet

Spring 2, 125

Kage made his way around the red aspen forest, picking out faelnir from their busy work days and having his treants escort them in a single file line to follow him. These people were going to be sundered. Entire lives were going to be ended, families devastated, children abandoned… but Kage along with most aelves didn't give a fuck. These faelnir were being given the honor of serving him on a very special mission, that was the cover story.

Once Kage had them all gathered together in his house, he brought them into one of his rooms, one by one, and sundered them. He ended up with 27 shards of aetherite, not great but it was about an average haul from faelnir. Kage had his treants clean up any mess that was leftover and then had his assistant come in to open a portal to his nexus. He took all the dust he owned, as well as the dust that had once belonged to Abraia, and slipped it through.

"Get this to Hanabi," Kage said to her before pushing the assistant through the portal.

She didn't like being used as a portal slave, but a job was a job and this one was fairly simple. She popped out in Jian, then entered mageburn to portal several times towards were Hanabi was waiting for her. Once she met up with Hanabi, she walked with her to her new home.

Hanabi was surprised at how much alkahest there was here, but she wasn't complaining. It must mean that Kage was really interested in having some cool things made. Kage told her exactly what she ought to have commissioned, and so she went to a place where mages could be found and hired a well qualified fulgari.

Hanabi brought the alkahest and the fulgari to her home, which she was slowly expanding from a small one roomed house into a mansion, though the work would probably take her another couple weeks.

The familiar had called a meeting with Raya and her ensorceller employee. She had a job in mind, but it wouldn't be easy.

"Alright," she would say whenever Raya showed up, "I want an exalt made. I have enough alkahest here to make it, and then some. Your payment will be over two thousand grams of anathemite, and some aetherite as well as a whole globe of saolite."

She let the payment sink in for a moment before continuing, "I would like an artificed eye made. And on top of that, I would like it to be able to cast an ascended level of fulgur. I would like to be able to look at a target and have the target explode into a sphere of black flames. I think the color of the iris should be red, and there could be a neat little design, but I'll let you be creative with that."

"I also need a bunch of this alkahest turned into globes. I have a mix of dust and shards… but I don't think it'll be enough. We will have to convert some of my other alkahest into aetherite. Hmm, I may have to go fetch an alchemist and an artificer while you work on your designs. Obviously I need glyphics implemented to make the spell as powerful as possible and I will be doing the surgery myself, using painkillers, druidism, and a mirror."

She tapped her foot impatiently at herself as Kage told her more things to mention in her head. "I also want the eye to be good at seeing, so use some fabulite to make the eye as good as a normal eye."

She threw her hands up in the air, "I think that's it, but I don't know, I'm open to suggestions if you think I missed something."
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Raya did not arrive with the ensorceller she had tried to recruit. Turns out that possessing someone and threatening them didn't make them want to work for you. She didn't know where that man ran off to but he wasn't coming.

The upside was that during her hunt for the man Raya realized that she knew how to ensorcell, artifice, and work with chemicals.

"I can do all of what you asked for except the surgery" Raya said "I remembered I am good at many things. What I lack in power I make up for in resourcefulness."

She was very interested in the reward money. So much alkahest thrown away for a favor. She knew it was not a large payment but a retainer for her help in the future. She liked the plan. An eye that could make things go boom.

"It will take some time but I can do this work. Today I will work on the eye and later I will add the alkahest to it."

She spent the day setting up a lab in the building she had chosen for her house on Hanabi's property. There was lots to do. The first step was to design the eye. She made a list of all the different parts she needed and then she made a rough draft of the glyhics. While she let her mind work through issues she started working on remembering the simple chemical formula that she used to know by heart.

An order was submitted, materials were delivered, Raya got to work assembling the eye. She also made plans to make the eye function as it was ordered to. She would need saolite for regeneration, aerisite to let the eye feel weightless, fabulite to let it see, and of course aetherite to give it the power. The fabulite was tricky; it gave the eye too much power so Raya made it able to zoom in if the owner wanted it to. It would let Hanabi zoom in and target things far away like she was aiming through binoculars. Without zooming the eye would see as well as a normal eye.

