Challenge Rating 4
The Embrowl is a wolf that is both revered and feared in the wild. It is most easily identified by the telltale red glow of its eyes and ears. Its fur can be any shade ranging from black to reddish brown. Its body emanates a constant, low-level heat which is sometimes the only warning its prey has as it hunts. When fighting, embers and sparks are often seen trailing behind them.
Cultural Significance:
In some cultures, the Embrowl is attributed to be the cause of forest fires and are detested. However more educated cultures know that that they rarely ever cause fires. They are intelligent enough not to use so much heat while hunting that it would pose a danger to their environment. Of course, they do start fires on occasion during periods of dryness. They are common familiars for travelers as their heat and ability to create fire are useful boons when camping.
Embrowls are commonly found in areas rich in luxium, such as volcanos and areas where forest fires are common.
Embrowls are born about the size of a regular wolf pup but grow rapidly. By the time they reach adolescence they are roughly the size of a tiger. At adulthood they are as large as a horse and can be mounted.
Biome Role:
While they never try to set fire to their environment, it is all but inevitable during periods of extreme dryness. They are the match that lights the fire, so to speak. This helps clear away excess vegetation and lets life begin anew.
Life Cycle:
They mate during the hottest days of summer and give birth in the winter. Litters tend to be about half a dozen in number and the young spend most of their time huddled together with each other. They cannot produce enough heat to survive on their own in cold temperatures until they are two years old. By the time they are five they have reached adolescence and reach adulthood at seven. They can live to be fifteen.
This wolf is most commonly hunted for its fur. It has fire resistant properties. Its heart is the main source of its beast magic and can be utilized by an alchemist to achieve fire-like properties.
Notable Features:
- See Beast Magic, below:
Beast Magic:
IgnisThis magic uses Luxium as its metaphor. An Embrowl is assumed to have Expert spell reserves.
Minor Merit
Active Ability: Flamethrower - The Embrowl lets loose a precise, cylindrical jet of flames.
Active Ability: Furnace - The Embrowl emits a sudden burst of heat from its body in an attempt to burn or force others away from it. It is a very short lived ability and the Embrowl is immune from the effects of this heat.
Active Ability: Smother – Instead of flames, the Embrowl emits a black smoke from its mouth. It is incredibly thick and its primary usage is to suffocate hiding prey in an attempt to force them out.
Passive Ability: Heat Aura - The Embrowl naturally produces enough heat to keep it alive even in the coldest of temperatures.
Flamethrower: 5 foot reach and can reach temperatures of 1,000 °C
Furnace: Unavailable
Smother: Unavailable
Heat Aura: Unavailable
Flamethrower: 20 foot reach and can reach temperatures of 1,100 °C
Furnace: Unavailable
Smother: Unavailable
Heat Aura: Available
Flamethrower: 50 foot reach and can reach temperatures of 1,400 °C
Furnace: Unavailable
Smother: Unavailable
Heat Aura: Available
Flamethrower: 100 foot reach and can reach temperatures of 1,600 °C
Furnace: One foot radius and can reach the same temperature of Flamethrower
Smother: Creates a smoke cloud that is impossible to see through. It is enough to cause suffocation if one is cornered in an enclosed space.
Heat Aura: Available
Flamethrower: 250 foot reach and can reach temperatures of 1,995 °C
Furnace: Five foot radius and can reach the same temperature of Flamethrower
Smother: Emits an all-consuming smoke cloud that is impossible to see through using normal means. If the smoke makes contact with one's eyes they are blinded for ten minutes. Inhaling the smoke is deadly to those with less than expert resistance.
Heat Aura: Available
Flamethrower: 250 foot reach and can reach temperatures of 3,000 °C
Furnace: Ten foot radius and can reach the same temperature of Flamethrower
Smother: Emits an all-consuming smoke cloud that can cause those with less than Master resistance to choke to death if even a little bit is inhaled. Can blind permanently if it gets into one's eyes.
Heat Aura: Available
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