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- Vagabond
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- Arcanis
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Summer 55 123
Lakali had himself a pitched tent, gazing over the hot, burning wastes of Veiðrbrand from a thicket of charred trees. Elementals rarely came this far, but the Gnoll was hunting, hoping to snag something with a nice hide that he could skin and sell to fund a Warband. Maybe the other Gnoll would not call him Stupid if he could take down a - what's it, a Maentyker?
Today the Other was acting up, as he punched the stakes into place. "Heh. Heh-hah," he giggled. It was like holding back a sneeze, and he had to stand tall and bray his chest. "Hah! Hah-heh-he-hah-heee-haaaa!" he shouted to the wind. Then, he pawed at his teeth, making sure that dumb little clown in his soul had gotten it out of its system before he could focus on the task at hand.
Shwoop. Up went the tent, and he pitched it well enough. Then, he gathered stones for his firepit. Lakali could have done so with magic, but a shaman once told him not to rely upon his gifts too much, and so he was taking the man's word. It wasn't very fun to live like this, though.
Lakali gazed upon his shitty tent, half-fallen down, and that disarray of rocks. "Mneh. Lakali could do better with magic," he growled to himself, eyes rolling up. Raising his paw, he curled his fingers, and gave rise to an arch of stone that rumbled from the earth, and then dragged those forces down into the pit. With his other hand, he raised a great whirlwind into the air, plucking the branches of trees and dumping them haphazardly onto the pit. Then, with a wiggle of his tail - he was happy, he loved setting things on fire - he conjured a great, burning bonfire as tall as he was, and it flared even higher before dimming back down.
The light twinkled on the horizon, for miles, but Lakali didn't care if trouble found him. He was the trouble, after all.
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