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Closed Lambs To Slaughter

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Lord of the Forest
Approved Character
Character Sheet

spring 50 year 124 of the third age
Continues from 'A Delightful Invitation'

Æhti's Nucleate had wreaked havoc upon the structural integrity of the creature's bones and the durability of its flesh; the stream of flame from Cælum's lips easily decimated it into a sopping pile of burned, gelatinous meat and charred bone. Cleaning that mess up would be an unpleasant endeavor, but at least it was finally dead. The Galsterei was not foolish enough to have lingered once the beast began to fall apart, saving him from being covered in the sloughs of meat and bile that fell from the thing as it died.

Regrouping with Abraia, "...a Wisp or two has to have seen something," he muttered. He was not as quick to anger as she was, but surely, whatever system they had in place that utilized the Wisps as sentinels must have flagged this aberrant event somehow.

It made him wonder: were similar events occurring around Ælheim in tandem and they were simply tending their own settlements first, or were they waiting to see if Cælum was capable of defending his Grove on his own before intervening? However, this was something he ought to ponder more once the danger had fully passed rather than leave himself distracted now.

The young man then rolled his shoulders and patted himself down, checking for injuries. He found none– his magic had succeeded in protecting him from anything more than a few scrapes and wear to his clothing. Looking to Cælum, "thankfully I seem to be alright!" he called up to the dragon.

"It very well might have been made from Paradisian residents, but we can't really be sure of that unless somebody recognized any of those congealed faces," Æhti responded to Abraia with a grimace.

But as they'd been fighting, a cacophony of sounds had started to build– more creatures in the darkness scuttling about as well as the screams of Cælum's chattel. Except at this point, it did not sound as if they were being killed or eaten; their screams did not cut short and there were none of the awful noises of consumption to accompany them. Rather, it was as if they were being carried off somewhere?

If the trio were to listen, they might be able to get a general idea of where the women and children were being taken– off over to where there were few buildings; an open, burned field of the badlands Cælum had added to his territory yet not built anything upon yet.

"They– they don't sound like they're being killed yet– maybe we can save them?" The boy looked hopeful, however foolish or naïve that might be.

Æhti would be off in that direction on foot with Abraia should Cælum assent. However, due to Cælum being capable of flight, it was likely he'd arrive before the others.

Waiting for them in that field was a bizarre sight– there was a massive portal, shimmering, starry aether glowing at the edges, white and fiery, greatly contrasting with the darkness blanketing the village. Monsters of all shapes and sizes were scuttling about, skittering to and fro, throwing people– Cælum's people– into the portal with reckless abandon. On the side farthest from where the trio would arrive stood a strange creature.

It was a strange, skeletal abomination; each of its joints floated next to each other, not quite connected. As it moved, it became evident that its pieces did not need to be anywhere near one another to function, either. Proportionally, its pieces were also much larger than the average man, and its anatomy made little sense. For one thing, it had three floating heads atop its neck, but for another, its spine did not connect to its pelvis. Rather, it snaked forward, carrying another set of ribs, shoulders and arms as well as a fourth head, all of which floated above and before the pelvis. It moved with mechanical authority, like a foreman overseeing a worksite, directing the wild beasts apparently within its control to continue gathering more and more victims.

꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Entity, Æhti } ༉༻•══════════꧂


꧁══════════• ༺༉ ❁ ❀ ❁ ༉༻•══════════꧂
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The thought of his very own residents being used to make these creatures made Caelum's stomach churn. It had been no small feat to recruit them all and many of them surely carried his children. He tried to convince himself that they could be made of other people's bodies… yet, he didn't know of any large concentrations of people anywhere else nearby.

"I'll go on ahead," Caelum said before he zipped through the sky with purpose. The wind whipped around his face as he flew, pushing to an uncomfortable pace for the form he took. Human eyes and skin weren't the best for dealing with high wind speeds. He slowed rapidly when he came across the massive portal.

"A portal, fuck. Where the hell is Sjal?" he asked himself. A part of him felt that she might be somehow responsible. Or maybe even Lakali, that anomaly of a gnoll – he'd always suspected betrayal would come eventually. It mattered little though, as whoever was responsible seemed to want to take all the residents.

Not knowing how to destroy a portal, Caelum felt he had little option but to attack it. He knew he risked incinerating the surrounding people, but at this point he didn't care. He couldn't, no, he wouldn't allow this to go on any longer. Death was preferable than for this to continue.

