
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

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Approved Søger'i, Rune fyn'Veiðrbrand Æisling


Approved Character
Malediction [Grandmaster]
Draoidh [Master]
Fulgur [Master]
Nymheia [Master]
Character Sheet



Rune fyn'Veiðrbrand Æisling

Race: Æld'Norai
Age: 1,168
Birthday: April 1st
Birthplace: Ælheim
Location: Veiðrbrand, Ælheim

+ Arcana +
Malediction [Grandmaster]
Draoidh [Master]
Fulgur [Master]
Nymheia [Master]

+ Living +
Caste: Odoln'i
Living Standard: Self-Sufficient

+ Languages +
Fluent: Common, Ælvish


+ Personality +
Rune has a bright, exuberant personality, which is at odds with his lifestyle as a hermit in the northern reaches of Veiðrbrand. He welcomes visitors of all races, castes, and intentions with open arms, which is a habit at odds with the Ælheim opinion. Not even a stray Vokhai would be turned away from the stretches of his grove. It is hard to tell whether this personality quirk came as an effect of his self-imposed isolation, or if it had always existed within him. Rune has always had a fascination with fire, which has only increased with his exploration of Fulgur, and led to his living as a steward of some of the even more remote lands of Veiðrbrand. He is fascinated with the impermanent, and cultivates his grove in a climate prone to seasonal droughts, where he uses controlled burning with pyromancy and florabinding, invigoration, and floramancy to reshape the landscape. He is primarily bound to plants both fire resistant, and requiring fire to germinate or bloom, and he finds inspiration in their creation in regards to what most deem a destructive force.

+ Appearance +
Rune is approximately six feet tall, with a slim figure and only vague hints at a more robust musculature. Rune has a pale grey-purple skintone that grows dark and even red-toned in the parts of his body that were burned during his Fulgur initiation. Though it could have been healed completely, he chose to keep these burns to commemorate the occasion. His Fulgur is inscribed on the back of his neck. His hair is an ash-white, and grows slightly darker through its length. He keeps his hair loosely bound in braids, though much of his hair is cut by himself in choppy layers and does not stay in any sort of style. He does not wear metal jewelry, finding that it can be destroyed far more easily by flames than it can be replaced, especially from where he is. He has crafted crude jewelry out of plant-fiber cordage and bone, but it is a rare hobby. He is decidedly androgynous, and to anyone he is not actively pursuing a relationship with, it is difficult to discern what biology he may possess.

+ History +
A rare child born to the Æld'Norai of Ælheim, his immediate family unremarkable in most ways, Rune carried with him a curious spark that was never extinguished. He was afforded all the luxuries of being raised by a village in a time and place where a child was rare. His distant cousin, Velho, was born only 8 years prior to him. They had few other options for playmates, but as they aged, Rune found that having someone close to him in maturity was a boon. They grew apart as the centuries passed, but less out of malice than of simple matter of time. Rune was always something of a pyromaniac, though rarely to the point of arson. Campfires and hearths were magnetic and hypnotizing to him, and he dreamed often of being trapped in a wildfire. His initiation to Fulgur was a natural request, and when he was deemed strong enough to live through it, he was initiated. His Draoidh had been incited only a few years before. After a thousand years he has mastered both and reached the caste of Odoln'i for his willingness to live in Veiðrbrand. With such fervor did he go to Veiðrbrand so that he would have the freedom to use his arcana that he changed his surname to reflect this.

+ Draoidh +
It is in this region of Ælheim that Rune finds his freedom. His grove expands thousands of acres, and he rarely stays in one portion for too long. He eschews much personal belongings, instead preferring to succumb to the volatility of his craft. A large number of giant sequioa trees grow in his grove, as well as fruit trees and even small gardens of shade-friendly vegetables can be found scattered around his grove. Much of the giant seqouias are habitable inside, with living spaces grown from the wood itself via floramancy. Few of these buildings have visible doors, requiring floramancy again to enter and leave. It is clearly lived in for some parts, and overgrown in others. The giant sequoias are a permanent feature of his grove, and they are fire resistant, and in fact germinate with flames, a fact he uses to spread his grove even further. With controlled burning, Rune will set fire swathes of land near his grove in order to cultivate it further.

- Giant Sequoia
- Ælheim Sequoia
- Fire Lily
- Whispering Bell
- Apple
- Foxglove
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+ Skill Ledger +
MaledictionGrandmaster250 + Minor Merit [First/Grandmaster]
DraoidhMaster250 + Minor Merit [Racial/Incite]
FulgurMaster250 + Minor Merit (25) [Second/Incite]
NymheiaExpert250 + Minor Merit (50) [Third/Incite]
MedicineGrandmaster100 + Minor Merit (75) [Fourth/Grandmaster]

+ Experience Ledger +
CausePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning TotalPoints Left
+ Starting Experience250250250
+ Character Transfer100012501250
- Draoidh250 - Master1000
- Fulgur275 - Minor Merit + Master725
- Malediction250 - Grandmaster475
- Medicine175 - Grandmaster300
- Nymheia300 - Minor Merit + Master0
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+ Inventory +
  • Three high quality, but simple Ælven outfits.
  • Saol-aligned Maltrician's Toolkit

+ SP Ledger +
CauseSP AwardedSP SpentSP Left
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+ Player Character Relationships +
Velho - Cousin, close in age. Positive, nostalgic view of him, as it has been centuries since they have spoken.

+ Non-player Character Relationships +
Name: Frode
Race: Wisp
Rune knows little of Frode's history before he fell off a cliff in his grove and subsequently died from his injuries, several centuries before Rune was an accomplished enough healer to save him. But he gave a valiant effort, and Frode chose to stick around. A more active wisp than one who chose to die, Frode still feels he has more to do, and wishes to thank Rune for his attempts at saving his life.
Possession - 25
Apparition - 25 [+25 EXP Minor Merit]
Archery - 25
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About Us

Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.