- Messages
- 114
- Race
- Dragon
- Profession
- Mage-Hunting Warbeast
- Location
- Dullahan
- Arcana
- Encaustum (Master)
Fathom (Master)
Kyanosis (Master)
Remnant (Master)
Possession (Master)
Apparation (Expert)
- Character Sheet
Age: 544 Years
Height: 20'
Gender: Male Hermaphrodite
Race: Adult Krakon
Location: Dullahan
Profession: Mage-Hunting Warbeast
Fluent in Æbyssic, Draconic, Jin'nic, and Common
Height: 20'
Gender: Male Hermaphrodite
Race: Adult Krakon
Location: Dullahan
Profession: Mage-Hunting Warbeast
Fluent in Æbyssic, Draconic, Jin'nic, and Common
Resembling the sea slug Glaucus Atlanticus mixed with a lizard, a bird, and a wolf, Lycus is a wondrous arrangement of dazzling scales, fur, and feathers. Twenty feet tall, Lycus dwarfs most men. His legs are coated in pleated scales, digits tipped in hard talons, while his six wings carry a bounty of color from darker blacks to vibrant blues and brighter hues of cerulean. Down his front is a luscious mane of silky, white fur extending from just beneath the chin all the way down to the end of his tail where a fan of long feathers takes precedence.
When Lycus flies, his body seems to lag when he ceases to beat his wings, as if suspended by water in the air. His entire body is hydrophobic and dry to the touch, even when felt beneath the water, and he often blows bubbles as he speaks and breathes. Oddly, he does not carry the scent of the ocean; rather, he is a blend of many creatures. As his embodiment is that of a sea slug, he is a hermaphrodite.
Lycus' tone of voice gravelly like a pleasing baritone that carries through the water as well as it does through the air. At present, he wears no accessory of any kind.
Upon Lycus' right shoulder is an inverted triangle, the Magemark for Aqua. Were a Mystic to sense him, he would read as if possessing Sixth Order Imber, a moderate amount of Aether, and little else.
When Lycus flies, his body seems to lag when he ceases to beat his wings, as if suspended by water in the air. His entire body is hydrophobic and dry to the touch, even when felt beneath the water, and he often blows bubbles as he speaks and breathes. Oddly, he does not carry the scent of the ocean; rather, he is a blend of many creatures. As his embodiment is that of a sea slug, he is a hermaphrodite.
Lycus' tone of voice gravelly like a pleasing baritone that carries through the water as well as it does through the air. At present, he wears no accessory of any kind.
Upon Lycus' right shoulder is an inverted triangle, the Magemark for Aqua. Were a Mystic to sense him, he would read as if possessing Sixth Order Imber, a moderate amount of Aether, and little else.
Lycus is patently /odd/, that sort of creature filled with excitement for the unknown yet cautious, restrained, and respectful. One might liken the Krakon to a well-trained dog, waiting for the command to pounce on what holds its attention. Mentored by the Arche of Lacon, Lævos, upon the shattering of his identity several years ago, Lycus was taught to behave in a way that runs counter to his predatory, abyssal instincts so that he might ignore his urges in order to attain more of what he desires. He sees the Arche as his father, and every other Cor'ai or Krakon are likewise his extended family, though this familial bond is not enough to ingratiate his detached mindset.
Many know Lycus from prior to his mental shattering twenty years prior, as he was and still is a Professor at Bastion Academy before something must have annihilated his Memorandum. He has no memory of being a student, nor any of his accomplishments and the many secrets he once held. He only knows that he once Sought Learning, but his identity has since changed.
Where the wizards flaunt their Arcane talents, so shall Lycus be there to watch with reverence, goading them on. Even small motes of Arcana are stimulating for Lycus to behold, be it the First Order experiments of a budding student or the wonders of Practices. Perceptive yet creative, he remembers everything ever said or shown to him and endeavors to apply and even share what he learns.
While Lycus would wish for nothing more than to devour every mage in sight, he prefers to cultivate a mind and grow alongside it, one day claiming it for himself; mortal minds are fragile things, and Lycus' lifespan is comparatively indefinite. He will not agree to any conflict with the Jin'Norai of Bast unless it is to pursue criminals, or to admonish one of his students. It is not uncommon to catch the Krakon drooling over impressive spellwork, confusing hunger for romantic interest in not the person, but their mind and the spells they weave.
Beyond an allegiance he swore to the Rakshasa several decades ago when he was once a student, and another to Lævos, Lycus holds no formal rank beyond that of Professor within the Department of Smoke at Bastion Academy.
Many know Lycus from prior to his mental shattering twenty years prior, as he was and still is a Professor at Bastion Academy before something must have annihilated his Memorandum. He has no memory of being a student, nor any of his accomplishments and the many secrets he once held. He only knows that he once Sought Learning, but his identity has since changed.
