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Approved Mercy


Ghost Of Jian
Approved Character
Moonflower Sentinel
Character Sheet




Age: 24
Height: 6'2
Gender: Male
Race: Human-Cor'Norai
Location: Hatairu, Jian
Fluent in Æbyssic, Jianese, and Common​

Traits to be added

Mercy possesses a rather idiosyncratic appearance; a lean frame with dense-compact muscle structure. He sports a full head of lengthy jet black hair; silky and composed of gossamer thin strands. His visage is adorned with a strange combination of flesh and the scales of fish, a result of his half-Cor'Norai blood.

His typical garment focuses on function rather than being fashionable. He is often draped in a traditional Hitatare. The color schemes lean toward the darker scale of the spectrum; often deep indigo, dark green, and earthy browns. When he is preparing for extended journeys or combat, his choice of clothing is limited to Gusoku, Tatami, or the lighter variety Do-maru. His feet are often covered with Kogake or Wooden Sandals. Under normal circumstances, he carries a Katana on his left hip, always restrained within the confines of its scabbard.
Traits to be added

Mercy possesses a rather idiosyncratic appearance; a lean frame with dense-compact muscle structure. He sports a full head of lengthy jet black hair; silky and composed of gossamer thin strands. His visage is adorned with a strange combination of flesh and the scales of fish, a result of his half-Cor'Norai blood.

His typical garment focuses on function rather than being fashionable. He is often draped in a traditional Hitatare. The color schemes lean toward the darker scale of the spectrum; often deep indigo, dark green, and earthy browns. When he is preparing for extended journeys or combat, his choice of clothing is limited to Gusoku, Tatami, or the lighter variety Do-maru. His feet are often covered with Kogake or Wooden Sandals. Under normal circumstances, he carries a Katana on his left hip, always restrained within the confines of its scabbard.

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A child born March 9th, 100 in the city of Jian had been forged by the tides of battle. Mercy knew ambition, hard work, and dedication from the time he could walk. His father was a dedicated fisherman and human, whilst his mother had been a wayward Cor'Norai, who stayed at home to care for her child. His father spent the majority of Mercy's childhood away from home. Mercy often yearned for time with his father-figure. On rare occasions, he would get to enjoy a dinner; mostly consisting of fresh fish with the entirety of his family. While his father was ashore and available, he trained Mercy in a variety of combat arts, including magic. As time passed, the once impoverished young man left to pursue a career of his own. He knew better than to waste all his youth being confined to one corner of the world in its entirety.

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Starting Package250250
Racial Merit: Fathom-01250
Minor Merit (0): Aqua-01250
Minor Merit (1): Apparation-251225
Minor Merit (2): Grandmaster Swords-501175
250 Aqua-250925
250 Apparition-250675
50 Fathom-50625
250 Swords-250375
50 Acrobatics-50325
100 Mysticism-100225
100 Familiary-100125
125 Whip-1250
Character Approval+1515
Hunters of Vokhai+2136
Developer XP Awarded 1/8/25 (Haruspex)+205241
200 Fathom-20041
Deep Underground+1253
Spell & The Moon+1366
Skill Rule Change+175 XP241 XP
Amid The Moonlight Night+10 XP251 XP
Fathom Ascension (Major Merit)-250 XP1 XP
Seasonal point bonus (250 SP)+25 xp26 XP
Lions & Tigers & Bears+1238 XP
Senka O Teratsu+24 XP62 XP
Minor Merit Nymheia(Ophelia, Cnpc)-25 XP37 XP
Acrobatics-37 XP0 XP
Skill NameLevelXP
Starting Package250250
Racial Merit: Fathom-01250
Minor Merit (0): Aqua-01250
Minor Merit (1): Apparation-251225
Minor Merit (2): Grandmaster Swords-501175
250 Aqua-250925
250 Apparition-250675
50 Fathom-50625
250 Swords-250375
50 Acrobatics-50325
100 Mysticism-100225
100 Familiary-100125
125 Whip-1250
Character Approval+1515
Hunters of Vokhai+2136
Developer XP Awarded 1/8/25 (Haruspex)+205241
200 Fathom-20041
Deep Underground+1253
Spell & The Moon+1366
Skill Rule Change+175 XP241 XP
Amid The Moonlight Night+10 XP251 XP
Fathom Ascension (Major Merit)-250 XP1 XP
Seasonal point bonus (250 SP)+25 xp26 XP
Lions & Tigers & Bears+1238 XP
Senka O Teratsu+24 XP62 XP
Minor Merit Nymheia(Ophelia, Cnpc)-25 XP37 XP
Acrobatics-37 XP0 XP
Skill NameLevelXP



Aqua: An inverted triangle rests atop his left hand. The Mark of Aqua

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As of Winter 125, Mercy has become fortunate enough to upgrade his home. He now resides in the confines of a cozy wooden home; built without nails. Every piece of the house had been hand-crafted and perfectly designed to fit together. Mercys' home can be found isolated deep within the forests of Tsukai. It rests near a gargantuan waterfall hidden away by thick brush. His home is surrounded by Sakura-blossoms, and Trees alike. Within the home one can find several unique features; including a somewhat large pond filled with koi fish, prawns, and various small aquatic plants. His bed rests on a floating platform in the center of the pond; Mercy often has to walk across the surface of the water to enter. His home has but three windows, and a door without a lock. He has no concern with his home being invaded; as there are hardly any valuables ever left for long. Mercy enjoys his somewhat nomadic lifestyle; thus he can hardly be found here.


