Winter 85, 125
Well, it was finally happening. Kage was moving out of the basin and to the great redwood forest in the east. He'd put it off for so long, but he desired a change of pace. It looked as though he would be primarily stationed in-country unless he ever gave interest in spending a hundred years abroad again, which definitely wasn't something that interested him at the moment.
He had most of his important belongings and furniture loaded up onto one of his larger treants, one that was usually off working in the mines but he'd brought it over to help move his things. It was going to be a very long trip and there was no way he was going to move all this stuff by himself.
Why was he moving? Officially, he wanted to be closer to military operations. His new home would be much closer, not that distance was ever really a factor when he could use means to move from one place to another very quickly. Unofficially? He had gotten quickly bored of how his life was faring in his old home. It was getting cramped with all the people he'd taken in, it didn't have enough room to facilitate his work, and above all he felt like he was getting old.
Some of his neighbors understood, others thought he was being too hasty. Others thought he'd be back in a week. Kage didn't even know if he was going to be able to commit. Alas, he had to try. There was the matter of what to do with his faithful servants. Abraia and Fluffy were some of the closest ones he'd come to know.
Part of him told him to pass them on to another aelf, but Fluffy knew far too much about his personal life to be allowed to live. If he didn't keep her, then nobody would have her. Abraia, well she officially belonged to Engill, but Abraia had served her purpose. She had helped catapult Engill's popularity and allowed her to show off her craftsmanship to eyes that would have likely never seen it. Now? Abraia was just a novelty plaything to be discarded. It wasn't as if she even made anything that he could make use of.
"Okay you two," he said, walking up to them. He'd told them to meet him in front of the house.
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