Where the wizards flaunt their Arcane talents, so shall Lycus be there to watch with reverence, goading them on. Even small motes of Arcana are stimulating for Lycus to behold, be it the First Order experiments of a budding student or the wonders of Practices. Perceptive yet creative, he remembers everything ever said or shown to him and endeavors to apply and even share what he learns.
While Lycus would wish for nothing more than to devour every mage in sight, he prefers to cultivate a mind and grow alongside it, one day claiming it for himself; mortal minds are fragile things, and Lycus' lifespan is comparatively indefinite. He will not agree to any conflict with the Jin'Norai of Bast unless it is to pursue criminals, or to admonish one of his students. It is not uncommon to catch the Krakon drooling over impressive spellwork, confusing hunger for romantic interest in not the person, but their mind and the spells they weave.
Beyond an allegiance he swore to the Rakshasa several decades ago when he was once a student, and another to Lævos, Lycus holds no formal rank beyond that of Professor within the Department of Smoke at Bastion Academy.
Risen and reconstructed by Laevos the Arche of Lacon from the mind of an ocean-dwelling dragon, Lycus was once something else, forgotten and then forgetting twice-over.
Since his rebirth as a Krakon, Lycus sought to learn more of the world, amassing a vast repertoire of knowledge and power. In that time, Lycus mastered Encaustum, Aqua, and Fathom, gifts given to him by Lævos and the Cor'ai. Through independent study, he eventually learned Apparation, Possession, and Remnant. Mysticism came naturally to him, and there might have been more to what he was, but he cannot much remember more than flashes. Hazy bits and pieces to span a thousand years. This is because something completely wiped out Lycus' Memorandum twenty years prior, causing Lycus to lose much of their shared memories. He awoke in Bastion with no memory, a Professor for the Department of Smoke now placed on administrative leave after he went wild and attempted to devour whomever he could get his talons on.
Lycus was released to the care of Lævos, brought to the Arche and given back the earliest memories they both shared and yet more. After many years of training, he was given the choice to stay, to explore, or to return to Arcanis. Wishing to know more of foreign spellwork yet weary of what might happened if he returned to Arcanis, Lycus felt as though he should venture elsewhere. In the end, he opted for travel.
By now, he Sought Spells, though little else had changed.
In his travels, Lycus came across an airship, its arcane machinery fascinating him; the people on board shot at him with biting bullets of blazing fire, so he threw their weapons away, forcing them to surrender. The black-eyed captain tricked him, claiming it was all a misunderstanding. Lycus was given a gift, and praise!
Unfortunately for Lycus, that "gift" was a mage collar. Lycus did not believe him, until the man put /another/ collar on a goat and blew its head off. From that point on, Lycus has been a slave to the Dullahan Empire.
Arriving at the capital, Lycus faced protests when he honestly disclosed the vast sum of Arcana known to him. When they realized how sociable the dragon was, however, it was decided that he should be given round-the-clock supervision as one of the Republic's greatest assets for seeking magi. After all, here was a "dragon" who Sought Spells, who could show proof and overwhelm nigh-any magical threat beneath the sea or within Avernus.
Since his rebirth as a Krakon, Lycus sought to learn more of the world, amassing a vast repertoire of knowledge and power. In that time, Lycus mastered Encaustum, Aqua, and Fathom, gifts given to him by Lævos and the Cor'ai. Through independent study, he eventually learned Apparation, Possession, and Remnant. Mysticism came naturally to him, and there might have been more to what he was, but he cannot much remember more than flashes. Hazy bits and pieces to span a thousand years. This is because something completely wiped out Lycus' Memorandum twenty years prior, causing Lycus to lose much of their shared memories. He awoke in Bastion with no memory, a Professor for the Department of Smoke now placed on administrative leave after he went wild and attempted to devour whomever he could get his talons on.
Lycus was released to the care of Lævos, brought to the Arche and given back the earliest memories they both shared and yet more. After many years of training, he was given the choice to stay, to explore, or to return to Arcanis. Wishing to know more of foreign spellwork yet weary of what might happened if he returned to Arcanis, Lycus felt as though he should venture elsewhere. In the end, he opted for travel.
By now, he Sought Spells, though little else had changed.
In his travels, Lycus came across an airship, its arcane machinery fascinating him; the people on board shot at him with biting bullets of blazing fire, so he threw their weapons away, forcing them to surrender. The black-eyed captain tricked him, claiming it was all a misunderstanding. Lycus was given a gift, and praise!
Unfortunately for Lycus, that "gift" was a mage collar. Lycus did not believe him, until the man put /another/ collar on a goat and blew its head off. From that point on, Lycus has been a slave to the Dullahan Empire.
Arriving at the capital, Lycus faced protests when he honestly disclosed the vast sum of Arcana known to him. When they realized how sociable the dragon was, however, it was decided that he should be given round-the-clock supervision as one of the Republic's greatest assets for seeking magi. After all, here was a "dragon" who Sought Spells, who could show proof and overwhelm nigh-any magical threat beneath the sea or within Avernus.
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