If Caelum was allowed to fly above the portal, he would charge up a massive burst of saol which he would release in the form of a massive barrier of light. He lacked the finesse to make it pretty, but he would attempt to form a wall in a circle around the portal to prevent people from being thrown into it. Of course, he could only make it so high and he might not have been able to cover up the whole portal, if it was truly gargantuan. Even still there was always the chance that the bodies could be flung over the wall or perhaps the wall could be broken through with enough force.

Caelum was aware of the strange creature nearby and knew that he would probably need to fight it sooner rather than later. He hoped that he would be safe in the sky until the others caught up…


Magic use tracker
Expert grove discounts listed but not calculated yet:

x2 novice torches (66% cost)
X1 apprentice spikes (66% cost)
X1 expert flames (66% cost)
X1 expert druidism (33% cost)
1x expert flames (66% cost)
1x master grist for the light wall (66% cost)


"By the godheads. They're kidnapping them" Abraia said when she saw the portal and what was going on. She did not feel safe even being within eyesight of the portal. Her instinct was to run but if the women had been rounded up then her chances of staying hidden were slim. She felt safest near the action, ironically.

"Can we do anything about this?" she asked Aehti as she ran behind him. She was probably not able to catch up to someone with combat acumen.

"Or better yet, is there anything I can do?" She felt useless because she was pretty useless. Just about as useless as the women who fought tooth and nail to avoid being taken but it was no use. Abraia did not think many people would want to move to Paradise if word ever got out about what happened here. It was a tragedy even if the sequoia was untouched.

spring 50 year 124 of the third age

The discorporated overseer was half tempted to leap into the portal himself and depart at the sight of Cælum; he was a lazy thing and had initially chosen this place because he had assumed it to be poorly guarded, but rife with life. He'd scouted it for some time, and in that time he realized that its guardians– creatures apparently known as Gnolls– were fickle and often not even around. In contrast, the rest of Ælheim was watched over by fierce, Ælven hunters who would not go quietly, and did not take kindly to their pets being swindled away by strange creatures. A body was a body, for his purposes; the ones that fought were more trouble than they were worth.

And thus from the data he collected, he'd decided that Paradise was ripe for harvest. And per his calculations, he'd already collected more than enough meat to have made the trip worth it. Still, he was curious– what kind of fight would this wayward village's defenders manage to put up?

In a voice far too loud (perhaps its heads had been augmented in some way?), the creature called out to the small hoard of twisted monsters running rampant through Paradise. Its words, however, incomprehensible, signaled a wave of those creatures, all rushing toward their portal– which was now being blocked by a rising wall of hardlight.

Æhti found this sight patently bizarre, bearing witness to it as he arrived in the clearing. Was it the hardlight that offended them enough to just…leave? Still, he noted that the overseer was not following his kindred monsters. In the moments that followed, Abraia was not far behind him, asking if there was much for her to do.

"I…I'm not sure?" The boy sounded bewildered. "Now that they've gathered here, some of 'em had to be interrupted mid…uh…feeding? Attack? Either way, see if you can find anyone that needs triage and help them get somewhere safe."

The creatures that didn't make it into the portal before the hardlight wall was erected were bashing their many, mangled limbs into it while their overseer watched on, its strange faces masking whatever thoughts whorled within. Moments later, the overseer's limbs glowed and the portal within the wall snapped shut– in tandem, it shrieked; a loud, hideous, metallic alarm resounded through the village that sent those macabre monsters into a frenzy.

There were a handful left, amalgams of bodies like the ones the trio had fought before. One goliath, three just a head taller than Æhti, and a handful of lupine-like meat-things with wings that quickly took to the air after Cælum. In moments like this, the Galsterei really wished he had more than his fists for a weapon; he'd feel a lot safer about potentially overstepping his Aether reserves. With an almost painful twist of Aether, Æhti put the three mid-size monsters into stasis, then pulled a makeshift hammer from the earth below that he intended to use to fight the largest one.

And in all the chaos, the overseer had vanished from sight.
monsters are variations of this
꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Entity, Æhti } ༉༻•══════════꧂

꧁══════════• ༺༉ ❁ ❀ ❁ ༉༻•══════════꧂

When Caelum's wall had been created, he was somewhat pleased to hear that the creatures down below didn't like what he'd done. "So, they came in through that portal and need it to go home," he thought as he watched the creatures throw themselves against it. At the very least he had ensured that no more of the women would be taken… but that was no guarantee for their safety. By preventing the beasts from leaving he'd inadvertently trapped them in his town.

