- Messages
- 119
- Race
- Dragon
- Profession
- Mage-Hunting Warbeast
- Location
- Dullahan
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- Encaustum (Master)
Fathom (Master)
Kyanosis (Master)
Remnant (Master)
Possession (Master)
Apparation (Expert)
- Character Sheet
"Stupid Gnoll, Chosen by Aether"
Name: Lakali
Race: Gnoll
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 7'1"
Weight: 300 Lbs
Birthplace: The Ur'Duun
Location: Antarok
Personal Magic:
Terra, Fulgur,
Zephyr, Aqua,
Absentia, &
Living Standard:
Middle Class
Lakali has honor.
Lakali rather not tell.
Lakali hated by many.
Partners: N/A
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gnollish, Crudish,
Common, Ælvish
Race: Gnoll
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 7'1"
Weight: 300 Lbs
Birthplace: The Ur'Duun
Location: Antarok
Personal Magic:
Terra, Fulgur,
Zephyr, Aqua,
Absentia, &
Living Standard:
Middle Class
Lakali has honor.
Lakali rather not tell.
Lakali hated by many.
Partners: N/A
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gnollish, Crudish,
Common, Ælvish
Runty Lakali is on the lower end of size for a gnoll, yet no less imposing to a human. His body is naturally bulky, fur taking on the pattern of an Aardwolf. As many gnoll prefer to wear, Lakali dons a harness from which he hangs satchels and whatever else, but unlike them, he wears the robes of a shaman upon his shoulders. His face is locked in a perpetual grin of huge, bonecrushing teeth, seemingly smug or frightening to most, yet those who know Gnoll well enough would find his features rather tame compared to the rest of his kind.
In spite of being one of the most gifted Galsterei on Antarok, Lakali does not feel this way. He looks on with envy at other mages, wishing he could perform in the ways they do, and feels as if he is playing the part to some great joke. His Other is a humorous entity that influences Lakali to laugh at things he does not find funny; because of this, he rather hates his Other, and wishes it would stop influencing him to laugh out of turn, but to date he can still feel its emotions filling his head with fog.
Rarely does Lakali reveal he is a mage beyond wearing the robes of a shaman, as people treat him differently and he does not like this. The robes are the only reason his own kind would not try to tear him limb from limb for laughing at them.
In spite of being one of the most gifted Galsterei on Antarok, Lakali does not feel this way. He looks on with envy at other mages, wishing he could perform in the ways they do, and feels as if he is playing the part to some great joke. His Other is a humorous entity that influences Lakali to laugh at things he does not find funny; because of this, he rather hates his Other, and wishes it would stop influencing him to laugh out of turn, but to date he can still feel its emotions filling his head with fog.
Rarely does Lakali reveal he is a mage beyond wearing the robes of a shaman, as people treat him differently and he does not like this. The robes are the only reason his own kind would not try to tear him limb from limb for laughing at them.
Likes: Like, Like, Like
Dislikes: Dislike, Dislike, Dislike
Merits: Merit, Merit, Merit
Flaws: Flaw, Flaw, Flaw
Lakali believes himself to be unintelligent, but this is largely due to his own failures, and the disappointment instilled into him by his father. Were he able to string together a plan that functioned, he could perhaps lead a warband, but instead his actions beyond a small scope always lead to disaster. His response to this is to be cautious, anxious, and lazy. When he isn't caught in the throngs of vice, he is taking on small jobs well beneath him, wandering and shirking responsibility wherever it may come.
Lakali wishes to lead a Warband one day so that his father will not refer to him as the weak seed of his tribe, and has attempted to do so twice. However, the Vokhai in his employ have robbed him blind, and did not believe in his power. This has made Lakali very unsure of his own leadership abilities, and he gets the feeling that others do not like him much. He wonders if he were cruel and sadistic like his father, would they finally listen to him? But his attempts to be this way have thus far involved absurd things such as tickling and demanding demeaning things of others.
For hobbies, Lakali enjoys women and men of almost every race, but is far too terrible with money to own a slave or a woman, and too aloof to care for one. However, he has more success with women than in any other part of his life, as they love to talk to him, and he is at least a good listener. Sometimes he does not understand, but he has learned many languages from his paramours. The one exception is that Gnoll women think he is far too weak to bother with, but Lakali knows he cannot have everything that he wants in life.
Lakali believes himself to be unintelligent, but this is largely due to his own failures, and the disappointment instilled into him by his father. Were he able to string together a plan that functioned, he could perhaps lead a warband, but instead his actions beyond a small scope always lead to disaster. His response to this is to be cautious, anxious, and lazy. When he isn't caught in the throngs of vice, he is taking on small jobs well beneath him, wandering and shirking responsibility wherever it may come.
Lakali wishes to lead a Warband one day so that his father will not refer to him as the weak seed of his tribe, and has attempted to do so twice. However, the Vokhai in his employ have robbed him blind, and did not believe in his power. This has made Lakali very unsure of his own leadership abilities, and he gets the feeling that others do not like him much. He wonders if he were cruel and sadistic like his father, would they finally listen to him? But his attempts to be this way have thus far involved absurd things such as tickling and demanding demeaning things of others.
