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OOC Other Natural Resource Compendium

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Lord of the Forest
Approved Character
Character Sheet
Challenge Rating 1-6
Created by: [your name]


Cultural Significance:



Biome Role:

Life Cycle:


Notable Features:
  • NAME
  • NAME


Minor Merit

100 XP - Minor Ability

250 XP - Major Ability

[style=margin: 20px auto 20px auto; max-width: 700px; padding: 5px 30px 10px 30px; border-top: double 6px #cda0f2; border-right: double 6px #c29a4a; border-bottom: double 6px #c2784a; border-left: double 6px #674a96; border-radius: 3px][style2=margin: auto; max-width: 600px; padding: 35px 0px 30px 0px; color: #eee3ff; text-align: left; font-family: "Cutive Mono"; font-size: 108%][CENTER]ATTACH-IMAGE[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=7][B]NAME[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=6]Challenge Rating 1-6[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=5]Created by: [your name][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=5][B]Description:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Cultural Significance:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Habitat:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Size:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Biome Role:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Life Cycle:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Resources:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=5][B]Notable Features:[/B][/SIZE] [LIST] [*][SIZE=4]NAME[/SIZE] TEXT [*][SIZE=4]NAME[/SIZE] TEXT [/LIST] [SIZE=8][CENTER][B]Beast Magic:[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [size=6]Minor Merit[/size] Yes/No [SIZE=6]100 XP - Minor Ability[/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [SIZE=6]250 XP - Major Ability[/SIZE] [SIZE=4]TEXT[/SIZE] [/style2][/style]
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CR: 4

Myrksteinn is the stone which composes the vast majority of the Myrkvior Mountain range.

Vein/Geode/Node Size:

Biome Role:
Prominent landmark.

Growth Rate:
Standard Terra cast efficiency when grown from the body.

Cultural Significance:
Much beloved by the Æld'Norai, the vast majority of stone structures and art are composed of Myrksteinn.

Myrksteinn is a deep, inky black with a relatively high luminosity, especially so when polished. The stone itself is marbled with dimly glowing veins of myriad cool toned colors, likely remnants of Ældrassil's influence.

Given its hardness, specialized mining equipment or Terra is required to harvest with any degree of efficiency.

Notable Features:
  • Many regard Myrksteinn as exceptionally beautiful when used in art and architecture.
  • Myrksteinn is a sturdy building material (hardness of steel).

CR: 5
Cost: 270 SP per geode

Incredibly rare, sylfrívær is only found deep within the Myrkvior Mountains.

Vein/Geode Size:
Typically, sylfrívær is found in very small amounts. Its geodes are almost never larger than a large man's fist, typically half that.

Biome Role:
sylfrívær often absorbs other naturally occurring Metaphor at a reasonably large range, attracting it through the surrounding stone like a slow magnet. This gathering of Metaphor can, depending on which Metaphor, affect the environs of the caverns nearest the geode. This is also how keen spelunkers might realize they are near a sylfrívær geode in the first place.

Growth Rate:
Very slow.
Only up to a fist sized chunk may be grown at once by a Terrari or found naturally in the world; it requires roughly one expert cast worth of aether to conjure one. Arming it requires imbuing the stone with another expert cast of the desired Metaphor.

It can also be scaled down to apprentice for half the size crystal and blast radius.

Cultural Significance:
Ældrassil's Æld'Norai covet sylfrívær with a nigh religious reverence for its innate ability to soak up Metaphor like a sponge. Many of their Terrari bind to it, with many of that number opting to brave the mountain caves to find a geode of their own with which to bind as a rite of passage rather than using any created by another mage.

A luminous, opalescent mineral with properties that have many mistaking its extremely fine crystals for metal.

As its geodes may only be found within Myrkvior's caverns, one needs tools for spelunking that are capable of mining through stone as dense as steel, or Terra with which they may wend the rock out of the way. A variety of minor hazards characteristic of whatever Metaphor the mineral may have absorbed may also present themselves as it is unearthed.

Notable Features:
  • Mages may infuse it with a Metaphor of their choosing in order to use the crystals as explosives. Curiously, the crystals may never grow larger than about fist-sized and the blast radius never exceeds a 20-ft radius sphere.
  • Aether: Creates an aetherial cloud within which all senses, both magical and mundane, are heightened twice as normal within. Effect lasts for about a minute.
  • Ardor/Abation: Creates a short lived, frigid vortex that rapidly chills and even freezes targets small enough to be fully engulfed by the blast. Full effect occurs over the course of 1.5 seconds.
  • Luxium/Fulgur: Creates a short lived, blazing vortex of blinding heat and fire. Incinerates most things not resistant to fire near the crystal itself with rapidly diminishing returns as it fans outwards. Full effect occurs over the course of 1.5 seconds.
  • Aeris/Zephyr: Creates a short lived, powerful vortex of wind that pulls anything caught within the blast radius towards the impact site. It has enough force to even impact things as heavy as adult dragons. Effect takes up to 3 seconds.
  • Imber/Aqua: Creates a short lived, powerful torrent of water that pushes anything caught within the blast radius away from the impact site. It has enough force to even impact things as heavy as adult dragons. Effect takes up to 3 seconds.
  • Geomena/Terra: Creates effectively a shrapnel bomb of sharp, metallic stones about the hardness of steel. Effect is instant. Alternatively, a Terrari may imbue it with any material to which they are bound.
  • Saol: Anything that lives caught within the gentle glow of a Saol-infused blast is healed, equivalent up to one major wound; it will not regenerate lost limbs, etc. The effect is inverted if a creature is harmed by Saol. The cloud lasts about 5 seconds and the healing and/or damage is done by the time it fades.
  • Miasmata: Any unliving thing caught within the eerie fog of a Miasmata-infused blast is healed, equivalent up to one major wound; it will not regenerate lost limbs, etc. The effect is inverted if a creature is harmed by Miasmata. The cloud lasts about 5 seconds and the healing and/or damage is done by the time it fades.
  • Fabula: Creates a deafening shockwave centered around the impact site; can cause permanent hearing loss, injury, and pain even in the user if not thrown far enough. Effect is instant.
  • Somnium: Creates a hypnotic cloud of kaleidoscopic color centered around the impact site that causes vivid hallucinations based on the victim's current circumstances and state of mind for about a minute.
  • Anathema: Creates an explosion of a slick, oily black substance that quickly begins to eat away at anything it touches before evaporating after about a minute.
  • Absentia: Creates a caliginous cloud of Absentia within which all senses, magical and mundane, are nullified and fades after about a minute.
It is common for mages to carry a few of these crystals around, having suffused them with Metaphor and allowing their own reserves to restore before embarking on whatever purpose they intend to use the stones for.

Utilizing sylfrívær must be logged appropriately on one's CS, with the acquisition being properly written out in thread or solo, as well as IRP notation of what Metaphor the mage is infusing into the mineral at any given time.
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