❁ 2 Fine Hitatare
❁ 1 Rusty Katana
❁ 1 Travel Outfit(Hakama)
❁ 1 Tatami Gusoku Armor
❁ 1 Prayer Bead Necklace
❁ 1 Large Tail Bead
❁ 1 Pouch
❁ Ensorcelling Supplies
❁1 Grandmaster Katana with a red blade (Master Crest Cast)

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  • Description:

    Wraith has the slender appearance of a woman around age 21. She stands at a height of 5'0 far shorter than her Familiarist. She is black-clad in tosei-gusoku armor; her legs are only covered with hakama (a long Japanese-style dress). Her skills, and capabilities are the equivalent of any of Mercys' skills up to expert level. Surrounding her slender frame covered in dense muscle is a veil of darkness. A shadow that appears to dance and maintain a monstrous appearance. She is Mercys' devout, and incredibly loyal servant. Willing to live and die by the command of her Familiarist. Wraith tends to be soft-spoken when in the presence of others. However, in the heat of battle she becomes a ruthless, cold-blooded killer. The telepathic ability she possesses allows her to communicate with Mercy so long as they are in the same region.
    1.) Tousei Gusoku Armor
    2.) Katana
    3.) Hakama
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  • Name: Ophelia Montrosse

    Race: Cor'norai-Dragon( Mongrel )

    Age: 21

    NPC Type: CNPC

    Grist Stuff

    : Onryo
    Seeks: Retribution
    Governs: Luxium


    Minor Merit 1: Radiance - 0 SP ( Radiance)

    Minor Merit 2: Grist - 0 (Racial Merit)

    Minor Merit 3: Nymheia - 25 XP (Spring 125, Mercy)


    Radiance (250/250) Master
    Mysticism (50/250) Journeyman
    Grist (25/250) Apprentice
    Animism (100/250) Expert
    Nymheia(100/250) Expert

    Skill Points:

    100 Starting (Unassigned)
    -0 Radiance Merit
    -0 Grist Merit (Racial Merit)
    -100 Animism ( 0 Starting)
    50 Mysticism for 250 SP(Fall 124)
    25 Grist for 100 SP (Fall 124)
    250 Radiance For 2000 SP[Spring 125]
    100 Nymheia For 750 SP[Spring 125]


    Ophelia is a beacon of light amid a world enveloped with darkness. She has a grotesque appearance. Her skin is excessively pale, dry and gaunt, she sports a slender frame, and lengthy dark-blonde hair. Ophelia prefers not to frighten those who she chooses to befriend, and thus she wears a black blindfold; covering the sockets her eyes once rested in. Often, she is clad in an off-white dress with a yellow tint and stained with the aqua-de-vitae that leaks from what once were her eyes. Ophelia is referred to as the "Harbinger of Light", a well-deserved epithet. She was taken prisoner and forced into slavery at a young age; wherein she served her maleficent masters and did their bidding without question. However, when the opportunity arose, she slaughtered her captors, having carved out her own eyes as a tribute to Mimira. Her empathy knows no bounds, but for her comrades she does not hesitate to lay waste to any threat that dares to stand before her. Although she has a strong disdain for violence; she becomes a merciless huntress, who uses a combination of Mysticism & Echolocation to see, and reduce her foes to ash. She is fierce, and when she speaks her voice carries a ghastly sound; due to having damaged vocal cords which sounds like two simultaneous voices.

  • Name: Kataali Soveal

    Race: Cor'Norai-Krakon
    Age: 24

    Npc Type: CNPC

    Grist Stuff

    Embodies: Hydrophiinae
    Seeks: Blades
    Governs: Imber

    Grist ( 100/250 )
    Axes ( 100/100 )[Master]
    Medicine( 50/100 )[Expert]
    Unarmed Combat ( 50/100)[Expert]

    Skills Ledger

    100 Starting (Unassigned)
    -00 Grist Merit
    100 Axes for 750 SP (Winter 125)
    -100 Grist (0 Remaining starting)
    50 Medicine for 250 SP(Winter 125)
    50 Unarmed Combat for 250SP(Winter 125)

    Mercy met Kataali under unusual circumstances; she was one of his kidnappers. She was part of the party of approximately six Cor'norai that were sent to capture Mercy and bring him to Laevos. She fights with a ferocity like that of her Husband's own and is a merciless cold-blooded killer on the field of battle. She found Mercy attractive despite his half-blood and is fiercely loyal to him; she is his Wife after all. Despite the fact Marriages in Cor'norai culture do not take place for Love.

  • Name:

    Minion Amount:

    Minion Type:


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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.