For hobbies, Lakali enjoys women and men of almost every race, but is far too terrible with money to own a slave or a woman, and too aloof to care for one. However, he has more success with women than in any other part of his life, as they love to talk to him, and he is at least a good listener. Sometimes he does not understand, but he has learned many languages from his paramours. The one exception is that Gnoll women think he is far too weak to bother with, but Lakali knows he cannot have everything that he wants in life.
Lakali was a runt born to a Warband in the Ur'Duun, given a spear at just six years old and then given over to the shamans when he seemed useless and a little slow. However, his father was so disappointed in him that he was given every Magemark, month by month, in the hopes that he would die and end the shame his existence brought upon the old warlord.
Somehow, Lakali survived Terra, Fulgur, Aqua, Abation, and Zephyr without succumbing. In spite of how ill he was, he laughed at the pain. He cried, and he laughed some more, and he whimpered into the night until the Shamans came for him again and again. In spite of all this, his father banished him, but the Zephyr Shaman Lelash rebelled and took Lakali under his wing, for he might have seemed dull and weak, but he was the future of the Vokhai.
Lelash quickly realized that Lakali was not the future of the Vokhai, and promptly abandoned him in the city of anarchy to live as an orphan.
There, Lakali indentured himself to another Warband who found it strange that a child could have survived so many initiations. They arranged for him to obtain a sixth, Exodus, and somehow he again survived, but this time his Other began to laugh, and from that point on, Lakali began to laugh out of turn like a giggling freak.
From then on, they called him Lakali the Stupid Gnoll, Chosen by Aether. Lakali was not in actuality that slow, merely he had been led to believe this, as others had viewed him as an adult when he was still a child, and they found his laughter to be idiotic. And so, he spent every day cultivating his many gifts, doing all that anyone asked to appease them, to the point of suffering Mageburn. Luckily, he learned not to weave magic when he felt weird. Lelash gave him that advice, at least.
Eventually Lakali was put to test in the Warband that adopted him, but he grew nervous on the battlefield, and a great barrage of rocks squished twenty people - his own. Then, he tried to cover for this mistake by sweeping away the enemies in a flood, but he swept away his fellow warriors. In the end, the enemy had been defeated, but Lakali was devastated that he had killed so many who would at least talk to him that he fled before his warlord could execute him.
If he had merely stayed, Lakali would have been praised. His spells only went wrong due to the tampering of enemy mages, who were slain themselves. The battle would have been lost without him.
Lakali attempted to form a Warband of his own, after being sure that he had control of his magic. He was very nice to them, and they stole all his clothes and strung him up to a tree with a knife stuck in his belly.
And so, Lakali gave up, and now he is working very hard as an independent mercenary, taking on smaller jobs that seem less complicated, and less likely to go wrong. In addition to this, he's taken to starting a hunting Warband with a Gnoll he met, Khain. Their Warband is small, but in time it might progress beyond animals.
Somehow, Lakali survived Terra, Fulgur, Aqua, Abation, and Zephyr without succumbing. In spite of how ill he was, he laughed at the pain. He cried, and he laughed some more, and he whimpered into the night until the Shamans came for him again and again. In spite of all this, his father banished him, but the Zephyr Shaman Lelash rebelled and took Lakali under his wing, for he might have seemed dull and weak, but he was the future of the Vokhai.
Lelash quickly realized that Lakali was not the future of the Vokhai, and promptly abandoned him in the city of anarchy to live as an orphan.
There, Lakali indentured himself to another Warband who found it strange that a child could have survived so many initiations. They arranged for him to obtain a sixth, Exodus, and somehow he again survived, but this time his Other began to laugh, and from that point on, Lakali began to laugh out of turn like a giggling freak.
From then on, they called him Lakali the Stupid Gnoll, Chosen by Aether. Lakali was not in actuality that slow, merely he had been led to believe this, as others had viewed him as an adult when he was still a child, and they found his laughter to be idiotic. And so, he spent every day cultivating his many gifts, doing all that anyone asked to appease them, to the point of suffering Mageburn. Luckily, he learned not to weave magic when he felt weird. Lelash gave him that advice, at least.
Eventually Lakali was put to test in the Warband that adopted him, but he grew nervous on the battlefield, and a great barrage of rocks squished twenty people - his own. Then, he tried to cover for this mistake by sweeping away the enemies in a flood, but he swept away his fellow warriors. In the end, the enemy had been defeated, but Lakali was devastated that he had killed so many who would at least talk to him that he fled before his warlord could execute him.
If he had merely stayed, Lakali would have been praised. His spells only went wrong due to the tampering of enemy mages, who were slain themselves. The battle would have been lost without him.
Lakali attempted to form a Warband of his own, after being sure that he had control of his magic. He was very nice to them, and they stole all his clothes and strung him up to a tree with a knife stuck in his belly.
And so, Lakali gave up, and now he is working very hard as an independent mercenary, taking on smaller jobs that seem less complicated, and less likely to go wrong. In addition to this, he's taken to starting a hunting Warband with a Gnoll he met, Khain. Their Warband is small, but in time it might progress beyond animals.
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