Spring 2, 125
[Continued from the Ambush thread here]
Kiriko said, "there is no beautiful enough offering for our god and compared to those who serve him, this is only a meager contribution. Your gratitude honors me and goes straight to my heart, I thank you."
He bowed again before raising his eyes to meet Luke's again. He thought him a handsome man, but he chased his thoughts away on this subject. Kiriko was a mystic and could very easily tell that Luke was not ordinary in the slightest.
According to the priestess's quick introduction, he was a wealthy man, but that didn't really influence Luke. The same disease of pride and corruption was found in all classes, from the common people to the highest politicians. In the end, people's origins didn't matter and only faith mattered to people like this. The scar and the blind eye could give him a rogue side, but this Kiriko seemed rather pleasant even before he spoke. The man had a certain charisma, no doubt about it.
"And welcome to you newcomers. Raya and Luke, I hope you will both find homes here and find your faith. Galvatorix is not the most ordinary dragon around, but he has his merits. Raya, you are quite beautiful, and Luke… my god, what is that power within you, boy?"
Luke smiled a little at his welcome, always hiding that little embarrassed feeling he had when he was flattered. It happened often among non-hostile mystics. It could be his humble side or his childhood that pushed him to not believe the slightest compliment. It was a common weapon to manipulate and get what one wanted by stimulating the ego… but often it was simply a way of welcoming it due to his strength. But whatever the reason, it always felt a little strange and he wasn't sure he would get used to it.
"I'm a Fulgari," Luke said, "with an unnaturally high potential. Thank you for your warm welcome. All devotion is important." he noted, trying to play the part of a religious person. He was nothing like these people who had chosen to devote their life completely to their god. So he knew very well that not everyone could do that.
"Would you two have a few moments to share with me or do you have other business to attend to?"
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