Spring, 1, 125
Kage entered a local forge. He could smell the hot breath of the furnaces, the stone surrounding these same furnaces, the smell of the metal being struck. He was nostalgic for it. He had learned, not long ago, that there was a forge around the corner. He had put in a request for a quote for something related to his work and had decided to swing by to see whether this place was all it was cracked up to be as well as get an update on the order. He was mildly surprised, noting how the designs were mildly different from what he would expect from the Basin. He still had to remind himself that he had moved across the country so some differences were to be expected.
He saw various faelnir running around doing work with one aelf standing and doing the important tasks by himself. In the corner Kage recognized the work of a grovewright – a series of engines worked to do something that Kage would probably never understand – completely automation of some kind of smithing process.
The size was such that it could accommodate 7-8 blacksmiths in activity without any problem. He approached one of the furnaces. The fire was already crackling there. He saw one of the faelnir arm himself with an apron that he'd put on, a hammer, and the bag of ores that he had bought in. He threw the ores into the fire and they began to crackle.
Kage watched and waited for a while. The ores had come together and formed a sort of silvery liquid. He saw the faelnir pour the hot liquid into a hollowed-out anvil. It slowly took the shape of a blade then he blew the bellows. The liquid hardened before his eyes.
It had been a while since Kage had last been to the forge. The closest thing had been a workshop that he'd converted part of his old house into to suit Abraia's needs, but he didn't think she had ever forged anything in it. Not that he had paid much attention. She had been one of the least utilized of his pets and he had a lingering regret that he hadn't had her cast a few more spells for him. He hardly remembered what she looked like anymore.
He yawned and for a moment thought that he might leave and come back later when the aelf was less busy. Kage was patient, but he didn't have all day to sit around and wait. Nor did he want to interrupt important work being done.
Kage turned to leave and only got a few steps out the door when he suddenly felt a loss of control of his faculties. He groaned and dropped to his knees, holding his head with both of his hands. He didn't scream, but he steeled his body and mind for what he suspected was some kind of mental episode. Those were not common for him to have, even when all the voices in his head had appeared last season. It'd been weeks if not months since he'd last heard them so he didn't think it was that.
Realistically he probably would have immediately suspected that he was being possessed if he hadn't been in a major city of AElheim. Only because it was such a stupid thing for a malicious entity to try. But as soon as he realized that he was fighting for control of his body, he gritted his teeth and said firmly, "NO."
He forced the presence from his mind and within a few moments a wisp materialized in front of him.
"What is the matter with you?" Kage asked, clenching his fist. "Do I look like a young aelf to be toyed with?" In that moment he felt like an old grandpa reprimanding a young aelf for treading on a garden bed. He felt a grumpy rage come onto him but he steeled his mind and suppressed it. This wasn't the time or place to act out.
"I… apologize," it said in a slightly embarrassed tone. "I have been watching you for some time… I want… I wanted to learn more about you. But your mind is powerful. I did not think you would notice…"
"…" Kage stared at the wisp, sizing it up. "I think you will find that having a discussion with someone and befriending them is a much more effective strategy. I cannot fathom what information you sought to gain that you could not have learned by following me… but I am willing to let this pass with a warning. You should especially refrain from possessing those involved with our nation's security."
"I… I am sorry." The wisp floated from side to side. "I can make it up to you. I have something you may enjoy."
Kage frowned, but he said, "oh? Do tell."
"F… Follow me."