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Understand that we are currently in a playtest through the end of 2024, meaning you are welcome to play and earn experience, but there might be sweeping changes before the full site launch in 2025.
Works as -Nothing-
Poor-Class Fluent in Common,
Pale as a ghost with long dark hair. Raya looks to be an adult human woman. She cannot remember exactly what she used to look like, but she remembers that she used to be pretty. That is why she was reborn as someone she thought looked attractive. She has a thin waist and a full bust and clear complexion. She looks like she hasn't seen a minute of sunlight in her life. Her skin is smooth and soft showing no signs of ever doing manual labor. Her eyes are a deep red.
Too young to tell what her major traits will be. She knows only the sorrow of being killed and a lust for revenge on those who took advantage of her trust. She wants to consume and to grow her power so that she will never be as helpless as she was in her previous life.
Raya, formerly Abraia (Link) was killed late in the Winter of 125. She was sacrificed for the benefit of a Null's ascension. Her soul persisted and she became something more. An Onryo who spawned mere hours after her death because her soul was too emotionally wounded to die. How could she be betrayed after giving her total trust to her master? She needed answers. She remembers little. A dragon in the shape of a human in a great big tree. A workshop in a forest. A tall elf who betrayed her. Names elude her.
In the hours following her rebirth she realized that she had new powers. She quickly realized she held sway over miasmata in ways she thought only elves could wield metaphor. Hours turned to days and her power only seemed to grow stronger. She would find answers, but not in Avernus. She had to leave, and the few vague memories she retained guided her back to Aelheim.
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Mark of Entropy
1 Free cast per week
She may hex any target with a touch. Over the next 12 hours, the target will rapidly age and die even if immortal, leaving behind a desiccated husk.