
Welcome to the Antarok Forum Roleplaying Game!

If you would like to play, please register an account and notify us through Discord. Please check out our wiki for additional resources. You can find our Discord below: Understand that we are currently in a playtest through the end of 2024, meaning you are welcome to play and earn experience, but there might be sweeping changes before the full site launch in 2025.

OOC Important Characters of Note


Lord of the Forest
Approved Character
Character Sheet

Characters of Note

This forum is a compendium of storyteller-operated NPCs within Ælheim.

If any catch your eye, feel free to reach out to Vicissitude about incorporating them into your plots!​
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Extremely old, noteworthy characters.​

Vænir, Reykr

An enigma.​
Arguably, the Æld'Norai as they are would not exist without Reykr. Even before he was banished from Ælphyne, he had been known for his creative applications of Nekros. It was through his magic and ingenuity that his people wound up bound to Ældressil and are capable of wielding a variant all their own, Vitæ.

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Æsir, Duane fyn'Kjær Ulrik

An ancient, troubled sage.​
Not quite as old as Reykr, Duane is a second generation Æld'Norai; one of the first to be born as such when compared to his faeborn parents. Growing up hearing tales of life in Ælphyne, he was filled with wonder yet found himself deeply falling in love with their new home; it was all he knew, after all. Once matured, Duane served for a long time as the very first Reznikær; the last position of the Ældar'i Assemblage to be minted. He served diligently despite Ælheim facing few military struggles in its early days, only stepping down when the bickering about term lengths for Ældar'i roles really started to catch fire. The Ælf wanted nothing more than to see Ælheim push forward and as such, was fully willing to cede the position to new, innovative hands.

Since those ancient years, he's continued to offer guidance over Ælheim's military endeavors from the shadows.​
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Military Personnel

Important personnel within the Ælheimar military.​


Æsir, Eirun fyn'Blomgren Brida

One of Ælheim's eldest Fiadhaich, Eirun considers it her calling to help as many other Æld'Norai flourish with Draoidh as she can for the good of her nation.

In her younger years, she served first as a diplomat, but over time that calling soured for her. She came to believe that the primitive other nations of Antarok were beneath her, and as such, transitioned into the ranks of the Fjælle Kniver, climbing their ranks as she instead worked to dismantle and destroy those beyond Ælheim's borders using her powers as Fiadhaich to wreak havoc and her consummate skills in Poetics to hide her tracks. At present, she still serves to some degree, but has chosen to spend the bulk of her time now training others in the art of Draoidh.​
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Notable Æld'Norai

Æld'Norai that do not belong to the above categories.​

Vænir, Hespæride fyn'Seiðr Maebh

A brilliant Mystic, Ensorceller and practitioner of Æcturnis, Hesperide founded the tenebrous Grove-settlement of Hespæria.

Known affectionately as the 'Witch of Weaving Spiders,' Hespæride took to magic and academia like a moth to a flame in her younger years, and, over time, that ambition shifted into crafting the perfect Grove from which she can pursue those two things endlessly. And after a few thousand years of labor, that Grove, now the settlement of Hespæria, has arguably accomplished this lofty goal. But even so, her ambition, her hunger, both burn as hot as ever.​

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Vænir, Vrítræ fyn'Byrne Eunæ

A gifted practioner of Æcturnis and Vitæ, specializing in the applications of the latter.

Far older than she looks, Vrítræ is a mage with a storied history. She works directly under Reykr, Vitæ's progenitor, and is one of few permitted to wield this sacred art. While all are beneath Reykr himself, she is oft lauded for being an otherwise consummate practitioner at the very pinnacle of her field.​
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Ævergreen Dragons

Members of the Ævergreen flight.​

Ævergreen Elders


Drækr, Spiretta Elding Ævergreen

Governs Ardor, Seeks Dawn, Embodies Trees

Spiretta was precocious in her wisdom, and this did not change as she grew. Even as a young adult, many looked up to her as a leader, and that naturally lead into how most others, dragon and Æld'Norai alike, view her today in her elder years. Though she mastered Draoidh first, she now wields all four known Glamours and many forms of Wild Magic. She shares the most kinship with what fae have pledged themselves to Ældrassil, nurturing those with Glamours of all types as if they were all her own kin.

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Drækr, Náttstjarna Þoka Ævergreen

Governs Imber, Seeks Starry Nights, Embodies Ljuspære

Taking after Ældrassil's fondness for the night and all things nocturnal, Náttstjarna found herself always drawn to the twinkling stars in the night sky. She tends to spend most of her time chasing after the world's arcane secrets however she can, and as such, can be quite hard to find, making her the most esoteric and aloof of the three Ævergreen Elders. But from this endless search, she has achieved great prowess with many personal Arcanas.

