Beneath the waves, one could not voice one's thoughts– all Mercy was able to do as they swam was perceive that which was imparted to him through Links and observe the sea around him. Some of his entourage shared with him encouraging thoughts, imparting welcoming messages and so on. There was one, however, who communicated his disdain for the mongrel but only once before leaving his line of communication silent. It seems not all were of the same mind in that regard.
Nevertheless, the group did not swim manually for long– soon, one of the Cor'Norai would open a portal for the entire group. Upon going through it, all of Mercy's accompaniment would step gracefully onto the solid, dry ground; they were now within the beautiful atlantian paradise of Æntaris, the jewel of the depths. If Mercy were to look around, he would find himself in a courtyard of sorts. If he looked up, he would see a generous amount of open air before the bubble's border gave way to the sea that surrounded the city. If he looked in any other direction, he'd see that that courtyard was surrounded by four walls carved ornately of marble. Were he familiar with the whims of the wealthy, he'd realise this courtyard space was a garden within a greater structure, likely enjoyed by folks of finer taste and status. Still, he wouldn't be able to tell if this were a mansion or a temple or anything quite that specific just yet.
It was at this point where Mercy would be able to give voice to his question and Kataali her answer. As he asked it, she would gesture to her party with a flick of her wrist and they would disperse to mind themselves, though they would not leave the garden itself.
"'Laevos'," she repeated the name, " you know of whom I speak?" The woman would continue, a fierceness in her serpentine gaze and a sharpness to her tongue.
She was not quite sure the quality of education the man before her had received and intended to field his most basic questions here before taking him to stand before her beloved deity. This was mostly out of respect for the Arche's time; busy as he was, if she could answer the warrior's initial queries, she would prefer to do so.
Nevertheless, the group did not swim manually for long– soon, one of the Cor'Norai would open a portal for the entire group. Upon going through it, all of Mercy's accompaniment would step gracefully onto the solid, dry ground; they were now within the beautiful atlantian paradise of Æntaris, the jewel of the depths. If Mercy were to look around, he would find himself in a courtyard of sorts. If he looked up, he would see a generous amount of open air before the bubble's border gave way to the sea that surrounded the city. If he looked in any other direction, he'd see that that courtyard was surrounded by four walls carved ornately of marble. Were he familiar with the whims of the wealthy, he'd realise this courtyard space was a garden within a greater structure, likely enjoyed by folks of finer taste and status. Still, he wouldn't be able to tell if this were a mansion or a temple or anything quite that specific just yet.
It was at this point where Mercy would be able to give voice to his question and Kataali her answer. As he asked it, she would gesture to her party with a flick of her wrist and they would disperse to mind themselves, though they would not leave the garden itself.
"'Laevos'," she repeated the name, " you know of whom I speak?" The woman would continue, a fierceness in her serpentine gaze and a sharpness to her tongue.
She was not quite sure the quality of education the man before her had received and intended to field his most basic questions here before taking him to stand before her beloved deity. This was mostly out of respect for the Arche's time; busy as he was, if she could answer the warrior's initial queries, she would prefer to do so.
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Kataali & her accompaniment
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