The one benefit to the massive wall was that it illuminated the area quite well. It ought to have been easy to see the creatures and even the overseer in all its disgusting glory. Speaking of which, Caelum focused on it with the intent to attack but it let out a shriek that made him cover his ears and flinch. For a moment Caelum averted his eyes… and when he looked back it was gone.

"Good, so now all I have to do is make a wall around this little enclosure here and everyone will be safe," he thought, but that was before he realized how tired he was getting. Making that wall was draining and he didn't know if he could make an even larger one. He also didn't know how long a wall like that might last. The realization that he was going to have to fight this horde of monsters made a chill run down his spine.

"Great they can fly!" he muttered as creatures took to the skies. He had basically no aerial combat experience so he fled. He had a feeling that he could outrun one, but if they approached from different angles he was unlikely to be able to evade them all.

He circled around the open area, trying to see of AEhti and Abraia had arrived yet. He spotted at least one of them fighting down below with some kind of hammer. He swooped down and emitted a stream of flames that would burn the creatures in a line as he flew. He made sure to hit the ones in stasis as he passed by.


Magic use tracker
Magic reserves:
1.5 (dragon) * (1.4 master casts of base saol reserves from magic skills) =2.1 master casts

Used so far:
1.5 master casts accounting for discounts

Should have ~.6 master casts left


Abraia was going to get mauled by a monster when it suddenly froze. Moments later it burst into flames. Lots happened so quickly that she couldn't keep up. She followed the advice and tried to help people. She didn't care about the ones that were severely injured. She only went after the ones who looked like they were in decent shape. She grabbed them one by one and pulled them off to the side.

She was not alone. Other women had come to help. Whether they were stupid or brave they had come of their own accord and helped get people to safety now that the monsters were occupied with fighting Cae and Aehti.

Some of the women that came to help ended up dying. It was the sad reality of how weak a normal person was compared to a monster out of a nightmare.

And amidst all this chaos there was not an elf in sight.

spring 50 year 124 of the third age

The screeching wretches which pursued Cælum midair were not very fearsome on their own, but as a group they would quickly become more than a nuisance if not dealt with. Luckily, the dragon's Luxium infused flames melted through them and the mangled, frozen monsters down below. All that remained was the goliath currently locked in melee with Æhti.

Their duel was a precarious thing; Æhti was strong, stronger than most men, but the wiry amalgamation that fought him had the advantage of possessing multiple sets of arms. The Galsterei had charged at it, bringing his hammer down with an arcing strike meant to break it at center mass– but his swing had been intercepted. Its momentum was met with a hideous crunch, striking into– and breaking– a few of the monster's auxiliary limbs. Still, though it had broken, the creature's block had redirected the strike away from anything vital, causing the young man to ultimately miss his target.

It responded with a furious roar, and swiftly moved to take advantage of the fact that end of Æhti's downward strike had exposed his shoulder and upper back. Barely reacting to the trauma of breaking its middle set of arms, the beast moved to claw at him with its primary set, tearing through the man's flesh with the ease of shears through silk. The Galsterei resisted the urge to scream, gritting his teeth and channeling a burst of Aether through his body. The wound would quickly appear to 'close' as his skin shifted from flesh to myrksteinn. At the same time, the man combined the force of the monster's blow with his own strength to leap out of the way.

Abraia's rescue endeavor, though risky, paid off. Without her efforts and those of the other women who joined her, there likely would've been many more casualties. Though they stood little chance in any direct confrontation with the beasts that assailed Paradise, clever decisions and stealth allowed most of Abraia's group to make it to safety. One woman took the noble– though tragic– path of a martyr, sacrificing herself to allow the rest of them to escape without notice.
monsters are variations of this
View attachment 281
꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Æhti } ༉༻•══════════꧂

꧁══════════• ༺༉ ❁ ❀ ❁ ༉༻•══════════꧂

Caelum was proud of the women coming to help. He forgot sometimes that they were more than just playthings. Of all the times Paradise had been in danger he'd never seen them band together like this. It was sad to watch them die off and he hated being unable to do anything to stop it. One of them women even got caught in the range of his fire breath and got burned alive. He hadn't aimed at her, but controlling the flames once they left his mouth was not something he was capable of.

He turned to survey the state of the battle. Did they have a chance? He knew he was probably getting low on reserves, though he doubted he had ever pushed himself this hard inside his grove before. He pushed the thought from his mind when he saw AEhti struggling with his enemy.

