[Date: Summer, 20 1957 years ago]
Kage stretched his arms and stood on top of a tall tree that overlooked the forest. He needed to get stronger – a lot stronger. He knew there was a way of awakening power inside of him, though it was going to be tougher than it sounded. Everyone knew there was a psychological and physical barrier that could be broken through to realize massive power… it was the pinnacle of one's fitness skill. But to obtain access to such power was surely going to take a lot of effort. One did not simply wake up one morning and find out they could run faster than an animal. It took lots of hard work and dedication.
So, he stood there and wondered how he ought to practice. Would he have to do lots of physical training? Or were there other things he ought to do? There were plenty of people he could fight, beasts he could fell… the problem was it was going to be difficult. He relied so heavily on his supernatural talents… It was going to be a change to have to push through with his own physical prowess.
He sighed, wishing there was someone he could go on this journey with. Alas, the universe didn't tend to grant him what he wished. So, he closed his eyes and focused on his inner mind. There was a barrier there. He could see it. He wanted to just smash through it, but it was never so simple. He pushed, as if he had a hand that could smash through his mind. It didn't work. His hand bounced off. His mental faculties were simply too strong to be bested by childlike imagination.
Surely there was more he could do? He started doing some bodyweight squats to get his blood flowing. He probably looked strange, standing there on something so tall. All by himself, all alone… God, why was training so dull? He cracked his knuckles and started going through some fighting forms he'd learned years ago. He was not the best at fisticuffs, but he knew the basics that anyone trained in self-defense might know. He couldn't take on an experienced practitioner, but he could probably break the nose of someone walking down the street.
He punched, feeling the rush of wind along his arm. He punched again, with his other arm. It was dull, dull, dull. Not even the bright sunny day could make him feel better. If anything, the sun only made it more annoying.