- Messages
- 108
- Race
- Sofontti
- Profession
- Vagabond
- Location
- Arcanis
- Arcana
- Character Sheet
144 Years Old
6'5" Tall
Fluent in Dwarvish, Jinnic, and Common
6'5" Tall
Fluent in Dwarvish, Jinnic, and Common
"Khafra is a young-and-rugged Jin'Norai with a cool, discerning gaze and pointed ears, eyes of subtle cyan. Oft is his scraggly blonde hair left in a mess whilst the blue and gold robes of Arcanis distinguish him as a Galsterei. Descending from a Jin'Norai House with mongrel blood in its family tree, his skin his sun-glazed tan rather than the traditional dark ebon of a true native of Bast. Along his right arm is a smattering of Witchmarks, each of the symbols for the five elemental Galdr glimmering a soft blue upon his arm. Spending much time drifting between homes and taverns whilst also being coached in diction as a youth, Khafra has cultivated a melodic voice with soothing, often calming inflections."
"In spite of his upbringing, Khafra possesses a deep well of empathy for the plight of those outside his race. Though he often speaks of this as a personal weakness, he is kind. While he picks and chooses where to make his stand, he feels greatly for the marginalized, excepting the Vokhai whom he equates to savage monsters for the many traumas he has suffered in skirmishing with their ilk.
Raised under a strict regime of brutal theory and isolation, Khafra has since worked through the trauma of his youth and now feels as though he is a deeply driven and thoughtful perfectionist.
Khafra's truest friend and closest companion is his Familiar, Nurael."
Raised under a strict regime of brutal theory and isolation, Khafra has since worked through the trauma of his youth and now feels as though he is a deeply driven and thoughtful perfectionist.
Khafra's truest friend and closest companion is his Familiar, Nurael."
Initiated into all five elemental Galdr once a decade over the course of fifty years, Khafra was one of several children to fall prey to a Rakshasa gambled upon their lives for some incalculable purpose; whatever the case, he was the only success among his peers to survive the process.
There was a time in which Khafra cared for nothing. He was cold, and dour, without personality. The Rakshasa taught him Familiary so that he might have something he cares about, and ever since fostering Nurael he has found himself with a sense of ambition and stability.
There was a time in which Khafra cared for nothing. He was cold, and dour, without personality. The Rakshasa taught him Familiary so that he might have something he cares about, and ever since fostering Nurael he has found himself with a sense of ambition and stability.
"Life for Khafra began in a laboratory; he had been born, and he had been taken due to some grand design. Raised privately, quietly in secret by a Rakshasa together with other children under the ground, he watched as every ten years each of the other Jin'Norai were initiated into Galsterei magic and many simply disappeared.
By the fourth initiation, Khafra was forty years old. The Rakshasa who had mentored him now seemed like a dark and evil god of torment that he only served as amusement for, and yet he was taught the art of Mysticism and much of the world of Spirits- and, of course, that Rakshasa were above each of these. From these studies, he was made to form a Familiar, Nurael, a small and warm companion born from a lonely imagination which could only dream of good things.
From then on, it was Khafra and Nurael against their feline keeper. They vowed to escape together, though strange beings barred their path and they were both too timid and indoctrinated to risk being separated- the punishment this nameless Rakshasa had threatened.
By now Khafra knew the initiations were dangerous, that he might die as his power grew. Yet, when the final initiation came, he narrowly survived and the Rakshasa purred in glee. For ten more years he studied, forced to master every Arcana.
Once he was sixty years old and a 'curious novelty' as the Rakshasa called him, the cat suddenly ordered him to leave the dark workshop and venture out into a vast world of tunnels and darkness, forced to survive on his own. Vokhai in great numbers chased him through the Ur'Duun, and Dragons wished to own him for his quiet naivety. It was the Dwarves who finally took him in, and he was taught their language slowly, aiding in the defense of their Hold with his great magic.
Eventually Khafra felt brave enough to ascend to Antarok. Through a great sense of sickness, he emerged to a slower world by his hundredth year, and ventured to the University of Arcanis where his Witchmarks drew envy and glee. As an elective, he has since chosen to continue on wherever permitted, traveling and studying for the university whilst experiencing more of the world and aiding whom he can.
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