"I'm coming!" he shouted as he angled himself towards the monster. He was just about to let out a breath attack when another one of those blasted flighted creatures smacked into him, sending him spinning. He righted himself and burned it with a cone of flames, along with anything under it, but AEhti would have to fend for himself for just a while longer.

When he finally closed his mouth he felt his body slowly start losing altitude. He was tired and even though flying with grist was effortless, he still felt like spending another moment in the air would make him too dizzy to fly straight. He dropped down next to the remains of what was probably a pretty woman and drew his longsword, expecting to have to cut his way through to AEhti.


Magic use tracker
1.5 master casts accounting for discounts
1 expert cast not accounting for discounts


Abraia saw Aehti's injury from the corner of her eye. She gasped but the man still stood. He needed help and she could not have him die.

Her book flew to her hand and a flick of her wrist brought her to the right page.

"Die you foul demon!"

A large spark leapt from the page
A bolt made of lightning that carried her rage
Into the center of the monster so fearsome
Despite all the efforts of the defenders in this sad conundrum

Abraia did not know whether it would be enough but she had used up a journeyman level lightning bolt spell. It was her ace up her sleeve and probably the only spell she had that could help.

She did not run to his side. She felt vulnerable now more than ever. She pulled the women and guided them towards the sequoia. The large tree would be safest if it were not attacked yet.

spring 50 year 124 of the third age

The brunt of the invading monsters had managed to slink away per their overseer's machinations, and those that still lingered were, for the most part, easy to dispatch. At least, with the aid of Luxium's fires, that is– Cælum had already killed most of them. Now all that remained were three lanky things that had been following the dragon from below, waiting for him to land, and the goliath which Æhti was dealing with.

The Galsterei had managed to use the momentum provided by being struck to leap out of the way. Once he'd righted himself to look at his opponent again, he'd see it struck by an arc of lighting, blasting off several of its limbs on the left side. They exploded off the creature, though luckily did not impact anyone– landing off to the side with dull thuds. The creature was, fittingly, shocked by this, and Æhit himself was quick to react, eager to take advantage of this opportunity to finish it off. With the monster distracted, he managed to lunge forward again, swinging his hammer back up and, without arms on the left side to deflect the blow, he smashed its skull, killing it.

With that thing dead, he'd take a moment to look around for the lightning's source– but Abraia had already slunk away, making it safely to the sequoia with the women she'd managed to gather up. Though confused, he could only assume it was her– who else here had magic? His actual 'security' team was missing.

Still, he didn't quite have time to ponder this, as he soon looked in the direction that Cælum had landed. If the other man had not already slain his foes, Æhti would then rush over to join him.
꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Æhti } ༉༻•══════════꧂

꧁══════════• ༺༉ ❁ ❀ ❁ ༉༻•══════════꧂

Caelum had to blink when he saw the flash of light near AEhti. Had he mastered another kind of magic and not told him? He didn't think the man had fulgari or zephyr, the two types that he heard were capable of producing lightning. It was one of the only kinds of magical feats that truly made Caelum jealous. Mostly because he felt his fire breath ought to be able to produce similar effects.

In any case, he couldn't quite see what was going on. He assumed it was a friendly attack, more to keep himself focused instead of worrying about yet another threat. He had other things to worry about, like the three monsters closing in on his position. They were absolutely ugly things, now that he was looking at them up close. He wasn't quite sure what their capabilities were either.

He was decent with a sword, but his experience was with fighting against other people, not monstrosities. His weapon cut into flesh but he could never commit to a strong attack, lest he get mauled by the creature's extra limbs. He made little progress and had to abandon his ideas of fighting at all once he had two on his hands.

Instead of running over to help AEhti, he ended up running over to be helped. He saw now that the man had a big hammer with him, probably constructed with magic.

A claw scraped his back, causing him to cry out in pain. He wouldn't make it to AEhti in time and he was clearly slower at running than these things. He turned his head and fired a volley of hardlight shards at his pursuers. They were weak and intended to pepper and slow, not kill.


Magic use tracker
1.5 master casts accounting for discounts
1 expert cast not accounting for discounts
1 journeyman cast not accounting for discounts


Sjal arrived at the sequoia with haste. There was a crowd in front of its doors but they were shut. This was the safest place so it made sense for people to flee here.

"Let me through" she ordered but people didn't care to listen.

She took out her key and forced her way through without being the least bit nice about it. She pushed and shoved until she got to the door and unlocked it. She pushed it open to see the meager guard force standing with their weapons ready.

