
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

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Approved Kage


The All-Seeing
Approved Character
Character Sheet

"Whether in life or death, you'll be mine"

Name: Æsir, Fjælle Kniver, Kage fyn'Fadir Frjor
Race: Aeld'Norai
Gender: M
Age: 17,500
Height: 7'
Weight: 400 Lbs
17th Spring

Birthplace: Aelheim
Location: Myrkvior Basin

Personal Magic:


Æsir, Fjælle Kniver



Religion: N/A
Sexuality: Straight

: Common, Ælvish, Æbyssic, Jinnic
Influent: Jianese

The best spies have a malleable appearance that can fit the mold for the right jobs. Kage is usually transfigured into the most suitable race for the mission he's on. Kage's "normal" form is 5'10" and has marble skin and pointed ears. He usually grows cherry blossoms on his person, as they are his favorite flower. When he's in AElheim he sometimes is transfigured into the form of a brother of his who passed early in his life. This form is almost the same as his "normal" form except aelven features are more pronounced and the skin is purple.


Kage relies on Vitae and Druidism. He is used to being safe away from danger as his magical constructs take care of business.

He has a keen interest in all arcana, even those banned in Aelheim.


Likes: Technology, Control, Socializing, Adventure
Dislikes: Sedentary Life, Disobedience, Politics
Merits: Loyal, Passionate, Inquisitive, Thoughtful
Flaws: Stubborn, Self Centered, Merciless

Kage is an outwardly relaxed and calm individual. He is good at reading a room and fitting in, as well as making friends. Inwardly, he is more conniving and cruel, but he hides it well when necessary. He is a lot more sane than others his age, likely due to how many of his memories have been altered by Aelven Deep Ones.

He values Aelheim and its culture, but a live of living as a spy has made him develop a more individualistic personality than most. It is the byproduct of spending thousands of years intermittently living away from his people and learning to be entirely self sufficient. There are laws he does not completely agree with, such as the blanket ban on technology, but he is relatively uninterested in politics or changing the status quo.

Kage is interested in all sorts of treasures, often going through great lengths to grow his collection. He is a lot more interested in other races, cultures, and technologies than most of his kind.



Kage is one of Aelheim's oldest and most reliable spies. Some say he's the perfect spy as he has allowed a few trusted Deep Ones alter his memories that have traumatized him. Being 17,500 years old affords one quite a storied history. Kage's life is full of missions and espionage, love and romance, and time spent with his children.

He has learned many languages of the world because of his career. Jinnic and Aebyssic were necessary to learn early in his career. He is influent in Jianese due to the general difficulty of infiltrating their clans. He prefers to speak Common or AElvish and gets annoyed when he has to speak other languages.

In the past thousand years he has kept tabs on Arcanis, Dullahan, and Jian. His most recent mission was spent transfigured into a half Cor'Norai. During this mission he was wed to a prominent family and lived a happy life with them for hundreds of years before ultimately killing them all at the right moment.

Having just finished such a long task, he is taking a break from long missions. He is currently in Aelheim but he does travel abroad quite often to maintain contacts or carry out quick jobs.

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Magic Details
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Items, Titles, Jobs, Mines
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  • Name: Fluffy
    Race: Inari
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: Racial: Seeming

    Skill Points:
    Ascended Seeming (Master bought here)
    GM Animism (Expert bought here)

    Info: Fluffy is a pet of Kage's. She has been extensively modified with malediction to give her a more human-like appearance. These changes have caused her years and years of mental and physical distress, but she's mostly adjusted to the changes by the present date. She exists to entertain Kage and to be a useful changeling. Some of her usual activities are using transfiguration to pass useful traits onto Kage and his other minions, or going on errands.

    Name: Droplet
    Race: Cor'Norai - Human
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: Racial: Fathom
    Skill Points: 100

    Info: Kage found Droplet off the shores of Aelheim and took an instant liking to her. He captured her and has kept her as a pet ever since. She lives in a large glass fish tank on top of his house.

    Name: White
    Race: Jin'Norai (Mixed Blood)
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: GM Field Craft

    Skill Points: 75
    Field craft: 250/250 Grand Master (Master bought here)

    Info: Kage kidnapped White as a child and has kept her around as a servant. She spends most of her time cleaning the house or in her cage.

    Name: Naru
    Race: Faelnir
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: Racial: TBD
    Skill Points: 100

    Info: Naru is one of many people that Kage has taken an interest in. He is a jewelry crafter and Naru likes to spy on him as he goes about his day. Kage has plans to torture and kill Naru someday.

    Name: Sylvia
    Race: Faelnir
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: Racial: TBD
    Skill Points: 0
    Exodus: 100

    Info: Sylvia is Kage's assistant who handles his travel needs.

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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.