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Approved Velho fyn’Seiðr Hespæros


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Name: Velho fyn'Seiðr Hespæros
Race: Æld'Norai
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 150 lbs

Age: 1,177
Birthday: September 13th, 18,947 2nd Age

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

Birthplace: Hespæria, Ælheim
Location: Hespæria


Living Standard:
Political Class

Ferrier, Maltrician

Odoln'i, Vænir

Ældrassil, Alítheia



See final post

Tall for an Æld'Norai, Velho cuts a strange figure– he is thin, sickly, often described as emaciated or withered. A frail man, he is most often seen in loose clothing and using an ornately carved cane to support himself. And though he is quite old by mortal standards, many of his own kind mistake him as much older than he is from the state of his appearance.

His skin is a pale shade of lavender which might've been pretty if not for its almost translucent quality; the color renders far more visibility to the spider web of veins underneath the surface as well as some more pastel greenish tones in the face and deep, dark circles under his eyes. And those eyes, irises a more opalescent shade of purple than his skin, are often described as sleepy or perhaps doe-like. Framed by loose, chin length, straight-wavy hair abyssal purple in color, the rest of his features might have once been considered boyish if not for the state of his health making him look so exhausted– Velho has an elegant, angular look common to the more effeminate male ælves, and was likely considered beautiful once prior to his illness. And though long, pointed ears are a staple amongst the Æld'Norai, his are more broad and bat-like than most.

Like many of his kind, Velho has whirling, arcane tattoos painted over his body, with much of them congregating on his shoulders just below his throat, his chest, and his belly. The markings glimmer with a soft, moonlit sort of glow and are a cool toned, tenebrous shade of purple with the exception of the one on his shoulder, which is more sanguine in hue. It is any observer's guess whether or not these are functional or purely aesthetic.

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Likes: Ljuspæres, Arcana, Mysticism, Flesh Sculpting, Musicianship

Dislikes: Bright Light, Hot Weather, Crowds, Shellfish, Being In A Rush

Merits: Inquisitive, Intelligent, Creative

Flaws: Impatient, Sadistic, Lazy, Lacks Social Awareness

The most defining characteristic of Velho as a person would have to be his inquisitiveness or, perhaps, his fascinations with strange sorts of magic, death and spirits. And because of this, he is oft considered to be a researcher at heart and can come across as very clinical and cold when it comes to interacting with others. He is not always so robotic, though– the man's enthusiasm easily bubbles to the surface when discussing or interacting with subjects that interest him.

Still, because of his health, he can come across as incredibly tired, exhausted, or aloof, often obscuring whatever emotions lay beneath the surface and making him difficult to read. It does, after all, take some modicum of energy to express oneself, and so he can be a bit choosy about when and how he does so. Nevertheless, assuming he's wholly disinterested or unenthused simply because he comes across as sleepy or in a dream-like state is often inaccurate.

And finally, as a long-time practitioner of Malediction and Ferrier by career, Velho has become rather desensitized to the suffering of others, the spilling of blood, and death in general. This has left him to be, by the standards of some, more than a little cruel. Despite this, he is not devoid of emotion, passion, romance, however– he is simply…detached, hard to reach.

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Born to the witch-founder of Hespæria, Vænir Hespæride fyn'Seiðr Maebh, Velho was raised with a silver spoon– even by the standards of the relatively privileged Æld'Norai. An Æld'Norai child, too, is typically raised by a large swathe of the community, and while Velho was no different, his mother and father both took fairly active roles in his upbringing. His mother was known to be a covetous woman in all facets of her life and this did not change when it came to her child, but luckily for them both, he took after her, with him enjoying many of her menagerie of magical interests much to her delight.

Were she to have had her way completely, Velho would've not left Hespæria for the entirety of his childhood and adolescence– but this was not the case. His father insisted that he be raised well-rounded to some degree, and as such, the two of them would periodically travel from the dark wetlands of their home to the more coruscant arboreal wonderlands of Ælfiríki, as well as the mountain caves and the rime-bound wastes of Frostlund. In those early, traveling years, Velho's time was spent glossing over a variety of arcane subjects ranging through Ensorcelling, Mysticism, Animism and Æcturnis. His father wanted him to find what magics he naturally gravitated towards, and those that he favored tended to be within Mysticism's purview– or more specifically, Illuminary– and were introduced to him by Reykr, a friend of his mother's. Unbeknownst to him, this was a calculated plan by Reykr and others within Alítheia, as that ancient coven wished to indoctrinate him the same way they did his mother.