"It's okay. They're almost all dead. We can house people in here until daylight"

The women flooded into the sequioia. It was becoming a scared place for the dragon so it made a lot of people uncomfortable for so many to come in at once but the tree was truly massive.

There they would wait until the sounds of the monsters died off completely.

spring 50 year 124 of the third age

Abraia and what women could walk that'd she'd managed to rally successfully made it to the sequoia– the outside of which was very much a madhouse, with many more survivors clamouring to be let in. Some people had enough control of their emotions that they moved aside upon spotting Abraia; many recognized her for her status, knowing she had a key. Others, however, were in far too much panic to really pay much attention, having to be pushed aside. Still, she made her way there and opened the doors– the women ran into the building, some with babies in tow, with reckless abandon the second they cracked open.

Once all of that group had made it and the doors were closed, a young, auburn haired woman decided to stay near enough to them in order to peek out the windows or listen for more potential survivors. If more came, she'd implore they'd be let in. This wasn't that tall of a request, because as time went on, the darkness outside was beginning to fade.

•════════════════════• back in the fray ❀

With the big beast dead, Æhti regained his senses and ran to catch up with Cælum– the dragon was being tailed by a handful more multi-limbed monstrosities. Because these monsters were smaller but had longer, more agile limbs, Æhti shifted his mace on his way over– he made the handle longer and the head of it smaller and pointed, adding another head to the other side so he could spin it; this allowed his swings to be weaker but significantly faster.

Cælum's hardlight shards had more of an effect on the creatures than he intended, given that all of these monsters appeared weak to Luxium in some form or fashion. They still didn't die, but their flesh appeared to sizzle and burn where they were impaled. Not only did this cause them pain, but the shards themselves obstructed their movement; both Cælum and Æhti would have a much easier time fighting them now.

Regardless of how quickly Cælum were to turn around and join him, Æhti swung his now dual-headed hammer, striking the closest creature before swiftly spinning the weapon to hit it again– it wasn't yet dead, but it was very much dazed, stunned by the strike.

꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Æhti } ༉༻•══════════꧂

꧁══════════• ༺༉ ❁ ❀ ❁ ༉༻•══════════꧂

For the first time Caelum noticed that the creatures appeared to be weak to luxium. He had seen how they'd reacted when he'd erected the wall, but there could have been any number of reasons for them to not like the portal being blocked. Then there was the first monster they'd faced – now that he thought about it, his breath had done wonders there as well. It made him wonder how cocky those creatures had been to attack this place, probably with the knowledge that he had that power.

He couldn't see any other creatures around, other than the three that had chased him. Did that mean it was over? Or would another portal open? He didn't want to think about that possibility.

"I'm so sick of these things," Caleum roared when he finally caught his breath. AEhti had given him enough of a reprieve to collect himself and open his mouth for the millionth time tonight. His jaw was beginning to ache from how many times he'd clenched it over the past hour.

He aimed at the one AEhti had knocked down, searing it with an inense ray of light that ought to have enough power to punch a hole through it. He lifted his head, directing the laser to try slicing a second in half. He knew he was probably on the verge of mageburn at this point, if he hadn't already been there.

Caelum would fly at the third with as much speed as he could muster. He would try to cleave it with one powerful strike of his sword, using his wings to try taking the brunt of any damage the creature tried to deal him during his attack. Wings he could live without and could even grow back later – his head did not enjoy that luxury.


Magic use tracker
1.5 master casts accounting for discounts
3 expert cast not accounting for discounts
1 journeyman cast not accounting for discounts


spring 50 year 124 of the third age

Working together now, Cælum and Æhti were proving to be a much stronger united force than the chaotic, mindless creatures they were stuck fighting. The dragon's magic gave them an undeniable edge, searing through anything it touched with ease and taking out two of the three monsters. That being the case, both combatants shifted their focus onto the last of the bunch.

The third one, focused on the dragon, was to be taken out in tandem. It swiped at Cælum with several of its limbs causing damage to his wings, though they managed to protect anything vital from being hit. Still, the dragon's sword made contact, heavily wounding the thing, and by this point, Æhti had flanked the creature. Taking advantage of its current distraction, he swung his hammer and succeeded in bashing in its skull.

With all of the monsters dead, Æhti took a moment to catch his breath. With his gaze directed towards the horizon, he could've sworn the sky was getting brighter again. "You…you think we're clear for now…?" the man asked, voice woven with concern.

