
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

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Closed Jewel of the Depths

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Lord of the Forest
Approved Character
Character Sheet

Winter 75, year 125 of the third age
<pt.2 of this solo.>

Beneath the waves, one could not voice one's thoughts– all Mercy was able to do as they swam was perceive that which was imparted to him through Links and observe the sea around him. Some of his entourage shared with him encouraging thoughts, imparting welcoming messages and so on. There was one, however, who communicated his disdain for the mongrel but only once before leaving his line of communication silent. It seems not all were of the same mind in that regard.

Nevertheless, the group did not swim manually for long– soon, one of the Cor'Norai would open a portal for the entire group. Upon going through it, all of Mercy's accompaniment would step gracefully onto the solid, dry ground; they were now within the beautiful atlantian paradise of Æntaris, the jewel of the depths. If Mercy were to look around, he would find himself in a courtyard of sorts. If he looked up, he would see a generous amount of open air before the bubble's border gave way to the sea that surrounded the city. If he looked in any other direction, he'd see that that courtyard was surrounded by four walls carved ornately of marble. Were he familiar with the whims of the wealthy, he'd realise this courtyard space was a garden within a greater structure, likely enjoyed by folks of finer taste and status. Still, he wouldn't be able to tell if this were a mansion or a temple or anything quite that specific just yet.

It was at this point where Mercy would be able to give voice to his question and Kataali her answer. As he asked it, she would gesture to her party with a flick of her wrist and they would disperse to mind themselves, though they would not leave the garden itself.

"'Laevos'," she repeated the name, " you know of whom I speak?" The woman would continue, a fierceness in her serpentine gaze and a sharpness to her tongue.

She was not quite sure the quality of education the man before her had received and intended to field his most basic questions here before taking him to stand before her beloved deity. This was mostly out of respect for the Arche's time; busy as he was, if she could answer the warrior's initial queries, she would prefer to do so.

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Kataali & her accompaniment​

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The journey was a long one; filled to the brim with mystery and idiosyncrasy. The briny waters of the depths filtered across The Samurais' gills. Surrounded by his Cor'norai brethren Mercy had a sense of unease. Fortunately, the manual-swim came to a swift end as a portal opened, which allowed them to enter yet another realm of possibility. Mercy knew not what would come next; a gargantuan bubble which the group that accompanied him pierced the veil of in what seemed to be an instant. Then he found himself standing in his soaked hakama; in the center of what appeared to be a courtyard.

Then, he looked to the "Skies" above him only to see a wall of water pressed against the barrier. Mercy could suddenly breathe again without the use of his gills, but why was there a city with breathable air beneath the sea? Where exactly was he; Mercy had no clue how he'd even arrived here. That strange "Portal" seemed to have instantaneously transported them to the outskirts of this "City". The Samurai looked about and rotated his frame to observe his newfound surroundings. Only to notice that he was in a space with four gargantuan walls composed of some shiny, beautiful material. This land was nothing like Jian, and appeared to be far more peaceful than his previously war-torn home.

Wealth of this kind was something hardly ever witnessed in Jian. Mercy came from a poor-people, where family came first and helped one another to survive. The Jianese lifestyle paled in comparison to what he had already witnessed. However, he was familiar with the concept of a garden which is exactly what he stood in the center of. Saltwater dripped from the fiber of his Hakama, and mid-back length gossamer-thin strands of wet hair clung to his flesh. What exactly was this structure; had it been a palace of some sort, maybe a mansion? Where was Wraith; had she been left behind in Mercys home or was she still on the field of battle?

Mercy, after all had been transported in the middle of an ongoing war between the Moonflower & Futorisugi joint forces, and the Huo clan. Kataali beckoned him with a question, as the group of Cor'norai sent to capture Mercy dispersed yet never left the "Garden". The Samurai heard the strange annunciation of the word "Laevos" and very simply shook his head in response. He knew nothing about who this strange man was and understood even less about what exactly happened. However, he had been called forth by that very person.

"I've no idea about who this Laevos is, but I am interested in meeting with him. This place is strange. I have several questions." Mercy spoke before he began the next, in hope that she would respond to them one at a time.

"The first one being, where exactly am I? This place looks intricate, and amazing, but it is certainly not my home." He questioned the Krakon; despite being distracted by her beautiful, ornate, and yet intimidating appearance.

If you use a spell, list the damn spell type, skill level required, and reserves.