But unlike his mother and her brilliance with Sundering and Ensorcelling, however, Velho meshed best with Maltrician and ended up taking up the mantle of Ferrier, a title given to those who handle the bodies of Ælheim's deceased as well as perform choice rituals such as Skogsavsked. This position is a sacred one and well respected, elevating him from Sindar'i to Odoln'i in caste, something his family was proud of him for. But to be a Ferrier, one must accept another gift– Scourge. Reykr gave him that gift, and gave it to him he did long before Velho was allowed to know of Alítheia by name. He and Reykr had decided that of the Blights, out of all of Ælheim's arcane careers, it was this path that suited him best– and who better to hand it over than one of Ælheim's first Blighted, the first to receive Scourge among the Æld'Norai?

As the young man continued through the early stages of ælven adulthood, he found himself grateful and immensely appreciative of the travel experiences and opportunities afforded to him by Reykr and both of his parents. He did, however, end up deciding to settle down within Hespæria, not too far away from family. Velho continued to take quickly to most forms of arcane study, absorbing the knowledge almost like a sponge, allowing him to excel at his job as Ferrier.

Even still, improving with and actively utilizing Scourge in his career was a double edged sword. He was a powerful mage, yes, but he was always actively decaying and it got to a point where even Draoidh and Malediction were struggling to keep him together. It was at that point where he properly learned of Alítheia; Hespæride, his mother, had introduced him to yet another member thereof, this time a strange Inari, closer to his mother's age than his. Yonakouchi was her name, and she was to be his Sire, granting him the boon of Devorare. Hespæride was wary of her beloved son potentially dying during its acquisition, but did believe in his tenacity, believing it to be worth the risk. Velho lived, and after the initial, precarious stage of the newborn, his Devorare did exactly as they had all hoped. It fortified him, it has stopped him from so rapidly rotting– though still does he remain frail, weak and withered.

Not too long after his constitution began to improve did his mother entrust to Velho a strange Ball. With his education, he recognized it right away as belonging to an Inari, but he was surprised to learn that it belonged to his Sire, Yonakouchi. Hespæride told him that this was to counteract the influence a Sire can have over their Childe, as well as to protect him from the potentially erratic nature of an old fae creature. Velho is wary of the social repercussions of this turn of events, though he is not one to defy his mother, ancient as she is.

Today, Velho continues to live as a Ferrier, though he is striving to improve upon his Ensorcelling of late. He is also diving into research on Galdr and the Other, curious about the nature of such primeval arcana. And most recently, he's acquired a Childe of his own– a little dragon, one with great potential, or so says his elders.

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❀ Bound Flora ❀ 7 of 7 ❀

❁ Ælheim Poppy ❁
❁ Ælheim Wisteria ❁
❁ Ælheim Nightshade ❁
❁ Ælheim Sequoia ❁
❁ Marshlog ❁
❁ Ætumetal ❁
❁ Ardentvith ❁

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Housing & Land

Velho owns approximately 2 acres of land.
Manor house & place of business is situated in the center of his property.
4 floors; constructed into a very large marshlog tree; about 6,000 sq. ft.

❁ cellar: 500 sq. ft; gaol
❁ first floor: 1,500 sq. ft;
The room looked to be designed as a plush sort of waiting area for clients and other guests. It had plenty of comfortable looking, exquisitely crafted furniture, and ornate, maximalist decor crafted of the same durable, dark wood as the tree which composed the manor itself– one might describe the aesthetic theme as a sort of druidic art nouveau. The curtains on the windows and the upholstery was a deep shade of purple, and the room was adorned with both varying artworks and floral growths. The flowers that grew within were the same variety that adorned the outside of the towering tree-manse– glowing red poppies and the lovely purple hues of wisteria and nightshade.
❁ second floor: 1,500 sq. ft; medical suites, patient & staff rooms
❁ third floor: 1,500 sq. ft; kitchen, dining room, library
❁ fourth floor: 1,000 sq. ft; Velho's bedroom, specimen library


❁ Maltrician's Toolkit
❁ Illuminary Supplies
❁ Esorcelling Supplies
❁ Yonakouchi's Inari Ball
❁ Aster's Inari Ball
❁ Lyrielle's Inari Ball
❁ Backpack
❁ Camping Kit


1 Globe, 1 Crystal, 2 Shards
1 Globe
1 Globe, 50 Grams
1 Globe, 2 Spheres, 1 Crystal, 1 Shard, 1 Sliver
1 Globe, 1 Spheres, 2 Crystals

Pets & Livestock

❁ Captured female Inari named Lyrielle
Saolbound Fauna
Felinog - CR 4
Saolbound Fauna
Grovebane - CR 6
20' Tiger - CR 5
Jǫrmungandr (Transfigured Orca) - CR3


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❁ ❀ Social Ties ❀ ❁

❀ CNPCs ❀


Lucia fyn'Seilæch Emerine

617 Years Old

Fluent in Ælvish, Eudaimonic, Common

Lucia is a beautiful woman with a bewitching blue gaze and soft, kittenish features. The curtain of silky, platinum blond hair framing her face gains shimmering, pearlescent hues when struck by light, with her fair skin reflecting a similarly enchanting effect. Her ears carry the knife-pointed tips standard to her kin, though they are much smaller than average. On the shorter end for the Æld'Norai, she cuts a figure as alluring as she is disarming.

