
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

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Approved Postmaster


Approved Character




2,180 Years Old
9.1 inches Tall


Middle Class
Fluent in Ælvish, Rakkish, Jinnic, and Common​


Postmaster appears to be a fairly small domestic cat, with inky black fur and bright red eyes. When taken by the mood, he will wear strange little tunics and pants custom-made for cats, but commonly chooses to appear in public wearing only a small hat and tiny belled collar. Without these oddments, he would be easily mistaken for an ordinary feline.

In the style of all cats, Postmaster does not like to be seen in any bad light, and prefers to move only when nobody is watching or, better yet, to simply appear and disappear. Most of his body language he conveys through motions and tilts of the head. His tail is usually entirely still, save when he is so overcome by some anger or joy that he cannot help but twitch it.

Postmaster seems, at first blush, to be an extraordinary departure from the demonic tales of his kind. Jovial, courteous, considerate, whimsical and slow to anger; these are the immediate impressions which the cat carefully cultivates. He sees himself as a worldly and humorous sort, reasonable to a fault, and encourages others to do the same.

Of course, the cat has spent countless years in self-imposed exile, sulking. The truth is less that Postmaster is impossible to provoke and more that he has insufficient regard for most people to be provoked by them. When Postmaster becomes enamored of a particular person or game, he is perfectly willing to go to horrific lengths for his entertainment, and he has no particular respect for the wishes and autonomy of others.

Notwithstanding the long list of atrocities which Postmaster has been party to, though, there is something optimistic at the core of his being. He still delights in rewarding people who win his games and wagers, and finds comedic endings more fulfilling than tragic ones.
As a mage, Postmaster is distinctly incurious. He makes heavy use of the Rakshasa's innate gifts, preferring to simply ignore threats of violence whenever possible, and spends much of his time indulgently lying about, watching favorite people in his mind's eye. Though this has led to a certain amount of indisputable natural talent, he had a well-deserved reputation in Arcanis as a lazy and indolent student of the arcane arts.

Ever since his flight from Arcanis, however, Postmaster has spent long years studying life, fey, and searching for the secret strength he believes still exists within mortalkind. The cat is impulsive in his use of all of these magics, at times forgetting them entirely and other times using them inappropriately simply for the fun of it.

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The Rakshasa Menes began life as all of his kind do; abruptly and with little satisfaction of it. After materializing without clear cause or warning, he wandered the world for interminable years, living at times like a cat, or a person, or a monster, for even in youth the cambion's native powers were sufficient to war and kill among the mortal races. In the ordinary course of time he found himself drawn to Arcanis by rumor of kith and kin.

For a time, Menes played at being a little god among the Jin'Norai with his peers, though he was accounted among the laziest and least vicious of the breed. He played tricks in the Academy, savior or devil to those wandering in the wastes, and other such common pursuits among his kind- but he was especially known for playing games with his erstwhile victims and permitting them to win, often leaving them in a superior position rather than crushed by whatever ironic fate was in fashion that decade.

Although this was no crime among the Rakshasa (for the race does not care to make or enforce laws amongst their own), this eventually led to a vicious argument with one of Menes' regular compatriots, the Rakshasa Enefti, over the purpose of mortalkind. Menes took the position that the value of their slaves lay in surprise and the capacity to change and grow, bringing them new ideas to play with like toys. Enefti asserted that their purpose was better described as parts of a great artwork, to be arranged with precision to create beautiful catastrophes for the amusement of their lords. Though there were no real stakes to this argument, Ernefti easily won over their brethren, and it was widely agreed that Menes' position had been soundly defeated.

In response to the embarrassment of losing an argument, Menes did the only rational thing and fled Arcanis, vowing revenge.

Energized by his newfound goal, Menes threw himself into the study of mortals, determined to find some objective feature of worth to present to his peers. He began chasing legends of ancient times--ancient even to immortals--seeking the trail of a god which had been torn out of flesh by the fae, which he reckoned would demonstrate his arguments precisely. To further his studies, he moved into Ælheim, where he hoped the profusion of living creatures and fae alike would give him sufficient test subjects to make progress.