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Winter 75, year 125 of the third age
<pt.2 of this solo.>

Kataali sighed at his answer, crossing her arms in a gesture of disappointment. The man before her was a Mongrel, sure, but one of his parents was a Cor'Norai– why hadn't they bothered to educate him of his people?

"Surely you at least understand that we have left Antarok for Lacon, yes?" She asked, her tongue maintaining its sharpness. "And surely you've been taught of spirits?" The expression on her face indicated that if the answer to either of those questions was 'no', she'd likely be irritated.

"Perhaps you know not their hierarchy, but at the top of it is the Arche; each Plane only bears one. Lævos is the Arche of Lacon." She continued to extrapolate, though bluntly.

"When the Æld'Norai banished a swathe of their own, it was He who offered them succor; through Him, the Cor'Norai were born. Without Him, your people would've died a sorry death and you would've never been born– it is an insult that whichever parent of yours bears His blessings did not even so much as teach you His name," she punctuated this with a shake of her head, nose wrinkling in disgust. "But no matter; the sins of the parents need not be reflected upon you."

When Mercy asked where they were, her arms did not uncross but her visage softened ever so slightly, as if remembering she was supposed to help him feel welcomed. Perhaps she bristled because she and this stranger were meant to be wed? She hoped he would impress in areas outside of planar knowledge.

"We are in Æntaris, the Cor'Norai capital and throne of Lævos. Many of my people, the dragons of the deep– the krakon– also call this place home."

Gesturing to the architecture around her, "...the city is a vast one, thousands of years in the making, and we stand in the heart of it. This garden is one of several built into Lævos' temple."

And a beautiful one it was. If he scrutinized the architecture, he'd notice the marble was threaded with silver and pearls, reflections of water gently floating across their surfaces in prismatic color. The corals and other plants were vibrant, varied, and exotic; a garden like this was carefully designed by somebody whose interest in ecology was far more than superficial.

"Have you any other questions?"

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Kataali & her accompaniment​

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The moment that Kataali mentioned "we" left Antarok for Lacon Mercy was caught off-guard by the statement. Never had he considered himself a part of something greater than himself beyond the name of his clan. He paused for a moment and answered her question with yet another question. "Who is this... "We" that you speak of? The only land that I know is Antarok. I've spent my life on the battlefield and never knew of the existence of this place beyond the stories my mother told me." Then she followed up that strange, albeit true statement by asking him about spirits. The Samurai had a low level of understanding in regards to spirits, and how they worked. The only form of a "spirit" he could recall were "Jiashing"; warriors with boundless stamina that rose from the dead, both respected, and feared in Jian.

She proceeded to educate him about precisely what an "Arche" was; the top of the hierarchy of the spirit realm. Each plane only bares one of these powerful entities; this one was ruled by "Laevos". Who seemed to be equally as mysterious as he was powerful, but he chose to save the Cor'Norai and provide them with a home. This not only peaked his interest in his newfound "Home", but made him eager to meet with such a powerful being. The subtle changes in her facial expression laden with disdain made Mercy feel great shame for not being made aware of the circumstances. He certainly did not feel welcome in this palace; a place in the deepest recesses of the ocean filled with air.

This was Æntaris the home of his kin, and the place where this "Laevos" resides. Here the Cor'Norai coexist with dragons of the depths; Krakon a race of Dragon-folk that are unlike their land-dwelling counterparts. This wasn't the only garden, but one among many and it was massive. The garden was filled with vibrant coral of varying hues, and marble doted with silver, and pearls, and the reflections of water. The plants here were entirely different, and alien to the surface of Antarok. Beneath the sea there was another world, with its own "Politics", and ecosystems from what he gathered.

Most could not even fathom the concept of such a gargantuan dwelling existing in the depths of the Ocean. However, this only further intrigued the Samurai who was prepared to meet with the savior of his kin. This was beyond a superficial settlement, or a small village and there seemed to be no war-torn aspects of life here. Perhaps if he wanted to enjoy peace he could visit from time-to-time. Mercy had one more question to ask; "When can I meet this Laevos? He certainly seems interesting, and I would be honored to talk with the Savior of my kin." Mercy stated as his Hakama continued to drip-dry from the lengthy swim, and then transport into this lovely place called Æntaris.

The Samurai finally gained a better understanding of his lineage and learned several things he had never been taught before about the Cor'Norai. His mother had been far too busy developing a fearsome reputation among Humans to educate him properly.

If you use a spell, list the damn spell type, skill level required, and reserves.


