
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

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Approved Lord Rhyme

Tom Trite

The Worst Paragon Candidate
Approved Character
Character Sheet
Retired to Khafra after playtesting Nekron / Alkahest Mines -> 1,700 XP total

R H Y M E​
Lord of Blackhall​


Null (Dvergar)
Male, 371 Years Old, 2'8" up to 20' Tall

Before you is a grungy, black raven with piercing red eyes and a long, stork-like beak laden with a long, purplish tongue. It stares from its perch, and it never seems to be in a rush to fly. Less than half the height of a man, it speaks in a soft, baritone voice that soothes the ears.

Were one to ever upset this bird, they would see it grow rapidly in size to a maximum height of twenty feet, so massive that its beak could easily pluck a man off the ground. His tongue is in actuality a set of four Tendrils, woven together.

Compacted within Rhyme's flesh is a veritable laboratory worth of tools for any Practice or craft he knows.

Sardonic yet joyous in that twisted way, Rhyme is a kind monster who is remarkably charitable. This sense of outward warmth ebbs and flows, and at times he falls to an almost juvenile, brooding depression; all that had ever happened to Rhyme in his past heavily weighs upon him.

Rhyme enjoys art in all its forms, Arcana, history, industry, and the nuances of life and death. He longs to push back the Vokhai, unite the remaining Dvergish Holds, and forge a new Black Empire under his ideals.

Though he is a Nekron, Rhyme respects the natural progression of death. When he does take a life, it is a consequence of war or a punishment. He would rather make an ally or a friend, though he does make it a point to follow the social customs of wherever he visits, hiding what he is whilst masquerading around as a strange 'spirit' aiding and mentoring others. All this, to lull them into serving him, and to bargain their favor or willing submission to his accursed experiments.

Rhyme is a Contrivance Mage foremost, studying Arcana and inventing wicked creations. Secondarily, he is both a Nekron, and a Null, with minions and a lookalike Familiar he often sends out in his stead. Metal and flesh are hand in glove, to him, and he works with either to assemble robust and sturdy beings capable of handling the tasks he gives them.

An avid experimentalist, Rhyme is always looking for more willing subjects to fall beneath his scalpel. He will even take on the challenge of undoing what he has done, should they feel unsatisfied with the 'art' he has made of their body.

Centuries ago, Rhyme was King Necalli, Lord of Blackhall; this was a Dvergish Hold known for its wondrous contrivances and sprawling Alkahest mines. As king, he proffered a policy of tolerance to all other races of the Planes, including the Vokhai, the occasional Æld'Norai or the Jin'Norai who would traverse the Ur'Duun to barter with his people.

Then a Vokhai Warlord, a Goblin Lich by the name of Glekkr, descended upon Blackhall and sieged its gates with gibbering masses. The people of Blackhall were slain, Automata wrecked, and the their vast wealth of artifacts they possessed were plundered. Not even allowed to rest, Glekkr raised Necalli and his people as Thralls and Draugr.

Necalli followed Glekkr for decades, a slave who advised and aided the warlord in his conquests. With only his royal court to keep him company- Rahui, Tahloc, Tenoch, and Atzli- Necalli grew mad and discontent, and so too did they.

After a century, Glekkr was defeated in a battle between an order of Paladins, and the Draugr under his sway were untethered. Necalli fled with the other Draugr, and settled in the Blackhall where he studied the art of Malediction to bring solace to his people.

One by one, Rahui, Tahloc, Tenoch, and Atzli succumbed to madness, and Necalli was forced to dominate their fractured minds with Malediction. At this point, he formed a Pact with the Godhead of Avernus and became a Nekron due to his sorrow.

A strange traveler wandered into Blackhall; they were afflicted with a strange curse, and requested of Necalli many alterations to the flesh which would enhance their capacity for killing. Obliging, Necalli soon found many similar wanderers, with odd curses and wasting bodies journeying to visit him in the quiet dark.

Then a writhing black mass came, and swallowed each of them to the void.