Unfortunately for Menes, disaster struck; as he began watching far-flung mortals for study, he found himself growing increasingly distracted from mystic asperations. The pace of his research rapidly slowed as he spent more and more time in voyeuristic endeavors, and finally began manipulating the lives of people for entertainment once again. Loath to leave his favorite mortals behind, he began to collect them, tricking each in turn into agreeing to his service.

In time, however, the Rakshasa's prizes grew unwieldy, requiring increasing effort to feed and entertain. Struck by inspiration, Menes decided to use his new friends to help him locate even more interesting stories, rationalizing that this, at last, would prove helpful to his ostensible master plan. Taking on the name 'Postmaster', the Rakshasa reintroduced himself to society writ large by opening a delivery service.






Skill NameLevelXP
Starting Package250250
Rebirth XP 10001250
Minor Merit(1): Apparition-01250
Minor Merit(2): Seeming-251225
Minor Merit(3): Syphon-501175
250 Apparition-250925
250 Seeming-250675
250 Animist-250425
100 Syphon-100325
100 Mysticism-100225
100 Zoology-100125
50 Meditation-5075
Minor Merit(4): Enterprise-750
Character Approval XP+1515
Player Owned Business+419



Imprint 0: The Postmaster
Imprint 1: A black cat
Imprint 2: A white cat
Imprint 3: Calico cat
Imprint 4: Sort of a greyish cat
Imprint 5: Orange cat
Imprint 6: Human boy
Imprint 7: Aelven girl
Imprint 8: Mouse
Imprint 9: Dove
Imprint 10:
Imprint 11:

CR 1 (0/81):
CR 2 (10/27):
Cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat
CR 3 (0/9):
CR 5 (0/1):

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Postmaster lives in and around his office, a merchant building in Rømskog. Like most of its surrounding business, the post is a two-story wooden house, brightly painted, and connecting to a slightly larger warehouse building. The interior of the office is designed for human interaction, with a waiting room, desks, and other space kept clean by a small army of intelligent cats; it is sparsely decorated according to Sphinx's direction, but bears various statuettes and wall-hangings showing symbols and references to the feline form, as well as a few nostalgic pieces which Postmaster kept from his distant days in the deserts of Arcanis. Though the cats are permitted to go where they will and do as they wish inside the office, most prefer to use it only for work.

Attached to the office is the mail warehouse, where post is kept until it can be assigned to a courier. The warehouse is largely inaccessible to larger creatures, being a messy jumble of boxes and papers which have been arranged to create hundreds of mazelike corridors through which the cats can scurry. Postmaster keeps a basement chamber below the warehouse for arcane study, but the routes there are unknown even to most of the cats- if they can even be walked by fleshy creatures.


❁ 2 Fine hats
❁ 1 Travel hat
❁ 1 Golden bell collar
❁ 1 Mysticism Supplies
❁ 1 Pouch
❁ Animism Supplies

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Social Ties

Platonic / Adversarial







Companion NPCs


28 Years Old
9.8 inches tall
Cat (Human)


Actually Runs The Business

Fluent in Aelvish and Common


50 - Journeyman Business
50 - Journeyman Leadership

Sphinx is a fairly large calico with striking blue eyes. With that exception, however, she is distinguished from the other cats in Postmaster's employ mostly by the quality of the bell hanging from her collar, which is a polished gold rather than any species of brass or silver.

As the actual mind behind the logistics of the post, Sphinx often appears harried, constantly distracted either by the questions and demands of staff or by her own frenzied thoughts. On the worst days, this manifests as a tired, haggard look seldom seen on cats in public, though she takes great pains to remain immaculately clean throughout.

Certain exigencies of business require humanoid shape, and each of Postmaster's cats has a preferred form to be given in those situations. Sphinx's is that of a blonde Aelven girl, slender enough to comfortably navigate the labyrinth of passages in the back of the office. In truth, it has been so long since she has worn human form that she hardly remembers what she actually looked like.

