Approved Character
- Messages
- 216
- Race
- Æld'Norai
- Profession
- Ferrier
- Location
- AElheim
- Arcana
- Character Sheet
༺༉❁ August 17 year 19,639 of the second age ❁༉༻
After the first few centuries of Velho's life, it became rarer and rarer for him to return to Myrkvior's basin. Not necessarily because he did not like the landscape of his people's ancestral home, nay– it simply had become harder and harder for him to travel as he progressed with Scourge. And so even when he pushed his Æcturnis enough, he was glad to further avoid such travels as his mother, Hespæride, had a few of a basin-native plant he desired growing within the grounds of his family estate; the flora in question being Ardentvith. The Ferrier sought to Florabind with it for myriad reasons mostly pertaining to the acid contained therein, and doing so would thus round out his repertoire of bound plants once more.
The evening was a bright one, with the sky providing a brilliant, clear view of the full moon and stars about. Granted, such sights were amply filtered by the trees and other foliage of the bog 'round the grounds of Hespæride's estate, but even so, shafts of glimmering moonlight made it through well enough. Velho had originally arrived early in the evening, just as the sun was beginning to set, but upon being alerted to his presence, his mother had approached him and wasted several hours of his time. Well, not wasted in her eyes, that is– she simply enjoyed spending time with her darling son, a darling son that barely deigned to visit her despite their proximity.
Still, once he was finally free, the Ferrier floated out into the night, his body having been half converted from flesh to Ash. His mother's estate was a rare place where he could freely utilize such facets of his Scourge, and for that, he was at least grateful; walking was such a pain with the current state of his body, even after she'd so kindly Invigorated him. Having grown up here, Velho knew exactly where to go, too– his mother had a couple Ardentvith plants, but he intended to bind with a cutting of her largest favorite one. She'd named the abnormally large specimen Audrey, and it was roughly twice the size of a normal Ardentvith. Velho had often found himself wondering over the years how much biomatter such a goliath had dissolved…especially with his mother's predilections.
With his mother out of his hair, the night was passing peaceful and it was hard to not feel nostalgic as he wandered the well-trodden stones that wound through the moonlit gardens of his childhood home. Hespæria's gentle ambience of frogs and insects and the garden plants were his only company now, though such a lovely, grandiose specimen as Audrey did not take him long to find, situated as it was not far from the manse's main back door. Stopping a few feet away from the plant, the Ashes of his lower body recomposed into flesh, and for a moment, he stood still, simply examining the gargantuan Ardentvith.
Velho had to be careful with his approach, as spilling Audrey upon himself would be something of a disaster. It wasn't that the plant's pitcher was in a particularly precarious position, but one could never be too careful when dealing with something like this. And when he was near enough, the Blighted Æcturnis would pull free a leaf from Audrey's roots before sitting down beside the large pitcher plant. Holding the leaf in both of his palms, he'd close his eyes to meditate, letting Saol flow seep into his flesh and flow through him. To an observer, he would appear to briefly glow in a light not dissimilar to that of the moon, and then the leaf would disintegrate into nothing– Ardentvith had thus been bound.
Beleaguered as he was, it took him a moment to stand, but when he found himself upright again, he placed a palm against Audrey's pitcher and nodded appreciatively, as if in thanks to the great behemoth. Turning around, he'd hold out his hand above the soil and concentrate for a moment– he liked to make sure all of his binds worked after performing the ritual. Acidic fluid leaked from his palm and sizzled when it hit the earth below; the bind had certainly worked.
Velho would then Ashify his lower body once more, floating gently on the night breeze back into his mother's manse. From within, he would find the Exodii under Hespæride's employ and have them craft a portal for him to return home.
Once Velho had taken the portal back to Själasalr, he would make his way through the towering tree of his own home to the fourth of four floors. It was within this one that he conducted most of his more eldritch experiments, or those that required him to make ample and obvious use of his Blighted abilities. The floor was split into three rooms; one, a cleaner laboratory for practices flavored more by Malediction; two, a room split between storage and Ensorcelling endeavors; three, something of a makeshift prison. It was into the first room he went.
The laboratory had high ceilings, dark, wooden walls, and polished, black stone floors– compared to the rest of his house, the decor lacked any of his usual ostentation and was kept clean and utilitarian. Prior to having left, he had already prepared an appropriately sized plot of soil next to the storage cabinets on the room's far wall. Velho approached this little plot, kneel down, and place his hand in the dirt. He'd whisper an incantation and the soil would glow– his own inaugural Ardentvith had thus been planted. With a few more whispered words, he would Invigorate the seedling enough such that it would have a few visible leaves, but that was all he would be able to manage for today, weak as his Saol reserves were.
