Summer 20, 123
Caelum had just been to see Velho about his magical surgical services and was in a rush to get back home… but there was someone else in Haesperia that he'd heard of. The memory hit him right before he walked up to the exodus mage, causing him to pause. If his memory served him correctly… there was someone in the area that was especially good at tailoring. Crested, in fact, which meant that the things they could make were bound to be spectacular.
The humanoid dragon lived rather simply, having never really took an interest in niceties such as decoration or fashion. He intended for that to change as he became more engrained in aelven society, but it had been a slow process. Perhaps if he could see some of the works of a Crested, he would be blown away by their talent. Or better yet… perhaps he could buy one of their works and wear it. He thought of his pet, Flora, as well – he knew she would break down in tears if he bought her something like that.
"Are you in line or not?" asked the exodus mage who was waving people forwards.
"Oh, no, sorry," Caelum said sheepishly as he turned around and walked off.
"It's settled then, I'll go pay them a visit…" He said after some contemplation. He could not remember much else about this crafter so he would need some help finding them. So, he spent the next hour or so finding out the name of this person, or rather, inari. Aster was what he went by and he had a business.
The dragon would make his way to the location, asking directions as necessary before ultimately arriving at the door. He'd knock on it and if someone answered he'd say, "Hello, I'm here to see Aster, the tailor. Is he in?"