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Solo Closed Enter: Hanabi

This is a thread by one person, graded at 150 words to 1 XP.
A 'Closed' thread means that only authors you have OOCly authorized should post to your thread.


Paragon Candidate
Approved Character
Character Sheet

Winter 70, 125

Kage decided to go ahead and get this over with. He needed to make a familiar so that he could continue operations in Jian without having to go through the whole process of moving back and forth. His aspirations for Jian extended beyond a week or two trip per season. Fluffy had been very enthusiastic, but she had ultimately been useless at furthering his goals, aside from connecting him to Mercy… and that man was still a wild card. Who knew if their relationship would pay off?

No, if you wanted something done right, you had to do it yourself. And that's exactly what he did. He started by deciding up an Egregore for his familiar and spent a few of his nights dreaming about it after taking aelheim shrooms. He fantasized about this creature until it was as real to him as his left hand.

After that he created an effigy of the image in his mind. This part was easy. He took the Jianese body that he was basing his familiar off of and desecrated her body with his blood and carvings. He started talking to the dead body and even spent a night sleeping with it until his soul bled into it.

All this seemed like necromancy with extra steps. In any case, the body began to shape into what it once was. Its mind was still in its infancy so Kage had to sleep with it until it gained all the skills that made him him.

When it was all said and done, Kage tied a blindfold around her commanded his familiar to open her eyes and speak.

"What would you like me to say?" she asked obediently.

Kage nodded, "anything, that's enough for now. I am your master and you will find that you will not be able to disobey me. Your name is Hanabi. You will go to Motoku and join the Huo army. You are to be my sword and to advance my interests."

"What is your name?"

"That is not important. You do not know me, but you should fear me. I will be keeping an eye on you… from afar." The last part was spoken directly into her mind.

She responded mentally, "okay…"

And then she was gone. Kage pushed her from a portal that his assistant opened to her nexus. Kage followed after her and tucked some dust into her pockets along with a blindfold he'd had commissioned from his hired hand artificer. He then pushed her through the portal that would make her appear in Jian.

"You may remove your blindfold and put your other one on," Kage told her, "your first order of business will be obtaining a gun and some ammunition. I have provided you a bow and some arrows for the time being. It will take you some time to learn what you are good at. What I am good at. The second blindfold I gave you has been artificed. You will be able to see through it as well as you could with your own eyes. Make sure you wear it at all times. If anyone finds out we are connected… it may not end well for either of us. I am not sending you alone, I have a treant here that I am granting you tethers for. Her name is Mordva, and she has the powers of Grist. You ought to construct a more suitable body for her and keep the fact that she is a wisp secret. For all intents and purposes, she is a sleeping dragon that awakened during one of the recent battles here and you two formed a bond together."

Hanabi nodded slowly, trying to process all the information. Sylvia focused and created a portal heading in the direction of Motoku. She wasn't strong enough to portal her all the way there, though she was quite familiar with the path by now.

And that was that. Kage would have to see if his familiar would be as good as he thought she would be. He thought fairly highly of his ability to pull off espionage, so he hoped that this familiar would perform well. He was sure he had made familiars in the past, but as his memory had been wiped so many times he had likely forgotten about the ones that had died or been destroyed.

Now, back to business…

Hanabi stood in the forest next to Mordvra's current treant form for about ten minutes before it finally hit her that she had things to do. She groaned and put her hands on Mordva, channeling her saol into her. It was hard to explain, but she knew how to make a better body. She melded Mordvra's form to a nearby tree and 'raised' it. The former murderer was now just a big ol' tree. Hanabi was winded from the exertion and realized that she would need more time to actually shape her into a dragon shape like she'd been told to do. So, she spent the week sticking close by, slowly her into the shape of a dragon over the course of the rest of the season.

Sylvia: 0.33 - 0.11 journeyman portal to nexus (from event thread) - 0.11 journeyman portal to nexus - 0.11 journeyman portal towards Motoku

Hanabi: ~3 master reserves due to passive tether drain.
-1 ascended cast raising colossal treant
(1 week later)
-4 master floramancy shaping treant into a dragon shape w/ master architecture and druidism

Should be back to normal ~4 master reserves after the 84th
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Thread Title: Enter: Hanabi

Thread Summary: Kage creates his familiar and sends her a mission. He sends Mordva (wisp) there too to be a treant. If this is not something that would be allowed then we can just say that Hanabi raised a random tree or something instead.

Expected Rewards: +5 xp
+1 artificed blindfold using a crystal of Fabulite to enable normal sight (he has a journeyman hired hand artificer) retconning this
+1 ascended dragon sized treant 1000 tethers
- 27g fabulite that he should be earning from his mine retconning this

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Most of this is inconsequential due to familiar changes. We will err on the safe side and say that Mordva would stay in Aelheim since there would be no reason to send her with a familiar.


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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.