
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

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Closed Split the Heavens

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Approved Character
Character Sheet

Winter 88, 125

Things looked pretty bleak. A smallish group of Huo soldiers hid behind trees without any dragons. Moonflower forces had noticed them and had moved to intercept them. Were the Huo forces stupid? Why weren't they mounted? Didn't they know that they were easy pickings? Maybe they had gotten out of position, maybe their mounts had died. Whatever the reason, the opportunity to kill them was too juicy to ignore.

Sjal stood on a tree branch as she looked down at soldiers that clashed. Gunshots fired, wind blew, typical Huo vs. Moonflower bullshit. She had guns of her own. One was airshot, but those barely penetrated skin. One had to aim just right to kill with it.

Her figure flickered for a moment as she appeared a little lower on a nearby tree. She slid down the trunk with one hand and shoe making contact with it while her free hand unholstered the gun. She slid for only a moment before her form flickered again. She appeared right behind one of the Moonflower soldiers, gun pressed firmly against the base of their neck.


The sound of compressed air shooting out the barrel of the gun followed quickly by the sound of skin tearing apart and the cracking of the vulnerable spot where the skull and spine connected. People around her would barely even see her before she blinked away again.

Sjal landed on the ground and spun, carrying her momentum into yet another blink. The quiet unsheathing of her blade still caused the metal to ring a little before she plunged it through the chest of yet another victim. They let out a confused grunt before slumping.

Too easy.

[Blinks all at the Apprentice level: No drain due to Ascension]
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Raya didn't know what was going on. One minute she had been floating in Avernus and the next ~~ she got the urge to push through. She was learning new things every day. It would appear that she learned how to do bridging just now.

She was on Antarok now in a forest. It was unlike the forests she knew. The trees didn't glow. Where was this place?

There were sharp popping sounds. They sounded like guns. Raya was not even visible. She floated around in a gaseous state. People were dying. Somehow that made her feel better.

There was no telling why she ended up in Jian. She felt regret. Because of Sjal, maybe, or even the promise that she would be taken here to learn about technology. She didn't remember specifics or even know where she was but that was probably why fate dropped her here in the battle.

.44-.11 from Journeyman bridging ~~ .33
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It was in the brief moment that Sjal withdrew her weapon from attacks like this that she was the most vulnerable. She wasn't one to leave her sword behind unless she needed to. Thankfully the motion usually only lasted a moment, but attentive soldiers could take advantage of it. A gust of wind pushed at her and she turned her head just in time to blink away from some kind of slicing effect that ripped through the man that she'd just killed.

She rolled onto the ground several feet away then leapt up in an acrobatic twirl, blinking once, twice again before landing on a branch up in the trees. No matter how many of these people she killed, there always seemed to be more. It was funny to her that the only thing stopping her from killing every single one of her enemies was her stamina. It used to be that she was limited by her magical reserves, but so long as she kept her usage low, nothing could even touch her. Coupled with Jian's insistence not to use magic… she felt like she was a god of battle. She thought she'd done well to find the only 'mages' in the country and to ally herself with them.

More shouting below. Sjal looked down disinterestedly as she reloaded her airshot and cocked it so that it could be fired again. She wasn't good enough to hit anything unless she was right in front of the target. One had to be sure to hit skin, else there was no point with that sort of weapon. Actual bullets seemed like overkill, given how expensive they were and how she still couldn't aim for shit at range.

"Push Push Push!"

Sjal recognized the voice. It was her commander, Rain, a thin man all things considered, but he had years of experience and was an excellent shot. He led about a dozen gunmen who charged over the dead moonflower soldiers. It looked incredibly stupid advancing like this, especially when there were at least fifty soldiers on the other side charging as well.

If only they knew.

Sjal backflipped off the branch and landed in between the two groups. She moved her sword in an arc, painting a circle in the air. Then, she slashed her sword from top to bottom. Space tore open and a large doorway sized hole opened up. There was a rumbling sound that made leaves shake as a dragon stuck its massive head through the hole.

3 Master Reserves
-.33 Portal
2.67 rem


Raya floated in front of the portal. She knew how these things worked. You walked through them and went somewhere new. She passed through and saw a dragon looking right through her. She felt fear for the first time since being reborn.

She had to get used to not being able to be seen. Raya floated back through the portal and figuratively sat on the dragon's head while it looked around.