The god of the void, Nihilos, spoke to Necalli then. He explained that the Nacalli would be reborn with a new purpose, as one of His Nihil. It was another hundred years before he emerged with his companions, but to them barely any time at all had passed. Now he was a writhing monster of slime, dependent on his loyal dead to bring him soul-laden mass.

Rahui, Tahloc, Tenoch, and Atzli ventured out with Necalli's Thralls, abducting lone Vokhai where they could find him. In those days, Necalli learned much about Mysticism, shearing from his own soul a Familiar as he continued to grow.

Once again, Blackhall needed to be restored. It took decades of toil, but Atzli had been the Royal Architect of his dynasty, and so everything was built anew. Only recently were the mines touched upon, cleared out of the beasts and rubble to be filled with loyal Thralls.

Necalli gave his old name to his Familiar, donning the new name of Rhyme, Lord of Ravens, as he sent out his people and minions to learn more of the world above.

Fluent in Common, Crudish, Dvergish, and Jinnic.​
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  • Skill Name Level XP
    Nekros Master 250/250
    Null Master 250/250
    Apparation Journeyman 50/250
    Familiary Grandmaster 250/250
    Malediction Grandmaster 250/250
    Mysticism Expert 100/250
    Ensorcelling Journeyman 50/250
    Artifice Journeyman 50/250
    Alchemistry Journeyman 50/250
    Chemistry Expert 100/250
    Medicine Expert 100/250
    Deepcraft Journeyman 50/250
    Smithing Apprentice 25/250
    Sculpting Apprentice 25/250
    Engineering Apprentice 25/250
  • Value Change XP
    Starting Package 250 250
    50 Deepcraft Racial XP 0 250
    +15 Character Approval 15 265
    +1690 Rebirth XP 1690 1955
    Free Merit: Duty: Alkahest Mine -0 1955
    Minor Merit (1): Duty: Enterprise -0 1955
    Minor Merit (2): Nekros -25 1930
    Minor Merit (3): Null -50 1880
    Minor Merit (4): Apparation -75 1805
    Minor Merit (5): Grandmaster Familiary -100 1705
    Minor Merit (6): Grandmaster Malediction -125 1580
    250 Nekros -250 1330
    250 Null -250 1080
    250 Familiary -250 830
    250 Malediction -250 580
    100 Mysticism -100 480
    100 Chemistry -100 380
    100 Medicine -100 280
    50 Apparation -50 230
    50 Artifice -50 180
    50 Alchemistry -50 130
    50 Ensorcelling -50 80
    25 Sculpting -25 55
    25 Smithing -25 30
    25 Engineering -25 5
    In the Halls of the Underking 10 15
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  • Blackhalls.jpg

    The Blackhall
    Denizens of Blackhall,
    Deep, deep below.
    Here comes their fetid call,
    As they rebuild in sorrow.

    Duty Type:
    Alkahest Mine

    Blackhall is a series of caverns rich in Alkahest, several kilometers beneath the surface of Antarok and hidden away within a dark corner of the Ur'Duun. Before the Vokhai cleansed these depths, a Dvergish Hold prospered here. Now, only a far-flung branch of Alítheia sews discord in this rotten graveyard filled with monsters.

    The Gates
    A massive gate of stone has been built upon the edge of a great ravine stretching for miles into the dark. Only one large bridge connects that taunting gate. Invasion of Blackhall is best done by tunneling, but this can take a good deal of time.

    The Commons
    Beyond the gates lay the Commons. Here exists an abandoned tavern, stocked with ale and food palatable to the world above. Apartments rise from twisting city streets before a glowing ravine filled with hot magma, few of them inhabited.

    The Temple
    At the end of the city streets, a series of steps leads up to an imposing temple where the Dvergish faith once sacrificed dissidents and fanatics to Ukhu, Godhead of the Ur'Duun. Beneath sits a vast mausoleum, with thousands of embalmed bodies entombed in the stone sarcophagi.

    The Foundry
    Sealed off further by another stone gate is the Foundry, restored and toiled by Lord Rhyme's thralls. Beyond the foundry yearns a yawning maw, the Pits of Wailing, where Rhyme has committed slaves and Tethered minions to mining Alkahest.

