Ætumetal is incredibly rare with only a few dozen of them existing naturally in the entirety of Ælheim. These trees are native to the area and are bioluminescent, although one could expect at least one to be present in any large forest. Varieties found outside of Ælheim are not bioluminescent.
These trees grow fairly rapidly, reaching their maximum height of 20' within a few years. The maturity of the tree is typically determined by the thickness, up to several yards
Biome Role:
The tree's mere presence can fortify other trees in the area by sharing nutrients. Ætumetals are usually one of the last trees to die in a natural disaster and usually end up surviving them unscathed. After disasters they naturally share their stored nutrients with the surrounding plant life which helps restore the ecosystem.
Life Cycle:
If the tree can survive being chopped down or harvested, it can conceivably live for thousands of years, as evidenced by the ones in Ælheim. Nobody has been able to grow the tree from its seeds and it's unknown what the exact mechanism is that triggers them to eventually sprout. Trees that are created by druids never bear fruit.
Cultural Significance:
Outside of Ælheim, the locations of these trees are carefully guarded secrets by druids who often go through quite an effort to keep them hidden from those who might look to turn a quick profit. In Ælheim, it's forbidden to cause harm to these trees or harvest them in any way. It is a useful tree for druids to fashion weaponry and armor out of using Floramancy and is often one of the first trees a combat-minded druid binds with.
Standing 20' high and up to several yards thick, these trees look and even feel metallic. Its leaves do not rustle in the wind and often do not move at all unless the heat of a summer sun causes them to sag ever so slightly. The exact color of the tree often coincides with the minerals of the area, though that doesn't affect the tree's properties; it's common to see them in varieties of silver.
Felling the tree is not something a lumberjack could achieve without the use of magic. Typically explosives or extreme heat is used to bring the tree down. There is little point in using harvesting this tree as it loses its useful properties soon after it dies.
Notable Features:
- CR3 - Can be processed with carpentry to create items/tools equivalent to Iron, or Steel for the Ælheim variety
- Druids utilizing Floramancy need experience in carpentry to make usable items.
- Things crafted from this tree rapidly fade in quality after several hours, ultimately degrading within a day. This process can be slowed if a druid feeds the material their Saol
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