"I can see if Velho'll let me stay to help you, uh…clean up and rebuild, though I'm only capable of working with stone, really," the mage added, looking around at some of the other buildings. There wasn't terrible damage, but some doors and windows had been broken into– the greatest damage had been to the population rather than property. They'd likely spend much more time cleaning up bodies and viscera than they would on repairs.

꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Æhti } ༉༻•══════════꧂

꧁══════════• ༺༉ ❁ ❀ ❁ ༉༻•══════════꧂

Caelum let himself fall to the ground. He felt pain but also relief. It did appear to be over. "I think so," he said to AEhti. "There might be some stragglers, but if they are going to leave people alone they can be dealt with later."

He breathed in deeply, looking up at the sky. He'd forgotten that it'd been a bright sunny day just an hour ago. "You need any healing?" he asked AEhti. Caelum was injured but he would bear the pain for a while longer if the faelnir needed aid.

The dragon also considered his offer to help. "I wouldn't say no if you chose to stay, but I would hate for you to be involved in this unpleasant work. Though there might not be much else to do until an exodii chooses to make a portal... And they might not make one for a while."

He groaned and sat up, wondering where everyone had gone. He was sure there were plenty that needed healing and he was the only one who could offer it. The women would have to wait for a while as he slowly sucked the saol out of the grove around him. Speaking of women, Caelum felt AEhti was deserving of a reward. Perhaps he would let the man have is pick of some of the ones in the sequoia, if he wanted one.



spring 50 year 124 of the third age

Æhti was injured, though he didn't appear to be in any immediate danger or in need of immediate aid– each of his wounds had been closed via turning his flesh to myrksteinn. The largest amount of damage appeared to have been done to his left shoulder, though there were veins of stone running down his back visible through tears in his clothing as well as his arms. Though one could see blood 'round many of his wounds, it would be visually clear from the state of its dryness that he was no longer actively bleeding from any of them. Much as he still very much resented the forced initiations, he had to admit that Terra was quickly becoming his favorite Galdr.

"I am, but I can keep myself stable with stone until I get back to Velho; your Saol would better serve your people's wounds," Æhti replied. "Galdr body transformations are permanent until I dispel them, kind of like Seeming, so I'll be fine– just a little stiff in some places. Stone isn't anywhere near as flexible as skin," he clarified with a short laugh, bringing his right arm to the back of his head for a moment.

"Would that I could convince Velho to help you, but the man is busy and refuses to do much of anything off-schedule unless it personally interests him or he's paid…" the man trailed off, sounding somewhat annoyed. "He's a brilliant healer, though a selfish man."

In some ways, Æhti saw this as wasted talent– wasted resources– but such was the way of things for the Æld'Norai. They lived eternal lives of grotesque excess that the average Fælnir could only dream of experiencing, and it was hard not to look at them without a bilious mix of disgust and envy. Whether the legends were true or not (that Fælnir of great renown ascended into Æld'Norai), he found it hard to give the Ælves the same renown most of his kin did since he'd begun living amongst them.

Apex creatures or not, did that really give them the right to lord over the Fælnir the way they did? And then it begged the question– was Cælum any better? Still, now wasn't really the time to ponder these things; there were far more pressing matters to attend to than his idle ruminations.

"Do you not have anyone here with Exodus? Might serve you well to find somebody suitable enough, if only so you can get around easier," an inquiry bound to a suggestion.

If in the aftermath of this incident Cælum did offer him one of his remaining stock, Æhti would reply that he'd have to think about it; he'd want to get to know the women before choosing, as he didn't want to pick somebody and end up being completely incompatible or somesuch. He'd only be able to stay for up to a week before an Exodii sent by Velho came to fetch him. It was evident that Velho had, at least, heard of what had happened to Paradise, as the Ferrier proceeded to inform him that similar incidents had occurred in other major Fælnir settlements and information about each had spread to most of the Æld'Norai by now.

꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Æhti } ༉༻•══════════꧂

꧁══════════• ༺༉ ❁ ❀ ❁ ༉༻•══════════꧂
꧁══════════• ༺༉ { Reviewed/Canon } ༉༻•══════════꧂​


+18 XP (1831 wc)
+81g (a sphere) of Absentite found littered across the grounds of Paradise


+6 XP (623 wc)
+81g (a sphere) of Absentite found littered across the grounds of Paradise

Velho [Æhti]

+30 XP (2982 wc)

Cælum has a lot of cleaning up to do, haha! Good thing Luxium combats these entities so well.

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