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Closed [Emberfall] New Home

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Paragon Candidate
Approved Character
Character Sheet

Winter 89, 125

Motoku, Finally. Hanabi arrived at the tail end of the season. The city was not what she was expecting. She was expecting some kind of metropolis, but this looked little different from other villages and towns she'd passed by. This was supposedly where the body that was used to make her had come from, but she bore no memory of it. It was strange that she didn't share any memories with Kage, and yet she was so good at so many different things. She could sneak by undetected, shoot a bow and expect to hit anything she see… but simple things like locations and names escaped her. She often had to ask him mentally to clarify some tidbit. Kage didn't really mind answering her questions either. He seemed to think of her like a partner, someone he could trust and rely on. He hadn't really forced her to do anything yet, merely guided her to where she needed to be.

As she walked through the bustling city of Emberfall, she found that she felt out of place. These people were all so busy, so focused. She understood that there was some kind of war going on and that she was supposed to enlist her services, but the reality of how much work went into waging war was becoming clear to her.

She nearly jumped when she felt something touch her shoulder. She inhaled sharply, then realized that it was a bird. A wooden bird. "Uhm, hello?" she said to it.

"Hi," it said back, just loud enough for her to hear. It wasn't exactly Kage's voice, but she could put two and two together.

"So you control the birds here?" Hanabi asked.

"I have a very small handful of treants in the area. You are to work on expanding our network. It will be important to keep an eye on the Mystics in the area and to eliminate anyone who tries looking too closely at our connection, but we have other matters to attend to. You need a place to live and work in relative privacy. To that end, I have arranged for you to have some property."

It was at that point that Hanabi realized that the bird had something in its claws. It was a scroll. She took it and unrolled it to see that it detailed a plot of land nearby that had been purchased in her name.

"Take a right, here," the bird chirped. There was no reason to continue the conversation like this because Hanabi could talk to Kage telepathically… but Hanabi liked having an actual voice in her ear.

Hanabi turned and continued down the path. "I've purchased everything in a ten acre square," the bird said as Hanabi looked at the map included with the scroll.

"Ten acres, that sounds like a lot," she murmered.

"It is a decently large piece of land. Land is somewhat cheap in Jian. Probably because war can raze property to the ground. It is much more expensive in aelheim because it is much more magically protected and because it's safe there isn't much free space to go around. Or at least that's what I've been led to believe."

Hanabi said, "so all the people that lived in these buildings…?"

"They've been moved out. You can turn this chunk of land into whatever you desire, but it is primarily to give you some privacy and space to make treants. Anyone who wishes to intrude on your privacy would have to make it through the forest, or come by air. And we can have ensorcelled traps made to give warning if anyone approaches."

"I think… I think I want to make my own house," she replied. She picked up the pace until she got to the center of the plot. "Yes, I'll put it here."

The entire plot of land was covered in large trees already, that was probably why Kage had chosen it in the first place. It felt like a ghost town, with all the abandoned homes, many of which were already in disrepair. It would be quite the project to clean this place up.

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Moving cautiously through the overgrown path, Raya's fingers brushed against the rough bark of trees. It was eerily silent as the land stretched out before her, the occasional rustling sound coming from some leaves or a far off crow. The area was abandoned; left to nature. There was no knowing what this place had been before, but she could feel peaceful here.

Frowning, she stepped over a broken wooden beam that was a small part of a fallen home. Nothing stirred in her for this place. No sense of familiarity, no tug of recognition. Yet, she had been pulled to this place. Moving further into the territory, the weight of her body was comforting. She didn't know why she felt powerful, but she did. Something like an instinct that dwelled deep in her bones, remnants of the soul that used to be in this form before it was hers. Knowing things that didn't feel like her own knowledge was a strange sensation. She could recall what it had been like to live life, but she couldn't recall who she was.

Suddenly a flicker of movement went past her eye. Raya stepped forward, seeming to make no effort at all to conceal her presence.

She smiled and tilted her head slightly.


It was an even voice, not unfriendly but cautious. She was new here. Was new to this land, new to whatever was happening in this city. None of it was yet real to her, the war, the shifting allegiances. Only words, only ideas lost in nothingness.

Raya studied Hanabi who seemed like a person who knew her place in the world. Raya envied that certainty.

Here, she looked around the abandoned surrounding and said:

"I wasn't expecting to see anyone here. A place that has been left behind."

