Approved Character
- Messages
- 6
- Race
- Jin'Norai
"A siren in the desert"

Name: Khreaulius di Sobiek
Race: Jin'Norai
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165lbs Lbs
17th Spring, 100 3E
Birthplace: Arcanis
Location: XX
Personal Magic:
Performer and Animal handler
Titles: Young Lord of the di Sobiek
di Sobiek clan
Partners: N/A
Sexuality: Homosexual
Fluent: Common
Influent: Aelvish, Jinnic
Race: Jin'Norai
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165lbs Lbs
17th Spring, 100 3E
Birthplace: Arcanis
Location: XX
Personal Magic:
Performer and Animal handler
Titles: Young Lord of the di Sobiek
di Sobiek clan
Partners: N/A
Sexuality: Homosexual
Fluent: Common
Influent: Aelvish, Jinnic
Khree seems to be somewhat short for an elf, hardly reaching that six feet tall mark to consider him tall enough. However, what he lacks in height he somewhat makes up for in body mass. The elf falls on the thicker side with his robust build. He is slightly wider than the normal elf with a lot of muscle mass on his body–specifically in his lower body region– due to his love of riding. Khree has much youth to him despite reaching an age quite mature for a human. The young lord of the di Sobiek family appears to have just reached his early twenties. The beautiful tawny skin of his seems to glow and show off his immortality.
You would expect the child of a militaristic leader to possess harsh features that symbolize the rough nature of his people's upbringing. But Khree took no part in it and some might add that it shows through his soft, feminine features. The elf has a slightly round face with a sharp chin. He has large brown eyes with flecks of gold that seem to move carefully through his eyes like a desert storm. No other features seem to stand out more unless you find his button nose and full lips to be alluring. When everything is tied together, including the chocolate ringlets sprouting from his head, Khree begins to give off a fairly androgynous look depending on the style of his attire.
You would expect the child of a militaristic leader to possess harsh features that symbolize the rough nature of his people's upbringing. But Khree took no part in it and some might add that it shows through his soft, feminine features. The elf has a slightly round face with a sharp chin. He has large brown eyes with flecks of gold that seem to move carefully through his eyes like a desert storm. No other features seem to stand out more unless you find his button nose and full lips to be alluring. When everything is tied together, including the chocolate ringlets sprouting from his head, Khree begins to give off a fairly androgynous look depending on the style of his attire.
As a new student of magic, Khree is sometimes hesitant to use his gifts. There are some jitters that he has to shake off beforehand, so a flick of his wrists has become a terrible habit. At first, Khree doesn't know what to expect but eventually he eases into it and the rest is history. Aqua is second nature anymore.
As a new student of magic, Khree is sometimes hesitant to use his gifts. There are some jitters that he has to shake off beforehand, so a flick of his wrists has become a terrible habit. At first, Khree doesn't know what to expect but eventually he eases into it and the rest is history. Aqua is second nature anymore.
Likes: Animals, stories, and fashion
Dislikes: Pessimist, the unpredictable, and bad karma
Merits: Optimistic, sociable, and humorous
Flaws: Vain, unwavering and lacks self-awareness
An upbringing like his own has given him the chance to change at a slower rate than others. Khree has lived more than forty decades but he appears to have the experience of half of that. Surely, he's had more education than most people and Khree is wise enough to recite literature written by intellectuals and solve basic mathematics. The young elf possesses some booksmarts and that is very noticeable. Sadly, it doesn't make up for the fact that he behaves like a rebellious teenager sometimes and proves the elders of his clan right when they discuss whether or not peers of the same age can take up responsibility. Khree is often too playful and sometimes coy when he wants attention. He has a habit of being self-centered at times, often thinking about what can be best for him in his time of need. Still, the elf means well when it comes to others and he deeply cares when it matters most.
Being raised amongst the harem and not in combat like others of his clan, he's developed a sensibility. It surely comes in handy when feeling people out. Khree likes to think of himself as an empath who can pick up on how someone is feeling and respond correctly to it. He is a delicate person who moves as such. Hardly satisfied, he seems to always want more and moves as such now. The slow realization that he's utterly unimportant has given him a new hunger. He's changed and is only slightly different than before. A little more determined and thoughtful too.
An upbringing like his own has given him the chance to change at a slower rate than others. Khree has lived more than forty decades but he appears to have the experience of half of that. Surely, he's had more education than most people and Khree is wise enough to recite literature written by intellectuals and solve basic mathematics. The young elf possesses some booksmarts and that is very noticeable. Sadly, it doesn't make up for the fact that he behaves like a rebellious teenager sometimes and proves the elders of his clan right when they discuss whether or not peers of the same age can take up responsibility. Khree is often too playful and sometimes coy when he wants attention. He has a habit of being self-centered at times, often thinking about what can be best for him in his time of need. Still, the elf means well when it comes to others and he deeply cares when it matters most.
Being raised amongst the harem and not in combat like others of his clan, he's developed a sensibility. It surely comes in handy when feeling people out. Khree likes to think of himself as an empath who can pick up on how someone is feeling and respond correctly to it. He is a delicate person who moves as such. Hardly satisfied, he seems to always want more and moves as such now. The slow realization that he's utterly unimportant has given him a new hunger. He's changed and is only slightly different than before. A little more determined and thoughtful too.
There was a terrible drought that very season. The guards, some suffering from heat exhaustion due to the raids and the lack of soldiers available, looked over the desert from the watchtowers. There was nothing out of the usual at first, so the small group talked amongst each other. They were no more than boys, old enough to fight but young enough not to know better about the dangers of leaving their post unattended, even if only for a second.