She could not tell why any of these things were happening. Fighting for what? A piece of land in the middle of nowhere didn't seem very appealing. This world didn't make any sense to her. Why did people fight? She had never seen war in her past life so all the feelings she felt were confusing.

She tried to relate to the dead. Killed like she had been killed. She hoped they died for something that made them happy.

The dragon gave a smile at the Moonflower soldiers that tried to get out of the way, but it was too late. A jet of flames ripped through the crowd, melting armor and vaporizing much of the Moonflower's front line. The dragon let out a satisfied grunt then withdrew his head. Then, soldiers started streaming through the doors. They'd all been waiting in a camp many miles away, far behind the front lines.

The tables had turned.

It took less than a minute for the Moonflower Clan to realize that this battle was lost. They called for retreat and reinforcements, but there was little that could be done. Their front line was gone, leaving their rear open to getting pelted by Huo's superior ranged attacks.

Sjal let the portal close and jogged casually by her commander. "That worked well," she noted.

"Sure did! Those Moonflower bastards thought they were safe to engage us without dragons because we didn't bring any. Get fucked!" He shouted the last part as he kicked the head of one of the fallen enemy soldiers.

"It'll only be a matter of time before reinforcements come," Sjal commented.

"And that's why we're going to get the hell out of here. We have the flank now, so they can either send dragons or concede this part of the forest."

"I see," Sjall said, not really understanding the tactical genius behind the plan. It wasn't her job to do the complex thinking. "So, I assume we're moving onto phase 2?"

"Yep, go ahead and get it started."

Sjal stopped running and instead let herself lift into the air. Natare allowed her to fly, faster than she could run if she was being honest. She had actually never met a man who could run faster than she could fly, even if they sprinted as hard as they could. At least her father's gifts hadn't been for nothing.

Raya felt the heat of the flames but she was not harmed by them. When the dragon stopped, she got off. She was tempted to follow it through the portal but she decided to linger and watch the fight unfold. What would the soldiers do now that they had seemingly won?

One person caught her eye more than the others. It was a girl who kept moving back and forth in the blink of an eye. She was special compared to the rest. Like an assassin. She knew how to kill. That pleased Raya. She wanted to learn how to kill too. The power within her told her she could do it.

She reached out slowly with a tendril of power. She hardened it. Controlling it was like trying to wrap a noodle around someone except the noodle was something she could feel every part of. She grabbed a leg and caused them to fall and get killed. Her first indirect kill.

.33 - .11 Journeyman Frequency ~~ .22
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Sjal shot straight up into the sky and kept going up until she was high above the trees and out of range of any mundane arrows. Then, she started to focus. It was harder to make larger portals, but they didn't take much longer to open than smaller ones. If anything, large portals opened even faster at times. Perhaps it was because using that much energy expediated the process?

After coming to a stop and channeling a great deal of energy into her palms, Sjal coughed out a few flames from her mouth. She'd inadvertently requested some flames from her father and he'd actually let her have a few before cutting her back off. Perhaps he had bound to many people by now and had to consciously work to determine who wanted his energy? She would have to figure out how to remedy his lack of support somehow.

Turning her attention back to the matter at hand, she pushed her palms forwards and a massive portal began to open. Large enough to fit multiple dragons through at a time, the portal was connected to Motoku itself. Nothing passed through at first, but slowly dragons started to fly through. Dozens came out to rain hell on the forests. Fire, wind, earth, water, there were all kinds of breath weapons used to absolutely obliterate the landscape so that Huo forces could press further in.

Enemy dragons in the distance could do nothing but watch as the Huo dragons circled back around and flew back through the portal back to Motoku. It was a massive hit and run tactic with absolutely no downside unless the enemy forces decided they wanted to make sense and recruit exodii of their own.

Sjal closed up the portal then flew back down to regroup with the soldiers on the ground. They were cheering and celebrating, but they didn't know the danger they were in.

"We have to get out of here," she told Rain, "enemy dragons are coming. Not many, but enough to make quick work of our group."

"Eh? Is that so? Should we open up another portal?" he scratched his head as he thought to himself. There were more forces laying in wait, but he had to keep in mind that Sjal could only open so many portals per week.

"No, we won't," he answered his own question. "Let's get out of here. Troops! Order up and prepare for retreat!"