    The Laboratories
    Adjoined with the foundry is a complex of prisons, gardens, and workshops for the three Practices, as well as a study for Ensorcelling which doubles as a library containing many of Rhyme's insights.

    To request these services, to become a denizen, or to assault Blackhall, message Rhyme; to join, one must be Blighted or enslaved to a Blight.
    • Hunting: Rhyme and his Tethered Undead possess Journeyman Deepcraft (0.7x Cost Ur'Duun Fauna Hunting)
    • Mining: Rhyme and his Tethered Undead can mine certain minerals with Journeyman Deepcraft (0.7x Cost for rare Minerals)
    • Exploration: Rhyme knows of many old Dvergish sites inhabited by Vokhai warlords and beasts in need of culling.
    • Ritual: Rhyme is capable of performing Rituaali for a fee.
    • Banishing: Rhyme is capable of wielding an Athame which can harm the Expert-Apparated Spirits and Undead.
    • Malediction: Every aspect of Malediction is available to Rhyme.
    • Artifice: Rhyme can fashion Journeyman-level Automata and Implants.
    • Ensorcelling: Rhyme can fashion Journeyman-level Conjurations and Abrogations.
    • Alchemistry: Rhyme can condense and change the Metaphor of Alkahest; he can also produce Journeyman-level Alkemicals, materials, and potions.
    • Nekros: Rhyme can create Soul Stars or Tether the Draugr who struggle with managing their decomposition.
  • None
  • Alkahest
    406 Grams of Geomenite Dust
    30 Grams of Nullite
  • Labor
    > 341 | Minions: 26 Altered Thralls
    > 1805 | Minions: 74 Aligned Tool-Wielding, Altered Thralls
    > 2440 | Minions: 2x Aligned Tool-Wielding, Altered Goliaths
    > 258 | CNPC: Rahui
    > 298 | CNPC: Tahloc
    > 258 | CNPC: Tenoch
    > 258 | CNPC: Quetzal
    > 258 | CNPC: Atzli
    > 6 | PC: Rhyme (3 Deepcraft, x2 Aligned Tool)
    > 6 | Minion: Familiar (3 Deepcraft, , x2 Aligned Tool)
    >> 5,928 Base Total

    Ownership Multipliers
    > 0.4 | CNPC: Tahloc's Grandmaster Deepcraft
    > 0.1 | CNPC: Rahui's Journeyman Security
    > 0.4 | CNPC: Atzli's Grandmaster Architecture
    > 0.1 | CNPC: Atzli's Journeyman Economics
    > 0.2 | PC: Rhyme's Expert Mysticism (Rhyme)
    >> 2.2 Total

    Labor Total
    5,928 x 2.2 = 13,041 Labor
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  • token_103.png

    Necalli is a Rhyme's identical twin Familiar. He may do anything Rhyme may do, deriving Spell Reserves from him. The pair may communicate at any distance.

  • token_65.png

    100x Altered, Tethered Thralls
    Various risen Vokhai sculpted with Null-flesh to be uniform and indistinct from one-another.

    26x Thralls (26 Tethers)
    > +1.2 Labor (GM Malediction Tether Bonus)
    > +6 Labor (GM Malediction Alterations)
    > +2 Labor (Apprentice Sculpting Alterations)
    > +3 Labor (Journeyman Deepcraft)
    >> 12.2 x 28 = 341 Labor Total

    74x Autotool-Wielding Thralls (74 Tethers)
    > +1.2 Labor (GM Malediction Tether Bonus)
    > +6 Labor (GM Malediction Alterations)
    > +2 Labor (Apprentice Sculpting Alterations)
    > +3 Labor (Journeyman Deepcraft)
    > x2 Geomenite Aligned Tools
    >> 12.2 x 2 x 74 = 1,805 Labor Total

    Source: Base Thralls from Starting Package
  • token_14 (1).png

    2x Altered, Tethered Goliaths
    15-foot-tall monstrous beings comprised of various corpses, filled with metal plates and then further refined with Null-flesh into hulking, black masses adapted for mining Alkahest.