In the moment they were tangled up in conversation, a large, swift, and speedy sandstorm rushed to the gate of their settlement like a tidal wave. Before the guards could acknowledge it, the sandstorm met the gate. The boys could only hear a THUMP, and it broke their conversation, causing them to finally pay attention to their surroundings.
"WHO goes there?" One said with a thick accent. But no one responded. "Answer or meet my blade!" He repeated a popular phrase amongst the folk. It was the way of the clan. No one from their part of the desert enjoyed negotiation, so the next best offer was to kill or be killed.
"It is…I." A voice finally responded, and a weak cough followed.
"Aye!" The guards shouted in sync before rushing to the gate. They were excited, many thinking about how their home's problems would be solved.
Any true member of the clan could recognize that voice, even if it was a little hoarse. It was the voice of someone who had given them hope, someone who sparked a fire inside of them before every battle. To hear his voice again made them feel all those emotions again.
The guards pulled the large gates open as fast as they could to greet their leader, who leaned against the opening. He was weak but trying so hard to hold himself up. The men, excited to see the general that had led them into war before, surrounded their leader. Before they could suck in a breath of air and let out a cheer, their leader held out something to them. They believed it to be a loaf of bread at first swaddled in scrapped cloth.
Then it cried. Loud enough for the sky to hear him and begin drizzling.
Khreaulius' birth is a mystery that only his father is capable of solving. The head of house had led his people into battle against raiders, a common occurrence for his clan despite the people showing no weakness. Although Khreaulius' father is a proven warrior, the man was flawed in his methods and the raiders kidnapped him. Luckily, their home wasn't short of leaders— Khreaulius's mothers and eldest siblings played regency for a bit— but the raiders pushed hostage negotiations for well over a year. Brash and bold, Khreaulius' house refused to negotiate. It worked out for them in the end too. Vyllamor, his father, would soon escape and arrive at the front door of his home with an infant.
Many wondered about Khreaulius' origins yet no one felt compelled to figure it out since Vyllamor's harem accepted the child as their own. Vyllamor's first wife and favorite concubine named him. Khreaulius, who would be nicknamed Khree, was named after a fictional hero from an old fairytale about a Jin'Norai that was turned into a storm to search for their lover. A silly name considering his clan's culture; however, his father allowed it since he had never seen his wife and concubine get along so well.
The elf grew up in a house with values that centered on war, combat, strategic battle, and political gain. He was one of the younger children in his immediate family and paid close attention to how his older siblings' lives were shaped by those very values. Khree's father spent a great deal of time training his other children in combat, however, his time with Khree always remained stagnant. Khree was allowed a childhood full of silly games and short-lived adventures. Vyllamor often entertained Khree's childish humor too. The two would sometimes have an evening and talk about Khree's day. Most of his harmless acts were supported by his father, who gleefully accepted the stories he exaggerated. Khree was the child known for his playful nature and unlike the other children, who were scolded for such behavior, he did as he pleased. For the adults in this situation, the mothers and family members of his siblings hoping to gain something, they gleefully accepted the 'lazy' life that would soon be bestowed upon Khree, who was seen as a favored child of the very household leader.
If Vyllamor wasn't personally guiding his child's life, Khree was left to one of his mothers. The first wife's interest in the child came second to the ones she bore and so he was often left in the care of a lovely human concubine. Maela was the woman's name, and she enjoyed Khree's company. The human had no children of her own, many say she was infertile, and so she treated Khree well. The two became bonded and he would find a real mother in a woman vastly different than himself. As a Jin'Norai, he found Maela's teachings to be peculiar. The woman had a noblesse background and carried herself well. She was his teacher and replaced any sort of regular schooling for the child. Etiquette was principal a majority of the time despite the lack of time Khree spent in court. Khree did not leave the settlement often unless it was for horseback riding in open land. Aside from his favored hobby, Khree lived within the harem manor's walls.
Living within the harem walls wasn't common since it housed his father's lovers and trophies alike, but the young elf at the time was attached to his mother's hip. Living with the concubines of the harem, he learned that many of them led boring lives if not for the children some of them bore for his father. That's how he became an entertainer. Khree learned to sing. Whenever boredom arrived, the child at the time would put on a show. He became good at it in his teen years. Word reached his father and Khree was the secret to a good feast hosted by Vyllamor. Khree sang for kings, priests, and soldiers alike.
The desert angel of di Sobiek. A musical title bestowed on him for decades. At first, Khree thought he had found his calling. He had made his father proud or so he believed. Vyllamor praised him after every gathering, however, as Khree aged with time he noticed his own isolation. At first, he thought his limited interaction with others outside of his family was due to his young age. Upon entering his forties, he took notice of his siblings —younger and older than himself— taking up familial responsibilities. Some roles are smaller than others yet bigger than any he's ever received
Khree ran to Maela about this issue, expressing how he was ready to live up to the family name. The woman he looked toward for guidance tried to talk him out of it at first. Khree was highly favored by his father after all, what more could he want? But the young Jin'Norai's expressed a life only a concubine like herself could understand. Khree expressed a never-changing lifetime, and how it felt as if time wouldn't change for him if he kept it up. As someone who considered herself his mother, she decided to change it. Even if she knew the cost.
Khree was initiated into Galdr by his mother. The initiation made both people regret the decision at first until Khree pushed through. Maela had always been an incredible instructor, Khree learned all that he could from the woman. Then his father found out about it and Maela was banned from his home. Khree fell out of his father's favor and there was no real explanation for it. Vyllamor shunned him and Khree wasn't even allowed to perform at parties anymore. He was confined to a space even further away from his family and left to his own devices.
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