She allowed her gaze to move over the broken structures, the trees which had started to reclaim the land. She looked back at Hanabi.

"I'm Raya. I just got to the city. To all of this, really. I was told there was a war, and they told me I was getting involved on some level. I don't even have an idea where to start."

Her breath was visible in the cool air, she exhaled softly.

"Who are you?"

That was the truth of it. She had been given a task, a direction to point in, but it was not the same as having a purpose. She would have to figure that out on her own.

Kage's fetch didn't say anything and went back to acting like a normal bird. It flew off, leaving Hanabi and Raya alone together. Hanabi looked at the newcomer and saw that she was mostly aligned with miasmata. Strange.

"Hello, I'm Hanabi," she replied. "I'm…" she was about to admit that she was new, but the story she was supposed to sell necessitated she pretend like she'd lived in Motoku her whole life. "I'm checking out some new property that I've come into. This land is mine now. I was informed that the buildings had been cleared out, so I was also not expecting to find anyone here."

Hanabi held her hands out and knelt down to start creating some bark along the ground. She felt an overwhelming abundance of energy within her that told her that she could create as much plant matter as she wanted, so long as she didn't push her influence more than a foot or so. She grew a chair… she didn't even know how she knew how to do that, but within a minute she'd created a couple basic ones for them to sit on.

"I don't suppose you know how to fight, do you? It seems that is the main qualification for being relevant around here. There's merchants and smiths too, of course, but most people seem to be foot soldiers. Do you have any talents that might help you establish your life here?"

Hanabi was acting like she was native, making things up as she went based on her general impression of the area. "Perhaps if you had something useful I would be able to help you out and give you a job. I do find myself in need of a lot of help nowadays, what with so many people losing their lives at war. Sometimes I wonder when my time will come."

She stared out pensively at the skies as she sat and crossed her legs. She was already thinking about all the work she needed to do to build a house. She knew how to, of course she would – she seemed to know how to do everything. She knew she needed to make many treants as well… so much to do.

After Raya responded, Hanabi would get up abruptly and say, "you know, there's some things I need to tend to. I'm in need of an ensorceller and there's only so much daylight."

She crossed her arms and looked around the quiet piece of abandoned land. She had no idea what she was supposed to do here or what she was supposed to be doing period. A small breath left from her and she turned to look at Hanabi after sitting.

"It's kind of misleading, but I don't really know what I'm good at,"

"I mean, I know I'm an Onryo. I possess people, I apparate, but ~~ that's not something that I know how to use for anything useful. Not yet, anyway."

"I don't want to fight. Maybe if I give myself some time to work everything out, I could be useful in some other capacities."

"I don't even have a home yet. I'm wandering, I guess. Did anything I said make me sound valuable to you? To be able to appear and disappear, to take over someone for a while?"

Hanabi clapped her hands together in a businesslike fashion and smiled at Raya. "Not to worry, even if you feel useless, I'm sure I can find some good work for you to do, if you desire it. Being able to possess people can be incredibly valuable. Try not to be so down in the dumps. Life is wonderful here, and I'm sure you will find your place soon enough. Now, if you don't mind? I have some shopping to do. You're welcome to come along. Oh, and if you don't have a home yet, I could make one for you. We will need to have some agreement in place, however. I am a woman who likes her privacy and I can't have you blabbing about what I get up to."

She grinned and put her chair off to the side, not that it really mattered where she put it. She was about to head towards the busy part of town she'd passed by, when she saw a man standing not too far away. He looked angry for reasons she could not explain. Her instincts told her that he wanted to fight, but he didn't appear to have any dangerous looking metaphor inside of him. What was his deal?

Hanabi frowned at the man and thought about whether she should just kill him, but she didn't think murdering people was going to be good for her first day. So, she decided to give him the fight he wanted. It would be a good warm up! She had a feeling that she wasn't going to be good at hand to hand combat, but she had a good idea of how to make the best use of her body, physically. Her plan was to come at him with as much effort as she could in an attempt to assert dominance, knowing that she could always 'cheat' and use magic if she needed to.

It annoyed her to no end that she was having to do this fight, but it was apparently necessary in order to get on with her day. She held up her fists and went for a right jab at his face, but the light filtering in through the clouds got in her eye and made her wince at the last moment, sending her punch askew. She had already thrown another follow up jab before her brain even registered that she was going to miss, so that missed as well. This wasn't getting off to a great start, then again this was one of the only fights she'd gotten into this season so that wasn't saying much.