Winter 75, year 125 of the third age
<pt.2 of this solo.>

Kataali clicked her tongue at the notion that Mercy did not even understand the nature of Lacon. She inhaled, closing her eyes and gritting her teeth before exhaling something of a sigh with a shake of her head– an expression of both bewilderment and disappointment.

"Is the state of education in the overworld really so poor?" The krakon would respond, one brow raised. "...or is that a feature of this, ah…" she trailed off, as if she couldn't quite remember the name of the place. After a moment, "...Jian, the place you were raised."

"The "we" is you and I– as well as the Cor'Norai we arrived with…because surely you've seen the ocean before?" She'd ask, sounding somewhat puzzled by the question.

But after a moment, "Antarok is the surface land only; it is neither sea nor sky. The sea is Lacon; if you fly high enough, you'll enter Celéste; if you dig deep, you'll find yourself in the Ur'duun…deep enough and you'll find the faewilds of Ælphyne, too, for that matter," summarized the dragoness.

Though his ignorance was a disappointment to her, Kataali was a rational enough woman to understand that these things were not intuitive. This knowledge was gained either through extensive planar exploration or education, and education quality was a cultural thing– she couldn't really blame Mercy as an individual for something that was ultimately a failure of those who raised him.

"My apologies; my only real contact with the overworld races has been with the Æld'Norai– we've a tenuous truce with our ancestors and every one of them I've met has been very thoroughly educated," she explained, though she spoke the people's name with disdain and almost spat at the word "them". It would be quite easy to deduce she was not a fan of the ancient Ælves. However, her apology to Mercy sounded sincere.

She'd likely met one or two Æld'Norai for diplomatic reasons, maybe even the odd tourist. Their presence in Æntaris would be far from common, though certainly not unheard of. Of course, many Cor'Norai were still sore on the subject of their exile. Many of them also believed their people to be better for it all the same, with some of which thus being able to look past it and parley with the ancients out of curiosity, respect, or personal interest. After all, without their exile, they wouldn't have achieved the glory of their undersea civilization nor the bond with Lævos that they so adore.

She sighed. " I assumed other Antarokian societies might be similar, but it appears I was wrong."

And she was so very wrong. Education wise, Ælheim was the most advanced civilization on the Plane, followed by Arcanis and then Dullahan, with a stark drop each time.

As for his last question, "...that is actually why you've been brought here. Lævos views all Cor'Norai as His children; there are not many of you, see, and He wishes to meet face-to-face with every single one of your people at some point in your lives, even if you choose to be estranged afterwards. Elsewise, it tends to bring Him great joy to foster personal relationships– sentimental, He is. The same principle applies to a lesser extent to my kin, the krakon, though there are even less of us."

Then, she'd blink, her eyes widening briefly as if she'd forgotten something. "Well, part of why you're here. The other part is, ah…how should I put this…" she trailed off.

"He seeks your loyalty, but He does not trust on words alone. He intends to make you an offer, though it is one I will let Him give voice to. We may see Him whenever you are ready; I simply wanted to field your most basic questions first," she concluded with a soft smile, though an awkward one, as if nervous– a stark contrast to her previous steely sort of confidence.

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Kataali & her accompaniment​

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lectures. Being that it is among the most war-torn places in the world, and death is commonplace. However, life can be simple; one can choose a "Normal" occupation like being a farmer, a chef, or a hunter." The Samurai stated after he observed more of her subtle facial expressions that communicated her obvious bewilderment. Yes, Mercy had seen the ocean before, but never had he bothered to peer into its depths. Majority of his life he spent on the slaughter-laden battlefields of Jian. The ongoing feud between the Huo, Moonflower & Futorisugi clans seemed to never end. The only time throughout the year that was peaceful were the seasons of winter and fall wherein neither of the Ancient Armies waged war.

"I lived in the Ur'Dunn for a time, but I only knew of the seas to be referred to as Ryukai. This Ælphyne you speak of sounds like yet another strange place; that I certainly do not look forward to ever visiting." He spoke and began to form an opinion on these "Æld'Norai"; there were no such things as "Truces" In the land of Jian. The Jianese fought with all their might, and ferocity for what they believed in, and would rather die than offer peace to their enemies. People like Mercy tended to be rough around the edges and lack sensitivity to soft-spoken words.

Therefore, he required no apology, but he appreciated its sincerity and acknowledged it.