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Drækr, Slátra Draumr Ævergreen

Governs Somnium, Seeks Slaughter, Embodies Stags

Slátra in his younger years was a wild beast of a dragon and many of his kind did not believe he'd make it to his elder years with how reckless he was. They were, however, wrong; through cunning and guile, this bloodthirsty creature managed to not only stay alive, but to thrive. In so doing, he formed a bond with Jegær Nyyrikki and the two of them can often be found butchering those that would stand to pose a threat to Ælheim.​
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Jarl, Hælga von'Lundqvist

Jarl of Frostlund and prolific shaman, Hælga is a beloved leader to her people.

Born to a small village in Frostlund, Hælga was recognized by the village shaman as having immense potential from the start. As such, she made sure to train the young woman in the Fælnir's sacred traditions of Mysticism, Animism, and Ensorcelling. Though she struggled with the Glyphics of Ensorcelling, she excelled in the other two facets, quickly becoming one of Frostlund's most prolific practitioners as she entered adulthood.

When Frostlund's previous Jarl passed, the shamans all came together to vote for the region's next Jarl and she won. Still, merely winning that vote is not enough; a Jarl must be able to control the biting winds of Frostlund, and thus, she had to undergo the Jarl's trial-- initiation into both Zephyr and Abation. Though this process is always grueling, she succeeded, and over the past several decades, has become one of Frostlund's most beloved leaders.

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Aric von'Lundqvist

Brother of Hælga, Aric leads the Fælniri armed forces of Frostlund.

Whilst his sister was raised as a shaman, Aric took instead to Galdr. Excelling in both Terra and Aqua, the Æld'Norai kept a keen eye on him as he aged. He joined one of Frostlund's warbands, quickly becoming known throughout the region for his prowess in combat against even the most ferocious of the mountain's beasts. Once his warband's leader finally fell in battle, he took his place. When his sister took the title of Jarl, she then promoted him to the highest military position in Frostlund-- though this was certainly not unearned. Currently, he fulfills his duties along with raising a family in Frostlund's capital of Iskrona.

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Æhti von'Sverreson

A young man ensconced in Æld'Norai machinations.
retired CNPC, hence his more thorough write-up

21 Years Old
5'10'' Tall
Human - Fælnir

Apprentice at his family's apothecary shop
Fluent in Common

❃ Black Star Diopside ❃
❃ Myrkvior Mountain Stone ❃
❃ Ruby ❃
❃ Sylfrívær ❃

Æhti is a bit shorter than the Fælniri male average of about 6'1'', but his broad shoulders and overall thicker, stronger build have him appearing larger than a lot of his peers. For this reason, some people consider his strength and overall appearance to be a bit intimidating. He tends to dress simply, even for his merchant class, preferring clothing of simple cuts and darker, earth toned colors.
Æhti is, generally, an optimistic fellow. He looks forward to the future and wants to better the lives of those around him. Many see him as a curious sort with a mind for the arcane taking after his father. Though soft-spoken, he is considered warm and encouraging and, overall, more level-headed and emotionally intelligent than many of those around him. Despite his talents and quick successes with his first Galdr, too, he is a humble sort, never taking anything for granted.
Born to the union of a Galsterei Alchemist father and a mountain-climbing herbalist of a mother, Æhti grew up surrounded by magical and earthen influences. As he aged, he took many of their interests and made them his own. Unlike his mother's love of herbalism, he, instead, grew a fondness for geology. And unlike his father's speciality of Aqua, he found himself drawn to Abation and Terra.

Æhti's parents were happy to let the boy explore his interests so long as he did what work he could for them 'round their shop, too. They insisted he wait until he was grown to undergo the trials of acquiring a Galdr, perhaps superstitiously believing it to be much more risky to do to a child. But when he did gain his first mark from a close relative, Abation, he took to it like a moth to flame, quickly approaching mastery within a year, much to both his and his parents' surprise.

And perhaps it is brazen, maybe even a little impatient, but because of his successes, Æhti intends to get another mark in short order– Terra, which ultimately aligns more with his passions. Unbeknownst to him, however, such a decision will change the trajectory of his life drastically.

After enduring four initiations, he was abruptly moved from Velho's control to that of Hespæride.

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Antarok is a living forum roleplaying game with experience-based progression where time flows in the game as it does in the real world.