Winter 81, 125
The time was a little past midnight when Galinn walked through a portal into the red aspen forest that made up the eastern part of the country. It was known by many to be a good place to go for a vacation, but that had never really stuck a chord with her. This area was nearly as populated as the country's capital. And yet, she was struck by the awe inspiring beauty. Every time she saw the city in its bioluminescent glory she wished she would finally get around to buying a second home here. It was a different feeling she got when visiting her own home city – there she was washed over by nostalgia instead.
She shook her head to clear her thoughts. She wasn't here to sight see. She was needed for military assistance. Everyone knew that this area had more military than most other parts of the country. They were near the border after all. And unlike the other side of the country there wasn't a barren wasteland full of monsters and elementals preventing sane people from even bothering to invade. But this forest? Galinn could clearly see why someone might want to take this over for themselves.
She walked briskly through the area, not recognizing any faces. She rarely came out this way so it was to be expected, and she was in a different form than usual so she rarely got a passing glance except by the occasional person who thought she was pretty. Was she? She guess she hadn't thought about that.
Galinn continued until she got to the building she was supposed to meet in. It was a fairly simple space where some soldiers were standing at attention and listening to their briefing. Galinn gathered that they were going to go on a patrol based on the snippets she heard.
"There you are," said one of Galinn's coworkers. It was a male who stood to be around seven feet tall. Their size difference was considerable. "You're to accompany these soldiers and provide backup. They're investigating some suspected necromancy activity. Needless to say that caution is advised. We don't think they're very strong yet judging by the quality of their thralls, but you can't be too careful."
He handed her a leatherbound folder with important details inside. He nodded to her, and then left her with the soldiers. She wasn't their leader, just another cog in the machine. This whole group was overkill for a necromancer, but that was how they did things. Hammering down the odd nail with overwhelming force was commonplace.
The group departed immediately, giving Galinn little time to read up on the details. There were sightings of undead shambling around but there was no clear culprit yet. That told them that the necromancer knew that they needed to hide. Maybe they thought they could hide what they were? Not every necromancer wanted to be one. But those who didn't simply stopped raising the dead. Galinn suspected that this one was trying to grow their powers.
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