Contrastingly, Lucia usually prefers to dress in all black. She also chooses to don functional but beautiful dresses and skirts, with a love of lace and velvet. Paired with her outfits, she opts to further accessorize with delicate white gold jewelry meant to create a highly feminine aesthetic.
A coquettish social butterfly with a voice as smooth as silk, Lucia works as a wolf in sheep's clothing for Hespæride. Coming off to most as a demure, sweet wallflower, she's able to put most people at ease, often convincing them to trust her from first impressions alone. But these features belie her true nature; in reality, she is a cold, calculating huntress. She takes pleasure in making people trust her, love her, even– and then breaking them. These habits serve her well under Hespæride's employ as she functions as an extra set of eyes and ears, loyal exclusively to her and her kin.
As with the vast majority of Æld'Norai, Lucia was born to a home nestled below the boughs of Ældrassil. Raised communally alongside the other youth, the young Ælf was not the most gifted Draoidh but she did excel with Animism. Enamored with the subject, she found herself quickly devoting the majority of her studies towards it. Glamours as a whole fascinated her, as did the endless array of Wild Magics, rituals, and more the subject encompassed. And as she grew older, she found herself drawn to the whispers of a Grove settlement beyond the Basin; Hespæria.

Once old enough to leave the Basin on her own, Lucia quickly found her way to the cold bog of Hespæride's Grove with the goal of becoming a fixture amongst Thokkmyrr's premier Animists. Charming and talented as she was, she soon unknowingly found herself in the witch's discerning gaze. Strings were pulled, and the budding Animist found herself attaining exactly what she'd desired. Now working for Hespæride directly, this relationship eventually lead to her induction into Alítheia. Lucia's loyalty and devotion to both Alítheia and Ælheim eventually earned her the gift of Rusalka, and not long after this did she meet Velho.

The two of them couldn't be more different, and yet they have forged an indomitable bond all the same. Perhaps not in spite of their differences, but because of them.


Skrípi Mare Ævergreen

Governs Anathema, Seeks Blood, Embodies Bats
37 Years Old
9' body length, 7' tail
Young Dragon

Odolni, Drækr
Fluent in Ælvish, Draconic, Common

For a dragon, many consider Skrípi to be a strange, monstrous sight. Though he has a long, serpentine body, it is covered in fluffy, white mammalian fur which leaves his black underbelly exposed. His wings are black too, and they are also that of a mammal, with both of these features being due to his embodiment of bats. He has digitigrade, lupine limbs like a fox with fine, clawed hands and feet, and a long, fluffy tail fading from white to black fur that thins to nothing by the pointed tip of it. The young dragon's head is bird-like in shape, though he does present with antler-esque horns, all of which are jet black in color.
Skrípi is a strange creature. He flips from energetic to sleepy, passionate to disinterested at the drop of a pin– or really, when exposed to something he actually cares for vs not. He possesses great intellectual alacrity regarding what niche subjects he is drawn to, but seems to lack all common sense, any semblance of wisdom.

The little dragon is as curious as he is bloodthirsty, with his Grist only heightening these aspects. Still, he respects his elders and he respects the Æld'Norai around him enough to listen to their words, even if he thinks their rules are bureaucratic and unnecessary at times. And though it vexes him, he has learned of late both the value of and how to properly utilize caution for the sake of those who care for him.
Born of the most recent clutch of two Ævergreen elders, Skrípi is a mangy little thing that somehow made it to maturity. He was wild, erratic, and reckless as he matured, with many believing that he would put himself into harm's way and perish before ever making it back to properly be inducted into the Odoln'i cast of Drækr. Many had also said such things about his father, Slátra– and such predictions had been quite wrong in that case, too.

His Grist, too, took after his father, with his Sought of Blood being derivative of Slaughter, winning him some of the elder Drækr's affection. However, it wasn't simply his own kin who took interest in this aspect of him, but rather, Ælheim's small host of Devorari and others within Alítheia, too. Though the young dragon is still ignorant of the cult, he was allowed to learn of Devorare and even to be initiated into it by one Velho fyn'Seiðr Hespæros. If he will prove worthy of further knowledge remains to be seen.

