Spring 2, 125
Luke eyed his opponent as he took his stance. A stance like that was never good, especially when your opponent was wielding a threatening looking axe. Falling into a stance took time, however, and that gave Luke the precious seconds he needed to hold out his hand and conjure a swirling sphere of lightning that threatened to lance off and shock anyone who got near to it.
It materialized just in time to intercept the axe swing. There was a resounding BZZZT as metal met electricity. Luke gritted his teeth, but the shield proved durable enough and he suffered no damage as a result of having used it. His opponent, however, got shocked so badly that it looked like he was going into a seizure. Well, that was what happened when you rushed a mage you had no business fighting.
The shield was so good at blocking that he had a moment to hop back and start to cant. Electricity swirled around him and if he wasn't so advanced he might have even shocked himself. He didn't, however. He had enough finesse to keep the lightning from even touching his body, though it looked like it really wanted to. His muscles bulged as he tightened them and mimed punching his target. He felt strong, though he could tell that he ought to finish this fight quickly.
Luke looked over at who he assumed was the mystic that had gotten him into this mess. He had been walking on his merry way, just trying to get to the next town over when he'd been ambushed. Now, getting ambushed wasn't exactly a novel experience in Jian when you looked like easy pickings, but these men had gone straight into gunning for his life despite him having no valuables on him. The only thing Luke could think of was that one of them had figured out that he was a mage… and killing those was one of Jian's favorite pastimes.
He cupped his hands and held them out in front of him, firing a devastating lightning bolt that ripped through the other man that had been charging at him. Luke let out a deep sigh as he let some tension out of his shoulders. This was so… tiring. He didn't want to kill these people but it was so much easier to do so than to make himself a bigger target by flying or to try knocking them out.
His assailants didn't seem to want to let up. He didn't blame them – mages tended to fizzle out and get fucked the moment they ran out of reserves. Even Luke with all his arcane potential did not like to use a lot of it on any given day. Using more than he regenerated, on average, wasn't a sustainable game plan. And yet, it looked as though he was going to have to violate that guideline of his.
A mix of about a dozen men and women came at him and fanned out as if they wanted to surround him. Luke held out a hand and shot firebolt after firebolt at them as he took step after deliberate step forward. A dozen bolts were fired and there was nothing fancy about them, because Luke was running out of patience. It was that part of the fight where they would end up getting desperate. Luke didn't really care of his attacks were taken or dodged at this point.
Once Luke closed the gap between him and the backline mystic, he stepped forward to plant a solid punch on his nose. Right now he cared more about landing a good punch on his opponent's jaw than he did about winning, though the fire around him suggested that he definitely wasn't going to lose. His opponent seemed to be the more tactical type who had a plan or a strategy. Luke wasn't like that at all - He just wanted to punch and punch and punch until things stopped moving.
-.44 inefficient expert Lightning Shield
-.11 journeyman Lightning Bolt
-.44 inefficient expert flame volley
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