    > +600 Labor (GM Malediction Tether Bonus)
    > +6 Labor (GM Malediction Alterations)
    > +2 Labor (Apprentice Sculpting Alterations)
    > +3 Labor (Journeyman Deepcraft)
    > x2 Geomenite Aligned Tool
    >> 611 x 2 x 2 = 2,440 Labor Total


  • 2x Altered, Tethered Goliaths (1,000 Tethers)

    83x Atlatl-Axes (Geomenite Aligned Autotools)
    Mechanize pickaxes Aligned with Geomenite; they swing the blade with their wielder, adding a bit more force while magnifying natural kinematics. Total: 2x Large Picks, 2x Handpicks, and 79x Medium Picks.
    > +3 Labor (Journeyman Artifice)
    > +2 Labor (Apprentice Smithing)
    > +2 Labor (Apprentice Engineering)
    > +1 Labor (Geomenite Dust Nexus)
    > x2 Geomenite Aligned Tool
    >> 8 x 2 x 83 = 1,328 Labor Total

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  • token_59.png

    Knight Rahui
    Once a friend to Rhyme before the fall of the Blackhalls, Rahui was an Exodii-initiated Knight of Blackhall who helped to Portal out many citizens seeking to escape a Vokhai invasion. He remained behind with Rhyme to fight, only to be slain with him at the temple and reanimated as a Draugr by the Goblin Lich, Grekkr.

    Descending slowly to madness, Rahui proved to be unstable and a threat after many years. Rhyme was forced to put Rahui under the knife and dominate him with Malediction, and he has since made many improvements to the flesh of his old friend now that they are by proxy a member of Alítheia.

    Fluent in Common, Crudish, and Dvergish.
    Rahui is a Dvergar Draugr risen, altered, and then dominated by Rhyme through the use of Malediction.

    Expert Exodus
    Journeyman Security

    Skill Ledger
    100 Starting
    -00 Exodus Merit
    -100 Exodus
    -250 SP Journeyman Security

    > +120 Labor (GM Malediction Tether Bonus)
    > +6 Labor (GM Malediction Alterations)
    > +2 Labor (Apprentice Sculpting Alterations)
    > +1 Labor (Novice Deepcraft)
    > x2 Geomenite Aligned Tool
    >> 129 x 2 = 258 Labor Total

  • token_47.png
    Deepwarden Tahloc

    Deepwarden of Blackhall, Tahloc was a Terrari and a Mine Overseer who knew much of the Ur'Duun like the back of his palm. During the fall of Blackhall, he fled into the mines only to be hunted down, killed, and reanimated as a Draugr by the Goblin Lich, Grekkr.

    Like the rest of Lord Rhyme's court, Tahloc fell to madness and began to wander the Ur'Duun. Rhyme was forced to dominate him with Malediction, and he has since made many improvements to the flesh of his old friend now that they are by proxy a member of Alítheia.

    Tahloc is a Dvergar Draugr risen, altered, and then dominated by Rhyme through the use of Malediction.

    Fluent in Common, Crudish, Jinnic, and Dvergish.
    Tahloc is a Dvergar Draugr risen, altered, and then dominated by Rhyme through the use of Malediction.
    Bound Materials: Steel, Obsidian, White Marble, Gold, Bronze, Clear Glass

    Grandmaster Deepcraft
    Journeyman Terra

    Skill Ledger
    100 Starting
    -00 Terra Merit
    -50 Journeyman Terra
    -2,000 SP (Summer 124) Master Deepcraft
    -25 Grandmaster Deepcraft Merit

    > +120 Labor (GM Malediction Tether Bonus)
    > +6 Labor (GM Malediction Alterations)
    > +2 Labor (Apprentice Sculpting Alterations)
    > +6 (Grandmaster Deepcraft)
    > +15 Labor (Journeyman Terra)
    > x2 Geomenite Aligned Tool
    >> 149 s 2 = 298 Labor Total

  • token_68.png

    Prince Tenoch
    Last heir to another fallen deephold- the Sloanworks- Prince Tenoch had little interest in anything other than drink and women. After he was slain and reanimated at the Battle of Blackhall by Grekkr the Goblin Lich, he lost this sense of mirth and grew dour.