That was embarrassing, but things could have been worse. At the very least she had gotten close to her opponent and she was finally able to dish out some damage…. Hopefully. She planted her foot back on the ground and tried to widen here stance. Then, she swung her back leg forwards, right towards the man's neck, hoping to do the most damage possible. She immediately followed up by planting that foot down and lifting her other one, trying to swipe a second kick at him. This one was aimed at his chest to try pushing him away.

She planted both feet back on the ground again, determined to keep her momentum going. She then dove at her opponent with her fist cocked back. She let out a roar as she travelled the short distance in an instant, shoving her right fist at his stomach before leaping into the air, trying to smash the bottom of his chin with her knee. She felt like she was really on a roll as she backflipped through the air and landed on the ground with a grunt. She felt her heart rate rising for the first time since this fight had started. She glared at her opponent then started for him again, trying to shoulder check him into submission but this guy just wouldn't give up.

She had just enough oomph left in her to try grabbing a hold of his arm and trying to fling him into the ground. After doing all that, she was absolutely exhausted, having spent so much energy just trying to make all her attacks connect. She really ought to not go all out like this, it couldn't be good for her health. She was an important person after all, and should be taking it easy instead of wasting her time fighting like this.

Even with all that said, she still had some fight left in her… she just needed a few moments to catch her breath. If her opponent was going to give her more openings then she might have to take advantage of them again. She spit on the ground to her side, feeling that this fight was just getting started, but she was also hopeful that she had sent a clear message that she wasn't to be toyed with.

Raya liked the idea of working with Hanabi because it beat fighting. She needed a place to sleep and develop her powers so she could exact her revenge.

Speaking of fighting, someone came to start trouble.

"You bought this property out from under me and my family and for that I will make you pay" He said.

Hanabi fought with vigor that Raya had never seen before. She was not good but her heart was in it. The intruder weaved through her attacks, only taking a few here and there. He would return with punches of his own then he would draw his katana.

He waved it expertly then he ran at Hanabi. Slash after slash he tried to dismember her to prove a point. Was this one of the honor duels that Raya had heard of? They seemed so brutal. Raya thought about intervening but she knew she was outclassed.

Hanabi was not too surprised that she was not winning. She was vicious and brutal with how she threw her body around, but that didn't make up for a lack of skill when her opponent was clearly trained to fight. It was lucky that he waited so long to take his katana out. Perhaps he was sizing her up, or maybe he wanted to taunt her. In any case, the moment the blade came out Hanabi realized that things were getting serious.

"So hand to hand is something I'm not too great at," she muttered as she hopped back to brace for an attack. She contemplated growing a wooden katana in her hand, but she felt that using a sword would go even worse than using her fists. The only other option that came to mind was her bow, which probably should have been her first choice.

The question was, was her going to let her grab it? She'd set it down by her chair. Before she could even consider the option, however, the man charged at her and started slashing. Hanabi was so taken aback by the man's speed that she couldn't jump back in time for one of his slashes to cut into her stomach just a little. The tip grazed her, flicking blood from her body and onto the dirt ground.

"You crossed the line," she said with a snarl as she put a hand to her stomach.

"No, you crossed it," he said in his thick jianese accent. He readied himself for another attack, but at that moment a wooden bird swooped down from the skies and drilled its beak right into his eye. He immediately shouted and dropped his katana, reaching to his bleeding face to remove the bird. It was one of Kage's fetch treants and it didn't have any qualms with digging its talons into his shoulders and pecking him relentlessly.

By the time he pulled the bird off, Hanabi had enough time to pick up his katana and stab him with it. He kept screaming though, so she withdrew the sword and slashed his throat with it. It was so… messy. And as soon as the man let go of the bird, it flapped away, back into the trees.

"Sorry about that," Hanabi told Raya, "I didn't think he would be so upset about losing his land, but as far as I know it was purchased fair and square… strange." She let out a frustrated sigh, "anyways, I've got to go shopping. You're free to join me, or you can pick any of the homes on this property to live in. I'll do my best to restore them to a decent condition, but it'll probably take me some time. A week or so at the most."

She gave her another smile then began wiping the blood that had splattered onto her clothes. There was so much she needed to buy.

"Actually, how about you find an ensorceller once you've chosen a house? And then bring her to meet me here. Then you wouldn't have to waste all day shopping." It was ultimately up to Raya. Hanabi felt like she was already treating her like an employee, which she supposed is probably what she ought to do if she was going to grab any sort of power in this town.