The fulgari was instrumental to guiding her ensorcelling work to make the eye do what her customer wanted it to but his help was all theoretical at this stage. Raya knew that the end spell would be amplified by glyphics to make it thirty percent stronger than normal. The flames it made would be that much hotter and bigger.

When the eye was done all there was left to do was to connect it to Hanabi's optic nerve. That was the only part Raya could not help with. She also did not think that Raya would be able to connect it. It was a stupid idea to try doing it herself so Raya called for a real surgeon to do it for her.

If Hanabi agreed to let them do the work Raya would pay the bill for the medic. She could afford to do that much as a favor after being paid that much.

The eye was red iris'd, with a black pattern on it.

Raya spends 400 SP on an expert maledict surgeon

Raya's Alkahest Payment:
221 g Aetherite
2219 g anathemite.
1 globe of saolite
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Hanabi had thought that Kage's suggestion that she handle the surgery herself was stupid, but she hadn't brought it up because she didn't even know the extents of her own abilities. If he said she could do it, then she trusted him… but if Raya was going to pay for the surgeon then who was she to say no? It had been a constant worry in her head for most of the day as she went around doing her own tasks that were completely unrelated to the eye.

She managed to add several more rooms to her house making it about 2000 square feet in total, though it still was far from what she wanted it to be. She was more or less setting up the base for a much larger property that she had thought up. At some point she stopped building and sat down to draw out a design for her would-be mansion. She went through so many sheets of paper that she lost count. This project was going to take a lot longer than she thought using such small casts of floramancy. But once she actually got the exact design she wanted… maybe she could have Raya translate that into one large spell that she could activate with a single cast.

Hanabi yawned, looking at the time. It was getting late. She went to check up on Raya to see that she was done and had the eye ready for her. The surgeon had arrived as well and was getting ready.

"It looks great," Hanabi said, "it looks like you were a lot more useful than I thought you would be. Well, assuming that it works."

The surgeon had her lay down on a bed and knocked her out with a drug. When Hanabi woke up an hour later, she had a new eye in.

The first thing that she realized was that her vision was far too good in that eye. It was disorienting, really. The zoom feature had already been on and it took some practice zooming back to a normal level. It was a nifty little feature that she was glad she paid for.

"I think it works," Hanabi said. "I can see out of it, anyways. I will need to test it out… but not here. Fuck no, not after I put so much work into this place over the last week. But I saw the work you did and I trust you enough to pay you, though I would expect a refund if you messed it up." Hanabi looked over at the counter that had her original eye suspended in some kind of liquid. Great, another thing she had to keep track of.

"Alright, we'll test it soon. Tomorrow we'll need to work on a design for some homes. I want you to ensorcell one big spell so we can both have large and structurally sound homes. I will work with you for the designs and will provide the saol." She stretched and got to her feet. "Yes, tomorrow. I need to go get some rest, and so do you."

Hanabi felt like she was hurrying through the conversation, mostly because she was. She wanted to get home and sleep so that she could test out her new eye.
"It was good to work for you and I tthank you for your payment. I will make sure I put this alkahest to good use someday. I need to see if the eye works tomorrow so I can troubleshoot it but I fear that if it does not work then there might be nothing I can do to help. Hopefully it does not come to that. In the worst case I will let you have the payment back but I think you might have spent more on the eye than you paid me."

Raya also needed her rest so she did not complain when her superior left. She thought about what kind of powerful connections she had to have this much money. It was better not to know probably.

Raya also thought about what kind of house she would want. Hanabi was seeming like the type to get lots of work done very quickly. Efficient, smart, passionate. Raya found that she liked those qualities.

Thread Title: An eye for a payday
Thread Location: Emberfall

Thread Summary: This was a thread about making an exaltation for a famliar but this was deemed to be pointless in the face of system changes. It is now about Raya working on an artificed eye and she takes payment which is just what Abraia used to own.

Expected Rewards:
Raya~~ 6 experience
Raya spends 400 SP on a maledict surgeon
gains back 221 g Aetherite
gains back 2219 g anathemite.
gains back 1 globe of saolite

Kage~~ 12 experience

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