
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

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Approved Kage


Paragon Candidate
Approved Character
Character Sheet

"Whether in life or death, you'll be mine"

Name: Æsir, Fjælle Kniver, Kage fyn'Fadir Frjor
Race: Aeld'Norai
Gender: M
Age: 17,500
Height: 7'
Weight: 400 Lbs
17th Spring

Birthplace: Aelheim
Location: Myrkvior Basin

Personal Magic:


Æsir, Oculærist



Religion: N/A
Sexuality: Straight

: Common, Ælvish, Æbyssic, Jinnic
Influent: Jianese

The best spies have a malleable appearance that can fit the mold for the right jobs. Kage is usually transfigured into the most suitable race for the mission he's on. Kage's "normal" form is 7' and has marble skin and pointed ears. He usually grows cherry blossoms on his person, as they are his favorite flower. When he's in AElheim he sometimes is transfigured into the form of a brother of his who passed early in his life. This form is almost the same as his "normal" form except aelven features are more pronounced and the skin is purple.


Kage relies on Vitae and Druidism. He is used to being safe away from danger as his magical constructs take care of business.

He has a keen interest in all arcana, even those banned in Aelheim.


Likes: Technology, Control, Socializing, Adventure
Dislikes: Sedentary Life, Disobedience, Politics
Merits: Loyal, Passionate, Inquisitive, Thoughtful
Flaws: Stubborn, Self Centered, Merciless

Kage is an outwardly relaxed and calm individual. He is good at reading a room and fitting in, as well as making friends. Inwardly, he is more conniving and cruel, but he hides it well when necessary. He is a lot more sane than others his age, likely due to how many of his memories have been altered by Aelven Deep Ones.

He values Aelheim and its culture, but a live of living as a spy has made him develop a more individualistic personality than most. It is the byproduct of spending thousands of years intermittently living away from his people and learning to be entirely self sufficient. There are laws he does not completely agree with, such as the blanket ban on technology, but he is relatively uninterested in politics or changing the status quo.

Kage is interested in all sorts of treasures, often going through great lengths to grow his collection. He is a lot more interested in other races, cultures, and technologies than most of his kind.



Kage is one of Aelheim's oldest and most reliable spies. Some say he's the perfect spy as he has allowed a few trusted Deep Ones alter his memories that have traumatized him. Being 17,500 years old affords one quite a storied history. Kage's life is full of missions and espionage, love and romance, and time spent with his children.

He has learned many languages of the world because of his career. Jinnic and Aebyssic were necessary to learn early in his career. He is influent in Jianese due to the general difficulty of infiltrating their clans. He prefers to speak Common or AElvish and gets annoyed when he has to speak other languages.

In the past thousand years he has kept tabs on Arcanis, Dullahan, and Jian. His most recent mission was spent transfigured into a half Cor'Norai. During this mission he was wed to a prominent family and lived a happy life with them for hundreds of years before ultimately killing them all at the right moment.

Having just finished such a long task, he is taking a break from long missions. He is currently in Aelheim but he does travel abroad quite often to maintain contacts or carry out quick jobs.

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Magic Details

  • Kage's NPC Sylvia has 3 Static Portals:

    1) His home in Aelheim's Basin
    2) Near a University in Arcanis
    3) Near the outskirts of Jian

    She also can teleport to most major cities / settlements in Aelheim.

  • Kage's Familiars:
    1 Black Cat

    Fluffy's Familiars:
    CR5 Tiger

  • Kage has a familiar named Hanabi. She looks to be a human female and wears an artificed blindfold at all times.

  • Kage has a Phylactery obtained here.

    Kage's Phylactery is Ensorcelled to Hex any who touch it aside from himself and Reykr with an Ascendant-tier Bane of Sopor. If Kage wishes to rouse anyone afflicted by this Hex, the vials he was given are the simplest way; if he needs more, he will need to contact Reykr.

    Additional Cantrips related to the materials he gathered will apply upon the completion of relevant Cantrips; I will notify you as this happens.