Velho looked down at the plant with the affection somebody might have for a pet for a moment before rising to his feet. He intended to use this particular specimen, once fully grown, as a way to dispose of biomatter that was otherwise unwieldy or unwanted– for not absolutely every little thing had a real use. And while simply throwing such refuse out into the bog could work, doing so ran the risk, in some cases, of leaving evidence behind of his Blights, sometimes forcing him to waste Absentia Allaying away his Pathos before he did so, or otherwise eroding his spell reserves erasing such evidence. Overall, this was simply infinitely more convenient. That, and it would be useful to have another acid for use at his disposal in a general sense, especially since Devorare's acidic blood conversions utilized Absentia and the Ardentvith's natural acids could be called upon with Saol. The spell reserve flexibility prevented any sort of redundancy, really.
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The evening was a bright one, with the sky providing a brilliant, clear view of the full moon and stars about. Granted, such sights were amply filtered by the trees and other foliage of the bog 'round the grounds of Hespæride's estate, but even so, shafts of glimmering moonlight made it through well enough. Velho had originally arrived early in the evening, just as the sun was beginning to set, but upon being alerted to his presence, his mother had approached him and wasted several hours of his time. Well, not wasted in her eyes, that is– she simply enjoyed spending time with her darling son, a darling son that barely deigned to visit her despite their proximity.
Still, once he was finally free, the Ferrier floated out into the night, his body having been half converted from flesh to Ash. His mother's estate was a rare place where he could freely utilize such facets of his Scourge, and for that, he was at least grateful; walking was such a pain with the current state of his body, even after she'd so kindly Invigorated him. Having grown up here, Velho knew exactly where to go, too– his mother had a couple Ardentvith plants, but he intended to bind with a cutting of her largest favorite one. She'd named the abnormally large specimen Audrey, and it was roughly twice the size of a normal Ardentvith. Velho had often found himself wondering over the years how much biomatter such a goliath had dissolved…especially with his mother's predilections.
With his mother out of his hair, the night was passing peaceful and it was hard to not feel nostalgic as he wandered the well-trodden stones that wound through the moonlit gardens of his childhood home. Hespæria's gentle ambience of frogs and insects and the garden plants were his only company now, though such a lovely, grandiose specimen as Audrey did not take him long to find, situated as it was not far from the manse's main back door. Stopping a few feet away from the plant, the Ashes of his lower body recomposed into flesh, and for a moment, he stood still, simply examining the gargantuan Ardentvith.
Velho had to be careful with his approach, as spilling Audrey upon himself would be something of a disaster. It wasn't that the plant's pitcher was in a particularly precarious position, but one could never be too careful when dealing with something like this. And when he was near enough, the Blighted Æcturnis would pull free a leaf from Audrey's roots before sitting down beside the large pitcher plant. Holding the leaf in both of his palms, he'd close his eyes to meditate, letting Saol flow seep into his flesh and flow through him. To an observer, he would appear to briefly glow in a light not dissimilar to that of the moon, and then the leaf would disintegrate into nothing– Ardentvith had thus been bound.
Beleaguered as he was, it took him a moment to stand, but when he found himself upright again, he placed a palm against Audrey's pitcher and nodded appreciatively, as if in thanks to the great behemoth. Turning around, he'd hold out his hand above the soil and concentrate for a moment– he liked to make sure all of his binds worked after performing the ritual. Acidic fluid leaked from his palm and sizzled when it hit the earth below; the bind had certainly worked.
Velho would then Ashify his lower body once more, floating gently on the night breeze back into his mother's manse. From within, he would find the Exodii under Hespæride's employ and have them craft a portal for him to return home.
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Once Velho had taken the portal back to Själasalr, he would make his way through the towering tree of his own home to the fourth of four floors. It was within this one that he conducted most of his more eldritch experiments, or those that required him to make ample and obvious use of his Blighted abilities. The floor was split into three rooms; one, a cleaner laboratory for practices flavored more by Malediction; two, a room split between storage and Ensorcelling endeavors; three, something of a makeshift prison. It was into the first room he went.
The laboratory had high ceilings, dark, wooden walls, and polished, black stone floors– compared to the rest of his house, the decor lacked any of his usual ostentation and was kept clean and utilitarian. Prior to having left, he had already prepared an appropriately sized plot of soil next to the storage cabinets on the room's far wall. Velho approached this little plot, kneel down, and place his hand in the dirt. He'd whisper an incantation and the soil would glow– his own inaugural Ardentvith had thus been planted. With a few more whispered words, he would Invigorate the seedling enough such that it would have a few visible leaves, but that was all he would be able to manage for today, weak as his Saol reserves were.
Velho looked down at the plant with the affection somebody might have for a pet for a moment before rising to his feet. He intended to use this particular specimen, once fully grown, as a way to dispose of biomatter that was otherwise unwieldy or unwanted– for not absolutely every little thing had a real use. And while simply throwing such refuse out into the bog could work, doing so ran the risk, in some cases, of leaving evidence behind of his Blights, sometimes forcing him to waste Absentia Allaying away his Pathos before he did so, or otherwise eroding his spell reserves erasing such evidence. Overall, this was simply infinitely more convenient. That, and it would be useful to have another acid for use at his disposal in a general sense, especially since Devorare's acidic blood conversions utilized Absentia and the Ardentvith's natural acids could be called upon with Saol. The spell reserve flexibility prevented any sort of redundancy, really.