Sjal waved a hand and created yet another portal, this one much smaller than the rest. The soldiers started hurrying through it one by one while Sjal walked around and picked out her favorite sword from the moonflower corpses. She swung it a few times, liking the balance of it. "Another one for the collection," she said to herself with a slight smile. Then, she walked through the portal and closed it just as a dragon swept the area with a burst of cold air.

2.67 Master Reserves
-1 Portal
-.11 portal
1.56 rem

Raya ended up killing a few more people with her inky black tendrils. She blended well with the shadows. She had watched the dragons up above while thinking that she wished she could kill like them. There must have been dozens if not hundreds who were felled by them.

The fighting was all over now. Time to go home. Did she want to go back to Avernus or ~~ she could follow this special white haired girl. She followed her without a second thought. She changed back to her diffuse frequency to follow along. Nobody needed to know that she was here yet.

She would follow this girl home to see whether she could learn something from her. Spying on her might be some good fun. She wanted to be on the winning team if she was going to pick a side. Something told her this girl was a winner.

.22 - .11 Journeyman frequency = .11
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Sjal went through the whole battle without even thinking that there was an Onryo among them. She had been too occupied with trying not to die. Now, she was back in Motoku and she was able to relax. The portal had taken them to one of the more open spaces where soldiers usually congregated. For today's mission the area had been cleared away of training equipment for their return. There were a variety of dragons, the same ones from before, who were off to the side resting and chatting. There were loads of soldiers running back and forth as well.

"Good work out there," Rain told Sjal with a heavy pat on the back.

"Yeah, you too," she said with a big sigh. "I need to go rest for a while."

"I'm sure you do," he said with a smile. "Oh, by the way, your request was approved."

"My request?"

"Yeah, you wanted a terrari didn't ya? We found one that was willing to help you out."

"Oh, but right now? I'm so tired…"

"Hey, beggars can't be choosers. You asked for this, don't make me regret helping you out!"

Sjal rolled her eyes and sighed again, "okay, where is he?"

"She! And she'll be in the barracks."

Sjal nodded then peeled off from the group to head there. Sure enough, there was a very obviously 'terrari' woman sitting outside on a levitating rock.

"Hello," Sjal said with a wave.

"You must be Sjal," the woman said. "I'm Ankora. I was told you wanted to be initiated."

"That's correct," Sjal said, "I take it you're going to be training me?"

"Yes, assuming you survive."

"Of course I'm going to survive. If I don't, I'll come back as a ghost and try again," Sjal said without sarcasm. All the shit she'd been through in her life made her stop fearing dying from something as pathetic as an initiation.

Raya made herself solid out of view before approaching. She didn't look like she belonged at all. She was naked with a single black tendril that wraped around her private areas to give a little modesty. It didn't go a long way.

"Where is this place?" She asked in a tired voice. "I saw a portal and came through, but I did not know where I was before either. Before the forest I was in a place people called Avernus."

She spoke slowly with many pauses. Talking was a new skill she was learning. She hadn't been able to speak for her first few days but she was a quick learner.

"My manners. I am ~~ Raya." She felt that there was something missing like that wasn't her full name. She wished she could remember. She had not remembered anything new from her past life since she was born. She was starting to think it was not possible.

.11 - .1 novice frequency = .1

Sjal and Ankora both looked at the approaching woman. She looked normal, except that she was naked. What was up with that? When she explained that she'd come through a portal, Sjal furrowed her brow. How? She hadn't seen anyone like that come through.

"So you saw a portal and just… went through it?" Sjal asked in disbelief. "I think I would have noticed if a naked woman came through my portal. I was the last one to enter it, after all." She pursed her lips and wondered how big of a deal this was. A foreigner was here, but then again foreigners did tend to find themselves here. Magic was basically outlawed in most of the country.

"Raya? Nice to meet you. I'm Sja and this is Ankora. You're in a safe place. I've never been to Avernus, else I would open a portal for you to travel back. Err… why don't I run in and get you some clothes?" She needed to change as well – she was covered in dried blood.

Ankora snickered and said, "well, when you two get changed we can get started."

Sjal would go into the barracks and get a change of clothes for Raya and herself. If Raya followed her then she'd show her to a bathroom so she could change. Aterwards, Sjal would come out and found Ankora still waiting in the same spot.