    Tethers being utilized: ~10000
    Army Composition:
    3 regular treants (Humanoid Shaped & Sized)
    2 Elysian Treants (Tree shaped) here
    1 Master Level Pseudowisp in the body of a regular treant. (101 tethers) - has used ~1 expert to heal itself
    10 Fetches
    1 elysian treant
    8 Colossal treants for mining

  • Enhancement Thread
    Bones 1.5x steel in hardness
    Can deadlift 1,200 pounds
    Can run 30 miles without tiring
    6000 newton force punch

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Items, Titles, Jobs, Mines

  • Fall 124
    Master Field craft for White -2000 SP
    Master Seeming for Fluffy -2000 SP
    Expert Animism for Fluffy -750 SP
    Journeyman Meditation for Fluffy - 250 SP
    CR6 Encounter (Leviathan w/ 50% discount from White's GM fieldcraft) - 1215 SP
    CR5 Encounter (Tiger w/ 50% discount from White's GM fieldcraft) - 405 SP
    1 globe of Saolite (purchased here) - 2430 SP
    Journeyman Flight for Fluffy -250 SP
    Apprentice Meditation for Fluffy -100SP
    Sunder 27g of Aetherite - 135SP
    Buy 100g of Aetherite - 1100SP

    Base SP:
    GM Meditation -> 6
    Fjælle Kniver Title -> 9 (GM Meditation, Grandmaster Mysticism)

    100 - Base
    +30 Prior seasons of play
    +10 Expert skill x1
    +260 Master skill x13
    +90 GM skill x3
    +70 (from 100k labor mine, assuming alkahest mine math checks out (see below))
    +450 (from title)

    Total: 15 * 1010 = 15150 SP


    For Riddari:
    100 xp for Mystic -750 SP

    For Mordvargra:
    25 xp for Deepcraft -100 SP
    50 xp for Deepcraft -250 SP

    Hired Hands - Journeyman Artificer -250SP
    10 Grams of Geomantite Dust - 100SP here

    Buying 750 acres of land to mine on at 10 SP/Acre - 7500 SP here

    Buying 10 acres of land in jian at 30 SP/Acre -300 SP here

    Buying 27 shards of Aetherite via sundering -1215 SP here

    Buying 891g luxium gristle -4455 SP here

    Buying 23g aetherite -230 SP here

    Remaining: 0 SP

    Alkahest Mine Math:
    Assumes that this thread is canonized successfully: here

    Kage has paid for 1 formation merit, allowing up to 10 treants to mine
    10x colossal mining treants
    Base labor for each: 1
    Tether bonus: .2* 6 (Engill's GM druid) * 1000 (tethers) = 1200
    Ownership Bonus:
    1 + .4 (GM Mystic on Kage) + .3 (Master Espionage on Kage) + .3 (Master Tactics on Kage) + .2 (Expert Deepcraft on Mordvargra) + .4 (GM Business on Roskva) + .3 (Master Architecture on Kage) + .3 (master Economics on Roskva) + .4 (GM Alchemistry on Riddari) + .3 (Master Acting on Kage) + .3 (Master Security on Kage) = 4.2

    Geomentite aligned tool multiplier x2 (every treant has a tool)

    1201 (labor per treant) x 4.2 (ownership) x 2 (tools) = 10k labor per colossal treant

    10000 x 10 = 100k labor ->

    +415g aetherite
    +208g saolite
    +83g Geominite
    +83g Fabulite
    +20g Somnite
    +20g Ardorite

    Base SP:
    GM Meditation -> 6
    Fjælle Kniver Title -> 9 (GM Meditation, Grandmaster Mysticism)

    100 - Base
    +40 Prior seasons of play
    +10 Expert skill x1
    +260 Master skill x13
    +90 GM skill x3
    +385 (from maxed out primary duty with full +SP investment)




    Alkahest Mine Math:
    Kage has paid for 1 formation merit, allowing up to 10 treants to mine
    10x colossal mining treants
    Base labor for each: 1
    Tether bonus: .2* 6 (Engill's GM druid) * 1000 (tethers) = 1200
    Ownership Bonus:
    1 + .4 (GM Mystic on Kage) + .3 (Master Espionage on Kage) + .3 (Master Tactics on Kage) + .2 (Master Deepcraft on Mordvargra) + .3 (GM Business on Roskva) + .3 (Master Architecture on Kage) + .2 (master Economics on Roskva) + .3 (GM Alchemistry on Riddari) + .3 (Master Acting on Kage) + .3 (Master Security on Kage) + 0.1 (Mystic on Riddari) + 0.2 (Master Espionage on Staela) = 4.2

    Geomentite aligned tool multiplier x2 (every treant has a tool)

    1201 (labor per treant) x 4.2 (ownership) x 2 (tools) = 10k labor per colossal treant

    10000 x 10 = 100k labor ->

    +415g aetherite
    +208g saolite
    +83g Geominite
    +83g Fabulite
    +20g Somnite
    +20g Ardorite

