Nihilos always worked in strange ways, didn't It? It could've simply had Raya manifest in a Tumbledown, whereupon immediately after her emergence from Avernus she'd be inducted into Alíthean ranks. But no, It chose to have her awaken alone and confused in Jian, a nation regularly ripped to pieces by war. Perhaps to build character? Perhaps to learn how to use her new ability on her own…or maybe for no reason at all.
Nevertheless, The Stranger was not one to let a wayward member of Its flock wander alone for too long. And it was upon traces of Raya's strange ability being discovered by Irelia– a Boia that served beneath Jian's Podestà tasked with the meticulous record keeping of all Alítheans who came and went– that Nihilos did deign to rein her in.
So it was on the morning of March 3rd that Raya would be found. She and the sorcerer she'd latched onto were training in an isolated clearing in Taigama, just far enough from Emberfall to not be disturbed. Irelia had dispatched an agent of hers, distracted as she constantly was by the work required of her by her façade as coroner; while she was only tasked with the autopsies of deaths deemed suspicious, the Huo had no shortage of those. And, not knowing the capabilities of the woman they were after nor the potential for her to have friends, she opted to send one of Jian's Săgetătorul de Sânge, or those trained specifically for assassination, should it come to that. Nihilos' whispers would guide him to Raya, though the Stranger allowed his presence to remain a surprise to the latter.
In the middle of whatever Luke and Raya were doing, a strange mist would form around them, obscuring their vision such that they'd barely be able to see one another. If Raya were to try and Divine the mist, its composition would mostly be Aether; perhaps conjured of Aqua? There would be echoes of other Metaphor within; a smattering of spectral Miasmata, the glittering glow of Saol, and waves of predatory Imber. Most curiously, however, would be the tenebrous stain of Absentia clinging to every mote of water that hung in the air. Raya might not know the name of this Metaphor, but she'd recognize it as one and the same as the blackness she'd found herself wrapped in during her earliest moments of this existence. It would feel familiar and safe to her. The concentrations of all but the last Metaphor warped and shifted in hypnotic patterns with each passing second.
A voice would call out to them:
"O, how fascinating a discovery…!
The disembodied voice would come from different directions all 'round them, echoing through the air in a masculine tenor. His accent was Jianese, sounding similar to men of the Saru clan, though no deity of theirs bore the moniker of 'Night Father'. And while Raya had never heard this voice before, it would sound familiar, like that of an old friend; a falsehood imposed upon it by the Entity which had drawn them together.
On the other hand, the mist and strange speaker would make Luke's skin crawl, an insidious sense of uneasy foreboding winding through his organs like vines as seconds passed.
Nevertheless, The Stranger was not one to let a wayward member of Its flock wander alone for too long. And it was upon traces of Raya's strange ability being discovered by Irelia– a Boia that served beneath Jian's Podestà tasked with the meticulous record keeping of all Alítheans who came and went– that Nihilos did deign to rein her in.
So it was on the morning of March 3rd that Raya would be found. She and the sorcerer she'd latched onto were training in an isolated clearing in Taigama, just far enough from Emberfall to not be disturbed. Irelia had dispatched an agent of hers, distracted as she constantly was by the work required of her by her façade as coroner; while she was only tasked with the autopsies of deaths deemed suspicious, the Huo had no shortage of those. And, not knowing the capabilities of the woman they were after nor the potential for her to have friends, she opted to send one of Jian's Săgetătorul de Sânge, or those trained specifically for assassination, should it come to that. Nihilos' whispers would guide him to Raya, though the Stranger allowed his presence to remain a surprise to the latter.
In the middle of whatever Luke and Raya were doing, a strange mist would form around them, obscuring their vision such that they'd barely be able to see one another. If Raya were to try and Divine the mist, its composition would mostly be Aether; perhaps conjured of Aqua? There would be echoes of other Metaphor within; a smattering of spectral Miasmata, the glittering glow of Saol, and waves of predatory Imber. Most curiously, however, would be the tenebrous stain of Absentia clinging to every mote of water that hung in the air. Raya might not know the name of this Metaphor, but she'd recognize it as one and the same as the blackness she'd found herself wrapped in during her earliest moments of this existence. It would feel familiar and safe to her. The concentrations of all but the last Metaphor warped and shifted in hypnotic patterns with each passing second.
A voice would call out to them:
"O, how fascinating a discovery…!
…blood of the Night Father's own;
Of Its
On the other hand, the mist and strange speaker would make Luke's skin crawl, an insidious sense of uneasy foreboding winding through his organs like vines as seconds passed.
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