Regardless, Hanabi set off to the market and made a series of transactions. She bought some new clothes, ten sets for a variety of events. Some for sleeping, some for fighting, some for working. And one was for a party, she assumed she would be going to one of those eventually. After that, she went to go trade the gristle she had for luxiite. Supposedly Jian was home to many dragons, so there was always a need for more of the stuff, so they could ensorcell spells and whatnot. She also stopped buy to get some food and other essentials for a home that she couldn't create with druidism.

The thought came to mind that she ought to get in contact with an artificer. Damn, she should have had Raya find one of those too. Hanabi was slowly learning that the only craft-like abilities she was good at was carpentry.

She would arrive back at her property around supper time with several bags in her arms which she would set down next to the chairs she had made.

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Raya was sent on a mission to find an ensorceller. She went with Hanabi to the market but split off to find what she was after. She apparated then possessed someone who was working on a scroll. She gave subtle suggestions to make the crafter look at Hanabi and take an interest in her. She suggested he follow her because she was pretty.

The crafter would follow Raya all the way home and only then did Raya split from him to rematerialize.

"Fear not, crafter. I have led you here to work on a secret project."

Raya did not understand why he freaked out when he realized he was being possessed the whole time.

"Please let me go I will do anything you want" He said.

"What is your name?" Raya asked

"Ryuk" He said

"You have been chosen for a higher purpose. Help me and I will make sure you find glory."

He didn't like any of this but he would do whatever project Hanabi asked him to do out of fear.

4 journeyman reserves
.33 for apparating at apprentice
.33 for shadowing at apprentice
1 for suggesting at apprentice
.33 for apparating at apprentice

Hanabi was uncomfortable around her stomach where she had gotten cut. She had healed it, of course, but she did not like how healing felt. She was also somewhat worried that she had done it wrong. She had shrugged off her coat and lifted her shirt to inspect the wound again, but it was already completely gone now.

Kage had told her that someone was following her, so she picked up her bow and turned to face him, only to find that Raya had brought him there for her. Well, that was one method of recruiting an ensorceller.

"Ryuk," she said with a short nod, "sorry about my associate's straightforward methods. I asked her to fetch me an ensorceller, and well… this is what happens when I ask her to do something, apparently. I do have a good amount of work that would ask you to do for me in the near future. I won't ask you to do anything today, given the circumstances."

She shook her head and said, "Raya, you should probably avoid possessing people for things like this. Just look at him, he's scared half to death! There's a right time to possess someone and force them to do your bidding." She sighed, not wanting to deal with this right now.

"Alright, we'll meet on the first of the month. That should give us all some time to mentally prepare for all the work that is coming our way. Ryuk, I wouldn't fault you for wanting to back out of the deal, but I guarantee I will give you projects that are worth working on. I'm talking about globes upon globes of powerful artifacts. If you are up for the challenge, I think the three of us can have a wonderful partnership."

She nodded to them both and started building her house. She didn't start with anything complicated, just a small one roomed structure that she created by walking around and touching the exact spots she wanted wood to grow. She was already imagining the mansion she wanted to build, but it was going to take more time than she had today.

With the few hours of daylight she had left, she went around hunting down birds to use as fetches. She managed to capture twenty and thread plant fibers through each of them to turn them into her own little spies who would keep watch over her new property. She also created a dozen regular treants that wore wooden samurai armor that covered their faces to give less indication that they were entirely made of wood. They stood guard outside her house and worked in shifts.

She made sure to do all of this work in the privacy of the home she made, so hopefully nobody would find out what she was doing, unless Raya decided to get a little curious.

3100 WC

~4 master
-0.00 Apprentice reinvigoration healing
-0.00 Apprentice floramancy
-0.00 Novice Raise

Thread Title: New Home

Thread Summary: A lot of productivity. Raya and Hanabi (Kage's Familiar) meet. Hanabi/Kage bought 30 acres of land in Emberfall, converted gristle to alkahest, made a home, and some treants. Raya recruits an ensorceller and plans on working for Hanabi.

Expected Rewards: Kage: 30xp for 3100 wc, +30 acres of land in Emberfall, -891g luxium gristle, + 891g aetherite (per Haru's system update), +23g purchased aethreite, +1 home built on her property, +20 fetches, +12 treants in wooden armor wages thread
Raya: 9XP
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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.