  • Fine Outfit 1
    Fine Outfit 2
    Travel Outfit

    +1 whispering yew grandmaster crafted longbow with master Crest red and black aesthetics
    +100 grandmaster crafted whisper yew arrows,
    +1 grandmaster crafted set of whisper yew light armor with master Crest red and black aesthetics

    +127g Aetherite
    +100g luxite
    +415g aetherite (winter 124)
    +208g saolite (winter 124)
    +83g Geominite (winter 124)
    +83g Fabulite (winter 124)
    +20g Somnite (winter 124)
    +20g Ardorite (winter 124)
    750 acres of land to mine on at 10 SP/Acre
    +27 shards of Aetherite via sundering
    +891g luxium gristle
    23g aetherite -230 SP here
    +415g aetherite (spring 124)
    +208g saolite (spring 124)
    +83g Geominite (spring 124)
    +83g Fabulite (spring 124)
    +20g Somnite (spring 124)
    +20g Ardorite (spring 124)

    750 acres of land to mine on in AElheim

  • Kage's home is in Rauðrót. It is a fairly large house, befitting of someone with his title and reputation. It is a four room house built into the side of a red aspen tree.

  • Kage has a title that allows him to use Vitae and work as a spy

  • Pending changes

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  • Name: Röskva
    Race: Aeld'Norai
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: Druid (0), GM Business (1)
    Business: Grandmaster 100/100
    Economics: Master 100/100
    Druid: Novice 0/250

    Skill Points: 100 - 0 (Druid) - 25 (Business GM) - 25 (Economics) = 50

    Info: Roskva is an extremely talented aelf who lives in Rauðrviðr and has made a career out of identifying viable alkahest mining sites and facilitating a well-run operation. She came into Kage's employ soon after he returned from his recent mission and sought to expand his mining operations. They quickly became close companions. Roskva is currently wholly devoted to improving and running his mine and is paid in alkahest.


    Name: Riddari
    Race: Human
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: GM Alchemistry (0)
    Mystic: Expert 100/250
    Chemistry: Expert 100/100
    Alchemistry: Grandmaster 250/250

    Skill Points: 100 - 0 (GM Alchemistry) - 100 (Chemistry) = 0

    Info: A new pet that Kage met when he moved to Rauðrviðr. She was raised to be a shaman but demonstrated exceptional alchemical skill in college.


    Name: Morðvargra
    Race: Wisp
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: Apparation, Syphon, Druid (0)
    Apparation: Novice 0
    Syphon: Novice 0
    Grist: Master 250/250
    Deepcraft: Master 100/100

    Skill Points: 100 - 0 (Apparation) - 25 (Syphon) - 50 (Grist) = 0

    Info: Morðvargra was an Aeld'Norai born 1000 years ago. She aspired to become an AEldar'i, but her ambitions led her into a murder plot that resulted in three deaths. She was executed and later became a wisp. Now bound to Kage as a Green Knight, she is being given one final chance to atone for her crimes. Many doubt she can be redeemed.


    Name: Sylvia
    Race: Faelnir
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: Racial: TBD
    Exodus: 100

    Skill Points: 0

    Info: Sylvia is Kage's assistant who handles his travel needs.


    Name: Staela
    Race: Faelnir
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: None
    Espionage: Master 100/100

    Skill Points: 100 - 100 (Espionage) = 0

    Info: Staela is a skilled spy who has been assisting Kage with intelligence gathering.

  • Name: Bein
    Race: ????
    NPC Type: ANPC
    Merits: Racial:
    Skill Points:


  • Name: Fluffy
    Race: Inari
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: Seeming
    Ascended Seeming (Master)
    GM Animism (Expert)
    Journeyman Flight
    Apprentice Meditation

    Info: Fluffy was Kage's pet, extensively modified with malediction to resemble a humanoid. These changes caused severe distress, but she adapted over time. She provided transfiguration support and other tasks for Kage. She was killed in Winter 124.


    Name: White
    Race: Jin'Norai (Mixed Blood)
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: GM Field Craft
    Field Craft: Grand Master 250/250

    Info: Kage kidnapped White as a child and kept her as a servant. She spent most of her time cleaning or locked in a cage. She was killed in Winter 125 after Kage moved east.


    Name: Droplet
    Race: Cor'Norai - Human
    NPC Type: CNPC
    Merits: Fathom (0)

    Skill Points: 100 - 0 (Fathom)

    Info: Kage found Droplet off the shores of Aelheim and took an instant liking to her. He captured her and kept her in a large glass tank atop his house. She was killed after his move in Winter 124.

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Rebirth Ledger
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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.