"No apology was required; such a thing is almost foreign to the Jianese. However, you have my thanks for being so sincere." He spoke with an almost-sharp tongue. She was wrong regarding education being similar in other Nations. Mercy was certain that in different cultures the level of education would be subject to change. However, this left no particularly sour taste in his mouth. The Samurai paid close attention to her every word; perhaps this was a tribute to her alluring voice, and physique. She could certainly swoon any Man that wouldn't be put off by her serpentine scales, forked tongue or her vertical pupils akin to a Snake.

This Laevos viewed all Cor'Norai as his "children" and therefore wanted to encounter each of them at least once in their lifetime. That was the reason Mercy had been brought here; an interesting one at that. The only Father Mercy knew of was a late human man often too busy to spend time with him as a seafarer. Perhaps this Laevos had a protective view of the Cor'Norai. "I'm ready to meet with him now, I believe you've given me a good debrief regarding this "Arche" of Lacon. Although, he does not trust in words alone I am willing to hear his offer. However, he should be made aware of my loyalty to Xie Chuntian. I wonder, being that he is such an "Ancient" being; if he knows who She is. Take me… Please, Kataali?" He beckoned her with a final request.

If you use a spell, list the damn spell type, skill level required, and reserves.


Winter 75, year 125 of the third age
<pt.2 of this solo.>

Kataali was somewhat surprised to hear that the lands from whence Mercy came did not at least have stories about Lacon and its depths, though she supposed the man could have been raised inland; people there might not have had the ocean on their mind all that often.

To his comment about Ælphyne, she breathed out a short, wry laugh. "You would be right– Ælphyne is an ancient realm as beautiful as it is dangerous. Only those with a deathwish seek to travel there," she'd respond. "They say all life stems from it, making Ælphyne's denizens the eldest of all that live…some say that even the Æld'Norai are seen as children to their ancients." Though she was giving warnings, there was an air of wonder to the woman's voice that betrayed her curiosity about the subject.

She'd smile and nod when Mercy responded to her apology. "We in Æntaris are nothing if not sincere; emotions are displayed plainly, here," she'd add, punctuated by a short laugh.

With Fathom's ubiquitous presence among the Cor'Norai, hiding emotions or feigning decorum was largely not possible, and thus it as a practice was shed long ago. People were blunt with each other, to both positive and negative effect.

To Mercy's admission of his readiness, she would nod. "This way, then," she'd say as she turned towards a door on the northern wall.

As she moved, her Cor'Norai entourage would take notice and follow both the dragoness and mongrel out. Whether they were there to protect Kataali, their presence was a formality, or they just wanted to tag along to see Laevos, Mercy would be unable to tell. The group would pass through large, exquisite halls, walking by various chambers of purposes mysterious to Mercy, but all equal in their grandiosity. Many of these chambers were currently populated by Cor'Norai– some were libraries, some sparring chambers, and some for any manner of unknown ceremony. Notably, the newcomer would notice that there was a distinct lack of doors in this temple. Perhaps one could attribute this to the fact that Links and their psychic communications persisted through walls? Or maybe it was just what Lævos preferred in his sanctuary.

Their short walk would conclude as they passed through the largest archway yet, though the hall itself had been grandiose enough to accommodate the size of the lion-like Arche that lay near the far back wall of the impossibly large dome-like structure they now found themselves in. The ceiling and walls were marble, beautifully painted to resemble all manner of underwater curiosity that Lævos was likely fond of alongside the silvery inlays that had been present everywhere else. With all the pretty pastels, one might say the sanctum might feel like existing within the inside of a pearl. Beyond the beauty of the architecture, however, was the forest of coral alongside other strange and exotic plants that grew from a myriad of garden planters. Further, Mercy would see an endless array of strange, arcane tools and items of all shapes and sizes, as with the potency of Lævos' Arcana, he could manipulate and craft entirely with his mind.

"Ah! You're finally here,"
the lion spoke with a voice as regal as he appeared, lifting and pressing his paws together in a manner that expressed delight. He sounded not surprised, but as if excited to finally clap eyes upon his wayward 'child'; Lævos had, after all, detected them the moment they'd entered Æntaris.

Further, Mercy would feel the sort of fatherly affection exuded by Lævos directly and find himself sharing in the delight of the other.

"I am sure you've a curiosity toward why I stole you away from your home– would you prefer I get to the point, or have you anything you would first wish to ask?"
Lævos' features were expressive as he spoke, his voice a commanding yet affectionate echo throughout the room.

For the moment, Kataali and the rest remained silent.

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Kataali & her accompaniment​

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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.