- Messages
- 45
- Race
- Mongrel
- Profession
- Moonflower Sentinel
- Location
- Jian
- Arcana
- Character Sheet

The brackish water of the river ran amuck, and the gossamer-thin strands of Mercys hair fluttered about in the mild breeze. The Samurai ventured alone today, without the aid of his familiar, and dedicated bodyguard "Wraith". He'd sent Wraith on a short-lived expedition and expected her to return shortly. Kongling serves as the primary source of food for the Futorisugi. Much of the economic value came from their ability to catch fish, dig for clams, and barter with one another. A bustling place filled to the brim with peaceful villagers; who preferred the slow life to one at constant war.
Other nations saw Kongling as "Prime real estate" A place so vital to Hatairu as a whole; that if it were to be destroyed would annihilate the Futo. Mercy ventured here to purchase fish, which he typically paid for with Merit as opposed to coins. The Half-blood had a reputation that followed him throughout the land. Mercy was after all the Ghost of Jian a Man rumored to have been slain; only to return to the field of battle shortly after. Although the Moonflower and Futorisugi joint task force were on the front lines today; Mercy was not as he needed a moment of peace.
Gunfire could still be heard off in the distance, as nearly the entirety of Hatairus border was being guarded against the Huo clan invasion. Sakura petals floated about in the atmosphere just as well, descending from the very skies themselves. A gift from Xie Chuntian the great, and powerful Ancient dragon who blessed and protected this land. Mercy has unwavering faith and loyalty to his Patron; never would he betray her interests for that of another nation.
The Samurai approached the docks today wearing nothing but traditional Hakama. It was far lighter than the Gusoku armor he typically fashioned himself with. Because he would not be on the frontline today his clothing choice was more for comfort. However, he knew that at any moment he would have to fight. Perhaps he would have to give his life to protect the villagers here, who were not the best, nor the strongest of combatants. Therefore, he always carried his Katana, in its Saya. Although it was rusty, it was his most prized possession. There were many lives taken by this blade; given to him by his father and he hoped to one day have it restored to its former condition.
The strange combination of flesh and patches of fish-scales on his visage often made people question his lineage. Mercy was after all a half-Cor'norai and that much was made obvious by the presence of the gills at the base of his neck. It certainly wasn't difficult to tell that Cor'norai blood coursed through his veins. Mercy had several nicknames, "The Ghost" "The Sea-Demon", and "Fish breath". They were earned by merit as he was known to fight with the ferocity of creatures hardly known to exist in the depths of the sea. Several people called him a cruel man: devoid of any empathy. However, this simply was not true, he was raised to be a brazen warrior.
He stood at the edge of the water and came to a shocking sudden revelation. Something was moving beneath the surface, a webbed hand penetrated the water. Konglings brackish river where salt water and fresh water mixed; was attached to Ryukai off in the distance. Suddenly out came a head with a strange, small fin that ran along the center of the cranium. Skin of a strange blue-green hue, and yellow eyes just as well.
"Cor'Norai.." Mercy said aloud as a shocking revelation came to him. Mercy could see through the water with somewhat clarity. He never elected to submerge himself in the depths of the river before. However, the fact that he could allowed him to notice that the river was teeming with life. Suddenly there were approximately six Cor'norai; and a sea beast with an appearance somewhat like that of a Dragons. However, his mysticism could detect no Saol.
Then came something that looked like a string; this was a "link". The imberic metaphor came from each, and every one of the Cor'norai, and the strange dragon that emitted imber as well.
"My brother… You're being called to come home… Take my hand" Mercy could feel the words vibrate across his skull rather than being spoken aloud. The Samurai had suddenly been flooded with a wave of emotion; this was the use of fathom at a higher level than even he possessed. Convinced, without putting up much of a fight the Samurai took the hand and did not hesitate. At a moment's notice, he had been dragged beneath the surface still clad in his now-soaked Hakama.
The Samurais head had been completely dipped beneath the water, and in that moment, he saw an entirely different world. One so beautiful that it would snatch the breath from the lungs of a land-dweller. The Saol in each, and every fish was visible he was shocked to see just how amazing a place this was. Mercy held his breath until he no longer could, and exhaled; bubbles rose to the surface, and he began to panic. Until suddenly he felt relief coming over him, as water passed through his gills and allowed him to breathe.
"You're just another half-blooded land dweller yourself... Look at how you panic... "Mercy heard several voices vibrate across his skull. There was no need for the Cor'norai to kidnap a willing subject. Mercy, however was more confused than anything about the sudden disgust he felt over him. They could share emotions, without so much as uttering a word from their physical lips. Just like Mercy; they were all users of Fathom, but the Samurai had more interest in this new creature. Unlike on the surface, pushing out air with ones lungs did not work here. The hakama continued to flutter about as he became accustomed to breathing in water.
Mercy had but one question as he looked into the yellow-tinted predatory eyes of the "Woman" with green scales adorning the amalgamation of fair-flesh on her body. "What are you..?" Mercy asked.. "Who are you?"
"I am a Krakon.. My name is Kataali.. You were called here by Lord Laevos.. You're coming with us."
Information about Kataali can be found here Kataali.
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