"Like I was saying before, this is Motoku, in Jian. This is a pretty safe place for mages, but you shouldn't use magic outside of Huo territory. You'll get in trouble or killed or worse. If you want to stick around for a while until I figure out how to get you home… I'm sure we can set up some accommodations for you."

"And Ankora, I'm ready whenever you are."

"This isn't something that we should do here, you're going to be out for a few hours at a minimum. We can go back to my home." She waved her hand and conjured a cloud of sand that she sat on. She patted the space next to her so that the others could join her. Sjal took a seat and looked to Raya expectantly.

Assuming Raya joined, they would fly off to Ankora's home which wasn't that far away. They would be led to a guest bedroom where Sjal would be told to lay down. She'd do so.

"Alright, now we begin."

Ankora marked Sjal on the ankle using her aether and blood. After that, Sjal started to change. She started to shake as if she was a tuning fork. Her skin, muscles, then bones started to vibrate in ways that ought to have caused cracking in most living beings. Yet Sjal's body managed to stay together and repair itself through the process. Sjal screamed, but a bubble of magic around her head prevented any sound from escaping.

It wasn't just pain. Sjal tasted metal. It was like blood, almost. She thought she was literally tasting blood until she started tasting spices as well. Was that salt? She smelled sulfur as well… So this was what it was like to be a terrari. This continued for about an hour, afterwards Raya left Sjal to calm down on her own. The younger woman passed out at some point, leaving her body to heal and adjust as best as it could.

In the meantime, Ankora would offer Raya some food and water, and would also clear out a spare room. The woman was fairly well off, having earned a pretty decent living as a mage in these parts. She was good at what she did and often took to training the more promising students. She'd had her reservations about Sjal, but it looked like the girl was turning out to be quite the useful asset for the country.

Sjal would sleep through most of the rest of the day. A couple soldiers would swing by to make sure she hadn't died yet, as her death would be bad for plans. Rain had had to fight for a time slot for Sjal to take off and his reputation was on the line if she died under his command. But he was a risk taker and knew that having a more powerful mage under his wing would be crucial to seeing the end of this war.

When Sjal woke it was late at night. She could barely move her body but she had survived, not that she was surprised. She had an increased constitution thanks to being dragonbound, which she attributed to her survival. Ankora came around every hour or so after that to make sure that Sjal understood what was happening to her body and that she shouldn't try using magic quite yet.

"So, what does training look like?" Sjal asked when she was comfortable enough to hold a conversation.

"It's not that bad. You have an increased capacity for aether, which is going to be incredibly useful. Beginners tend to make sense of various minerals and to judge the composition of various materials. I'll bet tomorrow morning you'll be able to start manipulating small chunks of stone and by the evening maybe even copper. Of course, we'll have to bind you to something as well… There's a lot of things to do."

"I see, that does sound like a lot," Sjal said, holding out her hand and looking it over. She didn't feel all that different, now that the pain was subsiding. "What metals do people usually bind to?"

"It depends. Most only end up being capable of binding to a handful of materials… you'd probably do well to think hard about what you'd like to bind to. Though for someone with your talents, I'd suggest something that might be useful in a fight. Maybe a gemstone or copper. Later, when you're stronger, you would probably want to bind to something like steel so you could make a weapon on the fly."

"Hmm, I'm not going to pretend to know much about materials, but I do know iron and steel would be useful. Then again, I don't know how to actually smith anything… I knew a smith once but I didn't learn as much as I should have."

"Yes, you would need to learn how to form a weapon so that swords you make are actually capable of withstanding blows without shattering. This will all come in time, don't worry your pretty little head about it."

Sjal yawned and said, "okay, I won't." She really wanted to try out her new powers but she managed to keep herself from doing so. "What happened to Raya?"

"I offered her food and shelter… Not much else I can do. It's not unheard of for people to wander in and leave without ever being seen again. It doesn't sound like she knows her purpose in life yet and all we can do is to give her the opportunity to discover herself. I'm an optimist, however. I believe she can be an asset."

"An asset?"

"Yes, she's obviously using some sort of miasmata. If she learns how to use it properly… she could be very useful. I don't have much practical experience, but I'm sure we can find a ghost or onryo that is willing to help us out."

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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.