Sphinx seems in a state of almost constant distraction, trying to tackle too many things at all times. As de facto boss of the other cats, she is willing to provide the stern discipline in which Postmaster shows little interest, but she does so sparingly- after all, there is little enough to gain from piling more suffering onto the hardworking staff. In general, she prefers to interact with others only to the extent needed to ascertain their business and how best to fill it, then move on to other work.

Sphinx does not enjoy idle chatter, and will throw 'mmm's and 'uh-huhs' into the middle of others' speech to signal her waning interest in their tales. She tends to focus on problem-solving to the exclusion of all else, and is actively annoyed by discussion meant simply to bond. This tends to make her especially snippy with Postmaster, who enjoys devising long and aggravating metaphors for the explicit purpose of riling his second.

Unlike some of Postmaster's other employees, Sphinx has no particular dreams of returning home; her employment was much more voluntary than most. Somewhat ambitious despite herself, she hopes to someday win a magic of her own and become as powerful and accomplished as some of the great people to whom she delivers. Postmaster subtly encourages this, even going so far as to occasionally refer to her as an 'apprentice', but there's no safe money bet on if or when a lazy immortal cat will decide to make good on such promises.

Born to poor parents within one of the settlements on the outskirts of the great forest, Sphinx was once known as Adelaide von'Elke. Although she was deemed too large to be pretty, Adelaide was a hard worker, and that was much more important in the estimation of the poor Fælnir. She married young and had two children by a man she loved, and the combination of that happy dynamic and her own quick and pragmatic thinking should have meant that she would live a life of as much success and joy as a human can within the pall of the dark woods.

Sadly, it was not to be. Adelaide's husband was taken young, having fallen afoul of some creature or spirit on a woodland excursion. None of his companions survived to bring the news; it was simply endless nights of worry, declining into positive dread. To this day, she knows not exactly how he passed- and she speaks little of it, too, for what would be the use?

If that tragedy had to be met with silence, however, the next could not pass uncontested. After her husband's passing, she sought for a new suitor. There were some men who were interested, especially for the holdings of her late husband, but the one who eventually took the most interest had a different quarry in mind. With a small gang of other men, he drugged and stabbed Adelaide and stole her children, intending to barter them off, and leaving the woman for dead. As she lay dying, she cried out to the uncaring gods for succor for her children- but it was no god of the forest which answered.

Instead, the darkness took human shape and, grinning, proposed a game.

The Rakshasa (as she would later learn he was) offered her a simple deal- he would staunch her bleeding and return life to her dying form. If she could find and kill each of the men who had broken into her home within three nights, her children would be returned to her unharmed, and her would-be murderer given to her to do with as she would- otherwise, she would die. Seeing no downside, Adelaide took the deal and, to the Rakshasa's delight, killed each of the men who had attacked her in turn. The strange spirit honored his bargain; the next night, she found her children returned to their beds, and their captor delivered to her door with every limb broken. She took his life without additional drama.

Unfortunately, while the men she'd killed might have been villains, they were not simply bandits. The entire town took up arms, seeking the murderer, and Adelaide knew her capture was inevitable. Desperate to escape, she asked the Rakshasa for aid once more, accepting his offer of 'employment' without limitation, and found herself transfigured into a cat for her troubles.


Minion NPCs



Type: Formation

Postmaster employs a select group of individuals--all human, at least to begin with--whom he has transfigured into cats to run his delivery service. The bulk of the service runs within the city itself, where it is generally understood that causing harm to a belled cat is an error with fatal consequence, but they are also called upon to take letters and packages into the woods, or on boats to other human habitations.


Delivers mail, takes delivery, cleans and organizes the office.

Fluent in Aelvish and Common

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Minion 2

[SLIDE]Dead thing.[/SLIDE]


Minion 3

[SLIDE]Dead thing. [/SLIDE]


Minion 4

[SLIDE] Dead thing.[/SLIDE]


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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.