❁ SNPCs ❁


Eyrie fyn'Lindström Eulæh

189 Years Old
6'4'' Tall

Galsterei Researcher
Fluent in Ælvish, Common

Terra - Master
Aqua - Expert
Ensorcelling - Expert
Æcturnis - Apprentice

❀ ANPC ❀



142 Years Old
Jin'Norai - Draugr

No titles
Fluent in Jinnic, Common

Sahri is a man with stern, elven features, his predatory gaze gleaming a vibrant chartreuse. Bearing a resting expression that is oft considered austere, there lurks a heavy darkness behind the bright hue of his eyes. Rarely does he tie back his mid-back length, smooth black hair, his vanity reflected in how well kept it is. And with his mahogany skin bearing all the vim and vigor of a living Jin'Norai, one would struggle to ever tell at a glance that he is, in truth, a walking corpse (how lucky, then, is he, that the man who saved him is so adept feigning life).

On the taller end for Jin'Norai, he possesses a swimmer's build, lithe musculature augmented with his patron's Vicissitude. His manner of dress is generally ostentatious, shifting between clothing fashioned to Arcanis' tastes versus appealing to Ælheimar sensibilities based on location.
Sahri is a cold, sardonic and distrusting person. He is notably stubborn in some circumstance and prone to fits of both bitterness and malice. In another life, he might've been charming, captivating, even, were he socialized correctly at all. Still, he is intelligent and curious, knowledgeable about many oft unrelated subjects he's read about in the books that were his only real companions. But because of his isolation, he can also be quite daft when it comes to worldly knowledge.

Some might argue that his past has fundamentally broken him as a person, and mired with the tumultuous weight of it as he is, they might be right. But despite that ghoulish history, he is limned with an idiosyncratic optimism, desperately clinging to the hope that his unlife cannot possibly get worse.

Born in circumstances unknown to him, Sahri eventually came to understand that his existence came about solely as part of some grand Rakshasa experiment. It was on the cusp of adolescence that he was granted his first Galdr, and henceforth every ten years was he forced to acquire a new one. During those decade long interims, the Rakshasa attempted to compel him to push his skill in each of the Witchmarks gained prior, but stubborn creature that he was, he started to refuse study as much as he could. In his young, lonely mind, this was a form of protest; he thought it'd hinder whatever plan the Rakshasa had in mind.

While he wasn't undergoing these trials entirely alone, Sahri's isolation was, in part, self imposed. Once swathes of his peers began to die off during their initiations or simply disappeared, he became too fearful of loss to fraternize with anyone. Much to his own disdain, he actually managed to survive all five rounds– but the trauma of these events, and his overall treatment by the Cambions, had left the man a broken husk; a shell of a person. He felt he had no purpose but to be a puppet, and in a stubborn bid to procure any modicum of control over his life, Sahri died by his own hand.

Unfortunately for the captive, he was not allowed to pass on as desired. Soul still vibrant and intact, the Rakshasa bade to rebind it to his body and raise him as a Draugr; even death could not free him. Sahri's stubbornness proved, ultimately, to be an even greater series of errors than he realized– they'd released the only other of his litter to succeed in this nefarious experiment. He was never able to tell exactly why they kept him; perhaps it was because he'd failed to master all five, or maybe it was because they were curious if a Draugr would wield Galdr any differently than the living.

After living as the undead pet of these nefarious Cambion for a greater number of years than he'd been alive, Sahri's body had begun to noticeably deteriorate. Perhaps they were bored of him, or perhaps they didn't consider him worth the effort of rejuvenating themselves, but the day came when, for whatever reason, he was brought to the surface. One of the Rakshasa had opened a portal into the vast, primeval forests of Ælheim and then, unceremoniously, pushed him through it.

Lost and confused, the man was quickly rooted out by one of Ælheim's many Wisps and, due to their stance on the undead, was unceremoniously killed again. Or, well, he should have been, but the man's rotting husk of a body still, somehow, clung to animation, his soul, this time, refusing to pass on by his own will. Unsure how to proceed, a Ferrier was called to finish him off.

That Ferrier, one Velho fyn'Seiðr Hespæros, upon noting the Jin'Norai's five witchmarks, quickly had the butchered body transported back to his home where he did not carry out the disposal as he'd been bade to do. No, instead, he meticulously restored Sahri's flesh and then bound the Draugr to his will through Malediction.

❁ Formations ❁

Själasalr Employees & Personal Sveinn - 10 people / apprentice skills

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