    Tenoch initially handled undeath better than the others. Where he erred was accepting an initiation into Nightwalking by a wanderer and began to wander the Ur'Duun. After he tried to kill everyone around him in a fit of rage, Rhyme elected to dominate him with Malediction, and he has since made many improvements to the flesh of his royal friend now that they are by proxy a member of Alítheia.

    Fluent in Common, Crudish, and Dvergish.
    Tenoch's Nightwalker Form is based on a Gila Monster with a steel-like hide and venomous spittle.
    Tenoch is a Dvergar Draugr risen, altered, and then dominated by Rhyme through the use of Malediction.

    Expert Nightwalker

    Skill Ledger
    100 Starting
    -00 Nightwalker Merit
    -25 Nightwalker
    -100 Nightwalker

    > +120 Labor (GM Malediction Tether Bonus)
    > +6 Labor (GM Malediction Alterations)
    > +2 Labor (Apprentice Sculpting Alterations)
    > +1 Labor (Novice Deepcraft)
    > x2 Geomenite Aligned Tool
    >> 129 x 2 = 258 Labor Total

  • token_100.png
    Descended from a caste of Dvergish scholars, Atzli's passion in life was architecture, and so obsessed was he with studying this topic that he forged the Pact of Fathom. In life, Atzli directed the creation of many facilities and structures in his day, helping Blackhall to fill its coffers before they were plundered. Slain and reanimated into a Draugr by Grekkr the Goblin Lich, he found himself suddenly without purpose; a Vokhai Warband only had need of someone like him for dismantling Dvergish defenses.

    Once he was freed of Grekkr, Atzli's malaise drew him towards suicide. Rhyme was forced to dominate him so that he would not destroy himself, and he has since been able to find joy again aiding Rhyme in the rebuilding of Blackhall in spite of this loss of free will. Over the years, Rhyme has altered Atzli with many improvements, coating his body in a protective layer of Null-flesh.

    Fluent in Common, Crudish, and Dvergish.
    Atzli is a Dvergar Draugr risen, altered, and then dominated by Rhyme through the use of Malediction.

    Grandmaster Architecture
    Journeyman Economics
    Journeyman Fathom

    Skill Ledger
    100 Starting
    00 Fathom Merit
    -25 Grandmaster Merit
    -50 Fathom
    -250 SP Journeyman Economics
    -2,000 SP Master Architecture

    > +120 Labor (GM Malediction Tether Bonus)
    > +6 Labor (GM Malediction Alterations)
    > +2 Labor (Apprentice Sculpting Alterations)
    > +1 Labor (Novice Deepcraft)
    > x2 Geomenite Aligned Tool
    >> 129 x 2 = 258 Labor Total

  • token_70.png
    One of the more recent additions to Rhyme's retinue is Quetzal, a Young Dragon who descended upon Blackhall and sought to devour Rhyme's Null-flesh Thralls. The beast gorged itself on several before Rhyme and his Familiar were able to subdue him. When he would not regurgitate the flesh and it was very clear they would continue if allowed their freedom, Rhyme tore it out of the dragon by force and then Raised him as a Dracolych.

    Dominating Quetzal with Malediction, Rhyme ensured that the Dragon would never be a problem again, though its urge to consume insatiably still remains. He has since made several alterations to the creature so that it might better aid him in mining Alkahest.

    Fluent in Common, Crudish, Draconic, and Dvergish.
    Governs Luxium, Seeks Food, Embodies Salamanders
    Quetzal is a Young Dracolych risen, altered, and then dominated by Rhyme through the use of Malediction.

    Expert Geist

    Skill Ledger
    100 Starting
    -00 Geist Merit
    -100 Geist

    > +120 Labor (GM Malediction Tether Bonus)
    > +6 Labor (GM Malediction Alterations)
    > +2 Labor (Apprentice Sculpting Alterations)
    > +1 Labor (Novice Deepcraft)
    > x2 Geomenite Aligned Tool
    >> 129 x 2 = 258 Labor Total

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