Strange sounds echoed about the vicinity; that of creatures Mercy had never encountered. A cacophony of horrid screams of pure unadulterated terror could be heard from a large distance away. The pair had just finished a battle mere days before the newfound mission; find, capture, or kill "Treants". They were creatures that looked like walking Trees and possessed immense physical strength. The latter had been obvious being that they had an apparent imposing stature. Said creatures were known to tower over mankind and wreak havoc. A Treant could be indistinguishable from an ordinary Tree in the correct setting. Therefore, they were to be treated like any other Vokhai, or pest within the confines of the Caves. There loomed a new threat that required the helping hand of the Ronin, and his comrade Wraith.
The short-statured woman who accompanied Mercy spoke aloud.
"Why the hell would they send us to do something so… boring?". That question crossed his mind, but he cared not for the "Why" and more about the "How". The creature that had been described to him by the Dwarves had an obvious weakness. One that Mercy was incapable of producing fire. Therefore, the pair needed a strategy and a method of eviscerating their adversaries. Long gone were the days of peace, and fine cuisine for the pair. However, that did not mean they failed to embrace their new lifestyle. Wraith could always find comfort so long as she remained at the side of her Master.
Mercy breathed life into his companion; Wraith would live and die by his command. They waltzed together in tandem for several minutes. Eventually, they encountered the first of several odd-looking creatures. Mercy whispered to his companion
"They don't have blood, do they?" He beckoned while he observed them from a distance. The creatures were in the middle of slaughtering approximately ten humans. Perhaps, they were a part of the mercenaries sent to deal with the threat. The male waited patiently, to gather information rather than make a direct strike.
Bodies were flung and strewn about the cave floor coated in a thin layer of aqua de vitae. The screams grew louder, and Mercy charged the fray amid the chaos. He was no stranger to the battlefield. Wraith followed behind him and guarded Mercys flank as his Katana had been freed from its restraint. The largest Treant, at the head of the group, brought down a massive limb toward the cranial structure of one of the men. Only to be intercepted by a pair of blades upheld by the warrior, clad in hakama, and his familiar.